going to the mat

It’s difficult to write these days. Internal monologues are focused on figuring out how to pack up life asap. It’s a bit strange to say that the past four-plus years is the longest I’ve lived in one place continuously since leaving my parents home at 17 y.o. And further, it’s one of the few periods of time that I have had *all* my belongings in one place and (mostly) out of boxes. The majority of my adult life, my stuff has been in a storage unit somewhere—New Jersey, Prescott, Golden, Boulder—or in someone’s garage or so. Uff. Packing the entire archive back up seems absurd as it was hardly accessed in the time it was out of boxes. A useless pile of detritus. Why, why, why subject myself to the ignominy and energy-waste of maintaining something that I’m the only one who has an interest in it?

Now Reading: Absorbing the epic six-volume autobiography, Min Kamp, from Norwegian, Karl Ove Knausgård. At Zander’s recommendation, and then, once I started and realized that I actually was in the same locations at the same times—Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Oslo—as Karl Ove back when I was spending a fair amount of time in Norway in the late 1990s and early 2000s. A compelling read.

Knausgård, Karl Ove. My Struggle: Book Two: A Man in Love. Translated by Don Bartlett. 1st Archipelago books edition. Vol. 2. 6 vols. Brooklyn, NY: Archipelago Books, 573.

I recently checked in with Julia, my former CGS intern. She’s a Mines (hydrogeology) graduate, who has, wonderfully, found a shared pathway to follow her bliss. She and her boyfriend, Torin, also a Mines alumni, have taken their connection with yoga to a higher level, gaining the necessary credentials for teaching and are planning to go international with that sooner than later. They have also started a YouTube channel—Wellbeing Cafe—already with a huge number of yoga routines and a variety of other material. Very cool to see this transition.

Somewhat disturbing to me, though, is that part of this personal evolution is almost forced to take place within the sphere of social media, especially YouTube, given the oligarchic control that it exerts on any and all users. That and the insertion of ads that cannot be cancelled or avoided—all of them utterly useless and annoying—until the channel receives a minimum number of subscribers (1,000). At that point the channel owners can at least select when the ad is played. Otherwise, one will show up in the middle of a yoga sequence or more often. I was stuck with one that played for ten minutes. Finding an independent pathway to socio-economic viability is challenging for their generation. They could have gone full-engineering and been working in a (potentially) stifling ‘regular’ job with deluxe cash flows. But they are cognizant of the lives of some of their cohort who are extremely unhappy (and unhealthy!), coasting along on that trajectory. Given the wider-scale complexity of what is ‘going on’ in late-stage Empire, best to work at basic life-skills like body-health, psycho-spiritual development, consumption habits, community-building, and look to develop trajectories that are beyond the reach of Empire (if that is possible in this new-ish multi-lateral oligarch-and-authoritarian-driven global power struggle).

Later, I juxtapose those assessments with the swirl of jagged thoughts and impressions that are filling my consciousness: monkey-brain on amphetamines, faugh. Complexity increasing, logarithmic, with age (of Self and Empire), while neuronal synapses are dulled, blank. Is this what life *is*, or what it becomes when attention is shredded by too much stuff? Packing boxes, why hold so tightly to this stuff when it will likely sit in those boxes for a long time. Possibly for the existing life-time! Having is a form of suffocation, burdened by excretions of other lives, but mostly my own. Giving is an exhalation, from the deep belly, giving inspiration to the cosmos.

Venus is high and brilliant in the evening, Saturn much less so in the sunset’s glare, Jupiter, Mars high with the waxing, near full Luna, invisible-but-present Uranus. I regularly take a late night stroll around the property before bed, no matter how cold. Waking the deer snoozing in the openness, their greenish-yellow headLight eyes blazing in my headlamp. First encounter, the eye pairs rise vertically, then, after staring, frozen, as the LED supernova waxes, they bolt to the tree line or across the street to a neighbor’s yard. Occasionally, a tinier pair of eyes, one of several feral cats that are encountered, or, rarely, a fox or skunk. So far no encounters with the large carnivores that do frequent the area: bears and mountain lions. Much of the walk is without the headlamp on, and aside from the always-on brightest-Light-within-several-miles that my neighbor installed a year ago, it’s dark with the brilliant streak of the Milky Way in all its offset-rotational glory.

A 30-minute call with George, I feel rusty, awkward and jumbled. He and I never developed an audio tele-presence connection, given the logistics and expense back when. Our connection was forged across some immersive instances of intense f-2-f interaction. After those formative encounters at Mines and in Santa Monica in the early 1980s, and aside from one more f-2-f in 1989, it’s always been text. Hand-written or typed letters through the post, then email, and these days, texting. I wonder if we will ever cross physical paths again in this incarnation. Doubtful, especially when I remove myself from this nation, and head for another, though there are no guarantees of anything anywhere anymore.

a voice in the dark

Starting out from the house for a hike up the mountain a bit late, dayLight fading, but body needs cardio. Up the social trail, steep, and, yes, plenty of hurried heartbeats. Find a new cliff to balance on for a time, simple yogic methodology of grounding the self on rock, on the Earth.

I observe another hiker coming down the trail. I am squatting, still, silent, malasana, on granite thirty feet away in the twiLight, dressed mostly in black, he does not notice me.

On the way back down, it’s getting darker fast, by the time I get back to the trailhead walking requires singular concentration on vision.

I see that there is a car parked at the dead end on the open-space boundary. I can barely sense that the trunk is open, a cooler propped up next to the car, and a person sitting on the tailgate. I pass by, some distance away.




“Do you live here?”

At first I thought he was talking to a pet or so. I stop and turn, “Yes.” He is walking quickly towards me. Mind makes calculations: how close will I allow him to get? He stops maybe ten feet away. Face indistinct, he seems old (so am I).

“I don’t own a phone, or a computer, and I’m not on FaceBook, that tells you something about me.”

“That’s okay, actually that’s great” I reply as he abruptly turns and walks back into the murk. I turn and continue walking home, passing two dog-walkers. To one I say nothing, to the other I say “Good evening,” and receive an inaudible reply.

fish-like, lizard-like, guru-like realization

Scheduled to do a swimming challenge, as clued-in by Dr. Miller: 3K per day @ 0530 AM for 12 days at the Golden Community Center. I got on the mailing list and began mulling the concept. The first day was a Monday morning. The week before, I started to crank up workouts from 2K up to 3K. 2K workouts consisted of 500 freestyle w/ pull-buoys followed by 1K of the same gradually increasing speed until the last 5 laps are strenuous, followed by 500 kick with perhaps 100 fly w/ workout fins. I used to keep a pace of 14-15 min/1K. These days, it’s more like 18 min/1k what with the post-torn-rotator cuff handicap. The prior Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: 3K/50 min. First time I’ve swam that distance since 2014 and the shoulder injury. I dropped Sarah, the organizer, a note, just to see if my times and such would generally fit in with the group. No problem.

Sarah sent out a schedule for each day’s workout on Sunday. As I scanned it, I started to mull how it would work, or how I would integrate into the organized scenario. And why swimming ‘workouts’ take certain forms. The obvious answer relates to the goal of a workout. The traditional goal, for example, in Masters Swimming, is the maintenance of ‘swim team’-type fitness, refining and optimizing strokes, swimming for times, prepping for meets (for the really hard-core), and generally a continuance of a somewhat team-style social situation.

This got me thinking about what role swimming played for me. Since I wasn’t really a team swimmer to begin with — not really into team sports at all — there was/is clearly a different motivation to be in the water. Typically, when possible, I schedule my workouts when a pool is least busy, hoping always for a solo lane. Sharing a lane, depending on who it is shared with, may be tolerable, provided the other swimmer understands the protocols, where they are in the lane, and how to stay within their half. A collision — most often of wrists/hands — can be both painful and shocking when passing at relatively high speed. One also has to be vigilant on flip-turns. And of course in all those different countries, lap swimming has absolutely different protocols, or none whatsoever. Annoying!
more “fish-like, lizard-like, guru-like realization”

Day 3 – Hawk Moon Ridge

Up at 0500 to continue the discipline of yoga on the patio before the bugs make it uncomfortable. It’s perfect in the waxing Light well before dawn. Body is stiff and resisting flexibility, but it will take time after two months on the road. Luna hangs out nearby, and although dog’s expressions have been proven to be largely in the mind of their owners, she has a quizzical look. When I start off with some “Om’s” for some reason she goes charging off barking as though she’s cornered some game. This is even more comic as she usually never barks. Otherwise, I can think of nothing better to be doing in such a place than to allow the body to regain some flowing order with a practice on the patio. 0500 tomorrow again!

I set up a bird bath with rain water barrels (repurposed garbage bins that I set out under the gutter drains mostly just to rinse them of a strong whiff!), and immediately birds begin to come. Have to optimize the inside of the bath with some wood and stones to stand on to give them options on washing and drinking. As I watch this morning from the cluttered kitchen working area that I set up immediately after Collin and Marisa depart, I see a pair of doves moving through the trees, and suddenly a red-tail (hawk) comes jetting through, pursuing one of the doves. I think it was one of the fledglings from this year. Last evening on the regular circuit walk with Luna, I got within 20 meters of a sizable red-tail roosting in a dead tree near the highest point of the ridge. He wasn’t happy with my presence and said so before sailing off down the canyon.

“Red at night, sailors deLight; in the morning, sailors take warning.” We’ll see if this works in a place where the only sailing would be down the river in a raft. Looks like some monsoon moisture is in the air, but only what afternoon brings will determine the verity of this Coriolis-driven sea-borne correlation.

Dinner with Bob and Burdette ‘next door’ — they’ve got some computer problems that I hope I can help them with, so it’s a good excuse to drop in on them.

Richard Freeman

Shane reminds me that Richard is giving a talk after the usual Sunday afternoon mysore session at the studio over on 21st Street. It’s cold (record low temps) outside, and steamy inside.

But great to finally meet him, he’s a wonderful extemporaneous speaker, and his meta-process definitely resonated with my own sensibilities on the way to go with teaching. His knowledge-base of Sanskrit and yogic teachings provides him with a wide and very deep territory to explore, and he dances around it all with a wry and humane sense of humor. The same essence that I attempt within any of my teaching, though I lack the depth of a single systematic view and that muddies the water to some degree. At most one can only do that circuitous dance around the Void, laughing and pointing at it through the clouds and letting righteous fear fall away into the absurdity of it all.

He speaks of the soft-palate and its role in resonantly apprehending external energy sources (as in ‘awe,’ think of the palate’s role in vocalizing that phoneme…).

We have a conversation after class. I told him how much I appreciated his CD series on yoga practices and breathing. I used them as a base for my own praxis when I can’t get to a class.

Strangely only one or two people approach him after his talk. I don’t know if this is a respect thing, or some protocol that I missed, or that he intimidates his students, or what. But he was very forth-coming responding to some of my comments about resonance between exterior energy flows and internal flows. Good vibe!

Bandhas are the internal energy valves or gates, which when activated allow the energy to flow through the bodily vessel activating the dormant potential of embodied spirit. Another way of stating this is that the stagnant rigidity of a chronic spiritual disconnect can be disrupted through bandhas, pranayama, and pratyhara quickly providing the pathway for flow — the ongoing ever-present spiritual reconnect of the great expanse of being. Although, commonly denoted as locks, bandhas act as such only in so far that they prevent the outward flow (dissipation) of the energy. However, a better translation would be valves, gates, or doorways, because they direct the internal energy flow to irrigate the nadis, open to continuous flow, activate the energy body, and align it with all-creativity.


other thoughts:

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. — Patañjali

Kevin reads that in yoga class — Sarah is still back east, so he’s subbing for her. Positive vibes, a little contrite (how to actually realize anything so … optimistic), but gotta stick to it, somehow.

living a lie

Reading and responding to a series of transcripts of talks given more than 100 years ago by the Zen Buddhist Abbott Soyen Shaku:

Deep into the night, as other things cannot unfold, the cause of the full-on blockage appears:

I wake up in the morning with the thought that I am living a lie. A big one. The portraits, the blog, the performances, the movement, the participation, the friendships, the art, the writing, the letters, the telephone calls, the thesis, the intelligence, the teaching, the mailing-list-postings, the lectures, the workshops, the recordings, the social awareness, the travel, the online presence, the relationships, the projects, the listening to the heart, the living and the dead, the exercising (the swimming, the yoga), the eating (picking and choosing healthy things), the parenting, the collaborations, the archiving (preserving an empty past), the saving of money (preserving an empty future), it’s all a lie, a big fuckin’ lie. This is not a text about it being a lie, this is a lie.

It’s all about preserving the Self. Self-preservation. Sure to bring sufferation, yet it is how Life maintains itSelf on the planet. The retreat from pain is about Self-preservation. The fear of the Unknown is about Self-preservation.

It appears such, in the Buddhist system/model, that the very motivational essence of Life ensuring its projection into the future (to be, vis viva) is the source of suffering.

Shaku, S., 1906. Zen For Americans

OZ packing list 2011

THINGS NOT USED: extra bush hat, extra plug adapters, leather jacket (not often), theraband (since in fitness club), fleece liner (seldom); swim gloves;

1x suitcase + 1x carry-on + large nylon duffle bag + day pack for laptop (ok)

carry-on + daypack:

digital gear:

MBP laptop + power supply (ok)
Motorola hands-free unit (ok)
Nokia phone + chargers (lv 1 or both) (ok)
AU phone SIM (ok)
mouse (ok)
ipod touch/nano + earphones + etymotics + cables (ok)
headphones (ok)

6x mini USB cables; 1x normal USB cable; 1x standard Oz power cords; all power cables (ok); all AU mains adapters (ok)

2x water bottle (ok); kitchen knife (ok); insulated cup;

Goretex jacket & hood (ok); new sleeveless fleece (ok); hoodie (ok); 1x full gloves (ok); wool hat (ok);

2x blue jeans; 1x black jeans; 1x shorts; 2x belts; sweat pants (ok);

Tilley hat (ok); 1x baseball cap (ok)

all underwear (ok); all socks (ok); 10x t-shirts (ok); 3x other short-sleeved shirts (ok); long underwear (1x) ; 5x long-sleeved shirts

pens (sharpies, etc) (ok)

gym shorts; swim suit (x2) (ok); goggles (x2) (ok); fins (ok);

bathroom stuff: electric toothbrush; toothpaste; shampoo; body soap; skin cream;

towel set, cloth bags, plastic breakfast containers; duvet; cover

SUITCASE: running shoes; 10x sox; 10x underwear; water bottle;

DUFFLE: comforter; goretex coat & hood; towels; sheets; swim fins; pull-buoys; swim gloves; theraband; yoga mat & strap; sweatpants; tanktop; Nike underwear; Tilley hat; workout towel; swim bag; plastic containers;

CARRY-ON: camera bag, 4x sox; 20x DV tapes; Nikon & batteries & charger; sunglasses & case; ipod touch; ipod nano; 6x Toshiba drives; journal case & notebook;

DAYPACK: laptop & laptop case; Buber book; gum; water bottle; 1/2-gloves; nuts;

workshop – Day 9 – eNZed

prepping the waka, Whanganui, New Zealand, December 2010

Workshop day begins: first the waka time on the river. Morning cycle down the river to the Putiki boat ramp, get there a little early, and feel the nerves as to what is possible with the workshop. There have been numerous anticipatory conversations in the last days about what I will be doing. I take a small paper with thought-notes and put it in my life-jacket pocket.

I am fighting with the impression that there is a superfluity of input for the participants — some have not been on a river or so. My dilemma becomes a question of when to jump in and alter the flow of events and protocols which accompany the waka and the enveloping and powerful Maori cultural scenario. It makes no sense to do anything other than participate. Where full participation is a position, an approach to an eventuality of contingent life-flow. I am observing the processes and vibes that are coalescing, seeing if there is a auspicious moment to intervene, but I see none. Back to participating. Enjoying it all. The newness, but also the familiarity and comfort which the Maori protocol applies to that (community-facing) unknown, and The River. more “workshop – Day 9 – eNZed”

western terminus Yampa Bench

west terminus of Yampa Bench at the Chew Ranch, Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado, May 2010

Sleep difficult, not sure why, whether simple discomfort, though the back of the truck seems very comfortable in the immediate impression, warm, soft enough, but body cannot find a comfortable position, side to side, somehow, problems. Could be that yoga hasn’t been happening in the last days. Hiking is a challenge for the body as well.

Drive up to the head of Sand Canyon, intent on doing a hike, but what looks like bad weather coming in, a heavy front across the whole west, sends me back after a short recon along the Bench Road. It seems doable as an alternative escape route, if this end is the worst, though, in wet conditions, forget it. And it totals thirty miles to Elk Springs, not just the three miles I did on recon. Almost all of it is in the red and yellow (bentonite) clay-sandstone alluvium, and this is precisely this same stuff which sits at the top of the Echo Park Road — from the 2000-foot displacement on the Mitten Park Fault, so, no real solution in heavy and widespread rain. However, this doesn’t seem the case — the rain is sporadic, fast-moving, and interspersed with bright sunshine and the roads are basically still dry after two days of ‘winter storm,’ so fretting about it is a waste of energy. Either I get out on Friday or I don’t and have to wait a few days. Plenty of water, fuel, and food, so that is no problem. The only locked-in point is the flight next Wednesday evening to Portland. But I’d still hate to miss the yurt-raising in Glade Park at Collin and Marisa’s this weekend! more “western terminus Yampa Bench”

health care

got to weigh in on health care. so sick(!) of the toxic blather going on within the US, although it might just be that it is a spent nation-state, in the throes of becoming less relevant in the world. clearly it is becoming less functional internally which eventually (already) will have an effect on external relations. morally it is tearing itself apart by those who, strangely call themselves Christian but who seem to have zero compassion and limitless zeal for defending against the stranger and killing preemptively when that stranger seems strange. period. I have some understanding of the fear of governmental authority. the media in the US has certainly inculcated so many other nation-states with the blight of the dictator and illustrated that to the US citizens, a situation that reinforces some traditional/historical fear of the government. fine. more “health care”

cabinet-making to basketball

EJ (Arch11) asks me to make some images (and
sounds) from a spectacular house he designed and is building under the third Flatiron in Boulder. the work crew are clearly high-end professionals doing very high-end work. and the location, very fine!

(00:04:05, stereo audio, 7.8 mb)

Pick up Sonya after my yoga class at the Y. she’s got basketball practice, so I sit for a bit with some of the parents.

(00:10:40, stereo audio, 20.5 mb)


the second anniversary of the accident. while doing yoga, the body muses on the possibility that the technological solution to the shattered spine will fail, catastrophically, one day when in the Warrior One Pose. rendering the body in two halves. one which does not function, and one that might.

There is no happiness for the man who does not travel. Living in the society of men, the best man becomes a sinner. For Indra is the friend of the traveler. Therefore wander! — Aitareya Brahman

so, movement beckons, re-reading Bruce Chatwin’s Songlines, and recalling the little snippets of antipodal behavior that resonate. going walkabout, as the Aboriginals do, seems to be a highly developed form of psycho-geography with a substantial spiritual element fused into the embodied core.

but two years later, I am calmly ecstatic when I am able to do a six hour bush-whack in a landscape where I recognize most of the elemental features as well as the more universal vibe of the place. to do the same in an unknown place would cause a bit of stress, but with an equal dose of thrill. to see the unknown world, absorb the sounds, colors, the people, the life. what more can one ask in this incarnation?

David and Anabela

Fragments from the inbox, WTF?

Many apologies the wrong text was sent to you, please find attached correct info.

> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 05:51:39 -0800
> From: anabelazigova@yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: friday tabu
> To: dged03@hotmail.com
> David, I prefer you think of me as of embodies person,
> yes. I think when you took photo of me I was not
> getting myself into the image, I felt intruded on me.
> I do love your descriptions of the states when you
> took picture and your phantasies about my physical
> excercise, clothes and make ups, it is closer to my
> tranvestite way of becomming embodied, and it reminds
> me of your child memory of loosing Octobriana, the
> Queen of Putch, was she?
> I am here
> — David Goldenberg wrote:
>> Dearest Anabela
>> more “David and Anabela”


self-portrait with Kathleen and Anthony, New Hope, Pennsylvania, June 1998

Kathleen sees a samurai-helmet-like aura exploding from me head while I do some yoga on the grass of her backyard next to the Delaware River, not so far from where Washington made his legendary crossing. she banishes or outlines it with a sage smudge-stick. I am aware, but feel bad later, when making a joke at dinner that this helmet is related to my desire to play Toshiro Mifune in a Kurosawa flick — the one I recall so vividly, The Hidden Fortress, I believe, where Mifune is galloping bareback, sword upraised with the two-handed hilt gripped directly and unwavering in front of his right shoulder. I am stressed about the Shaman situation. I am not able, in the time available, to unwind enough to engage the psychic energies that I have available, except. I am able to ponder that I have had a previous incarnation within the geographic confines of Scandinavia. a quick reduction tells me that, yes, indeed, I could have been a Viking. or a simple inhabitant with business to finish in the Northlands. takin’ care of business now. pacing pacing pacing that land, beginning to know it better in a distributive and global sense than the locals. strange (I say to myself). a word I use often to describe events of the external world. but it is a nice time, and Loki appreciates it all. he continues to theorize about the Lightning Woman, and the Rain Man, and the Cloud Woman from the huge bed in the bright white master suite with the balcony overlooking the river. the four of us (Anthony, Kathleen, Courtney, and I) throw him up and down in a blanket immediately before he and I get in the car to drive to Lawren’s place in Alexandria.