stalling, re-starting

The Surface Creek property, Cedaredge, Colorado, June ©2023 hopkins/neoscenes.
The Surface Creek property, Cedaredge, Colorado, June ©2023 hopkins/neoscenes.

Creative output sputters and stalls in the face of tapering life energy, with far too many menial tasks absorbing the dregs. Future creative engagement requires that I relinquish this living situation and move on, sooner than later. Sure, the maintenance, ordering, and re-wilding process may be understood as creative in a wide, cosmological sense: a performative action affecting the state of the macrocosm. The amount of time siphoned off into property upkeep, along with the demands of the ‘regular’ j-o-b has precipitated a high level of social isolation—something that I’m not used to, and something that’s not good. Driving the maintenance desperation is an acute and currently unavoidable fear-of-the-future. Sheesh. The ratio of my embodied energy level to the overall entropy of the situation is in the negative orders-of-magnitude level.

e::E(s) ≥ 10-5

With no capital to exploit in this terminally oligarchic nation, aside from whatever I can physically manipulate.

There is a limit to what I can do to ‘catch up’ on years of zero wealth accumulation in the stead of transnational creative engagement (aka, bottom-feeding). Options are limited, but success depends more on the vitality of will—closely allied with physical stamina these days—along a simple fearlessness to make it happen. Fear is so diffuse—and previously not a factor—that surely it can be overcome (again) with focused human engagement.

Plans are developing. The first is leaving full-time work-for-pay despite compromising long-term viability. The second is to liquidate the property. Optimizing it for resale will require maybe six dedicated months, maximum, before moving on. The real estate market will be in better stead next year, barring civil conflict or another irruption of the Gaian system. Expatriation now the first choice. The extremities of Babylon’s current incarnation—hardly imagined by even the most cynical internal critic, well-known to those looking on from the outside—are a grinding black hole.

I arrived at this working/living situation having prioritized human connection over a stable and lucrative career (in the extractives industry where I started, or elsewhere). Unlike a lot of folks who follow a specific, planned trajectory, honing their talents in a particular field, gaining seniority and capital, I bounced around. Partly to maintain face-to-face contact with a widely dispersed human network, but also to sustain a flexibility that allowed for spontaneous participation in particular creative situations appearing along the way. Some, once trusted, have decided to label that as opportunism. I’ll deal with that hurtful critique in another posting. My general trajectory, though, despite that label, in other ways, was a mistake even with the rich array of participatory experiences it brought me into. Prioritizing stability, the known, the familiar rhythms of regular and predictable employment (and cash flow), ensuring (insuring!) future viability: this is the leitmotif of survival in the capitalist system, the rewards for a reliable prole. I prioritized change, instability, serendipity, spontaneity, and am paying the price of that. The time value of the abstracted instrument of social viability—money—requires long-term dependence and living-for-the-future. Well, the future has arrived: viability and life is emphatically transitory, there’s only one go-round. As Richard Pryor extolled: “I don’t give a FUCK!”

And what of Art? and Creativity?

It all started a 17th of January, one million years ago.
a man took a dry sponge and dropped it into a bucket full of water.
who that man was is not important.
he is dead, but art is alive.
I mean, let’s keep names out of this.
as I was saying, at about 10 o’clock, a 17th of January. one million
years ago, a man sat alone by the side of a running stream.
he thought to himself :
where do streams run to, and why?
meaning why do they run.
or why do they run where they run.
that sort of thing.
personally, once I observed a baker at work.
then a blacksmith and a shoemaker.
at work.
and I noticed that the use of water was essential to their work.
but perhaps what I have noticed is not important.
normal voice:
anyway the 17th goes into the 18th
then the 19th then the 20th
the 21st the 22d the 23d the 24th the 25th the 26th the 27th
the 28th the 29th the 30th the
of January.
thus time goes by.

Robert Filliou‘s Whispered Art History (excerpt)

[ED: a decidedly gendered, old-school statement from a Fluxus founder … there are contemporary, open, and ongoing events that arose around this text, establishing 17 January as Art’s Birthday. I used to participate, but haven’t lately. The last major Fluxus-related happening was Fluxus Akademie discussion/lunch at Mary‘s in Rösrath in 2013. And in the incommunicado haze of the past few months, I discover Mary’s gone, back in March. Yet another remembrance to craft, reminding: no time to lose.]

Calmness accompanies the whole. Fear accompanies the part. Intuition goes beyond the figure-ground focus of conscious perception.

Prather, Hugh. Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1990.

Mary Bauermeister 1934 – 2023


Incommunicado, distracted this whole calendar year by exhausting j-o-b tasks, along with endless, heavy, slow physical labor on the property, I completely missed Mary‘s passing in March. Her NYT obit gives some sense of her powerful creative trajectory and persona as an artist and a convener of artists.

In Mary's studio, Forsbach, Germany, June ©2013, hopkins/neoscenes.
In Mary’s studio, Forsbach, Germany, June ©2013, hopkins/neoscenes.

Volker had told me late last year she was declining from cancer and that Simon had moved into the Forsbach house to look after her. But it was too much for him, and she was subsequently moved to a care facility. I had planned to spend some time with her back in March 2020 during my Covid-aborted Germany trip, and now, she’s gone. The last time then, were the days spent in 2013 at Forsbach, the highLight being the day-long Fluxus Akademie meeting that she convened, inviting me along with a number of German academics and artists in her orbit. Her energy was astounding: just shy of 80 y.o., she raced around the house preparing for both the meeting and in the kitchen, a sumptuous luncheon. Helping her as best I could, I almost had a heart attack myself when, at one point, as she ran back and forth from the kitchen to the meeting space, she tripped and fell up the stone steps between the rooms. Showing no injury, she brushed herself off and kept going at high-bustle speed: the indomitable dynamo that she was her entire life! “I provide” as she says below.

We first met in Aachen at the Avantiere* exhibition in 1990 that HaWeBe (Hans Werner Berretz) organized at the Aula Carolina. Mary had a sculptural installation “Zeit”; my installation was “der Apkalyptische Traum” that was wrapped around the massive stone columns of the ancient hall.

I was the oldest daughter. I had an older brother whom I loved very much and four younger sisters. So I was then the provider of the family. I always had to, that is, I wanted to. I thought that was wonderful. I actually provided very early on. Later my children almost resented me for that, because my love is always in providing. I am a human being. If someone tells me you don’t love me, don’t hug me, I provide, I like to provide for people, and my kind of love has to do with providing, not necessarily with cuddling and hugging. That I had to do without that for too long in my life. In order to take that importantly now, I then also learned to put away nicely ascetically. As a child, I saw colors around every object, moving colors. One would call that today aura, above all around living things, but also around stones. Stones were not dead for me. — Mary Bauermeister
"Zeit", mixed media, Mary Bauermeister, Avantiere exhibition, Aachen, Germany, March ©1990 hokins/neoscenes.
“Zeit”, mixed media, Mary Bauermeister, Avantiere exhibition, Aachen, Germany, March ©1990 hopkins/neoscenes.

That’s also where I first connected with Simon Stockhausen, her son. He performed a long improve electronica piece—an hommage to the works in the show—as his then girlfriend, Tina, pulled his synth rig around the space. I unfortunately hadn’t any access to a decent recording device at that juncture, having hopped down to Germany from Reykjavík just a few months after moving there from the US, footloose.

Simon Stockhausen, prepping, Avantiere exhibition, Aachen, Germany, March ©1990 hopkins/neoscenes.
Simon Stockhausen, prepping, Avantiere exhibition, Aachen, Germany, March ©1990 hopkins/neoscenes.

Over the times we crossed paths, I never did a portrait of Mary, it seemed too trivial a gesture in the face of her powerful life-energy (there’s her hearty laughter in my ear!), instead I shot a lot of interiors at her unique house (designed by Erich Schneider-Wessling) there in Rösrath which was, essentially, a working museum. Among countless other objets d’art, stones, crystals, and musical instruments was a set of absolutely huge Tibetan singing bowls. They amplified and resonated with her fundamental life-energy. The garden was also the site of numerous permanent installations including the largest singly terminated quartz crystal I’ve ever had the opportunity to hang around.

in Mary's living room, Forsbach, Germany, June ©2013 hopkins/neoscenes.
in Mary’s living room, Forsbach, Germany, June ©2013 hopkins/neoscenes.

Thank you, Mary, for so freely sharing your prodigious creative energies with so many of us, and thank you for providing.

* Hans Werner introduces Mary and the rest of us starting around 00:15:30 in the video following a long introduction by a critic whose name I can’t recall. I shot this on a borrowed VHS machine that Léo managed to snag from his office. Ancient history!

to be mindful of modalities

exploring modalities of communication. of connection, of be-ing. Kittler shows up on the radar immediately (hmmm, recalling that extremely uncomfortable evening with him in that bar in Linz before the Intertwinedness happening. he needed the table to circulate around him. and it did because of the language (protocol) gap. I was not fluent in German enough to access the discussion that inevitably circulated, hovered, around him. strange situation. instead I talked with his assistant (and translator whose name I have now forgotten), a young American who came to worship Kittler in Berlin for a time. I left early as I had to catch a train to Copenhagen early the next morning.)

how to bind energy in to the text [as the particular creative output]. to be released in TIME. to the proper receiver.

that from an earlier travelogue entry. it clearly has been on mind for a long time. actually the transition from print-making to performance/happening was a mapping of that need. finding that the silver print was just too rigid a platform when compared to presence. although the print is, as with anything, in retrospect, a resonance of presence and be-ing as is any trace left in the wake of life.
more “to be mindful of modalities”

arts birthday tomorrow

This year I didn’t manage to jump into the fray with a live stream, but many other folks did — the party has already started in some places, you can browse the schedule of events here… and at ORF Kunstradio

“Art’s Birthday” is an annual event first proposed in 1963 by French artist Robert Filliou.

He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no art. But one day, on the 17th of January to be precise, Art was born. According to Filliou, it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water. Modest beginnings, but look at us now.

Filliou proposed a public holiday to celebrate the presence of art in our lives. In recent years, the idea has been taken up by a loose network of artists and friends around the world. Each year the Eternal Network evolves to include new partners – working with the ideas of exchange and telecommunications-art.

After Filliou’s death in 1987, some artists began to celebrate Art’s Birthday with mail art, fax and slow scan TV events in the spirit of his concept of “The Eternal Network” or “La Fête permanente”. The birthday parties took place in different cities across the world and artists were asked to bring birthday presents for Art — works that could be shared over the network.

Art’s Birthday Party has never been a formal event, but was always organized on an ad hoc basis through the network. Every participating location (and they are different every year) organizes its own party — from a few friends in a private studio to a performance evening in a museum or gallery. Filliou’s invention of Art’s Birthday is wonderfully absurd and humorous in the typical Fluxus tradition of serious fun. So the global birthday party for art has always tried to be fun while paying homage to Robert Filliou’s dream of The Eternal Network. — Robert Adrian

ruud janssen

old mail-art node Ruud Janssen has recently published a series of five books featuring interviews with well-known artists in the field of Fluxus and Mail-Art.

The interviews were conducted by Ruud and were part of an independent project where he integrated many different communication forms/channels as part of the process of the interviews: personal visits, letters, faxes, telephone calls, and e-mails. The results are now available in these self-published books. See for details and ordering information.

Ruud’s webspace :
Ruud’s blog :
Mail-Art Projects blog :

coming up!

neoscenes cranks up the sonic streaming for the global 2008 art’s birthday party with friends in Austria, Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, the Czech Republic, and elsewhere.

Thursday, 17 January 2008, live web-mix — this audio stream will be a sonic redux from the archive of various birthday parties recorded during the last year as well as the travel necessary to get to them.

1800-1900 (GMT) London
10:00-11:00 PM PST (GMT-8) Los Angeles
1:00 – 2:00 PM EST (GMT-5) New York
2000-2100 CET (GMT+2) Helsinki
Friday 0500-0600 (GMT+11) Sydney

–> tune to the live stream — rtsp://

ART’s BIRTHDAY is an annual event first proposed on January 17th 1963 by French Fluxus artist Robert Filliou. He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago “A man took a dry sponge and dropped it into a bucket full of water. Who that man was is not important. He is dead but art is alive.” Filliou’s ideas have inspired many artists until today.

After Filliou’s death in 1987, some artists began to celebrate Art’s Birthday with mail art, fax and slow scan TV events in the spirit of his concept of “The Eternal Network” or “La Fête permanente”. The birthday parties took place in different cities across the world and artists were asked to bring birthday presents for Art — works that could be shared over the network.

Art’s Birthday Party has never been a formal event, but was always organized on an ad hoc basis through the network. Every participating location (and they are different every year) organizes its own party — from a few friends in a private studio to a performance evening in a museum or gallery. Filliou’s invention of Art’s Birthday is wonderfully absurd and humorous in the typical Fluxus tradition of serious fun. So the global birthday party for art has always tried to be fun while paying homage to Robert Filliou’s dream of The Eternal Network. — Robert Adrian, 2005

waiting for T-Com

waiting for Deutsche Telekom is not unlike waiting for Godot. there is a tacit sense of inevitable loss and failure. of lack and dis-communications. or a return just at the singular moment when one has to run to the toilet, to the post, or just to the garden house to fetch a tool or to bring a case of empties onto the terrace. the T-Kom guy is waiting down the block with a pair of binoculars and a high-sensitivity microphone to catch these moments, whereupon he runs to the door, knocks Lightly, and runs back to his truck, driving off in a fury of absence, already composing in mind the scenario to type into his PDA. nobody home, case closed. ISDN? DSL? T-Online? Festnetz? upload? download? surfen? HotSpot Standorten? fahgettit. case closed. wait until next week. or so.

yeah, it’s frustrating, participating in this techno-social system when it doesn’t work. when it does, the frustration in sublimated by the satisfaction of social functioning.

a trip to the T-Com office in Kiel ends up not really helping, the pretty girl behind the counter only knows the scripts that she is taught and how to keep her shirt slightly unbuttoned so that her lacy black bra shows. so, no real problem-solving can be accomplished — on the contrary, she adds another layer of problems by issuing a modem which is incompatible with the data speeds of the service that Christian has ordered. crazy. and the way the corporation makes the usual stupid move of constructing a proprietary face/interface on the network. to cover the complexity with a non-functional layer of bullshit. more than annoying. and the worst is the propaganda of the advertising showing ubiquitously grinning models who clearly are not real people.

what else is new? another book Noise Media Language about (fluxus) (sound) (artist) Yasunao Tone put out by errant bodies — looks real interesting.

Circus: Reflections on Presence and Dialogue as a basis for Open Process Practice

three days done of the stimulating CIRCUS meetings. and the last gasps of net.culture class for this year. and about to head to Joensuu, another adventure in teaching in another place. after the short visit last fall, I am wondering what will happen now. that it is spring, or, even, summer, will make concentration on the situation difficult for the students.

the talk/discussion:

(stereo audio, 126.8 mb)

it was a shaky debacle leading to an interesting discussion both at the time and in the ensuing duration of the Helsinki CIRCUS meeting.

my notes for the talk: more “Circus: Reflections on Presence and Dialogue as a basis for Open Process Practice”

tech-no-madic meditations

On the road again / Going places I’ve never been / Seein’ things I may never see again / I can’t wait to get on the road again… — Willie Nelson

This unfinished sketch of text, expelled in November 2000, is a small surfacing of themes, presences, and fragments from a realm of hyper-presence and the author’s self-proclaimed tech-no-madic wanderings in the northern hemisphere at the end of one millennium and the beginning of another. Performance art enters the field of words as an action to be redefined as following:

Beginning with art
Art is an accumulation of ways of going and ways of doing. Art is the configuring of energy flows in a lot more than ten thousand ways in order that they become part of a transmitting dance, a dialectic movement of energy between beings. Those configurations are mediations positioned between two beings: they are carriers of energy from one to an Other and back again. The movement of these mediated or packaged energies is the essence of creativity. Creativity is not a peak experience, it is continuous and powerfully cyclic. Blocking energies is anti-creative and ultimately a blocked state may not be maintained when confronting the natural movement and flow of energy. Blocks appear to be placed by a manifestation of consciousness which disregards (or has learned to disregard) ambient and raw chaotic energy movements.

Leaving Newton behind
There is no reason for us to slog through a life that is subjected to materialistic 17th century attitudes and mechanistic points-of-view. Mechanistic (Newtonian) physics is an observational model, complete and self-contained under very limited conditions. Its applied pinnacle is the Age of Industry. That age represents the peak of exploitative systemization and ideation of rational thought. more “tech-no-madic meditations”


encroaching. departures AGAIN. pictures of what I want to have and to be and how I want to live are converging, but in a ass-backwards way. looking out this eighth-floor window for one of the last mornings, becoming homeless, encore. a yellow tinge floating low over the chilled city, frosted nitrogen-laden air. the Ferris-wheel of the Tivoli has been lit for the season (of darkness). and I can’t stop thinking about her. sham, chamois morning meeting with Timo, covering some interesting possibilities about the graduate program. actually specifics of co-constructing a set of possibilities leading to the idea of the concept of publication of hypertext mappings of the intersection of logical/Western and fluxus/Eastern pathways. yowzah! I’m into it! while he waits for a phone call from his wife who is imminently expecting their child. whew. nothing like phone calls with that reality jolt. but I greatly enjoy these mappings, and see that I am in need of mental exercises that go beyond teaching young potential artists. need to sharpen and challenge my faculties. like at the ~/Connected meeting two weeks ago, I realized I was slacking. although it was not difficult to rise to the challenge of consequent intellectuality, it was a stretch to project those kinds of energies which contain an entire different set of constraints. (for example, my penchant for exaggeration — a good dramatic tool in the classroom, where I can project it and draw it back, and in the process, draw students along into the details of an argument — in a more challenging setting, it can be a serious handicap that drains creditability from an argument. my only excuse is passion. I am a passionate person. or a person of passions. for others, in all manifestations. hmmmm.


A borderline migraine; a long walk up to the microwave tower/restaurant. wandering up hill. and musing on the nature of far-seeing. if matter in the world is related to our perceptions/observations of it, what is the change of conditions that appears around us? progress. (mere imaginings?) illusions. Illusory seductions?

And the appearance of Others! Perturbations in the local energy field. The Other is in the image of god. God is Presence. I only wish I could write about this (or do something about this). It seems so unclear. and. uncertain. along with the vicissitudes of living that over/under-lie the teaching.

A heavier and more consequent praxis would raise my profile. And particular anti-social meanings. Leave not so much in their wake. Sitting here in the Bakeri/Café in Møllenburg. Mill Rock (where grain was prepared. on the Thresh-Kjeld. And so that goes. Hoping that caffeine will drive a migraine away. and hoping that I can find some answers by wandering. But I don’t think that it will be so. slacking won’t keep mind on a force-full track.

(I distract myself with news. (radio-freak, I have called myself).)

Audio is disturbances in the local flux of energies. dynamic. movement. fluxus.

And the I Ching. Book of Changes.

What am I doing that will change? Building up a certain Karma. and then it will fall away to the opposite? or can I dynamically balance things. Thinking now so much of the future. And how it might come down. To another way of going. and being. Knowing that Sanna is much more that just a shelter in a storm. And seeing this one-or-other way coming. Losing/giving up on her to regain Loki. (neither will do). because I won’t be there for either. and then what?

Iteration One: Research Plan for Doctoral Studies at UIAH/TAIK


It is first pertinent to precede the research plan with a brief overview of my rather eclectic background.

My own relationship with technology was deeply influenced by my father who worked in various capacities for the US government and MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory as a telecommunications expert, operations analyst, and engineer. It received a firm grounding during a rigorous applied education in Geophysical Engineering with a specialization in Potential Fields Methods (Time-Domain Electromagnetics, Gravity, and Magnetics) at the top school in the world for that particular specialty. An unsatisfactory career as an international explorationist for a multinational oil company ended with my decision to pursue photography, a long-time personal avocation. After becoming a Master Printer (in black&white photography) in NYC and working in several professional photographic positions there, I returned to school and studied, notably, with the experimental film-maker Stan Brakhage. It was during these studies, concluding with an MFA in Photography/Video/Film that I began teaching and spending a significant amount of time in Europe, where I was frequently exhibiting my photographic work in Germany and France. I subsequently relocated to Reykjavík, Iceland where I started up a modest Photography and New Media program for students at the Icelandic College of Art. Since 1995 I have been working as a nomadic artist and free-lance educator teaching a range of workshops in 12 countries that orbit around the issues of networked computing, technology, creativity, dialogue, and personal activism. more “Iteration One: Research Plan for Doctoral Studies at UIAH/TAIK”

ultimate performance

Up at 0800. I wake even earlier, but stay in bed relishing the lack of movement and the quiet. Volker comes back for breakfast, and begins to make some calls to see what is to be recovered for the evening performance/lecture. It is possible that there may be some few people there, so I will do what I have to do. Which is, let’s see. We stop by at the beautiful restored farmhouse of Rolf Hinterecker (the Director of the Ultimate Akademie) for a chat and then head back home where I simply collected my concentration for the performance.

Performance/Lecture at the Ultimate Akademie Köln: This event was a challenge for me from the moment I scheduled it when passing through Köln back in early April 1996. Normally I would rather do a formal and structured lecture at the schools I visit. I knew this would not be the way to go at the Ultimate — with its close association with the Fluxus movement — I knew that it was an opportunity to try something that would possibly be scandalous at a ‘normal’ school … I knew, for myself, it was a challenge, it had to be a challenge. The primary problem internally was to completely remove myself from any pre-tension that might arise by attempting a performance that did not emanate direct from my internal energies. Pretension is a form of energy that, for me, has a significant negative resonance. I think it is one reason I have never enjoyed theater very much with the enormous pretension within the actors who have to Act. I would like to do three or four things this evening. 1) Cut and eat an apple 2) Name the Places I have been since leaving Iceland on the 22nd of June, 1995, the Summer Solstice, and name the people whom I have been with 3) As I am a traveler, I am a carrier of information and stories from place to place, I would like to find out about you, hear your stories that I might carry them on the the next destination. To name some of the attendees: Pietro, Hans-Jürg Tauchert, “couple of names of couples for a couple of talking travelers relaxing,” Detlef Brezel, Mimi Flick, Skulli, Rolf Hinterecker, Volker Hamann, Paul Virilio, in kind …

Volker and I laugh that in the middle of the performance, Rolf, in an increasingly agitated state suddenly asks “when are we?” as I am reciting three hours of people and places in order of the year’s movement. Without breaking my stride, I say “October,” and continue on for a couple more hours as the space darkens in the twiLight.

ultimate art

These past two days are spent writing at Volker’s place, and a few expeditions out. Volker is in the midst of preparing two exhibitions and one performance all coming up in the next two weeks, so he is rather busy.

DIE WAHRHEIT ALLES LÜGE Irgendwas + klein. Auftritt hoffentl. V. Hamann m. Unterstützg. v. HmHmHm + Sittich-Trill, u.U. zu danken e. Freire. 19.April 20.00 bis irgenw. im Mai, Term. auch n.V. Ultimate Akademie, Mozartstr. 60, 50674 Köln, Fon+Fax 0221-238585

Last night we visited with the photographic artist, Michael Wittassek, who just closed an exhibition at the Ultimate Akademie Köln*. I was impressed with his work, his working method, and his ideas. His approach to photography is holistic and novel, and at the same time,the work exhibits a rare and penetrating sense of humor. His photographic installations are tragic, tactile, and penetrating.

*I’ll be doing a performance/lecture at the Ultimate Akademie Köln in late May on my way back to London from the North. The Akademie was started by Fluxus pioneer Al Hansen who died last year.