no longer surrounded by the sea.
the return from the island. temporary. permanent. who knows. the returns at some point in life are overwhelmed by last visits to anywhere. the drift continues. Jerneja & Tapio head to Helsinki in the very deep green and very fast Jag. I hop the train with two minutes to spare in Turku. such a different train than the one that carried me across the Rockies a few weeks ago. this one new, solid, smooth, modern, clean, like an airplane with lots of room. passing the horizontal compressed flatness of dark farmed soil, small vertical fir trees, tunnels drilled through billion-yeared gneiss, granites. and the head filling with tiredness. until the eyes are closed, dreaming. passing Salo, where once Sanna’s elderly grandmother said I had nice eyes, when I first was introduced to her. then to the family, and then dinner with the parents. her father just a few years older than I was, yikes. they hand the basement sauna along with a few beers over to Sanna and I to enjoy, later clad in sweat only.
free wifi on the train. the car is silent except for a crying baby accompanied with a tired mother who keeps taking the baby out to another part of the car, a glass-doored area with a handicapped bathroom with a wide cylindrical automatic door.
get back in town and run into a bunch of the Pixelache crew, so end up in Kallio hanging with them. I knock a beer stein off the coffee table that we are gathered around, it smashes into safety-glass pieces. Tapio and Jerneja show up, along with Amanda fresh in from Brooklyn on a residency with Pixelache to share her prodigious arts management experience. lovely to see her! talk to Jenni about meeting tomorrow when she is back late from Tallinn. late-ness seems to be dropped from the spring calculations about time here, now, when night is only a soft impression of not-near darkness. a low-risk approach, no, a clear divergence from the winter’s heavy blot. knowing how this is, the vast human awakening that occurs when the sun comes out and out and out is no surprise. teenagers already in practice after Vappua celebrations early in the month, they are not firmly rooted, roving outdoor parks all through the night, partying with some long-suppressed spirit. good for them, in the altered state of their convocations.