about time

Finally done with the primary phase of an onerous rollover from GoDaddy hosting to ReClaim hosting, a mellow outfit which I hope survives and thrives. ReClaim provides hosting solutions for folks in educational contexts. After 20 fraught years dealing with GoDaddy’s abuse, I’d had it. In the (almost) thirty years of neoscenes web existence there have been many technological changes which have made the long-term survival of the site a shaky proposition at best, and at worst, it has come crashing down: offline on occasion. Many turns of angst and frustration at the forced change of specs, formats, codices, platforms, and protocols. I just wanna post audio-video-text-image material, along with hosting content from a few other folks (at this point, Anthony Zega (RIP my friend), and Rod Summers, aka vec world service).

Not having the platform secure and stable as a place to spontaneously create content is always disturbing. During those intervening thirty years, so many head-banging technical issues, ugh, not good to recall. Onwards and upwards … into the AI wilderness.

Now to repair all the collateral GoDaddy damage to various aspects of the site content and performance …

Anthony Zega 1962 – 2019


[Ed: I will continue with these remembrances, in the moment this is all I can manage to compose.]

I’m tired of writing remembrances, each one reminds of the passing, fading nature of be-ing. I don’t need to be reminded that Life closes off, a box canyon with sheer varigated walls, cross-cut sediments of past-time on display. Fossilized life, fragments of bone, amber protrude from the sheer layered walls. Evidence of those who went before. Where are they? what are they doing? Somehow, Anthony’s passing clears something away, psychically: that he has made the transition, into the Bardo, and beyond. Not that he deserved it at his age, but that he was released from the physical ravages that cancer was imposing on his body. Following him, and the expanding number of others, will perhaps be less terrifying.

portrait, Anthony, Boulder, Colorado, December 1987

I met Anthony on the way out the door of Parson’s photo department building on 5th Avenue, just north of Washington Square Park, in the fall of 1985.

“The primary principle of this age in the West is decay.”

Yup. That resonated, still does. As elsewhere noted, that profound and concise observation marked the beginning of a long friendship that explored the surfaces of the world and the energies and patterns of flow behind those surfaces. It maintained itself for 34 years despite the infrequent crossings-of-path. Aside for a year or so when we were house-mates in a couple places in Boulder, it took the form of a rich correspondance along with the occasional meetings-up that were always electric. Princeton, Manhattan, Peters Valley, Newton, and then all the locales experienced on a handful of profound road-trips in the US West. Death Valley (including a legendary night in Las Vegas on New Years Eve — photographing the insanity of the place); across the Rez’ in Arizona, picking up hitch-hikers; dealing with extreme weather transiting the Colorado Rockies; time at the Great Sand Dunes; and all the while, closely observing the perfidy of the contemporary capitalist oligarchies and, if nothing else, making fun of it. National Dead People. Stick Puppets on Display. The George P. Schultz Delirium Tremens Telephone. He left the East Coast in 1987 or so, and engaged in a long meander around the West, deeply influenced by his encounters with the Native American cultures and histories. His passionate, spirited, sensitive, and brilliant intellect — a full-spectrum laser — initiated a reducing flux that operated powerfully in his poetic work. None of it easily consumed, he did not share it with more that a handful of people ever.

Our last day shared together was in 2014, a long one spent at the Met, wandering through Strawberry Fields and Central Park, and dinner at the Whole Foods cafeteria on the Upper West Side near his mother’s flat where he’d been living for a few years. He had been worn down by the ignominy of working in the retail “adrenalized sporting complex”. But he had also met Maite, a Catalonian woman, who he joined in Barcelona in 2016. Best that he was out of the US for the repugnance of oligarchy and destruction that has ensued.

The written word was his primary medium in more recent years, although his photographic work was an important and powerful expression as well. It was the case, however, that he was intensely private, and most of his creative output came in the form of letters, and for the last decade more than a thousand emails that included an image, a dense poetic work, or a carefully laid-out pdf word piece, or some combination of those. In the mid-80s he did have a few prose pieces published in Marvin Jones’ The New Common Good in New York City, as their “Western Correspondent”. The only one I have a copy of is an excerpt of “The Tourist“. All of his negatives and writings up to relatively recently were apparently lost to flooding at his mother’s place in Princeton. It appears that I am more-or-less the sole holder of his remaining artistic legacy: with a fat folder of beautifully hand-penned communications.

From a letter I wrote to Anthony, back in 1991, from what was home, then, Reykjavík:

There is a bit of nostalgia in my mind, but more, there is the respect for you as a creator, discoverer, synthesist, See-er, and, um, Voice-of-Consciousness from the Mouth of Chaos, more or less. (I find meself writing in Literal ways these days, unable to couch clearly or veil rightly, no figures dancing between the words). I have your three cards sitting, always self-aware, they are, there on the desk next to the Printer. In a small attic space, ceiling too low for me to stand, but fine to write, skylights at my back open to a 20-hour sun day. (Fela doin’ “Zombie”). I can feel the plasma mass pressure of the sun Light pressing down, trying to flatten the landscape into a line, a mote, but the earth is in constant retching here, heaving basalt sky-ward, building sites, Places for the People to live. You have fed me bits from a variety of Others — Others speaking about Others — or a saying about unsay-able things or, yes, That which is … … … Thank you.

Anthony isn’t well

Your generosity is welcomed: A GoFundMe site has been set up to assist with his medical and living expenses. The GoFundMe didn’t work — they had problems with producing ‘official’ documents to the GoFundMe platform to do the bank transfers. His situation is very hard, the doctors say they can do nothing more for him. It is not clear, but I believe that he is on hospice care now. Another friend has been communicating with his wife, but I have not been successful in contacting her via text.

It is not noted on that site, but Anthony is an artist/poet — you can find some of his short works on this very site.

portrait, Anthony, Boulder, Colorado, December 1987

Feliz Sant Joan

Feast Day

Feast Night of Saint John

solstice summer





profound prolific





=== the petards

=== the incendiary colours arcs

=== sparkles spiders

=== roman candles

=== open out from twilight

=== through to day-break

+ + + +

^^ ^^


who are you ?

says the caterpillar

what a marvellous question —

impossible to answer

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
– – – – – – – – – – – – –

re: When the city

My friend,

I am listening to your writing —-

Words abbreviate experience

Language = fable

Impossible to say what Jules feels in her moments

Impossible to say what Dona feels in her moments

( does suffering have depth surface . . . space scale dimension ??? )

a limit a barricade against . . . .
what we cannot name
what we cannot touch see hear say


cannot name it
. . . . there is no [ it ] to name


To love and to heal

To cry and embrace

I remember now what you wrote to me —-

Zen is a parlour game . . . .

Psyche — a name — a figure in a fable
Psychology — a game

Talkers talk about experience

= as if = it were a pack of cards

= Let us put them all in order =

= Politease and Polissee =

the Old Deal the New Deal the Fair Deal the New Frontier the Big Deal . . .

Fortune telling —


More cards — a game

Cartographers masque control and colour the scene

Decor —

Comforting reassuring

Alice In Wonderland = a pack of cards

what i need = is other than luck = is other than fortune telling

maite sends you greetings

i miss your presence

love to you


_ _

= volcano = v



against earth

life threatens life

= what subscribers

= what survivors call

= the weather

4 consonants

life threatens life

= Y-A-H-W-E-H

= the volcano

= becomes the god


` ` `

X, O,


& Opinions

periodicals newspapers

Editors Educators Exploiters
E Cubed

Mistah Kurtz
Exterminate The Brutes !!!

Heart of Darkness

Barbarism of Commerce


and now

What A Big Balloon Is


The Estate

wafting drifting



= Password
= Control Panel
= Settings
= Adjusts
= Maps, Bug Fixes


to trap us
trap us




quotidian mazes

webnets of


K wants

to wrap us in its







profound life


its ballooned ballooning grasp

______________________________________ “*

An excerpt from “The Tourist”

One of the key lines in the movie “Wall Street” is delivered by Father Martin Sheen: “It is good for people to spend their lives creating, not living off the buying and selling of others.” Anthony Zega uses the same concepts when describing the basic conflict between the Tourist and the Indian: “Creation” and “The Market.”

Two years ago, Anthony moved from his home in Princeton, New Jersey to Colorado, his base from which to visit reservations throughout the West. Anthony is searching for his own spiritual grounding and we are pleased that he will be sharing the information he finds with the readers of The New Common Good.

We are pleased to introduce Anthony Zega who will act as a Western correspondent for this publication. We will present his photographs, articles, and interviews as part of our investigation of Native America. more “An excerpt from “The Tourist””

hay wire ,,,,,, Ha-Wi (((((( not Wi-Fi ,,,,,,

keeping close

to hispid earth

keeping close

to the ancestorrrrs who travel with the branching rains

some storms

bigg waters


i’ve got my swiss boots on

nothing can match the feeling of the authentic mountain boot

this is very funny ….

among the Dramatis Personae

in Aristophanes’ The Frogs

is listed – – –



a very brave a very witty man

who prevailed


the sophistries

the hoaxes

of men and laws and gods ….

enjoy the day,


______________ , *


Caesar has died,

Whilst the wish
to be Caesar,
to be more than Caesar,
yet progresses,
broadcast independently;

as bust,

as artifice,

*birl: to spin as a coin spins on a table;
and: the sound of the coin, as it spins.



123 | frame work | automaton

the clocks proclaim
a series of arrests
not continuity

the clocks perform
a circuit of rifts
not the continuity of breath hearth

not the immanence of time


two months in and now what

Père Ubu (Ubu Roi), from a woodcut by Alfred Jarry, April 1896

This blog is rapidly becoming the site of moribund emptiness. Material accumulates, but j-o-b interferes with any creative expression. This raises many questions relating to how life is lived versus how it may be lived. As energies enter later phases and levels, life-time comes to more crucial junctures: what to spend it on. Limited supply and no do-overs raise the price to that asymptotic limit: transcendence!

I think I understand William Blake. A man who brought his soul to life, at the expense of not living so much within the bounds of the social system. “A man not forestalled by predecessors, nor to be classed with contemporaries, nor to be replaced by known or readily surmisable successors…”

But then, as Empire teeters on what is left of its decaying foundation, what of intellect, creativity, spiritual movement?

“That’s One Big Belch For Man,

One Average ( Syncopated ) ( Plastic ) Hiccup For Mankind ….”

______ Ubu Roi V

***** ( five stars )
mise en scene & mobile app by the author of
Awaken The Giant Within


guilded cage mundane glass shell

Nothing is more depressing

than to imagine the Text as an intellectual object

( for reflection, analysis, comparison, mirroring, etc. ).

The text is an object of pleasure.

Roland Barthes —

Sade, Fourier, Loyola ….


Reflection Analysis Comparison Mirror as Bank-King Insurance Armour

Taxation-Telefission / Distribution-Dissolution

Cap-It-All / The Alibi



without innocence

the subject

( proper-capital )

( servant-motor )

cut off from

the breathing nest of sleep-and-sleeper



{ carceral + hyperbolic }




souptt, coup d’ coup . . . the big game

great statesmen


( V. Frankenstein the star )



the plenum of the earth

by and by

chopped up

the corpse to be

the game

glories waves-and-particles


great apartments

by and by

seven flavours dusted up


the segments

wordid bottled stews



summary and solution

in order to cleanse The People

of foreign contamination

foreign licentiousness


Bhigg Bitz

Georgi Grogro Fist

Chairman Chinaman


( swallow and excrete )

the Holesumm

Hebrew prophet


via the Parisian Carousel-Community





{ the face of earth }

{ land as scapegoat }

beneath higher-wattage
free-ways of addiction
carpeted filled bursting
with religious-military

{ anything goes }




how silently

the sun


( the juice )


of blue mane

{ lacquer }

{ hearth }

the apse adept






( altar )

( jule )

the ocean






Consecration of the Host

at the Feast of the Projectile


( as eye deaf

ear blind )

the terrorist

the suicide today

right now

hope to win

the trip to Paradise

they aspire to be









Irony Imitation




{ the parody of time }

stirs itself

{ permissive carceral }


from coup to coup
