cryptic and incomplete 2016 review
I think 2016 started with the thought that it couldn’t be more challenging than 2015. If change is a challenge, 2016 definitely was that.
It started out slowly, ensconced in the modest house I bought in Prescott in 2014 that contained my full art-media-production studio and archive in Prescott, Arizona. As the art-scene in Prescott consists mostly of bronze cowboys, turquoise-and-silver jewelry, and paintings of blue-eyed Indian children, my work had to be virtual and remote: Patrick of framework:afield invites a piece for his internationally syndicated weekly program on field recording; Arts Birthday; AudioBlast; Reveil 2016; continuing contributions to aporee::maps; and, later, Radiophrenia (Glasgow). Portrait work continues but I haven’t really put any new landscape images online for awhile.
One local exception came when Tom, the director of the Natural History Institute invited me to do a public lecture and workshop on ‘acoustic ecology’ titled “A Natural History of Sound” in March.
April saw something of a (Plotner) family conclave for Al’s interment at the Antelope Hills cemetery. I was the sole representative from the Hopkins/MacKenzie side of the family. Good to see those folks again, might be awhile before the next family-type conclave.
I spent significant time the past couple years on a conceptual re-development of the Ecosa Institute‘s ‘regenerative design’ curriculum with a small group of folks along with volunteer work at the nascent Milagro Art Center. more “cryptic and incomplete 2016 review”
family portrait on Nancy’s birthday
the 2016 Art’s Birthday stream
Went live/online a bit before noon (GMT-7), with a few folks hanging out — I had suggested it as an event for the Milagro Art Center — with an accompanying talk on Fluxus, but for some reason it wasn’t compelling enough for them. The IRC channel was quiet except for a few pings from naisa — probably more evidence how ‘social media’ has sucked the oxygen from online conversations (speaking as a FB non-participant). Twitter hosted some activity.
The stream was an improv mix from more than 400 files on a ten-track mix* quasi-organized with random/blind files mixed in. Listen to the archive broadcast in its entirety:
(02:06:17, stereo audio, 303.1 mb)
* the improv mix refers to balance and volume on each of the ten tracks being selectively altered during the performance. All of the hundreds of files were unmanipulated field recordings from my personal archive.
Art’s Birthday stream :: 16 January 2016 :: stay tuned
Once again, hopkins/neoscenes — joining the party, walking the plank, perturbing the ‘net — will delve deep into the archive to bring a signature improv sonic streaming mix to the Eternal Network, celebrating 2016 Art’s Birthday, the 1,000,052nd. The stream, in fond memory of network friend Robert Adrian X, will originate from the neoscenes studio high in the Arizona desert mountains between 12:00-14:00 (GMT-7) 16 January.
Stay tuned here for up-to-date information on catching the live improv stream. Mark the time — (you can go to World Time Buddy to calculate other time zones). If you are in the Prescott, AZ area, you can attend the performance live @ my place — but please RSVP before-hand, there’s very limited space!
Phoenix – Saturday, 16 January 2016 12:00 noon – 2:00 PM GMT-7 (MST)
New York – 2:00-4:00 PM GMT-5 (EST)
London – 19:00-21:00 (GMT)
Helsinki – 2100-2300 GMT+2 (EEST)
Sydney 6:00-8:00 AM Sunday, 17 January GMT+10 (AEDT)
Auckland 8:00-10:00 AM Sunday, 17 January GMT+12 (NZDT).
Sonic stream address: https://locus.creacast.com:9001/neoscenes.m3u (this URL is only live during the scheduled performance times, starting 30 minutes before). You can copy/paste the address into iTunes (use ‘File’ menu – ‘Open Stream’ option), or other mp3 players once it’s live. Headphones recommended to capture the ethereal density of the stream!
I’ll also be on IRC chat.freenode.net #artsbirthday along with some of the other international participants — it’s possible to connect through a browser-based connection at: https://webchat.freenode.net/
The stream is over, but you can listen to the archive broadcast in its entirety:
(02:06:17, stereo audio, 303.1 mb)
from the spamological cosmos
[interview][green][value][south][boyfriend][while][repeat][guidance][earth][debate][copy][secretary][alert][student][career][contribution][supermarket][goal][bird][general][match][room][purpose][presence][individual][pipe][September][funeral][relation][ordinary][background][gather][homework][mouth][bank][final][can][sent][passage][adult][mountain][economics][nu][freedom][message][recommendation][illegal][burn][pizza][hunt][weakness][initiative][enthusiasm][mission][mouse][pass][pen][respect][method][change][decision][signature][dump][quality][message][sex][exchange][junior][sense][mixture][chair][wall][vacation][might][forum][show][bottom][scheme][meeting][fish][status][influence][girl][pollution][high][master][schedule][February][script][response][throat][month][top][member][salt][appeal][bicycle][team][crash][distance][advertising][worker][native][light][conclusion][yahoo][game][bridge][store][floor][accident][event][estate][whereas][order][suspect][fishing][cancel][dinner][purchase][rain][radio][proposal][advantage][trick][bill][suck][black][strategy][common][product][few][long][loss][equipment][fight][design][calendar][dependent][picture][host][grab][save][bonus][gas][view][research][diamond][bug][potato][whole][wine][upper][border][swing][length][courage][debt][poet][battle][concert][past][start][pound][cable][chart][error][put][pull][iron][heart][education][combination][manner][company][layer][population][phone][airline][agent][pour][luck][official][chance][work][satisfaction][platform][desire][lack][opposite][finance][return][bone][joke][recommended][classic][employer][establishment][evening][risk][story][help][catch][juice][reply][rub][finding] more “from the spamological cosmos”
that day
Small memories of those ancient times. Vague memories fortified by family lore. I was at a neighbor’s house in South Acton, Massachusetts at a playmate’s afternoon birthday party as a five-year-old. The party was cut short when the news propagated across the nation. The gravity and horror of the event was evinced in the level of emotion apparent in the adults: upon returning home I came running into our split-level suburban house with the alarming report that “President Lincoln’s been shot! President Lincoln’s been shot!”
. . . when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
(from Romeo and Juliet, a quote given to Robert F. Kennedy by Jackie and later recited at the 1964 Democratic Party Convention by Robert as the introduction to his speech about his brother’s vision.)
Axel’s birthday party
portrait, Axel and his MG
Sunday, 03 March, 1963
Finished report to ELE.
1/2 OC
Went to church at 11 AM in the Memorial Chapel. The sermon was on “Time to Triumph” by the minister, Mr. Daughtry. Shortly afterwards, as I was strolling back to the BOQ, Aubrey Stinnett caught up with me and invited me over for dinner. I had a most pleasant afternoon and then after two hours back writing in my room, went with them to see the neighboring home of the Scotts where a birthday party was going on. Ice cream was made with a hand-operated stirrer. Spare ribs, baked beans, and salad made a delicious dinner. Aubrey and I took some time out to take some sunset pictures. We left early, and returned to their trailer to see two of their slide films w/ the records — “Japan,” and another “On The Pacific Shore.” I think I’ll get them — $4 + postage/month.
song for Wendy’s birthday
I responded to Suzon Fuks’ invitation to join a waterwheel performance this week – Wednesday, 22 August, between 1800 – 2000 MST (time converter here) — the detailed info on the performance as well as the gateway for joining in online is here. As I haven’t had much time to prep and to explore the potentials of the platform, I’m doing a relatively simple improv remix titled “Crossing the Yampa” with video material from Echo Park in Dinosaur National Monument, along tributaries of the Yampa and Green Rivers. Looking up, looking down, looking all around, listening, receiving the immersive flows, it’s about water and the life it supports.
Suzon set up waterwheel as a live/online collaborative performance space:
Exploring water — as a topic and metaphor — Waterwheel is an interactive, collaborative platform for sharing media and ideas, performance and presentation.
Waterwheel investigates and celebrates this constant yet volatile global resource, fundamental element, environmental issue, political dilemma, universal theme and symbol of life. It encourages you to explore and discover, share and collaborate, contribute and participate.
Waterwheel calls on everyone — performers and artists, scientists and environmentalists, students and academics, you and me, anyone and anywhere — to test the water, dive in, make a splash and start a wave. It provides a platform and forum for experience and exchange, expression and experimentation.
Waterwheel draws together different people, practices, places, media and modes of expression. There are no borders or boundaries. Waterwheel flows along its natural course.
Sunday, 15 July, 1962
Took family to SS & church. Dr. Longley, a retired Presbyterian minister from Pennsylvania, spoke; he had a fine sermon.
Spoke for a few minutes with Al MacK re: the handling of the Mayflower pulpit operation this evening. He will take it tonight.
DCH celebrated his 16th birthday this afternoon; I gave him the silver belt buckle & tie clips I brought back from Tokyo. Now he can learn to drive.
Told DCH that we will let him use the ’51 Willys contingent upon him getting on & staying on the honor roll; he has to buy the gas, we will pay the insurance the first year.
Saturday, 12 May, 1962
Dug up four dogwood with Ben’s help — and a beech to take home. Left about 11 AM; made one stop at a used car lot near Poughkeepsie where I picked up a windshield wiper motor for the Ford.
Arrived home at 7:30 PM; Janet’s birthday party was going on, with her friends from her SS class.
Planted the 4 dogwood, but they look like they won’t make it.
group portrait, Amy’s birthday party
Amy’s birthday
Cesária Évora 1941 – 2011
Descanse em paz. We shared the same birthday…
Sunday, 12 November, 1961
Clear, cool
Took children to SS & church. HJO’s sermon was about his 25 years at Park Street; he pointed to the better things about Boston as well as its evident seamier side; the progress of the church measuring all things by what the Word of God says.
We had a birthday party for Susan Yuknis — having the Vetterleins over also. It was very pleasant.
LCH with JCH stayed in Somerville overnight.
Friday, 10 November, 1961
Clear, cold
We celebrated John MacKenzie’s 90th birthday with a dinner party at our house. Al, Edith Mary, and May were here, and we had a most pleasant time. John is in good health and fine spirits.
Saturday, 15 July, 1961
Worked all day on car wiring it for the trailer.
Tuned a few more piano notes in the evening. It looks as if I’ll have to readjust every bass and tenor key in addition to regulating the whole action. This will have to be done again when the key dip is adjusted.
DCH birthday — Mrs. Rhodes took he & David to Lowell to see Ben Hur; DCH arrived home at 0145 AM.
Sunday, 19 February, 1961
Took family to church & SS. JAH helped stage a birthday party for her teacher. She also won a dollar for memorizing all her Bible verses for the year; 3 others did it.
DCH brought home a barrel of soiled dishes to wash for the troop
Dense fog on the way to church, but clear, sunny & 50°F later.
The bass section piano action hammers do not hit the strings; did some adjusting.
setting out
If you look for the truth outside yourself,
It gets farther and farther away.
Today walking alone, I meet it everywhere I step.
It is the same as me, yet I am not it.
Only if you understand it in this way
Will you merge with the way things are.
— Tung-Shan
Loss, and the new. Preparing for the forward-fall to engage the conditions that hydrocarbon burning precipitates: back on the road, hydrocarbon flaring, with a slow drive down to Carizzo Plains via the “Petroleum Highway.” Along which are the still-operational fields of California’s early oil boom. Drive by the Kettleman Dome area, a structure that I examined as my first exploration review at Unocal back in 1982. I had to gather all alternative methods data, produce some maps and structural interpretations, and an exploration strategy that correlated seismic and well-log data sets.
Tracking the San Andreas Fault. The knife-through-birthday-cake-icing scar that runs from the here to the there of California. Rupture zone riding. Making images and writing. The usual. Or the unusual. Beginning or Ending.
This after the Solstice lunar eclipse last deep night which hung in a cleared sky slowly transforming eye-socket receivers into Light-cups, catching a burnt sienna flux from every sun-rise-and-set on the limb of the planet, at the moment. Very fine. And gone for this life’s time. On Earth as it is in Heaven.
On this movement, at this time, cars fill Interstate-5 everywhere, all the time. The pavement is uneven and shattered in some places from the heaviness of the truck traffic as well as the bankrupt state of the state of the Union. wads of toilet paper fill the grass at the scenic overlook like albino poppies. Later, I leave the interstate for less travelled roads, much less travelled, I see very few cars at all. But then there are oil pumps and pipes.
anarchic food – Day 5 – eNZed
There’s quite some stress around the catering for the symposium as the person who was to do it had a terrible family trauma arise in England. There will be around 50-75 people coming from around New Zealand along with a few foreign presenters, and the food requirements are vegetarian, vegan, lacto-ovo, etc, etc … complex on limited resources …
Turns out that Gregers though, was the cook and manager of that anarchist vegetarian dining room near Bjorn’s house in North Copenhagen — I’d even eaten there a couple times when visiting Bjorn — so between Gregers and Jonah from the local community, along with volunteers, things will come together. It’s a challenge!
Oh yeah, and it’s Gregers’ birthday dinner in the evening. I work on a big fruit salad, and get the opportunity to introduce Freya to pomegranate seeds.
happy birthday
Happy Birthday, John, you are missed now as much as you were 29 years ago…
Chris’ birthday
arts birthday tomorrow
This year I didn’t manage to jump into the fray with a live stream, but many other folks did — the party has already started in some places, you can browse the schedule of events here… and at ORF Kunstradio
“Art’s Birthday” is an annual event first proposed in 1963 by French artist Robert Filliou.
He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no art. But one day, on the 17th of January to be precise, Art was born. According to Filliou, it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water. Modest beginnings, but look at us now.
Filliou proposed a public holiday to celebrate the presence of art in our lives. In recent years, the idea has been taken up by a loose network of artists and friends around the world. Each year the Eternal Network evolves to include new partners – working with the ideas of exchange and telecommunications-art.
After Filliou’s death in 1987, some artists began to celebrate Art’s Birthday with mail art, fax and slow scan TV events in the spirit of his concept of “The Eternal Network” or “La Fête permanente”. The birthday parties took place in different cities across the world and artists were asked to bring birthday presents for Art — works that could be shared over the network.
Art’s Birthday Party has never been a formal event, but was always organized on an ad hoc basis through the network. Every participating location (and they are different every year) organizes its own party — from a few friends in a private studio to a performance evening in a museum or gallery. Filliou’s invention of Art’s Birthday is wonderfully absurd and humorous in the typical Fluxus tradition of serious fun. So the global birthday party for art has always tried to be fun while paying homage to Robert Filliou’s dream of The Eternal Network. — Robert Adrian
Happy Birthday Alaska
A quick note on the 50th anniversary of the vote by the US Congress and signing by the then-president, Ike Eisenhower, that made Alaska, the 49th state of the current union of Amurikan states. This is some footage my father shot six weeks before I was born, 30 June 1958, and right after the territorial government passed a bill in the legislature approving the statehood process. The day before my arrival, the people of the Alaska territory confirmed their desire by referendum to become the 49th state on 26 August 1958. The US Congress subsequently passed a statehood bill on 03 January 1959.
happy x 2
well, two in one. it’s Rod‘s birthday today and, it’s Madeleine Karolin Dworak’s birth day today at 00:40 AM as well. welcome dear sweet gal to this incarnation! everybody’s doing fine, at least SMS tells so — 54 cm, 4200 gm. here’s a pic of Madeleine with big brother Fritz.
the last week
The IFKiK seminar ends in two side-steps which confirm the un-sustainability of that particular track of teaching—the holding to a(ny) model. It is a direct outcome of facilitating that the participants actually mutiny and go off on their own, rejecting authority and (s)lack, along with strong expressions of independence and a desire to find relevant subject areas for inquiry. When will this happen on a larger scale, across larger swaths of so-called learning spaces? There are clear limits to tolerance, this demonstrates, but can those limits be prescribed and stretched without pre-tension? Or does any pre-tension doom the process from moving into at least an abandoned form of random encounter, instead into mere buffoonery.
Well before the end it was already impossible to sustain a track, so that option fell by the way-side. At the same time, dialogues were undertaken with a ferocious concentration. This had the effect of gradually loosening any vestige of authority-in-relation in addition to any privileging of knowledge or know-ing. Dramatic developments. And as the (post)authoritarian protocol became internally incoherent, evolving too many possible interpretations, efforts focused on relinquishing traces of control that the protocol demanded and instead the formation of a new protocol exclusive of the facilitator. Did not compile the questions, such as they were. Relevancy appeared to be attained, but through a desire to move back to traditional models of relation (the text). Very interesting development. Will have to re-think that framework. Of all the thousands of possibly inspiring texts to consume, which will be the right combination? hmmm. A cook book might be the best starting point.
A little awkward with the stylized ending, but as a sample in the extreme spectrum of idiosyncratic confabulation, very interesting!, or … not.
Cycling across town to Charlottenburg is fascinating, exhilarating, memorized now: the transitions, the corners, the sounds, the traffic. The tourists, the police, the Park, the City. The images and sounds are building up to something.
Head to Lichtenberg for Barbara and Susanne’s birthday party, in a green garden shaded by an enormous and very healthy apple tree, late into the slightly chilly evening, a fire of large pieces of timber that clearly were formerly from houses. 25×25 cm cross-section, pieces several meters long, with nails in them. Rafters from destroyed buildings. War relics. Or reliquaries. Incredible food and a Russian accordionist.
Mika’s birthday party
neoscenes cranks up the sonic streaming for the global 2008 art’s birthday party with friends in Austria, Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, the Czech Republic, and elsewhere. it’s over and done with now. for another year. number 1,000,045. broadcast from the Glen Ridge basement HQ, not really sure I had any audience anyway, another one of those events. I was using the waag.nl QuickTime server in Amsterdam, and for some reason it kept kicking me out every 9:59, so I have 6 chunks of my live improv stream. can’t decide whether just to glue them together into one sixty minute file or keep the pieces as they are. hmmmm. will get that happening later:
(01:11:00, stereo audio, 137 mb)
I’d rather jump into the share.dj projects, though, at least there are other folks out there online to chat with. the arts birthday crowd is too dispersed and anarchic to manage a single meeting place. pity, though, it would have been nice to chat with some of them. maybe next year.
coming up!
neoscenes cranks up the sonic streaming for the global 2008 art’s birthday party with friends in Austria, Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, the Czech Republic, and elsewhere.
Thursday, 17 January 2008, live web-mix — this audio stream will be a sonic redux from the neoscenes.net archive of various birthday parties recorded during the last year as well as the travel necessary to get to them.
1800-1900 (GMT) London
10:00-11:00 PM PST (GMT-8) Los Angeles
1:00 – 2:00 PM EST (GMT-5) New York
2000-2100 CET (GMT+2) Helsinki
Friday 0500-0600 (GMT+11) Sydney
–> tune to the live stream — rtsp://qt2.waag.org/birthday.sdp
ART’s BIRTHDAY is an annual event first proposed on January 17th 1963 by French Fluxus artist Robert Filliou. He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago “A man took a dry sponge and dropped it into a bucket full of water. Who that man was is not important. He is dead but art is alive.” Filliou’s ideas have inspired many artists until today.
After Filliou’s death in 1987, some artists began to celebrate Art’s Birthday with mail art, fax and slow scan TV events in the spirit of his concept of “The Eternal Network” or “La Fête permanente”. The birthday parties took place in different cities across the world and artists were asked to bring birthday presents for Art — works that could be shared over the network.
Art’s Birthday Party has never been a formal event, but was always organized on an ad hoc basis through the network. Every participating location (and they are different every year) organizes its own party — from a few friends in a private studio to a performance evening in a museum or gallery. Filliou’s invention of Art’s Birthday is wonderfully absurd and humorous in the typical Fluxus tradition of serious fun. So the global birthday party for art has always tried to be fun while paying homage to Robert Filliou’s dream of The Eternal Network. — Robert Adrian, 2005
Klause & Barbara
birthday party
yet another partido de aniversário — Angelita, a friend of Fernanda’s, turns three-oh — a delicious Latina evening. and drinking Fonte Imperial Cachaça that Fernanda imports, whuff! meeting some other ISNM students who are moving on to other things — get some other perspectives on the school and (perhaps) why it dies now. good conversation, and a pleasant, companionable wander home at a reasonable hour (for Berlin). and subsequent exploring of difference.
Of all these examples, the simplest but the most profound is the fact that it takes at least two somethings to create a difference. — Gregory Bateson
Fritz’s First Birthday
this is how the day started, he was awake and hanging out, then migrated into my arms, and suddenly he was snoring upside down. so, he ends up on the floor in the living room, snoozing until Papa klingles the door bell after a long search for breakfast Brüchen on this Unification Day holiday. so, a Unification baby — good planning! the afternoon is filled with visitors, babies, cakes, champagne, gifts, and song.
Dale’s birthday party
it is done
finally, a good birthday present. chapter closed on a bloody useless process initiated by a bloody useless individual. stick it to ‘im!
it is ordered…
Lexie & Carly’s cake
Lexie and Carly, visiting Janet, make a sorta-surprise cake for Carly and I as it’s around both our birthdays. it’s Keiran’s, Peter’s, Valgerdur’s, Helmut’s, Christian’s, Loki’s, Günter’s, Visa’s, and Alex’s birthdays during these two weeks. not to mention mine at the end of that period. no time to party! gotta get ready for the fall Euro-tour heading east via Missouri, New York, and other points.
a first birthday party for Fritz
Long day yesterday starts with packing up, more conversations around breakfast, and then on to UCSC to meet with Margret, chair of the Digital Arts / New Media program. Good sushi for lunch. That and a couple of fine muffins that Isabelle packed for the ride south, alright! Arrived in Santa Barbara after a longish drive down the 101 — slowly getting acclimated to the car culture, though with some guilt feelings about carbon footprints and all. No time to do the legendary Route 1. Met August at UCSB in a dark parking lot and were in good time for a presentation by Takuro Mizuta Lippit, one of the Artistic Directors at STEIM. Cool to be reminded of the vitality of euro-culture while far-away here in SoCal.
arts birthday comes up in a few hours…
Self portrait in bed, waking up to celebrate a birthday with a glass of tea. In a silent and empty house. <sigh>
The time of a man’s life is as a point; the substance of it ever flowing, the sense obscure; and the whole composition of the body tending to corruption. His soul is restless, fortune uncertain, and fame doubtful; to be brief, as a stream so are all things belonging to the body; as a dream, or as a smoke, so are all that belong unto the soul. Our life is a warfare, and a mere pilgrimage. Fame after life is no better than oblivion. — Marcus Aurelius
Victor’s 5th birthday
pressed into spontaneous service. the task? a Treasure Hunt for the pirate-themed birthday party. hmmmm, had to think about that one. four teams of four kids each, two of older kids, two of younger. forgot to collect and archive the cue cards with instructions and clues.
the Bedi’s visit
still adding to Kevin’s memorial. Mixed feelings about it. Helping to re-member him for others, with others. Perfect use of the archive. Mozart’s 250 birthday. Along the trail of rememberings. The Bedi’s come for a visit, it’s been nine years since their last visit.
birthday waiting
happy birthday Nancy! waiting for Loki’s long-delayed flight. he will be zonked, flying overnight his time, and arriving here at 0100 am. poor fella. San Francisco International airport is quiet and empty. I look at the art.
Sacred Datura
Back to the desert. Around 95°F from Kingman onwards past Needles, then the turn north off the Interstate into the Mojave. Things are still green. The Buckhorn Cholla (Opuntia acanthocarpa) is blooming, along with Sacred Datura (Datura meteloides) and other plants. There is already one generation of spring grass that is now bone dry and gone to seed, dead. A reason for some alarm in human quarters: fire hazard, from simply driving through the stuff with a hot exhaust pipe. Southern Arizona is already seeing higher than average burn acreage this year even though it is early in the fire season. Sliver of crescent moon, shadow bathed in blue-green earth-Light. Venus slightly below, eclipsed by granite boulders. Jupiter with an extended string of pearls high and wide. Close by to the place I camped in December on the way up here. Not as cold as then, but the temperature swing from day to night will be at least 30°F tonight. But the dry air has a ethereal soothing quality. Limited material content, terrestrial-bound equivalent of Mars. Day and night. Hot and cold. Long drive tomorrow, the rest of the way for Dana’s birthday dinner. Five hundred miles away still. Mostly interesting drive, as a virtual show of landscape variation. But tedious when there are deadlines. Would rather take several days to cross the Great Valley. So many strange scenes there.
Smithsonian magazine echoes my words again. How the visibility of the West has contracted from 145 miles to between 35 and 80 miles. More dramatic than I mention to folks, but I got my statistic some years back. It is decreasing. From the right vantage, overlooking Tejon Pass and the gap to the south of the San Bernadino Mountains, thick jets of raw burnt-red eL-Ay air burst into the desert, making a dusty haze that spreads east to Arizona and further. Ever got caught downwind of a campfire? What’s the difference to that and being downwind of 13 million Los Angelenos swarming in single-passenger SUV-droves, simultaneously towards and away from their every desire. Not much. Weepy, stinging eyes, raspy nose, and asthmatic breath.
Imagining if I came into a sizable chunk of money I would buy a 3-CCD video camera. I shoot so much nice footage in cool places that it is a bit of a waste having a crappy consumer cam. Would never settle for such lousy optical quality doing still camera or traditional film work. The cheapest one could get would be $3K, and the prospect of a used pro cam is unsettling. Hmmm.
Well, once the doctoral direction is settled (or dropped).
ram6.3 street sounds
happy birthday Loki
Loki turns 12 today. he’s in Iceland, probably having a BIG party as is the norm. like when he’s in the US with Amma Lillian making special birthday cakes for him. so it goes. another long flight tomorrow with fast activities at the other end waiting. probably no sleep, for 30 hours. or more. some sonic performances on Thursday and Friday waiting, and getting ready for the where are we eating event on Saturday.
caught up with Kevin yesterday finally, lunch with Stefan at the ANM ABRO trading floor, went with Kevin to his radiation treatment, and had dinner with Randy. back home via the aging and noisy NorthWest commuter train line to see ad-filled Olympic fever.
birthday furnace
driving to the furnace of Phoenix (116 F), on the way to the airport, a day early, with a small party for Loki with Lexie, Sara, and Trey, along with Aunt Janet and Amma Lillian.
Jon’s 80th
Jon’s 80th birthday, a smallish family get-together in Seltjarnarnes at the old folks center to celebrate in the Icelandic fashion with loaded tables of eats, some singing, coffee and cakes, and some stand-up comic relief. The siblings practice the special song that they will shortly sing for Jon and the assembled guests. Nice to catch up with the clan.