The First or The Last Acts

The New Year opens such:

(9:37, stereo audio, 11.4 mb)

2014 opens with Grieg’s “Peer Gynt, Op. 23 – The Death Of Åse: Funeral Music” by random chance. Followed by the blasphemous exhortations of Bern Porter‘s “The Last Acts of St. Fuck You,” a classic. HAH! Bern was a mail art correspondent of mine (and many others!), a physicist involved in the Manhattan Project, and the development of the Atlas rocket and the cathode-ray tube. He was later based in Belfast, Main, his home state. Kevin and I stopped by his place one summer day in 1992 when driving from Mt. Desert Island back to NYC following the long Conrans/Habitat shoot in Acadia National Park. Bern wasn’t home. Damn. Our exchanges and his poetic “founds” publications electrified me with the extent of him being outside the art canon (at the time, though Wikipedia says he had a postmortem show at MOMA in NYC in 2004, who cares! I know he wouldn’t).

Anyway, is this a portent of something … cosmological … in extent?

Tuesday, 29 October, 1963

Talked to Dave Gray — optical engineer in Div3 — re: my desire to make a Maksutov scope. He has a program that will trace the rays and compute the minimum of the f…f[path length]2. He gave me a sheet of symbol definitions and a copy of one of the recent subroutine inputs.

Inked in the Mark II Mod4A sheet as Pat had kept it for a week.

Wind – rain in morn.

Rain up to about 0900, then cooler with lots of wind.

Arrived at Lakes office at 0705 and talked until 0845, ironing out many questions on my block diagram of 26 April ’63. Lake thinks he can get it all done by Thanksgiving — cost around $1200. I’m quite relieved.

My back hurts a lot; the strain of last night plus exp in the rain gave me more cold and it seems to settle in my back.

Punched the Maksutov Club notes. Also spent an hour or so with Dave Gray in Div3. He said he had been an optical designer for 20 years and had been working on his optical system program for the 7090 for 1-1/2 years.

The School Board’s proposal was defeated by less than a 50-vote majority.

Monday, 28 October, 1963

Talked with W2 re: the details of a filter for the 980∿ feedback frequency at PSC: he thot a series II inductor-capacitor arrangement would be okay — suggested that I talk to Bob Bergeman, and perhaps set up a bread board in our lab. Bob worked up some values & tried them, I think I ought to get the variable components and take them to PSC for a trial.


Ret’d Cornelius’ 1/8″ drill at 0745; he gave me some Rustoleum thinning oil, saying that Rustoleum can be put on without going down to bare metal. I’ll have DCH get the rust off, then spray the Rustoleum, follow with undercoat and then the final last coats.

Bob Bergeman worked up the crt constants for a 50 Db/octave filter to take out the 980 cycle feedback frequency — I’d like to go down now and try it out, but of course I can’t. He used a simple R-C filter across the line.

Made arrangements to meet at Lakes office at 0700 in the morning.

Went to Town Mtg. and listened to 3 hours of discussion on the problem of voting on eminent domain proceedings to obtain 40 acres of the Conant land for a campus-type school. We left b4 the ballots were cast, as my back was hurting.

Hurricane Ginny off Nantucket.

JAH left a note on my pillow to the effect that Dave Nelson had called to say that the under-balcony short had been found.

Day 53 – an unkindness

I watch an unkindness of ravens (Corvus corax) circulating above the Ridge harrying a lone red-tail (Buteo jamaicensis) who has to execute full rolls, talons-up, and other acrobatic maneuvers to stave off pecking and otherwise tag-teamed attacks from the largest of the ravens.

And then there are the monsoon clouds that spring up, suddenly a full hammer-headed thundercloud with wisps of precip draggling below the flat bottom of the cloud. God, which way is the wind blowing? Will it skew off over there, 500, 1000, 10,000 meters. Causing a flash flood to gush off the slick-rock canyon sides into the wash that is already choked with sandy runoff. Erosion is quick here, much of the sandstone is so friable that a chunk the size of a shoebox can, almost literally, melt in a year or so. The glacier front-environment in Iceland is like that, although rocks there are chiseled apart with freeze-thaw. Those cycles can happen several times a day with oscillations around 0C +/- 2C. None of the degraded Holocene clays that occur between the volcanic ash and glacial silt will last long — hydrated, and also prone to extreme weathering. Both landscape extremes change in living human memory. It’s only a matter of looking, watching, to see the change, to set a state-observation (a memory) in mind for longer term. The storm brings these thoughts, although in the last days it hasn’t rained here at all. While there have been numerous large storms passing across the Glade, gully-washers, as they are sometimes called, putting cold clear rain down by the centimeter. Nope, nothing here. Thunder, and if at night, horizons flashing with Lightning. But no water. Damn. Still watching the sky.


Four hours or so going through Martin’s dissertation with him last night. Quite interesting, especially with the line following Max Bense whose writings do not exist much in English translation. I’ll have to research that! Frieder knew and worked with Bense awhile back.

Tonight I’ll be visiting their (Martin’s reading group along with Frieder to discuss my dissertation and some of the contents contained therein. It should be a good challenge in a friendly atmosphere. I want to record it, but doubt that the others will assent to that. We’ll see.

through the Rockies

Glade Park – Grand Junction – Glenwood Springs – Dotsero – Radium – Kremmling – Rollinsville – Denver (Union Station) – Denver (Market Street Station) – Aurora (Sleep Inn)

Long friggin’ day. Longer one tomorrow.

en route on the California Zephyr, between Grand Junction and Denver, Colorado, May 2013

Elect for the first time to take the Amtrak California Zephyr instead of the bus back to Denver today — it’s cheaper, though it takes about eight hours, twice as long as the bus. But I’ve never ridden it, and the route is through some classic Colorado landscape. Catch it at the run-down Grand Junction station, Collin drives me over from meeting at Roast in town, get on board — now officially en route to Europe! It’s pretty full so I sit with a middle-age chap, Jake, and we start to converse. The ride through Glenwood Canyon is quite spectacular as expected: I go up to the dome car to soak it in. Images are strange — I-70 in the canyon, the River, the skies, the others in the dome car.


Energy begins to turn to the upcoming Pixelache Festival with this year’s theme “Facing North – Facing South” in Helsinki, and on the Helsinki-Tallinn ferry, and on Naissaar [‘Island of Women’ in Estonian]. I’m moderating a panel on “Deep Resonant Networking” and will be joined by James Wallbank of the Refab Space and (so far) also by Kasia Molga and Ivan Henriques who will be introducing Wetlabs.

Sunday, 21 April, 1963

Took family to SS & church. Dave & Paul operated the new gear; their conclusion after considerable knob twisting to distribute the audio, they now want an electronic switch to cut the Sanctuary reinforcement while retaining the audio to the SS room. The Sanctuary was packed. Ken Olsen took the S-C & Knight home for servicing. He ret’d. them in the evening saying the Knight inputs were shorted, and he could find nothing wrong with the S-C. We had a good deal of trouble getting the levels in the SS & under-balcony amplifiers. Bernie S. thot the hearing aids should be on all the time.

Dave N. & Paul B. handed me a quotation on their making the tapes for the use of WHDH. I’ll endorse it to HJO & Ed Poore so an analysis can be prepared for the Trustees to see if it is sufficiently attractive over Jack Wilcox’ present operation.

Met with Woody at the evening service to hear about his proposal to send a group of senior high schoolers to the Wycliff Translators in Mexico in April ’64. The 13 families approved it — costs about $350 each.

Sunday, 14 April, 1963

We left about 0750 for PSC, arriving in time to find some seats: the Sanctuary was filled by 0900. We found that the M-20 mike was dead and the TV was no good. I had DCH turn it on, but he didn’t even report that it wasn’t working. The Sanctuary was full for both services , and the PA system worked for a change. We were unable to get the M-20 working after trying three power supplies & another mike — a new M-20 from Geo C’s stock.

Went out to Al & Edith’s for Easter dinner. John was there — he seemed quite well — May seemed well also. Al had a set of ingenious plastic interlocking blocks; we must get a set for home.

Ret’d to PSC at 5 PM where Geo C. & I pulled in a new cable, connecting it to the connectors labelled “B”; it worked then, so we must have another bad cable. Geo will remove his hardware tomorrow. The feedback stabilizer added about 2 Db, not enough.

Wednesday, 10 April, 1963

Sent the Arcon NA report to Howard Schuck — on loan.

Paid $111.30 refund to RFO on my Kwaj trip.

Worked on Trap III files.

Tried unsuccessfully to get Jim Knight on the phone — he had gone to Roi, and on the second call couldn’t be located. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Sent notice around for a Kwaj picture showing at 12:30 tomorrow in L-211. It conflicted with a film on “Friendship 7” at noon, it lasted an hour today.

Cool – 36°F

Talked to Lake re: the feedback stabilizer chassis; he said he would put one in Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Discussed this w/ Ken Olsen also; and we will see how it works out this Sunday. He wants to get his racks in, so I agreed to stop in on Saturday AM and take one in.

Sent letter to John Legg, 4501 Frazier Lane, McLean, Va., saying that I would put my personal property floater coverage under my present homeowner’s policy to avoid duplication.

Picked up Credit Union check for $112.40 to cover my refund to RFO. It was $111.30. Gave the travel voucher to Shirley to take over.

Went to Babson Park at 8 PM to the 2nd IE2 lecture on “Personnel” by Dr. Emanuel Kay of GE; he told about some work in process at Lynn/GE to replace the critical summary personnel interview with a joint worker/supervisor work planning operation, carried out at frequent intervals.

Phone call from Woody S.; he needs his tape recorder back.

Monday, 01 April, 1963

Left for Dallas & El Paso on AA 121 at 7:15 AM, arriving at 11:20 MST — Went on to El Paso where ELE met WZL, WW & I. We then drove up to Holloman AFB and met w/ Col. Asa Whitmire for 1-1/2 hours. He was a captain in the summer of 1945 — on the CPS-6 Project — it was pleasant to see him again — he said that Ed Snyder is at Sylvania. I’ll have to look him up.

Drove around Alamagordo after dinner.

Early fog

Up at 5:20 AM. LCH took me to L2, arriving at 6:30. The driver for L2 had been alerted for 6 AM, so on arriving at the AP, I had only a few minutes to spare, leaving on AA Nr. 121 for Phily, Balto, & Dallas.

Phoned John Zvara from Phila. to see if he can get Don Muirhead to put some stiffeners on the inside of the front middle panel o the new spkr enclosure — 1/2″ or 5/8″ plywood x 1-1/4″ or 1-1/2″ — on edge with screws & glue — to eliminate any mechanical vibration of the front panel. Hope this works! The scaffolding starts to come out tomorrow.

Up to Alamagordo in the PM — staying at the Desert Aire Motel.

Mary Caroline MacKenzie 1916 – 2013


portrait, Mary, Seattle, Washington, August 1957[?]

My favorite Aunt, Mary, passes peacefully today in Fort Myers, Florida. At 96-y.o. she had a long and active life. More to come on this. I have her entire photographic archive of which I scanned a few images a couple years ago, and will be getting some of those images up in the next week or so. It’s a sad day. She was everything one could ask for in an Aunt! Funny, lively, actively doing stuff with the nieces & nephews, remembering special occasions, and a good correspondent (with her impeccable English usage, spelling, and grammar as the main church secretary to the pastor of the historic Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts, right on the Boston Commons). More remembrances shortly when I’m feeling better.

Mary Caroline Mackenzie, beloved sister, favorite aunt, and devoted friend died peacefully on Monday morning, March 18, 2013, at Shell Point, Ft Myers, FL. She was born December 19, 1916, at home in Melville, PEI, Canada, to John Malcolm and Lillian May (Kedy) Mackenzie.

Before retiring to Shell Point Village in Florida, Mary was the long-time personal secretary to Drs. Harold Ockenga and Paul Toms of Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts where she was a member. She was an active adventurer, taking numerous and frequent camping, skiing, bicycling tours around New England, the Maritimes, and abroad. She was generous with her time and attention to her family as well as to her many friends. She spent happy years at the Village with her many close friends, her volunteer work, and her numerous hobbies. Mary shared her faith and love for the Lord with family and friends. She will be deeply missed.

Mary is survived by her brother, Alfred Kedy Mackenzie of Prescott, AZ; her cousin, Isabel (McLeod) Sabapathy of Charlottetown, PEI, Canada; nieces Janet A. Hopkins of Chino Valley, AZ and Nancy Jane Haan of Livermore, CA; nephews John C. Hopkins of Boulder, CO and Douglas C. Hopkins of Kingston, NY; great-nieces Lawren Richards of Eagle Bay, BC, Canada, Casey Mackenzie Johnson of Livermore, CA, and Dana C. Johnson of Livermore, CA; great-nephews Loki A. Hopkins of Livermore, CA and Jason B. Babcock of Phoenix, AZ; and six great-great nieces and two great-great nephews.

A Celebration of Life service will be held at 10:15AM, April 6, 2013, at the Shell Point Village Church, 15100 Shell Point Blvd. Fort Myers, FL. She will be buried next to her parents at the Puritan Lawn Cemetery, Lynnfield, MA.

The family suggests memorials be sent to Park Street Church, 1 Park St, Boston, MA 02108.

Friday, 08 March, 1963

Drove back up to the Haleakala National Park Hq to get some of their booklets.

Left on the 2 PM plane for Honolulu.

Some clouds

Got up about 9 AM after a restless night as I couldn’t get warm. About 0600 I found 3 windows open over my head, so slept a little after that.

Drove back up to the Park Hq and picked up some of their booklets.

Went back down the mountain to Wailuku and to the Iao valley to see the Needle — it is spectacular, rising out of the little valley or canyon that has almost vertical walls.

Ret’d to Honolulu on the 2 PM plane. If I had enough of a cash reserve, I would have stayed another day.

Did a little shopping at the Ala Moana — couldn’t get my Light meter case sewed.

Sent a number of cards & turned in early.

Tuesday, 05 March, 1963

Spent the morning at the office on Kwaj working up my notes, getting a good deal done. Also saw about 40 minutes of film of N-Z firings and NC trails, taken by Chance-Vought. None showed the actual intercept, which is the payoff.

Did some packing in the PM.

Went to Bill Romaine’s for dinner in the evening. I learned during the evening that the present PRESS objective is to put out a report 30 days after the event. This seems to long an interval, particularly with one event/week. The personnel list shows 4 individuals in the theory section, including the Chief, three have only recently arrived.

1/2 OC

Picked up some things at Macys, including a 135mm f3.5 lens.

Sent 3 boxes of excess baggage home — one contained 8 knives, 8 forks, and 16 spoons from Macy’s. Looks like I have bought too much junk, as usual.

Bill Romaine, our neighbor in South Acton, had me to dinner, and it was a most pleasant experience. Professor Brown, the Benns, and another couple from Theory (?) were there. Mrs. Romaine is a most pleasant person. She is taking a Marshallese language course.

Tried to get a few sunset pictures but there was little color.

Monday, 04 March, 1963

Mailed report to ELE via Doris at the admin office at Roi Air Terminal.

Re: WW question of some weeks ago — re: why do we need hi quality processing of film from spectral cameras, when the film is to be analyzed for the % of identifiable elements present. If the wedges on each frame are identifiable, then will be used for film processing control, not for density calibration, as this exposure does not come from a calibrated lamp. Also, if precise control over film processing isn’t exercised, lines may be lost completely.

As a result of our conversation (JK & AS) at lunch today, the qty of data available for processing might depend on the kind of processing. For example, there is no spectral film available yet, and μ-dens. to process it with. There is a qty of Roti film available from 3 shots. And good ballistics camera data, as well as Ascope film data — an undisclosed amount.

Peter Pfluke invited my attention to his “Stat & Ind QC” text by Duncan, where the range is used & its σ prior to σ + limits on the data.

1/2 OC

Got some string at Roi so I could wrap packages. Wrapped two.

Another ship is in — the India Bear — it’s about 350-375 ft. long. It must be 2-3000 tons.

Went over to the Library in the PM. It needs building up with new books — Latest photo book was dated 1953. Most of the fiction apparently came from the Far East Command in Japan.

Stormy Peters on Open Source

Sitting at a talk/discussion “Open Source Drives Industry” by Stormy Peters. Technology is (apparently) still the answer. The big dreams of machines to save the world, pushing the envelope of technology. OLPC surfaces. Overall communication in the room seems hindered somehow. The discussion seems . . . opaque. Is this about an insider/outsider issue (partially, with inside language being tossed around) but with an unclear premise. Does Open Source actually drive Industry? What industry does it drive? What is driving? Who is driving? What kind of car? An open source car? Where is it being driven? Is there parking? It was suggested that 3D printing was also a panacea for something. Questions from the audience were opaque. Sentences with words in them that did not make sense, etc.

Sunday, 17 February, 1963

Santa Fe Super Chief train on Raton Pass, New Mexico

Left Chicago on SF Super Chief at 6:30 PM. Weather warm — 40˚F all day.


Arrived at Chicago at 10:15, an hour late. Checked my bags at the Dearborn (SF) Station & then went north to the Fourth Presbyterian Church, arriving about 11:10. The sermon, by Dr. Elam Davies, was a typical Presbyterian one, with very little mention of Christ. The title was “The Nature of God’s Deliverance,” based on Acts 12:1-11. I spoke afterward with one of the assistant ministers about their audio system; he is a graduate of Wheaton & Fuller. Their system is 15-20 years old and has 2 mikes, an Altec 633 on the floor, and two RCS’s, one at each pulpit, recessed into the pulpit and with a preamp each feeding a 100-watt amplifier. Two multihorn speakers are located over the pulpit on the right side, one about 12′ up. The other about 30′ up. They expect to modernize with a Collins control center and a 601 with an Ampex panel.

Walked down Michigan Avenue to the Art Museum where I spent the afternoon. Ate dinner — whitefish — at Berghoffs on Wabash — left on the Super Chief at 1830.

Saturday, 16 February, 1963

Left on the New England States Express for Chicago, getting on at Framingham at 3:50 PM. It was cold as Greenland with a strong wind blowing.


Put the rebuilt carb on the Ford, and adj & lightened the last rod at the carb. It seems to operate better.

Went in to PSC. Dave & Paul were there, pulling out the lead-covered wires. The M-20 Power Supply was disconnected at the attic outlet box, so this was fixed. The S-C amplifier was almost dead last Sunday, but JAC did nothing about it. Ed P. informed me that the SS Room internal PA did not work for the Prayer Mtg. last nite! I asked Dave & Paul to fix it, and see if they could finish the candelabra.

Picked up a pair of PJ’s at Filene’s Basement for $3.99, and then went to L2, getting my paperwork. Stopped at Sears, having the old battery and carb, getting credit on my account.

Got packed, cleaned, and over to Framingham for the 3:50 PM train for Chicago. LCH & all the children took me over to the station; it was real cold, but a warm send-off.

Monday, 28 January, 1963

Worked on the problem of exactly why we need precise control of the photo process. Random fluctuations in the process may occur during the processing of an event film, so it is necessary to have an intimate knowledge of the operation.

Took Ford to Elbery’s after taking out the rear deck and some of the side panels. I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t cost over $300.

Was given the Salk oral polio vaccine at 11:55 AM

We had some disc. w/ CR after dinner relative to pre-destination. It was inspired by disc. in his English of the poem “On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty-Three” by John Milton. It seems the teacher thot it referred to predestination, altho’ I don’t see it. CR thot that all he had to do to get to heaven is to “do good works”! We pointed out that John 3:16 does not mention good works at all! He really has a problem!

How soon hath Time the suttle theef of youth,
Stoln on his wing my three and twentith yeer!
My hasting dayes flie on with full career,
But my late spring no bud or blossom shew’th.
Perhaps my semblance might deceive the truth,
That I to manhood am arriv’d so near,
And inward ripenes doth much less appear,
That som more timely-happy spirits indu’th.
Yet be it less or more, or soon or slow,
It shall be still in strictest measure eev’n,
To that same lot, however mean, or high,
Toward which Time leads me, and the will of Heav’n;
All is, if I have grace to use it so,
As ever in my great Taskmasters eye.

resonance: bursting

Interest in resonance is spread widely as the phenomena shows up in many systems. In bio-systems resonant responses to [energy] burst communications (as an intrinsically generated stereotypical pattern of closely spaced action potentials) is a crucial means for the propagation of flows across neural networks: STOP SHOUTING AT ME, I get it!

Many electrical, mechanical and biological systems exhibit free vibrations or damped oscillations when stimulated by a brief strong pulse. The frequency of such oscillations is known as the natural frequency or ‘eigenfrequency’ of the system, and the period is known as the natural period. For example, the Hodgkin–Huxley model exhibits oscillatory potentials with natural period 12.5 ms when a single brief pulse of current is injected. If the injected current is sinusoidal, sweeping through many frequencies (a so-called ZAP current), then the elicited oscillations of membrane potential have largest amplitudes (possibly resulting in action potentials) when the frequency of the input is near the natural frequency of the system, which is 80 Hz (1/0.0125 s) in the Hodgkin–Huxley model. (This frequency might be slightly different when an oscillating synaptic conductance rather than a current is injected.)

Izhikevich, E.M. et al., 2003. Bursts as a unit of neural information: selective communication via resonance. Trends in Neurosciences, 26(3), pp.161–167.

urban energy organization

Hypothesis I. The self-sufficiency of urban areas with respect to their source of emergy decreases with the urbanization process. During the urbanization process, the diversity of emergy sources driving urban systems increases at first, then decrease due to the heavy reliance on fossil fuel.

Hypothesis II. During the process of urban growth, urban productivity is greater than the energy consumed in emergy terms, and information flows of the product of urban structure and the input to support the urban life continue to increase. Due to the increase in the accumulation of urban structure, the efficiency of production decreases.

Hypothesis III. Cities have the highest empower density in the hierarchy of ecosystems. During the process of urban development, empower density and transformity of land uses increase. Owing to the reliance on imported goods and services, the emergy investment ratio of urban areas increases and emergy self-sufficiency decreases with increases in density.

Hypothesis IV. As urbanization increases, the circulation of money also increases, faster than the increase in emergy flows, decreasing the buying power of currency.

Hypothesis V. The organization of emergy flows in urban systems is arranged in a spatial hierarchy with the highest emergy use close to the urban center.

Hypothesis IV. The fragmentation of landscapes on the urban periphery that results from urbanization will affect the distribution of emergy flows.

Huang, S.-L. & Chen, C.-W., 2005. Theory of urban energetics and mechanisms of urban development. Ecological Modeling, 189, pp.49–71.

Wednesday, 31 October, 1962

Worked on Baird.


Statement by Cuban gov’t yesterday to the effect that it had outlined its position; U Thant said the talks were useful, somewhat of conflict. He returned to NY, silent on any agreement with Castro. Communist China is egging him to require the evacuation of the Guantanamo Base.

Put new parking brake tube & handle in Willys; the brake doesn’t slip now; also waxed part of Willys.

Picked up coat (blue) at tailor’s in Maynard: it is now single-breasted and really fits; I bought this suit in 1935! It had 2 pairs of pants & cost over $40.

1493: Homogenocene

It looked an ice cream cone. But when I came closer, I realized that the boy was eating a raw sweet potato. His father had whittled at the top to expose the orange flesh, which the boy was licking; the unpeeled bottom of the sweet potato served as a handle.

This was at a farm about 300 miles northwest of Shanghai. Sweet potatoes are often eaten raw in rural China–a curiosity to Westerners like me. I didn’t realize that I had been staring until the boy ran to seek the protection of his father, who was hoeing a row of sweet potatoes. The father glared at me as I waved an apology. Because I don’t speak Chinese, I couldn’t tell him that I had been staring not at his son, but at the sweet potato in his hand. Nor could I say that I was staring because the sweet potato was an emblem of four hundred years of convulsive global change. more “1493: Homogenocene”

M of IT – Day 7 – 19 September

week 4:

19 september – day 7 – Arrival in the Present
link to collective notes

assignment: readings to be FINISHED for today:

Rheingold, H., 2000. Tools for Thought: the history and future of mind-expanding technology, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapters 4, 5, & 6

Hacker, B.C., 1993. Engineering a New Order: Military Institutions, Technical Education, and the Rise of the Industrial State. Technology and Culture, 34(1).

O’Regan, G., Chapter 6 – The Internet Revolution. In A Brief History of Computing.

assignment: on your blog platform, generate at least 3 questions for EACH of the three readings.

assignment: paired off with designated partner, answer 3 of the questions they (your partner) have posed on their blog so far (groupwork – dedicate 2 hours for engagement); post both questions and answers to your blog – include the name of your partner, the questions, and the answers in your blog entry (due Wednesday, 26 September).

asides (extra credit – 3-400 word blog entry on one of these):
Are You A Psychopath If You Don’t Have A Facebook Account? We Don’t Think So
What is Peer-to-Peer?
The Information Palace
Twitter Use 2012 (Pew Internet – Social Networking)
Latest AlphaDog Robot Prototypes Get Less Noisy, More Brainy
The Cure is Open Source
Welcome to the first digital presidential election
State of Broadband 2012 (pdf)

M of IT – Day 3 – 05 September

week 2:

05 september – day 3 – the fundamentals: what [information][technology] might mean…?
link to collective notes

assignment: readings to be FINISHED for today:
Agarwal, R., 2003. Resisting Technology: Regaining a Personal Ecology. In the 2003 Sarai Reader. Delhi, India.
Hopkins, J., 2007. Architectures of Participation. Helsinki, Finland.
Shirky, C., 2011. The Political Power of Social Media. Foreign Affairs, 90(1), pp.28–41.
assignment: on your blog platform, generate at least 3 questions for EACH of the three readings.

Quiz at end of class session.

asides (extra credit – 3-400 word blog entry on any of these):
Podcast w/ Rick Prelinger founder of
Founders of Diaspora, Intended as the Anti-Facebook, Move On
twitterland: the radical terrain of social media
What Do the H-Bomb and the Internet Have in Common?

M of IT – Day 2 – 29 August

Back in the saddle. Large class, 40+ students, still not in the system yet, so, completely hobbled by lack of login, office, at the same time as struggling mightily to conceptualize a trajectory for the class. Studying other syllabi, course requirements, PowerPoints, texts, and beginning to wrap head around what needs to transgress, what should transgress, and what cannot transgress.

I did decide to approach the ubiquitous open-laptop issue by assigning three note-takers per session — using a shared Google doc, they will create a collaborative document that is shared with the whole class (later), so that the rest of the class can be more present (and take only paper notes).

week 1:

29 august – day 2 – Looking backwards / forwards: potentials
link to notes
link to note-taker suggestions

readings to be FINISHED for today:

Bush, V., 1945. As We May Think. The Atlantic, (July).
Rheingold, H., 2000. Tools for Thought: the history and future of mind-expanding technology, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapters 1 & 2

assignment: establish/activate blog platform (on d2l, google(blogger) or elsewhere — email me the address); generate at least 3 questions from each of the two readings (post questions to blog before class); the 3 assigned note-takers need to show up with note-taking devices, we will use google docs initially for this daily process. also, look over the keyword list at the top of the syllabus page and begin to get a sense of what you are familiar with and what you are not.

asides: The Republican and Democratic Conventions are taking place this week and next. and of course, the whole election process, so we will definitely keep one eye on the effects of IT on politics, governance, civil society, and the flows of power during this election cycle. This, among other contingencies will require that the syllabus represent only one possible trajectory through the territory that we need to cover: it may become a map of where we have been rather than where we are going.

other thoughts:

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. — Patañjali

Kevin reads that in yoga class — Sarah is still back east, so he’s subbing for her. Positive vibes, a little contrite (how to actually realize anything so … optimistic), but gotta stick to it, somehow.

episodic memory

Our capacity to remember episodes in our lives provides a profound and highly valued aspect to our existence, allowing us the capacity to relive events in our lives. We value the ability to relive a proud moment such as a graduation or the birth of a child. We expect and in many cases require that we will remember a meeting with a coworker or a visit to a family member. We start to question our mental capacities if we forget an episode, and we question the capabilities of others if they forget an episode that we remember. Thus, the memory for episodes is an essential component of human behavior.

Hasselmo, M.E., 2012. How We Remember: Brain Mechanisms of Episodic Memory, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Wewsh, high density, clinical neuro-physiology/biology or so. But the typological divisions of memory among episodic, procedural, and semantic seem an approach that reveals how we are. And the neural construction of spatio-temporal trajectory (episodic trajectory) is fascinating. Overall, it feels like the science is still in the process of sub-dividing ever more the energetic processes of be-ing.

Tuesday, 05 June, 1962

At home.

Rain – PM

Poured 1/2 of the remaining area. It looks good.

Raked in back yard.

175 – 8″ x 8″ x 16″ concrete block delivered by Ideal — 23¢ each.

Attended a BSA mtg. at the residence of Mr. Anthony, 14 Mohegan Drive, on the organization of a drive to rebuild the Council Camp, Wanocksett. A sum of labor, materials, and cash to the extent of $200,000 is needed. About 20 were present from the various troops & packs. It was decided to take on The Boating Building – $15,000. The names of Scout families will be put on cards and we will be able to organize a solicitation program for Troop 1 by this weekend.

Tredgold’s definition of engineering

the nascent engineering mentality (via Thomas Tredgold):

A Society for the general advancement of Mechanical Science, and more particularly for promoting the acquisition of that species of knowledge which constitutes the profession of a Civil Engineer; being the art of directing the great sources of power in Nature for the use and convenience of man, as the means of production and of traffic in states, both for external and internal trade, as applied in the construction of roads, bridges, aqueducts, canals, river navigation, and docks, for internal_intercourse and exchange; and in the construction of ports harbours, moles, breakwaters, and lighthouses, and in the art of navigation by artificial power, for the purposes of commerce; and in the construction and adaptation of machinery, and in the drainage of cities and towns.

Sunday, 01 April, 1962

Rain – hard

Took family to church & SS. Picked up Mary as the MTA is on strike.

HJO had a good sermon on “Sin and Divorce;” he laid it on the line.

Put the missing crosspiece into the piano key support frame, and put the frame back into the piano.

words and meaning: sensus commūnis

Now attempting the abstract which should have been in last week for the formal Notification of Intention (to submit). Words are reified by applied meanings (to their largely abstract sounds); yet words can be made to have other meanings. Where on this Occam’s razor is the sitting more comfortable? Or is it time to just jump off and risk coming into contact with the blade in the process, but otherwise escaping the challenge of making meaning so ‘simple’ that is ‘acceptable.’ I like to think that I say what I mean, and it just happens sometimes that the meaning is not so common, so I bear mis-understanding as a price for this act of saying. This is a prime example of the lossyness of mediatory carriers. The OED (Oxford English Dictionary) has been a constant companion since I realized I had free (university) access to it. I like the Old English and Norsk usage examples which are given for some words going back to the 8th Century or earlier. Thanks to knowing Icelandic! Best of all are the full etymologies which trace the lineage of shifting meaning as attached to these bits of symbolic chicken-scratch. ‘Commonsensical’ meanings are nothing more than the dominant understanding (or lack thereof) of the shifting sands of language. For example, the OED definition of ‘common sense,’ see below, m’gosh!
more “words and meaning: sensus commūnis”

Wednesday, 27 December, 1961

Dick Norris in — told him about the TTR problem; perhaps he will generate an idea.

Am working on problem of trying to get some of the data from Patrick AFB in form for machine processing.

Have UTM coord of TTR, but couldn’t find out today how to put this into Lat-Long.

Overcast, 29.90″ Hg

Eight inches of snow or 3/4″ of rain forecast for late today.

Left DCH at 0830 at the Sussman residence so he could shovel their driveway.

The Toro connecting rod was not at Milldam Supply, so I found a Briggs & Stratton dealer at Waltham Rd. & Concord Avenue, The Abbott Farm Eq. Co. I should have dug this firm up earlier. It is a B&S 294367 connecting rod & cost $2.05. In putting the rod in, I found the wrist pin worn and the crankshaft journals worn; I’ll have to get these parts also.

Monday, 25 December, 1961

Clear in morning

Fourteen inches of snow fell, but we didn’t try working on the driveway until the middle of the afternoon.

JCH was given the usual toys and for once he was quiet! I took some movies, but there wasn’t enough light for Kodachrome.

The ice & snow in the trees is breath-taking in the brilliant sunlight! I took a few feet outside and some 35mm color & B&W.

We all worked on the driveway. I’ll have to fix the Toro soon.

Friday, 22 December, 1961

Worked in the morning on the data — will use the haversine formula to ascertain the distance between the impact point and the -16 site. Will use this to set up a right triangle and correct for parallax.

The Laboratory closed at noon.

Clear! +10°F

HS went to Montreal yesterday, so I drove today; got there early! There wasn’t much done, as the Lab closed at noon. I went over to Waltham & got a can of green anti-rust paint for the Jeep. I put it on the floor of the Jeep after sanding and cleaning first.

Ordered a set of points & instructions for the Toro.

DCH had 2 D’s on his report card! He doesn’t seem to care about anything!

LCH obtained a good Christmas tree — JAH got a smaller one. They were both put up and decorated to JCH’s enjoyment.

Thursday, 30 November, 1961

Morning mtg on the production of block diagrams to locate points at which to take data. Mtg cont’d into afternoon (I was absent on personnel business) with result to reduce it to paper tomorrow, first making a gross diagram.

Clear, cold

Took radio to Douglas Instrument in East Boston (NJH turned it on with the output disconnected). They want it for a week. Stopped for some bread; only two rye loaves were available. Stopped at Sears for an order — at 201 Brookline Ave. Went to Lincoln Auto but they had not put the stud in the brake drum.

Call from Joe Hale relative to getting a special Brd. of Review together for Ian Miller so he can get his Eagle award at the next C. of H. Messrs. Driscoll, Cornwall, & Charbineaux were suggested. It will be held at Mr. Anthony’s home on 7 December.

Monday, 27 November, 1961

Had some disc with JLV re: his Ascension Project. It seems to be bogging down due to lack of support from Div. 4, which was to furnish a man.

Rode with HS.

Called Douglas Instrument re: SX-62; I’ll take it over on pay-day & go to Sears on the way back.

DCH was given a condition card today in English because he did not turn in 2 papers. This, in spite of his protestations over last weekend that all his work was done. He seems to be just floating along.

Read most of Vol. 1 of the GB; it is an Intro. by Robert M. Hutchins and in my opinion a powerful statement on modern, or rather contemporary education and that the young do not comprehend the things important to understand.

Saturday, 25 November, 1961

The Great Books came — they are well-packed in two boxes. At first count there are 9 that deal with science. The Reading Guide says its objective is to expound the methodology of science rather than its content.

Broke a 13/16″ socket wrench in taking apart the steering mechanism on the Jeep.

Rec’d the 6CA7/EL34 tubes from Allied — they sent an extra pair. The SX-62 has a bad power supply choke.

Wednesday, 15 November, 1961

I started again to abstract documents for a Probability Model where Prob. of kill is a function of Target Determination, Target Threat Evaluation, Tactical Control, Intercept, and Kill.

Clear, 40°F

Sent letter to L. M. Coyne, Dir. of Finance — Fairfax County, Virginia, re: statements for Personal Property Taxes due.

Took LCH to the reception & dinner for the Ockenga‘s at the Statler Hotel. About 1000 were there to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of his ministry at Park Street. Charles E. Fuller and Clyde Taylor were there to speak. Mrs. Ockenga’s response to the presentation of a fine bouquet and a gift was the most gracious talk of the evening. We arrived home at 12:05 AM after a 35 minute ride from Park Square.

Returned the broken storm sash to Wilson Lumber Company who said they would provide another.

Thursday, 09 November, 1961

Worked on astronautics all day.

Clear, some frost

Rode with HS.

Phoned the Great Books Sales office RE4-3550 to see if I could get in touch with the chap who called on us on 17 September. His name is Resnick, and the office will have him call.

Worked on papers at desk in PM.

post and trans or nada

To continue with our survey of disciplinary evolution: The term “post-disciplinarity” evokes an intellectual universe in which we inhabit the ruins of outmoded disciplinary structures, mediating between our nostalgia for this lost unity and our excitement at the intellectual freedom its demise can offer us. Is the era of post-disciplinarity upon us now? Finally, “trans-disciplinarity” refers to the highest level of integrated study, that which proposes the unity of intellectual frameworks beyond the disciplinary perspectives and points toward our potential to think in terms of frameworks, concepts, techniques, and vocabulary that we have not yet imagined. It must be acknowledged, however, that the very notion of “trans-disciplinarity” may strike many of us as chimerical, sinisterly monolithic, or as a ruse for smuggling back in old dreams of objectivity and universal knowledge. Are we then right back where we started, or does our investigation of disciplines and the nature of knowledge maintain our historical perspective? – Julie A. Buckler

Well, so what term to use? A completely new fabrication? A remix, a mash-up. Or just ignore and forget the whole thing about (public) discipline, instead, focusing on internal and self-discipline. That’s all that is important these days. Waning lives, crumbling Empire, who cares what labels people tattoo on each other’s brow. (keep away from m’fucking head, dude!)

04 November 1971

1) On the way in RCP said it might be time to put thru a request for my transfer as the small effort on info/computer matters was cited at yesterday’s budget meeting w/ OTP.

2) Worked on the agency peak character flow analysis — it is slowly taking shape.

3) At the budget mtg w/ OTP yesterday, Dean’s assistant, a chap named Colby, said he had worked thru a computer project in 5 years & w/ 30 people! This is why he (RCP) thot it was a good time to request my transfer.

Friedrich A. Kittler 1943 – 2011 “Alle Apparate auschalten”

I spent an uncomfortable evening with Kittler and a handful of Austrians at a restaurant in Linz back in 1998. It was uncomfortable because of the language gap. My German was worse than his English. He states elsewhere in the interview by John Armitage (excerpted below) how shy he is, and that goes a long way to explaining the dis-comfort. I ended up talking mostly with his American-born assistant before cashing in early to get some sleep — I had to catch a sunrise train from Linz on to Copenhagen.

JA: Virilio argues that war is his ‘laboratory’ and for you too war, it seems, is the ‘mother of all technologies’. Yet, unlike Virilio, you are deeply concerned with war as an international mechanism of technology transfer. What, for you, is the significance of, for example, the transfer of technologies such as Nazi Germany’s V2 rocket programme to America after the Second World War?

FK: What I can tell you is that I believe that war is at least the mother of all high-speed information and communications technologies. Like Pynchon, I am very interested in the topic of technology transfer. The key question for me is, what technologies or which kinds of technology transfer gave rise to the contemporary American Empire? Obviously, the first source of the American Empire is the British Empire which was originally driven by a coal-based fleet system but which has, since the Second World War, been transformed into an oil-based system founded on air power. Naturally, the second source is Nazi Germany, which made great strides in the technological development not merely of the V2 rocket but also of the tank. For instance, by 1939, Nazi Germany was the only country in the world that had a radio in every one of its army’s tanks. Otherwise the Blitzkrieg simply would not have been possible. Of course, it did not take long for the Americans to adopt this idea and by the end of 1942 there were radios in US tanks. But, as we have discussed before, war also has a way of transferring its language too, as when today’s high-technology businesses in particular speak of ‘logistics’, ‘strategy’ and even of ‘duty officers’, terms which all arise from the military-industrial complex. It is for these and other reasons that I think that US President Dwight Eisenhower spoke brilliantly when he coined the term military-industrial complex, for he saw immediately the connections between war, technology and commerce. However, it is difficult for us Europeans to investigate American military and techno-scientific history, a subject that has been well researched by the Americans themselves, as acquiring even declassified documents on the Second World War, and so on is still very hard, as I know from long experience. Yet I must confess that I cannot stand on American soil with much pleasure. In fact, my antipathy to America is one of the main reasons why I often avoid talking about the military-industrial complex since for me to talk about the devil is to talk with the devil. As a good friend of mine said to me lately, we in Germany should not say a word about America’s war on Iraq or speak any longer of the seemingly endless necessity of reforming Germany. We should not so much forget all this as not talk about it. Instead, we should focus on changing ourselves and speak about other things. So I asked him what we should discuss as an alternative and he answered that we should talk about love in Europe.

from Theory Culture Society 2006 23:17

and another piece on Kittler by Tom McCarthy . . . good for the personality profile.

and a long reverie by former student Eugen Leitl . . .

Thursday, 29 June, 1961

Saw a 30-minute film on External Heart Massage in A-166; it was very good.

Discussed the N-Z display activity at Texas Instruments with 3 of their people; it was thot-provoking.

Borrowed a cy of NRL Report 4110 by Jim Eaton on the Luneburg Lens from John Rheinstein as a result of reading his trip report to Emerson & Cumming re: this lens. Rheinstein is a physicist.

Cont’d to review N-Z documents.

Sent note to HJM re: Richard Norris.

Hot – Humid

Saw the film “External Heart Massage” in A-166; it was excellent.

Took NJH to Mary’s so she could go on a weekend camping trip to Maine.

DCH slept out with Jimmy Hosea & David R.

Wednesday, 03 May, 1961

Had a most successful afternoon including lunch — with Owen Ridgway and Rex Heiney of IBM’s Federal Systems Division. They have completely analyzed an AF Base — Seward in Tennessee — a TAC base. It has taken them 5 man-years to get to the point where they are trying to sell their own management on their schemes for redesigning the flow of information. The question is – “What does it buy them?” See my notes of this data. Ridgway worked out codes so the collation could be done by machine. The report is “A Base Study” for Hq TAC.


Had a new muffler pipe put on the car; it took out most of the rattles. Then went out to IBM for appointment with Owen Ridgway, which took all afternoon. Saw Ken More for awhile about the 90 or so openings in the expansion of the Laboratory. He is a PL313 and has just been put in charge of a project for Gen. White. Had dinner & a very pleasant evening with the Clohans.

Thursday, 23 February, 1961

Gave Gail the draft of Recommendation E; her typewriter is out of order, so someone else got it.

Went in to MIT in evening to hear Gen. Bergquist, Cdr. C2D2, speak at an IRE/PGEM mtg. He made 3 points of interest to me: 1) That integration in the case of different functional areas must cut across these areas and go into each functional area in depth; 2) That the military must function in the light of the C2 System/Weapon/Logistics combination; 3) That AFC2D2 is using simulation — at SDC and here — to ascertain the essence of integration, i.e., the subject matter of each functional area that is essential for command purposes. He hit the point on all of these.

In a discussion with JFN, he (after a session with the other group) wants JLV & I to work up a position to answer the question of whether of not to put automatic machine-to-machine communication in at all Simplex Centers. This is the wrong problem, but we’ll do it!

Rain in PM

Arrived at office at 0745.

Went to hear Gen. Bergquist talk about the C2D2. It was good, see record in work diary.

Picked up NJH about 9:45 PM.

Wednesday, 15 February, 1961

Wrote the comments for Phase I Report and discussed them with JHH, who thought they should be in list form.

JLV & I listed the essential content of a letter to J. B. Wiesner, Science Adviser to the President, on our views re: the FAA Bureau R&D.

Points made are:

1. Area ripe for scientific application
2. Area definitely in public interest
3. Need attack by scientists
4. Present program hardware oriented

5. Suggest:
a. Spring study group needed
b. Strong BRD leadership needed
c. Non-profit corporation
d. Visiting Committee

(evening) Rec’d reply from Senator Monroney; he said my statements would be used as background material for their Committee hearings to start on 20 February.

Clear – cold

Took DCH to Scout Mtg. where he agreed to go on the Freezeout this weekend. He will have to let the radio people know at church.

Scout John Kelley came up for First Class Signaling but he didn’t know the code; he also didn’t pass his Stamp Collecting MB as he didn’t have the exhibits to “Show …,” and “Demonstrate …”