Statement of Multi-Cultural Experience and Practice

With 20 years of experience with students from more than 40 countries and with educational organizations in 25 countries, I have a deep appreciation of the issues involved in multi- or trans-cultural education. My own practice as an educator looks at multi-cultural learning from both a pragmatic and a positive point of view. Pragmatically, for example, all of my classes in the past years are composed of students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. This simple fact brings to the fore in every situation the difficulties of language, and the cultural expressions that are deeply formed by language. Most often working under second-language conditions, I have honed my sensitivities to the relative speeds of comprehension and expression that second-language imposes and to the contingencies of difference that surface. Because difference is such a core creative source, I make it a practice in my workshops that students engage each other so as to open the potential pathways for creative collaboration.

It is tremendously important that a learning/creative situation is relevant to each particular student and that they feel comfortable enough to evolve and take on an experience that reflects a personal, internal source. Teaching in up to 20 different linguistic and cultural situations each year I have developed an appreciation for what is possible, what each distinct viewpoint opens up in a collective learning experience, and how personally relevant work may be seen as an inspiring source for peers. This kind of movement through radically different domains requires me to have a flexibility to engage and facilitate under widely varying conditions. While this is a constant challenge, it is one that I seek out for its richness, liveliness, and the consequential open space that arises when learners, myself included, are faced with the unknown — both inside the Self and inside the Other that they face. Because a fundamental concept of my creative work as well as my seminars and workshops is the facilitation of distributed (that is, non-hierarchic) network systems, I specifically deal with this human-to-human dynamic both in the conceptual/theoretical content as well as the lived practices that I stimulate in the classroom.

(How to Sit) Zazen

It’s a good example of the affect of mediation on socially-generated practices of any sort [this came into mind when I saw a poster advertising a IEEE conference here in Sydney. The posted contained all the recognized and standardized functions of conferences anywhere on any subject. The cocktail evening cruises on the ________ (fill in the blank) river/harbor/lake. The hospitality suites in the _________ (fill in the blank) hotel. The keynotes by famous personages. The plenaries, the break-outs, the posters, workshops, and seminars. yadda, yadda. Don’t people get tired of this endless repetition of heavily coded social protocols?]

The following was downloaded from the UM (University of Minnesota) original Gopher online text retrieval system sometime in the winter of 1991-92. I think it’s the first document (extant) that I downloaded via that new networked document system — the direct precursor of the WWW. Coming around in a very long, very wide circle, from the roots of the digital coming-to-being in the last millennium, breathe deeply:

1. Sit on the forward third of a chair or cushion.
more “(How to Sit) Zazen”

The Science of Disorder

I’ll retroactively begin to add bibliographic resource links with short reviews or notes on books that come to my attention. This one arrived via the usual intentional browsing. It represents several that begin to connect the dots between thermodynamics, techno-social systems, and the affect of human presence on the planet. It suggests that the movement away from a scientific approach to a technological approach is critical to the loss of our way to understanding the messy phenomena of human intervention in our world. Technological subjects are often taught without any grounding in philosophic principles of any sort. My own education at the School of Mines required only four three-credit-hour courses of (very general and poorly taught!) humanities for the entire undergraduate degree in geophysical engineering. And those courses in no way influenced the approach or the execution of any of the hard-core engineering courses. Instead they were frequently the object of derision as juxtaposed to the tough and demanding engineering classes — an implicit gendered polarity — wussy classes versus the rough and tough get-your-hands-dirty and only-the-toughest-survive macho applied-engineering classes. Things have changed somewhat in many engineering curricula (as evidenced by the fact that I do rather often have engineering students in my seminars and workshops), but there is the overt assumption that technology is above the messy fray of soft human affairs to which it brings only ordered progress, material wealth, and sustainable harmony. The former two are evidenced when examining closed (and limited) systems, the latter, nothing could be further from the truth.

Well-researched with both scientific and popular/media references, The Science of Disorder is readable, explicit, and provocative. (I’ll be expanding these reviews as I can manage: there is a huge backlog of rolling all previous bibliographic references to this style.)

The Science of Disorder: Understanding the Complexity, Uncertainty, and Pollution in Our World, Hokikian, J., Los Feliz Publishing, Los Angeles, 2002.

notes prior to Memory Seminar with Andrew Hoskins

The concept of memory is related to my own work and practice — as an artist, part of my work does relate to the creation and preservation of my personal archive. Also, memory is a feature of collective Techno-Social Systems as a mapping of embodied participation in that system over time. It is also a concept to consider in the wider perspective of my work which examines human presence, encounter with the Other, collective social systems and their impact on the individual and finally, creative action.

Memory is the trace of energies from the surrounding situation that literally impress (on) the embodied self. Making the radical assumption framed by the words of physicist David Bohm, that

… there is a universal flux that cannot be defined explicitly but which can be known only implicitly, as indicated by the explicitly definable forms and shapes, some stable and some unstable, that can be abstracted from the universal flux.

Phenomenal events and configurations of these energies pass through the body (as simply another manifestation of this flux), leaving altered states of be-ing. These embodied traces persist in time, but as with all life and being, are transitory. They exist as change, and are often experienced as a fundamental awareness of difference — “I originally felt like that, but now I feel like this, having experienced this event.”

External memory storage situations via digital technological mediation are, by nature, material, reductive, and transitory. They are subject to decay and loss as with any other external (and internal) means.

Three significant issues arise in the process of externalized memory storage. The first is in the process of creating the artifact. As with any pre-digital artifact, making a “memory” artifact requires that the Self (or someone) step out of living and mediate their presence in the operation of the device that creates the artifact. This stepping out applies not only to the making of the artifact but also to the (onerous) process of archiving. This process radically changes the experience of a life-trajectory by an individual. And, as suggested by Quantum ideas, the observer affects that which is observed, the act of making memory artifacts actually affects the scenario that is being recorded.

A second major issue occurs when any of these processes are taken over by extensions of the Techno-Social System, they subject the Self to a loss of autonomy. (i.e., cloud computing as one example of a centralized architecture that removes the trace of the digital artifact wholly out of the purview of the individual (creator, participant).) The levels of loss of autonomy exist on a sliding scale — loss occurs whenever the individual is not in control of the mediatory storage (its provenance, creation, organization, archiving, sustenance, distribution, demise, destruction). Any externalization falls under this regime.

The third issue lies in the maintenance of archive. As a fundamentally ordered system (timely retrieval is critical for a functioning archive), the archive requires an essentially constant energy influx to maintain that order. That energy source is, at base, the human being. How much personal energy will humans participating in a Techno-social system be willing to dispense of or provide/support in order to maintain an ever-growing energy burden of either a collective or individual archive? Is this why the Library of Alexandria burned?

thesis proposal :: Methodologies, Background, Timeline, Contexts

Concerning Particular Methodologies

Dialogues, Networks, and Collaboration — Much of my creative practice, research, and indeed, presence is built on the activation of robust and sustained dialogues with a wide range of Others both remote and local. These dialogues form a network. The most powerful situation I can imagine for creative research and production is an open human network. I am keen to engage on the ground with the Australian, Sydney-based, and UTS creative community. I am familiar with the milieu, having been in Sydney for six weeks in 2006 as a visiting artist at COFA, and I very much look forward to being there again. I have an extensive personal/professional network of Antipodal creatives which dates back to the early 1990s that I will be pleased to activate on a more face-to-face basis.

Distributed Performance — My own applied international research in distributed performance and tactical media over the last fifteen years is centered around synchronous live network-based social activities. Engaging a wide range of technical solutions, my work is a direct utilization of amplified digital networks as the locus for creative action. These areas of research experience include a variety of performance-based activities in theater, dance, sonic, and other expressive arts occurring in or augmented by collaborative networked situations. As a self-proclaimed networker, an area of core awareness in my research is the concept of presence — and how that human presence is directly and indirectly affected by any/all technologies that filter and attenuate that presence: how human expression across a network system is precisely formed and informed by the impression of the technologies used.
more “thesis proposal :: Methodologies, Background, Timeline, Contexts”

Migrating Academies: Régime

migrating academies: regime, Boulder, Colorado - Berlin, Germany, November 2008

Migrating Régime begins in Berlin. (a photo from Edwina of a group interpretation of the dialogue assignment, hmmm?) I run a seminar/performance/facilitation on Monday, and will be randomly intervening during the week. not as fun as embodied presence, but hey, what can be done. so, from Boulder to Berlin. the next best thing to being there… so, about presence:

The expression of presence is an essential characteristic of the self-organized body-system. Presence is the announcement of be-ing and viability and requires first an inflow and then an outflow of energies from the body system through the conversion of energies from one form to another. This conversion process alters the entire fabric of local existence. Migration of the embodied and energized organism changes everything around it. What do you change around you? What is changed by those around you?

Shared presence is a dialogue of transformation and change. It is the crux of be-ing.

(00:03:45, stereo audio, 9 mb)


the last week

The IFKiK seminar ends in two side-steps which confirm the un-sustainability of that particular track of teaching—the holding to a(ny) model. It is a direct outcome of facilitating that the participants actually mutiny and go off on their own, rejecting authority and (s)lack, along with strong expressions of independence and a desire to find relevant subject areas for inquiry. When will this happen on a larger scale, across larger swaths of so-called learning spaces? There are clear limits to tolerance, this demonstrates, but can those limits be prescribed and stretched without pre-tension? Or does any pre-tension doom the process from moving into at least an abandoned form of random encounter, instead into mere buffoonery.

Well before the end it was already impossible to sustain a track, so that option fell by the way-side. At the same time, dialogues were undertaken with a ferocious concentration. This had the effect of gradually loosening any vestige of authority-in-relation in addition to any privileging of knowledge or know-ing. Dramatic developments. And as the (post)authoritarian protocol became internally incoherent, evolving too many possible interpretations, efforts focused on relinquishing traces of control that the protocol demanded and instead the formation of a new protocol exclusive of the facilitator. Did not compile the questions, such as they were. Relevancy appeared to be attained, but through a desire to move back to traditional models of relation (the text). Very interesting development. Will have to re-think that framework. Of all the thousands of possibly inspiring texts to consume, which will be the right combination? hmmm. A cook book might be the best starting point.

A little awkward with the stylized ending, but as a sample in the extreme spectrum of idiosyncratic confabulation, very interesting!, or … not. ! A formative de-briefing is hoped for, but that will have to arise independently in other temporal spaces. Perhaps easy to be cynical about the self and the situation, but human encounter arises in all forms, this being one of them. No qualitative judgment possible.

Cycling across town to Charlottenburg is fascinating, exhilarating, memorized now: the transitions, the corners, the sounds, the traffic. The tourists, the police, the Park, the City. The images and sounds are building up to something.

Head to Lichtenberg for Barbara and Susanne’s birthday party, in a green garden shaded by an enormous and very healthy apple tree, late into the slightly chilly evening, a fire of large pieces of timber that clearly were formerly from houses. 25×25 cm cross-section, pieces several meters long, with nails in them. Rafters from destroyed buildings. War relics. Or reliquaries. Incredible food and a Russian accordionist.

a few clouds

whilst Marx and Engels look on, Berlin goes about it’s business…

at home, watching NASA teevee. people on the point, at the peak of collective human expression into regions where life is not sustainable without complete protection. what does it take to make that expression? considering the sequence of flows which lead to the ISS, I am struck by the precision first of the activities of the EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activities). the level of controlled choreography going on between Ground Control and the astronauts. large catalogs of instructions are compiled to guide the Ground Controllers as they talk the astronauts through the precise sequence of every task. the degrees of freedom are extremely limited. precisely because of the fact that to make this kind of extreme (energy-consumptive) expression of the TSS (techno-social system), the flows of energy have to be on tightly-defined pathways, else they become diffused before reaching their goals. the more extreme the goal, the more control necessary to be applied to the pathway: a more rigidly defined pathway. is it possible to have an extreme expressive goal and not to need focused energy to get there? only where there is unlimited incremental energy sources available. focus seems a necessary constituent. and that is lacking in certain circumstances. focus. to reach extreme goals, or even mean ones…

across Berlin-Mitte and the Tiergarten to Charlottenburg and to the UdK seminar.

backwards? forwards?

starting with the UdK-Berlin block seminar tomorrow. 36 hours over two weekends. usually these are challenging and dynamic. good!

back to the brico list discussions:

sotto voce: Speaking as someone who first majored in mining engineering and ended up in geophysical engineering for a major oil company… (my profuse apologies in retrospect :-\\

I am very doubtful that “new” technologies will solve the problem — as what would be termed higher technologies require more intensive usage of the pre-existing techno-social system or infrastructure to develop those technologies. Things like nano-technologies, because of the consequent need for greater precision and so on, require that much more energy to maintain highly precise infrastructures. Not to mention another couple layers of machines (made by machines made by machines) all which ultimately sit on the extractive minerals industry. The greater the order/precision/complexity of a system the more inflow of energy you need to maintain that order. This is simple thermodynamics. The only way you can deal with this problem is to look for incrementally system-wise LESS complex solutions. This is the key weakness of forward-looking Utopian technological-development horizons. If it requires a greater degree of complexity, it will have a consequently larger foot-print related to primary industrial processes like mining, refining, and extraction..

And, the consequent human price is paid — as we drain energy resources OUT of a social system — it is thermodynamically no surprise there are larger degrees of social disorder in those systems (Nigeria, Middle East, Brazil, Appalachia, the Rheingebiet — actually EVERYWHERE that these extractive processes take place!)

I’m starting to have the belief that we will simply go through a peak of consumptive civilization and as energy sources are depleted, the global techno-social system will not be able to maintain the globe-spanning order (try driving tanks on vegetable oil…) it has now, things will become more local.

Imagine that it could very well be that in our life times, that the prospect of one of us visiting from Europe to Brazil will be as difficult and time-consuming as it was 200 years ago… or more! (200 years ago, there were still some trees in the world large enough to construct robust ocean-going vessels)…

Okay, so what to do in the mean time? I believe lowering complexity in our lives by avoiding higher-technologies when we have a choice — in eating, working, living, playing — complexity generated by participating in distant extensions in the food cycle, the communications cycle, any technology cycles, by higher precision devices and systems, by globally standardized systems of all sorts…

should I give up email and talk to my neighbors instead? yes, most likely… at least that way, if war breaks out, I will at least know something about my neighbor…

back in Belgium


(03:32, stereo audio, 6.8 mb)

Take the bus from Maastricht, Rod sees me off at the bus stop just 100 meters east of the border. Arrival in Hasselt, waiting for the free bus to the Grote Markt seems a waste of time, and indeed it is only a 5-minute walk to the hotel. (After living in Berlin, when consulting a map, the scalar sizes of cities becomes suspect). Another bed, another random coagulation of humans – a workshop, seminar, conference, happening. begin to meet folks. Chili dinner with early arrivers. Negotiating some flexibility in the pre-formed structures. More notes on this later.


old networker-friend, Paul Rutkovsky (of floridada) and I have some nodes in common in Lithuania of all places. he was just there and here in Berlin as well. he sends this invitation from a recent show of drawings on paper that he had in Vilnius.

suspended ambronesia, the whole week gets screwed up. and what do I have to show for it? nada. started off good at the Institute meeting on Monday, giving a short presentation to students on the block seminar that I’ll be doing in early June Sustainable Creative Presence :: Distributed Be-ing. have a few conversations afterward with some interested students. then a brief faculty meeting that is conducted mostly in English to my astonishment (for my sake).

Technology arises from human systems, but what is the nature of that genesis? Is technological advance increasing the possibilities of or increasing the limitations on creative activities?

As techno-social systems continue to evolve and become more pervasive, their effects begin to dominate all aspects of the social and cultural landscape. These evolving forms radically alter the possibilities of human presence as well as the range of social controls on that presence. It is human presence — and especially human presence in collaborative and vital relation — that is the basis of creative action. A deep understanding of this continuum of relation brings exceptional power to a sustainable creative process.

This seminar will ask many questions about where we are in this moment — a willingness to engage with others in open and honest discussion is most important. With open dialogue among the participants, the answers will be relevant and life-changing.

The approach will be decidedly interdisciplinary: students from different backgrounds are welcome.

back home

last day spent at ISNM yesterday, apparently for ever. the school is in its final stage of collapse. although I wasn’t deeply involved in the establishment process, I did have some input when Hubertus, the founder, was framing the concept and curriculum back in, what, 1999, when he was in Kiel. or so. it’s clear why it’s collapsing in that the local politic is too conservative, the original vision of the school was not enough to counteract this. the few remaining students are frustrated and angry at the situation, as they probably should be. interesting group of students for my seminar. oral exams which were largely counter-productive to the learning process.


back in a classroom. talking about data – information – knowledge – intelligence – wisdom. signal-to-noise ratios. adaptability, chain-of-command, defined functions, trend analysis, long tail, lexis-nexus, The WELL, protocols and standards, Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, social infrastructures, complexity, hierarchy, networks, order and disorder, economy of attention, business models, power, money, socially-defined exchange, globalization of culture, and so on. I am a teacher, I am only human.


up at 0430, out the door at 0440, on the s-bahn by 0458, at the airport at 0550, on the plane at 0645, into Köln-Bonn at 0800, through Köln-Deutz at 0845, arrive at the Academy by 0900.

breakfast with Zil and a quick tour of the Academy — haven’t been here for years since visiting Nils Roeller back in 1997 to see what the progress was on the Flusser archive among other things.

Zil and I share ideas on teaching, art, creative active, facilitation, corporate be-ing, the desert, and so on. a very nice meeting with the unknown Other. as Miga and Hubertus are developing a collaborative project with Zil, I do hope to jump in with some seminars on collaborative creativity. we’ll see.

e-culture and good food

Over in Lübeck, meet miga and then head to lunch with Andreas at Nui which I remember from the teaching at ISNM before. Had to get some outline of what is happening to the slowly sinking Titanic and what is required from me when I do a short course on e-culture in the spring.

Content: This seminar will explore the entire global regime of the trans-disciplinary field called “e-culture” as an intersection of digital technologies and cultural practices. Using case-studies to find out what is working and what is not, we will examine the technologies that most affect this sector, the political and economic policies that form it, and the social systems where it finds its place. As one model for the engagement of “new media’ technologies and social systems, “e-culture,” along with the “Creative Industries,” are the scene for much innovation, research, hype, and media reportage. This seminar will hunt for some truth by examining specific situations, precedent, technological infrastructures, and current trends.

Key phrases include: infotainment; web 2.0; economics of attention; locative media; wearable computing; technology globalization; media research; reception, storage, and transmission of culture; creative industries; cultural patrimony; cultural computing; corporate culture; jobs?; non-governmental organizations (NGO’s); ubicomp (ubiquitous computing); e-government; society of spectacle; globalization/dislocation of culture; Ikea for the Art Market; European Union effects; Soros Centers; networking; creative action; Road Warriors; First or Second Life?; the Finnish Model; future scenarios; borders and cultural difference; collaborative presences; and so on.

May Day at Cadre

(01:22:43, stereo audio, 158.8 mb)

Head down to San Jose State University Art & Design Department to the Cadre Laboratory for New Media run by Joel Slayton for a seminar in their Speaker Salon presented by two of the principles of Neighborhood Public Radio, Lee Montgomery, and Jon Brumit.

Immediately prior to that I checked out some of the MFA exhibitions that were happening around the art building. Ran across some work by Wendy McDermott which was quite nice — refined metal objects dealing with narrative, stories, and her personal network.

Afterward, a small group of us retire to the Excelsior Hotel in downtown for expensive* drinks. Good to get some face time with this crew!

* (after I find the $51 parking ticket on the windshield of Nancy’s car, damn!)


Kly Yee, the guy in the COFA tuck shop — does wonders with cream on the top of the coffees that he serves. tried to Bluetooth some snaps he had made on his phone of different designs he had made, but wasn’t successful, my SIM was full. will try again later.

what about impressions of urban Sydney? lots of small shops — clothing, jewelry, food, cafes, small restaurants, and on every corner, upstairs the Hotel, downstairs the bar, pub, snookers hall, whatever, mostly quite upscale. clean, none of the sawdust-and-vomit-on-the-floor scene of ages past. though the design with tiling three-quarters up the walls for convenient hosing down remains. then there are the backpacker hotels, clubs, and adult entertainment joints. the occasional acupuncture and massage salons open to the sidewalk, feet protruding from behind curtained stalls and sweating Chinese hosts doing their thing. globalization is expressed in Kinkos, 7-11’s, MacDonalds, Western Union, and such, though these are a definite minority, with (apparently) non-franchise places dominant. there could very well be some mafia-type of franchising going on, but not to the casual observer. cosmopolitan. even critical locals said the Olympics were a good thing. blah blah blah…

with a climate similar to areas of Southern California, comparisons would be obvious, but in terms of general quality-of-life, Sydney would out-rank SoCal easily — especially as the population seems to enjoy the relaxed and low-key street-level cafe-scene, rather than the more obnoxious automobile-driven and anti-social SoCal mentality.

but, enough of banal and surficial observations. it does appear that there are significant levels of stress in the educational system. doing a brief presentation at a doctoral seminar yesterday initiated a number of conversations with some of the attendees. each detailed the particular struggle to get a quality education while dealing with personal economic issues. many students work, some full-time. the government has several funding schemes, but not all people can take advantage of then, given their individual situations. funding is time-limited, as has become the norm in Europe, and similarly, tuitions are rising.

but there seems to be a robust demographic pursuing doctoral degrees either part-time or full-time. good for them!

reflections on the classroom

to the IDC list

sotto voce: Although, as a University educator — I agree with John’s appraisal of the condition of the contemporary educational institution (having taught in around 50 institutions in Europe and the US), there is this critical area to consider: yes, the classroom has not undergone a physical re-design, but perhaps it doesn’t need one. When the door closes, it has the potential to be a space for transcendent encounters between the participants IF the oppressive effects of the fear that is instilled by the dominant educational system in both student and teacher — the fear of nonconformity, the fear of personal idiosyncrasies, and the fear of the unknown — if the fear is mitigated. I believe this fear is a result of the accumulation of pathological (unbalanced) relationships that are mandated between humans when operating in hierarchic situations. If, as a facilitator more “reflections on the classroom”

Unocal memories

Reflecting on parallel universes, light musings surround the controversy that today ceased rumbling around CNOOC (Chinese National Offshore Oil Company) and Unocal (Union Oil of California). Back when I worked for Unocal in the early 1980’s, it is hard to imagine any other response than hearty guffaws to the suggestion that in 20 years the US oil concern would be up for auction with Chinese buyers out-bidding Chevron. No longer in contact with any of my colleagues from those days, I would be curious to hear their situations, if, indeed, they still are employed by the firm. Times change the conditions of the market. Unocal has been an acquisition target since the early 80’s when I was there — when the infamous Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens was in hot pursuit of the company, such that the board tried to sink the company into multi-billion debt to make it less attractive. It is a different time indeed when a Chinese company, 70%-owned by the Chinese government, makes an aggressive bid to acquire a legacy US corporation. And on top of that, a company dealing with the major strategic resource of the developed world of the 21st century. No wonder Washington hawks are screaming! After watching the entire Cspan-aired Senate hearings on this precise merger, I was astonished at the lack of intelligence in the expressions of the ‘experts’ called in by the Senate. So little understanding of the movement and evolution and change of power in a dynamic world. Fighting or resisting inevitable power shifts is for the naive who cling to temporal power under highly conventional paradigms. It is clear that China is rising, and the US perhaps falling — in the broad sense. the empty cup tends to fullness, the full cup tends to emptiness. Rather than deal with the realities of socio-political evolution, the Washington power-brokers cling to an out-dated and very static worldview. Few seems to get Sun Tzu.

But how is it, these men and women who populate a corporate landscape, how do they live? Remembering back to the instance of going on a executive retreat to an exclusive resort in Ojai, north of LA, for a 4-day review of Unocal’s status in the oil business. My task was to present at an informal seminar an overview of state-of-the-art technology and applications for gravity and magnetic in petroleum exploration. Golf was on the schedule for a majority of the older execs, their bonding exercise. Open bar helped with that. I got the feeling that everything simply went along a certain and safe pathway to the intended goal of regular paychecks which were fed into mortgages, car payments, and very short vacation splurges (only 10 days of holiday per year for the first 5 years). Like a corral to tame the wild engineering student broncos. At the end of my briefing on the Colombia Llanos project, I showed a series of slides including portraits of the local peasants, the landscape, and the on-the-ground operation. It was very quiet when I was showing images of the people.

I have always maintained that my departure from the Big Oil scene was in no way an altruistic choice. this despite an early radicalization which included studying “The Communist Manifesto” in 7th grade — a fact that classmate Russ Werner picked up. he was the funniest kid in the junior high school, and the best cartoonist as well. he left a note in my yearbook addressed to the Pinko Commie Rat. no, that predilection did not factor in, though I can point to Roger Steffens program on KCRW, where I was a volunteer-member, The Reggae Beat brought the vibes of the Rastafarian belief system into high relief with guests the likes of Bob Marley, Alton Ellis, and Peter Tosh. If music can radicalize, it did. Bob Marley speaks as powerfully as any German philosopher! Jah Rastafari Makonnen! not to mention programs like “Alma del Barrrio” on KXLU “schizo-radio on the Left.”

I also recall, when living off of Lincoln and Ocean, taking a long slow look at a Roland Jupiter 8 keyboard, running around $1200 at the time, now I really wonder what would have happened if I had bought that rather than a Nakamichi tape deck, a used 6’2″ twin-fin swallowtail surfboard, and a Fiat Spyder.

No, leaping from the Big Oil gravy train was merely the next step. on the eve of departure, the actual handing in a letter of resignation to Dennis Mett, the director of International Exploration, there was the huge Mombasa project that came up. For six months after I left, I would get occasional phone calls from Bill Sax, the VP of the International Division, asking if I wanted to continue working for Unocal and go to Africa for a couple months to oversee a mag survey from offshore up into the Great Rift Valley. By that time I was on another trajectory completely. Not nearly as lucrative, but somewhat more soul-satisfying.

Chief executives, who themselves own few shares of their companies, have no more feeling for the average stockholder than they do for baboons in Africa. — T. Boone Pickens


after a shaky start on Friday (combination of not enough sleep, early rising, not enough food, water). today flows. rainy outside, sun now.

This seminar/workshop explores some particular pathways and practices of creative activities with a close look at the impact of contemporary technological developments. It proposes and critically examines implementations and strategies for sustainable and relevant social engagement as mediated by technological networks.

Especially important is the establishment of an in-class situation for open dialogues on personal worldviews and experiences. This distributed human situation will be the core source for the seminar and will allow us to explore topics that are directly relevant to the practices of the individual participants. Another words, the actual form of the workshop will, by necessity, reflect the content to be discussed.

Participants are asked to share their experience-base and engage in attentive and focused discussion about the ideas that arise in the moment, and to target specific issues that inspire, challenge, or block their creative engagement of technology. These programs tend to be highly flexible and dynamic, with uncertain outcomes. But it is exactly in those un-defined spaces that novel and life-changing events occur.

The seminar facilitator, John Hopkins, is an experienced international artist, teacher, and technologist who is most currently working with live/online collaborative performance actions — occupying the social spaces represented by global telecom networks and facilitating creative action in those spaces. He maintains an extensive web space at Particularly relevant as an introduction to the seminar is a brief article that he wrote about his praxis for the AcousticSpace 2002 entitled “1+1=3”. That article may be found at Documentation of recent activities may be found via his CV at

self-portrait, presence

self-portrait, presence, online and Boulder, Colorado - Helsinki, Finland, December 2002

Now it’s December. Almost a full year since I left Europe. Not able to comprehend that, so I project myself back, pixelated, encoded: from the Teaching-With-Technology Lab in the basement of the new Humanities building to a graduate seminar at TAIK’s Media Lab.

end run

back and forth, running from the end of the seminar to the taxi to the train. would have been better to allow more time. but, as is usual for opening situations, the follow-up is the sustaining move. cleaning house. ordering life, waiting for the next cataclysm. the next disaster, the next infrastructure failure and slip into chaos. or transcendence.

raw suspicions

the raw suspicion that stability is a straw dog. (a term that Anthony first raised into my consciousness). in that conversation in a bar-restaurant somewhere on the Delaware River a long time ago. wondering what happened to him, no words from him in many, 18 moons ago. while now in the moment, the Leonids rain down from the sky. he was supposed to be going to Flagstaff, the wanderer that he is.

the last morning of the Media Lab workshop, I have something of a microscopic revelation in the number six tram. understanding that I am talking deeply about the power of presence as a creative strategy and practice, traveling around Europe preaching this, and all the while, at the same time, leaving my little boy behind. a little boy who is not so little anymore. everything seems impossible for this family. relationships are crushed and fragmented, distorted and removed, applied over distance and imbalanced. hmmmmmm.

another thread that came from the workshop this week were characterizations about the externalization of memory and the problem of re-presentation. with memory removed from the embodied self, there is an erosion of personal autonomy (the external localized memory is the technological network — which is not a network after all, but a lateral hierarchy). the act of placing memory externally reifies what would be an internally dynamic condition of evolutionary presence. and contributes to an ethical or even moral slide. (assuming that a static condition of memory is problematic — haven’t meditated on that one so much.)

here in Jyväskylä, dinner with Niina, finding out about the local situation (email never provides enough communications spectrum), in a hotel on campus by the lake. seminar tomorrow. a late call, like those many others, of the sadness I have caused to an Other. by not respecting innocence. and not providing the right dreams.

no keys

no keys in the pocket. open road. starts a period of movement that will be as intense as ever. seminars all over the place. on and on. with winter at the window. end the workshop here on a kahvio ja pulla session. a very pleasant group of students.

words are spun and spun. how to re-present the dialogue.

a wind has blown the rain away and blown
the sky away and all the leaves away.
and the trees stand. I think I have known
autumn too long
— e.e. Cummings

suddenly, on the flight from Helsinki to Copenhagen, an intense conversation began. the woman sitting next to me. middle-aged. I noticed she was served a vegetarian lunch. she spoke to me first. (I say a bit ashamedly, knowing that I have the tendency, when in the travel mode to wrap myself tightly with a cloak of silence, or isolation. in a way, not being anti-social, but just focused on arriving rather than allowing too much extra awareness of the movement.) a silent seat-partner. but anyway, she made a small leap. and we begin to cover extraordinary territory. she is headed to a small town near Stuttgart to take a refresher course in Rudolf-Steiner-based massage. she is a massage therapist at a Steiner clinic for traumatized/handicapped children in Helsinki.

another seminar

another seminar presented. this time in the HUGE Bauhaus complex that is the University of Art and Design Zürich. echoing walls made for bad acoustics, and I rearranged the square-in-square set-up of the room, creating a good example of energy re-configuration later in the discussion. interesting vibes. different and the same. flows, movements, walls, and bridges.

so it goes.

Marianne was busy this morning, had coffee with Marcel before making the train at 11:57.

hosting is coming close. the host seminar begins tomorrow, with possible no network to network with. indeed, it has brought me to the limits of this project, being subject to too many external conditions to be able to function at an even moderately efficient level. any level of success will be difficult to generate with the seminar situation.


massive busy-ness over the weekend with the ~/Connected conference at the Lasipalatsi. Tapio had asked me earlier if I could help out with activities on the ground, and although I was pretty busy anyway, I was around to help, then ended up being quite involved in the discussions, and even made a short public presentation at the end in Bio Rex, dealing with best-practice scenarios for education/learning situations. Polar Circuit was held up as that model in learning situations, along with the idea of open-platform, socially balanced situations.

/~Connected press releases for local and translocal use

Cultural industries and independent media cultural production are of primary importance for Finnish policy development, as a new program, “Content Finland” is being drafted during next year. In each European country, goals of both national and transnational media culture have been met with different strategies. Through /~Connected knowledge and shared experience, it is possible to form models of best practice – and principles for both national and European policy.

The driving force behind this event and series of other meetings prior to it is the ECB, European Cultural Backbone (, [Ed: now only a historical archive on monoskop]). It is a network of media cultural organizations, centers, and active individuals throughout Europe, not only European Union member countries. To quote Dr. Peter Wittmann, Austrian State Secretary for the Arts, “The European Cultural Backbone is the logical extension of this ongoing dialog between cultural practitioners and policy makers regarding strategies of “practice to policy” on both national and European levels.”

The Main organizer of /~Connected, the Lasipalatsi Media Center, also seeks to discuss how European media centers could increasingly collaborate. How to best connect venues of presenting media culture and sites that produce it? Support of networks, bandwidth, mobility, distribution and production are key factors for policy discussion.

Traditionally, in a European democracy, public space has been defined through access to public institutions, freedom to move in city spaces and through the existence of certain democratic instruments such as public libraries and publicly supported broadcast media. New media, Internet in particular, has made it possible to more actively shift content production to smaller units or groups. Creation of public space can mean support for content production and communication that does not focus on a single mass audience, but particular communities (or consumers) and layers within the larger society and the networked world. Major issue for debate is thus to consider, how to best connect various models of best practice and policy that enable cultural production in a networked, changing Europe.

The seminar takes place in the very center of Helsinki, in Lasipalatsi Media Center ( Meals during the conference program are provided for by the organizers and there is no attendance fee. We are providing air fare and accommodation for a group of participants that comes from smaller media centers and organizations. We are happy to assist your travel arrangements by providing information on accommodation and flights.

/~CONNECTED brings together practitioners, producers and policy makers within contemporary media culture in Europe. Its attempts to create exchanges of experience and information between organizations and individuals from different fields: media cultural organizations, media centers, policy makers on a local, national and European level, media art organizations, corporate research labs and university researchers.

Following events such as P2P conference in Netherlands and Networking Centers of Innovation in Austria, it explores the ways in which local experiences can be compared, exchanged and rewritten to form models of best practice.

The event will officially launch the ECB, European Cultural Backbone, a network based on trust and a shared interest to promote a rich media cultural practice, which already flourishes in Europe. The network proposes that an Internet Backbone or a set wide bandwidth would be subsidized by the EU in order to enable transnational media production, broadcast transmission of events and inexpensive communications. The ECB acts as an advisory body for the policy makers nationally and within the EU.

/~CONNECTED is very much about the goals of the ECB:

1) Bandwidth for media culture
2) Support for models of best practice
3) Active investigation of what European media culture consists of
4) Enhanced networking between media cultural organizations, individual hubs” and policy makers.

/~CONNECTED refers to the ways in which media cultural local practices and organizations create collaboration, projects, discourse and policy across and partly independent of national borders. Emerging networks, projects and content are no longer international, but translocal by nature, already connected.


it is clear that many people live in a world of mechanical or Newtonian causality, that there has been little popular progress beyond that model of thinking about the world. material substances are just that, objects rule.

These considerations force upon us the impression that the law of causality as a principle of natural science is one incapable of formulation in a few words, and is not a self-contained exact law. Its content can in fact only be made clear in connection with a complete phenomenological description of how reality constitutes itself from the immediate data of consciousness. — Hermann Weyl

the week flew by, two nights in Oslo, stayed at Hilde’s place, and so many things happened in that short time, thoughts can barely touch on half of them. a good, sincere seminar at the Academy of Fine Arts, with Kenneth, and hours spent talking with him. saw Janine (along with her daughter Anna) for the first time in 11 years. she had a couple works in the Fall Exhibition, so we met there for lunch before I tried one last attempt at shopping for something for Sanna met with the (kunstnett) people, Erik, who Atle introduced me to, and Jøran, the Director. when first meeting Hilde — after the two delayed flights and the train in from the airport — I also met Cecelia, the Director of the Granum Kunstskøle where Hilde works. we were talking, she was in a hurry to get somewhere, and the conversation went on for some time about bi-cultural living, she having been raised partly in the US. finally she had to leave, and rushed out the door. a few moments later, the door buzzer rang, Hilde answered it and said ‘there’s been an accident.” so I followed her downstairs, and there was Cecelia lying on the sidewalk having seriously injured her ankle. there were a few people milling around, unable to act, it seemed, I knelt behind her to hold her up, she was in shock already, and in a lot of pain. it turned out to be multiple fractures and probably ligament damage, unfortunately. I got a bit angry with the people standing around. the fellows from the music store on the ground floor were just standing there, I yelled at them to call an ambulance, but they just stood there. another chap, just off the street, was trying to help, but it ended that Hilde had to go upstairs to call an ambulance. I didn’t have my mobile with me or I would have. the shock energy was too much for people, I guess. true, the ankle looked terrible, and I got a bit queasy when the paramedics arrives and started checking it out, but I didn’t understand why people were so helpless. shock is a weird thing, though. she was shaking, and trying to assemble things in her mind, and panicky. weird energy flow, to be sure. Hilde and I were both a little shocked by this intersection of energies.


end of the week almost, more meetings, reverberations to the lecture on Tuesday gives feedback and response, (call-and-response). reaction, and, actions. Jörg Meyer from the Kieler Nachtrichten writes this story:

Der “Intenet-Nomade” John Hopkins in Kiel

Zurück zum Dialog

Wer erwartete, daß sich auf dem Computerbildschirm des Intemet-Künstlers John Hopkins allerlei bewegte und tönende Multimedia tummeln würde, sah sich bei dessen Vortrag über Networking & Creativity am Dienstag in der Muthesius Hochschule getäuscht. Mit dem von Intemet-Puristen treffend als “viel bunt, viel Klick” verballhomten Multimedium, das immer mehr Anbieter in deutsche Wohnzimmer bringen wollen, hat auch Hopkins nichts am Hut. Auf seiner Homepage sieht man nur Fenster mit farbig markierten Texten, die wenige Fotos sparsam illustrieren. “Mit einem modernen Computer kann man auf hohem Niveau Bilder und Töne machen, 3D-Animationen, Filme und all das Zeug”, greint Hopkins. Das sei aber absolut nichts Neues, demi derlei “Artwork” war auch schon vor dem Einzug der Digitaltechnik in das Atelier möglich. Das einzige, was den Computer wirklich interessant mache, sei seine Fähigkeit zu vernetzter Kommunikation.

Der “Netz-Nomade”, wie Hopkins sich selbst bezeichnet, hat gerade ein dreiwöchiges Seminar an der Muthesius Hochschule hinter sich. Darin ging es ihm um “so etwas Simples” wie die Vermittlung von Dialogtechniken. Daß Computer und Netz dabei helfen, ist für ihn einfach nur selbstverständlich. “Wenn ich einen Stift benutze, um einen Brief zu schreiben, oder ein Telefon ans Ohr halte, staunt ja auch keiner über diese tollen Werkzeuge.” Hopkins will das neue Médium entzaubern. DaB dièses als etwas Kompliziertes für hippe Technik-Yuppies dargestellt werde, beruhe lediglich auf der Tatsache, daß Kundige damit Geld verdienen und Herrschaft ausüben wollen: “Nichts fürchten Regierungen so sehr wie den freien und offenen Dialog im Netz.” Deren Verwertungswahn könne man nur entgehen, indem man das Netz als “persönlichen Raum” erobere. So gelange man zurück zur Wurzel aller Kommunikation, dem “genuinen Dialog” zweier Personen, die via Sprache “Energie austauschen”. Hightech wie Video-konferenzen im Netz, aber auch Lowtech wie das einfache Hin-und-her von Email-Texten würden dadurch überhaupt erst (wieder) lebendig. Vom im Internet leider verbreiteten “Broadcast”, dem bloßen Senden ohne Feedback, komme man zurück zu dem, was alle Kunst eigentlich will: Kommunikation und Kontakt zwischen “wirklich fleischlichen” Menschen.

Diesen “Fleischfaktor” will Hopkins in seinem neuesten Projekt “neo-scenes occupation 2” mit den Drähten des Netzes verbinden. Im finnischen Tomio nahe dem Polarkreis werden sich Mitte Juni Internet- und Neue-Medien-Aktivisten ganz leiblich wie auch “telepräsent” versammeln, um Urmenschlichem zu frönen, dem freien Dialog zwischen “persönlichen Räumen”. Im ersten Teil des Projekts, das im letzten Jahr auf der Ars Electronica lief, erfolgte dies über einen mehrtägigen OnIine-Chat. Mitschnitte finden sich noch auf Hopkins’ Laptop: “Aber das lebte nur damals live, jetzt ist das toter Kram.”

Letter to Dan (RIP)

Well. Dan

“Lethargy is simply frozen violence”

What else? I sit in the middle of the Arctic Night (The middle always remains the same, no matter how long the night is). Waiting for sleep to fill my head, looking at a CRT screen. Eyes are getting crippled by the stress of focusing. Goodnight.

The next day late morning. All is gray. When I develop film here I notice the lack of contrast, especially after Colorado. The Light is different. I have taken to capitalizing the first letter of Light, and I have also quit using the Lord’s name in vain you know? Two changes from my previous life. You can look forward to wonderful things like this happening when you finish graduate school.

The work you sent arrived a bit worse for wear, and surely to the perplexity of the customs/postal people. They keep a close monitor on my post here, almost all packages are checked… A bit disturbing, but also amusing…
more “Letter to Dan (RIP)”