In the process of phonographic listening/recording along Upper Pool Creek west of the Chew Ranch property, I came across this scenario. No clues as to what led up to it. The body seemed to be fresh and whole, life gone that very day perhaps? I didn’t disturb the scene: doubtful that such a nutrient/energy source would remain unconsumed in this wild environment for long.
It did bring back the memory of traveling to Dinosaur back in 1988 with Pablo where we visited his friend Renzo and wife Lisa. Renzo had recently taken the position of wildlife manager for 40,000 sq mi of the Monument and northwest Colorado. One morning, pre-dawn, we set out in his work truck and after a long drive, parked in the low sagebrush steppe and from a distance watched, in the greying Light, a lek where the dramatic mating ritual between dominant male and female Greater sage-grouse unfolded.