heading west

I-70, Glenwood Canyon, Colorado, June 2010
and suddenly time is up on the Front Range. head west on I-70 to participate in the raising the yurt. along Glenwood Canyon under stormy skies, then once out of that, on to the Grand Junction Airport to meet Collin and Marisa at their offices.

CMAI office

move over to the Bon Marche Bldg. into the CMAI office, it’s free for now, so I take over a corner of it. aside from the air conditioning which cycles between +18 and +30 C on a fifteen-minute basis, it’s quite okay. good to have a fast iMac in addition to my now-ancient pre-Intel G5 PowerBooks. they always feel dogged by the ten or so chunks of software I have open at any one time. Dreamweaver, Firefox with Zotero, iView Media Pro, Now-Up-To-Date, Thunderbird, BBEdit, Skype, OmniOutliner, iTunes, Photoshop, Acrobat, Terminal, SoundTrack, Peak, NetToolbox, Activity Monitor, and so on. work.

the long night of radio art

At the vilma offices thanks to Gediminas and Nomeda — for hosting the stream I’m sending to Steve of art@radio in Baltimore who has an elaborate studio set-up for the live streaming he’ll be doing from there to The Long Night of Radio Art that is part of the Reinventing Radio project of KunstRadio. the whole project will be broadcast on FM, shortwave, a special 5.1 digital satellite transmission, and online. (Taking a breath). Yeah, live online. Meet August on the IRC channel broadcasting from Santa Barbara.


Spending life-time, putting energy into organizing my immediate surroundings for comfort, focus, and convenience. Yet another office, arranged in one of the many military administrative buildings from the period of Russian occupation of Finland.

And what to do. Reading, cutting down the email inbox but still many texts to generate, to get out for network facilitation and future logistical planning. How to balance this with the opportunity to NOT be slammed all the time? To let go of the tendency.

doctoral meditations

weekend ending. reflecting in the office. swimming two days. more swimming pool commentary. wide 50-meter pool that is hardly ever open, and when it is, it is full of the breast-strokers. no pull-buoys to be had, at least the Russian attendant gives a good looking around, but the useful objects are locked away for the special-interest groups. so, some 50- and 100-meter sprints, just up to a kilometer is all I can force myself to do. no measure of relaxing and meditating. but at least some upper-body work-out.

conversations with Frieder are long and intense. and traverse new territories in mind. would it be possible to finish my doctorate here? hmmmm. it would seem to be an ideal place, though after the Media Lab experience in Helsinki, I am skeptical. there is the common phrase “ahead of his time” that does seem to apply to the general trend of my situations. where I attempt to do something that is against the flow of the situation. the digital media thing at the Icelandic Academy: where I had to struggle, on a salary scale that rivaled Eastern Europe, to get people to believe that the Internet was something to pay attention to, getting the school up on the web — the first Icelandic school to have a regular website. but then retreating (as I was leaving Iceland anyway), tired of trying to pull others into that vision. then the school eventually privatizes, salaries quadruple, the technical infrastructure blossoms, and a former student of mine is hired to do network-based teaching… or, applying for digital media jobs in the US, using a portfolio on a floppy disk back in 1995 or so. argh!