I am sitting, awake, at my desk. Before consulting the Oracle, the I Ching I dream awake of you. What to say when you arrive. I dream awake of you. And thank god it is not long a time until you are here. And, I will speak with you well before you read this, so, I need not speak of news: with my performance beginning tomorrow evening. I have the desk in the gallery. A small old, battered desk, with a crummy chair and a telephone. And some maps to my apartment. And that is all. Much to think about. And I meet another well-known British-American artist, Sue Coe. She is great. Very cool. We speak about the revolution…
Or. So. The next day, the Thesis begins. Phone calls all morning even though it has not officially begun. Friends in NY and Virginia. Cool, But my breakfast goes cold.
Much later. Far into the next day. A quiet spell. After a very late night. I begin this performance with about ten good friends. Like it should begin. (including a renegade group: we named them the Minstrels of Distress, visiting with some madness for a serenade at 0200 this morning. It will be a long week, I can tell. And I am happy that there is a break here. I just wonder how many times there will be here. to sit in silence. Oh, yeah, I wish you were here in this box, and we could perform… It is strange to look out the window and see the outside. And not be able to go out.
Later this same day. Pretty quiet. A few calls — a good friend, a Japanese painter — a true painter, one who lives to paint — calls to say that he is in town from LA for a few days, and so he will stop by later this week. Cool. And then, surprise, my Thesis Chairman calls and comes over: ends up staying for two hours, talking. We speak about many things, including this planned move to Iceland. Whatever, I am pleased that he comes by — and speaks so directly with me. And so it goes. But, now, I am alone again with my thoughts and reflections. I work on some slides (I think that I will not carry so much work to Europe this summer — rather carry slides of work. Much Lighter!). And that gets boring (and still eight days to go … The room looks different: it becomes a box in reality. Small, the outside seems further away. Night has fallen. The first twenty-four ours almost done.
Up early, in anticipation of the first visitors. Glad no one is here yet. And glad no one came later last night. I have a strange sleep and strange thoughts. Moving in different spaces and so on into the night. I wake up. Thinking of you and where you are.
Sitting still. Listening to birds singing outside. The clouds are always interesting here. And especially in the spring: one never knows what will be seen. Storms, bright blue sky, sun, and so on. Shadows cross the close hills. Black against the white clouds. Flat earth out one way — to the east — and jagged mountains to the west.
Oh yes. I hope you don’t mind: this letter may be the only ‘real’ documentation of this performance. I have made a few Polaroid portraits, and everyone is signing the guest book, but other than that, there is not so much to worry about — this is one important point about the entire performance — that there will be no evidence to show off later. The only people that can experience this are the ones who come down and visit or call… (and you, since I am writing this).
So, I shall put down here some of my impressions so far.
Conversations. With one person, with two persons, with three persons, with four persons, with five persons. Different things happen. It seems that two or three is the limit for a conversation that begins to de-construct the barriers of the Ego. Not that this is a new idea — but I think perhaps that I should keep the numbers of people at any one time to 2 or 3. In the sense of keeping the intensity up. Although I have only two rooms here. And so on.
What else? Well. I am stuck here. And I look at the grass lawn with some envy, the kids playing on it. Oh yes. I have decided to move out of this place on the 17th. Gees, so you won’t get to hang-out here for too long. And then we will be vagabonds on the road. Yes. In the Heart of Amurika. Shit. I can’t even imagine this summer. There seems so much to do.
And I pace the house. And begin to watch a storm come in from the west. The clouds large and dark, edges soft and diffused against the sky. Listening to the mariachi music (‘e1 mexique). And, so, I will do a self-portrait for you right now, okay? I make it. It now dries. I look too serious. (the storm comes closer). But, on day two, this is what I look like.
Frightening, isn’t it? Looking at photographs of someone. What are they. And I think into the future of Avantiere with Werner and the rest of the folks. That I may not make objects like the others do. I may end up working like Joseph Bueys. (the co-founder of the German Green Party. or something.) He was a true avant-garde and a true revolutionary. And that is where I am turning.
“The object of a great revolution is the attainment of clarified, secure conditions ensuring a general stabilization on the basis of what is possible at the moment.: 00 R. Wilhelms translation of the I Ching.
And. Well. Perhaps this time in ‘cdsland will be a time to bring the forces of the revolution together, consolidate them, understand them, and then begin the action. Do you still want to sit in a box with me? And the next day arrives. The wind gets strong. And I wonder at my own writing, I am making some words from the special madness of this isolation. (Although I am glad that no one comes to the house now. And I get nervous just thinking about how many will be coming in the next days. Only about fifteen, well, twenty, and so many more. I will have information, just seeing ul whoulnone actually shows up, and who doesn’t. And, well. I just don’t know. Still, how this performance ul isulnone what it ‘means.’ and so on. I feel like I am shifting into and out of dreams every second, just following my mind to places here and places there. shit. and so on. Unable to focus on anything precise and sharp. No critical thinking. (the wind brings a bit of rain even with the sun still shining. And with watching the rain, mind drifts for many minutes. The background sound of the Latino radio announcer. A familiar voice from a Sunday morning show. He speaks about activities in the Latino community. (one storm has passed).
I go to sit out on the Balcony. And read a pamphlet “Marxists and Christians” given to me by a Soviet friend: written in the USSR. It is very interesting and I have just written to the author. It will be interesting to hear from him — he has an extraordinary insight into the destructive phenomenon that so is a part of Western Culture these days. And on the radio, musik from the Andes (Peru). And my mind slips and falls. I sit down with a fat book, and begin to drum on the cover. Not sounding so well. Listening in my mind to your drumming. And feeling your energy. That it is night fall for you, after our small exchange of words. And this Madness continues, and only into the second 24 hours a bit. And much more to go . I do feel some creeping Madness, but a righteous Madness, a clear Madness. Leaving much open, and nothing closed. I do not know. And in this not-knowing, I think I shall find something. I find some changes in this thing in my throat. But do not still understand the destiny of all this. Jah Rastafari. King of Kings, Lord or Lords, Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. Jah. Ras Tafari Makonnen. And so it goes, love. I Chant Down Babylon here. In some way. Not anything else. As Babylon sticks into my throat. And so on. I change some way. But I do not know how at all. And might not know precisely until I may look back from some vantage in the Desert, this summer. In the blessed Desert, the High Mojave. some herbstalk. Deep in thought, deep in mind, wishes push into the body. To make all this a physical evolution. And not such a surficial thing. Substance. And, please, my love, here I drift in mind, if you wish to listen to me read this, that is what you should do, bring this with you and I shall read it in the dark of the moon in the desert.
Another small storm tracks through, obscuring the sun for a few moments.
Bright clouds, sun. Some Arab students bring family out to play volleyball in the park outside the window. A picnic. And all that. I go on.
Vibrating in head. Hearing voices, my voices, in conversation with?
Perhaps I should just hold onto this until you are here? There is so much strangeness, I do not want you to think that I am lost in space of thought. But just allowing some freedom of thought-to-thought, the untied movement of mind jumping, drumming into the soul. And all that. God, I wish you were here. And I also think about my EgoCentricity. How I am with all these people. Yet a good number of visits. And a few moments of silence here. Well, perhaps not silence. I look down at this machine, and begin to listen to the sounds around. First, the static clapping of this machine, this typewriter. Slamming letter to letter to word to sentence. Punctuation. Leaving spaces. Noisy spaces, spacing. But I listen to the sound purely, or, try to. When I pause to think what to write, the sound leaves me. Re-producing thoughts make sound. Make the energy of sound. When silent thinking, the silence is replaced by the Musik. As I have written in so many letters, in the mail, that I was grooving on some kind of musik when I was writing and thinking about what to write. What was on the radio or RayDeeOh, as I-and-I say. What was coming down and all that. I just still listening. To the musik, now, Burning Spear. A tape from some other day in some other space. Musik. And then behind all that, the noise of children in play. All expressions of life in that play (one wonders if the culture has yet begun its insidious action of destruction of play in these same children. One wonders. Whether the Ideologues have had some say in the living dreams these children live within. Turning the seeing into some only sight. Deducing, reducing, destroying that pure first sight. (one does not need second sight until, unless the first is taken away). Good god. And the sounds of the road, some motorcycles drive by loudly. You will hear them: yes, even the sounds will be different. Compared to Germany, it will be loud and crazy. People here do not hold back so much although in other ways, they hold back more (or, maybe it’s just me? But just a small military presence: like most of the world. Amerika exports arms so there will be no war here. Although you might see in the newspapers in K’f6ln, about the “drug-war.” It is a pure excuse to bring hard troops into enforcing the will of the government and the powers that control, or seek total control of the place, this USA. Amurika. I just don’t know.
And so, this action goes on. Moving into 48 hours. Almost 200 to go. I wonder. I wonder. My brother calls from New York City. And we talk calmly. For a time. About “what’s happening.” And then when the call is done. I again (in retrospect), I feel I have not said enough. That in person I repeatedly do not exist in the fore-front of being. And that I am almost not “here.” I am somewhere else. Thinking ahead into the future, or reflecting some mythical past. But, what is the here and now? How does one exist in that place? It is terrible to overlook the development of the understanding of the here-and-now. Yet that is what I am left with. That I do not have an understanding of how to be here-and-now. Can I know this from clear dialectic examination (in the retrospect) of my actions? That I might improve the future actions? Or perhaps let go of this rational understanding and experience. I begin to see the pattern of incomplete action. Holding back. Some miserable exercise this “Dialogue” turns out to be. It merely points out my weaknesses, my lacks, my inabilities, my mistakes. A pointless exercise in self-critique. And continuously leaves me with no understanding of the change that needs to occur. And perhaps I have formulated a question for the I Ching in this. Yes. The I Ching.
And in some ways it speaks. Fellowship. Possession in Great Measure. It leaves me with positive feelings and some understanding. Confidence. But is this the way just to earn confidence? Or does one push further? Interpreting the signs, the answers. Yes, is this non–reflexive state merely the pushing on? Just pushing on into the. As I have said in my writing. And so on. So it goes. And so. Und so. encore. Etc. I stop to make some postcards. (I get a couple postcards back from Mail Art places.) And wonder what all that is about. But push on into another place altogether. I keep writing. Like this is some thesis. But I would wish that I could make something of this. (vanity). And so on. Into the night. And the evening is quiet. I certainly wonder about the number of participants. Fear? of me? what Others might take away from this. Independent of my action or mis-action. Thinking of ways that I can be positive. But perhaps thinking too much. Just keep acting. And so on.
But even the Dialectic is a constructed form. This check and balance and all that. Like, I don’t need to entertain the guest by entertainment. I must do my work. Process rather tan result. (this is the principle related to the dis-need for documentation). That documentation is another rational pitfall. Okay. So, the movement is cut off (the secret of the non-broadcast-audio-telephone conversations. One-sided.) I keep writing. While no one is here. And wonder about the success and failure of thin happenings like this. I may claim absolutely nothing. This is some modesty? No, not even that. (I interrogate meself): What is this for. ?
It is for nothing. (It isn’t for nuthin’.) It is. Uh. Well, long story.
Got nothin’ to do with, well, I just don’ know.
No dialectic. Nothing direct. Not spontaneous, not unstructured. And boredom. The repeat visitors. And who they are. And that focus of uplifting. Not sure whether that attention is good or not. What of all the others that won’t come. And the fewer that show, the fewer that, well, the more typing that I get done. Shit, man. But silence echoes failure in the Modern part of my mind. (the “spiritual minarets” fall. are fallen, much before the Final Babylon.) And then I stretch not so much. I feel that some-one will come here soon. I feel the energy.
And I am presumptuous. Not feeling true. I pace to and fro in front of this machine. Here into the third day of this. The time passes slowly. And few come. Going with it. Fuck, I just patter loosely. Dis-continuous. And that the conversation with self lags into more and more dysfunction. Each passing hour of confinement. That the confinement becomes more central. That I do not mind this space. For I have lived in Cities. In small spaces. And marked spots. Defined spaces of other’s lives. But here. Well. in my space. temporarily mine. Hah. Ownership. But I must remove the mask of confinement just as I put on the mask of ownership. And again, that Egocentricity. This is the hardest ‘ism to shed. Egoism. It is the heart of all exclusive ideologies.
If the root be in confusion, nothing will be well-governed — says Confucius.
Jesus. Motions , every one, affect the path. The path climbing treacherous cliffs. And sliding down smooth faces of relative curvature. And Quantum spaces. Words come to a costumed rescue. (getting lost in some place). I have much the otherwise. Directness. and more of this silence. The space changes with presence. The evolution changes with presence. But how? Is it forward motion. A do not wish to just explore and relate. Shit. More of the same to be stripped off. Better to ignore the past and the future, just exist in this room. Forward, backward drop away when there is no past or future. Progress and evolution, digression. they vanish. Into the silent explorations. The dis-documented.
Who cares. Pen to paper. No-shows. What is all this. What is all this. I-and-I just doing the normal. The same. Not so strange or synchronous. Just reactive? Well. No. But I have not been able to cross that place.
So, I ask dreams to mete some answer to the throat. I ask this outside the I Ching. But with the same. The same? And so I think to do work on what needs to be “done.” What of that. I think to edit contact sheets, to decide what needs doing, printing, for the future. But, I suppose I must avoid the trap of sameness, in difference. That I have nothing to offer. That explains the silence. But what to hold to. I go with no actions. No creations. And only the amigos, amigas. Some strangers, and I am a silent bidder. And Critical of all words. And persons. What is this. More verbiage. but not more understanding. Spring Break in Hell? What I did after I got back to School after Spring Break. Uh, titles. I sat in my house for two weeks. And not even my house, just my apartment. And got many phone calls or so. That people call sometimes. But here a silent night. I suspect that some might come here late. God, so, do I go to bed? Or just stay here at this infernal desk. That haunts. And I have not yet made much moves into the light.
I dream of the landscape of my childhood in winter. Or, rather, I dream dreams set in the landscape of my childhood in winter.
Far into the third day. Maybe pushing into the fourth or so.
Musik. But pushing into some Lennon/Ono. Stuff. And different thoughts and juxtapositions. With not so much happening. In a way. And different than yesterday. I still write, though. And continue the experiment. Better than yesterday, in one or two ways. Like just writing here. With absolutely nothing to be said at all.
I just write. Looking out windows and all that. Football players and Children. Like, I got nothin’ ta say.
The next. Ex Post Facto. I continue the steps of the institution. And the Committee convenes. And that is over quick, with not so much dialogue. But over. Another hurdle. Gone by, another let-down of the system, I should not have expected as much, anyway. Perhaps I need a bigger system to counter. Yup. And so on.
Mail pours in. Chris and Wendy bring …
(here the typing clatter-chatter ends, and the performance continues without remarking…)
… [here the typing clatter-chatter ends, and the performance continues without remarking and with minimal documentation] …