A Psalm of Life

What The Heart Of The Young Man Said To The Psalmist.

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act,— act in the living Present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, in The Knickerbocker, Volume 12, #1, July 1838.

Judge George W. Hopkins

Judge George W. Hopkins, the subject of the following sketch, was born in Hampshire, on June 18, 1827. His father was a shoemaker, and was married in June, 1826. The family lived in Hampshire until the summer of 1834, when they came over to Dresden, Muskingan County, Ohio, and engaged in farming. In November, 1841, they moved to Osage County, Missouri, where they again engaged in farming. His parents being in poor circumstances, financially, Mr. Hopkins had the benefit of only six weeks schooling, but improved every opportunity to study at home of evenings, and his life was thus spent from his tenth to his twentieth year.

At eighteen he had begun to read law, working on the farm in summer and teaching school in winter, to keep the pot boiling. He was admitted to the bar at Lima, Osage county, January 9, 1854, by George W. Miller, judge of the First Judicial Circuit, Missouri. His life work has been in the legal profession, with the exception of three years military service during the war. He has held many official positions of trust, honor and responsibility. Was public administrator of Osage county for four years, swamp-land commissioner eight years, prosecuting attorney for three years, and acted as assistant prosecuting attorney for two years in a circuit of four counties.

He came to Arcata in the spring of 1877, and was admitted to the bar by Judge Haynes in June of that year. His family arrived the following year. In Humboldt County he has held the office of justice of the peace for thirteen years and still holds the same office, and is still practicing in the Superior Court.

Judge Hopkins has been a member of the I.O.O.F. for fourteen years, a Mason forty-one years, a Good Templar four years, Sons of Temperance ten years, and a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was N.G. of I.O.O.F. two terms, W.M. of Masons two years, Deputy W.C.T. three years, also Dept. Worthy Patriarch, Sons of Temperance; is Senior Past Commander of Cold Harbor Post 132, G.A.R., and is now Junior Vice Department Commander of the California G.A.R.; was special aide on staff of Commander in Chief, G.A.R., for one year.

Turning to his military record, we find that his executive ability was constantly receiving recognition in the way of numerous official duties to perform. He was Adjutant of the 28th Regiment, Missouri Militia; enrolling officer, with rank of Captain, for one year; also one year in the Secret Service, with rank of Captain, Lieutenant and Recruiting Officer, and First Lieutenant of Company F, 48th Missouri Infantry, and served as Captain in that regiment until the close of the war. In 1862 he was assistant Provost Marshal for Osage County, Missouri, the State being then under martial law. Judge Hopkins was married in 1854, on November 16th, and has had six children, four of whom are living. The foregoing is but a meager outline of the leading details of a very busy life, and it is with regret that the limitation of space compels us to so briefly sketch a career which contains abundant material for a very interesting and instructive volume. Judge Hopkins devotes his time to his law practice in this county, also to a general real estate business and collection agency.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People


Be Pro-Active: Take the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.

Begin With an End in Mind: Start with a clear destination to understand where you are now, where you’re going, and what you value most.

Put First Things First: Manage yourself. Organize and execute around priorities.

Think Win/Win: See life as a cooperative, not a competitive arena where success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others.

Seek First to Understand: Understand then be understood to build the skills of empathic listening that inspires openness and trust,

Synergize: Apply the principles of cooperative creativity and value differences.

Renewal: Preserving and enhancing your greatest asset, yourself, by renewing the physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional dimensions of your nature.

Covey. Stephen R. 1989. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon & Schuster.

To my international friends

I am so sorry, dear friends — of what ‘my’ country, by birth, has now inflicted upon the world. I do hope that when things really do begin to manifest the madness of Caligula (this has already begun!), that I and those who think like me might still find refuge in your homes. The nauseating repetition of human history — replete with such horror — illustrates that humans cannot rise anywhere ‘above’ the mire of bullying bluster and anti-knowledge. aach, what can be said?

And this from one of those (European) friends, this morning, Frieder Nake, Dr. Prof. of Informatiks at Uni. Bremen, Emeritus. A man who I respect completely:

Dear friends living in that fantastic country,

I have been sitting at my home desk since 4:30 in the morning, local time in Germany, already then hearing on the radio that your new president will be a man. Certainly one only of two sub-optimal alternatives. But definitely the worse.

What now? The white males decide, many women also vote for this horrible guy. It is probably a retaliation against eight years Obama. The US nationalism that has always been strong. Now it is triumphing!

The expectations for the world are bleak. France, Netherlands, Turkey, Hungary, Putin.
The world will change dramatically. Trump and Putin! Great. Goodbye, Ukraine!

As a footnote only: Why are we all stupid enough to put so much trust in those stupid polls? We believe in them. Instead of working hard towards excellence, we believe in predictions (i.e. religious speculations) and Artificial Intelligence.

Good morning, America, congratulations!

Frieder Nake

This instance of reality is a good example of the absolute schism between individual, collective, and mediated realities. What convergence that does occur is novel, accidental, coincidental, or tragic.

the map is not the territory

The following, a (lightly edited) reply (to Brian Holmes) on a nettime thread (that invoked a NYT article on GPS navigation ‘blindness)’.

Hallo Brian —

I had read about that Amurikan tourist in Iceland, and your notes, and thought to re-reflect/meditate on that from a personal/historical Icelandic context:

Naming of location is a traditional, age-old process. It is often the association of place with event (long- or short-term). Event may be natural or social, short-lived or cumulative. The naming process was once local, embodied, idiosyncratic, or personal. Local suggests that the naming is contextualized by a specific human experience of the place. Embodied suggests that the naming was propagated by verbal expression, and stored in human memory. Idiosyncratic in that it was the inverse of global — it was understood by and carried situated meaning for an individual or small grouping of people who lived there.

more “the map is not the territory”



‘grasping freedom’


Cheap energy and the short-term bloom of humanity it has fueled have given rise to some social arrangements that are not destined to survive the onset of permanent energy scarcity. One of these is the notion that a few young people will anonymously contribute a large part of their income for the welfare of many old people they have never met or even heard of.

In the days in which most of human history has transpired, parents took care of their children as their topmost priority in life. As with many other species, it was their biological imperative to do so; beyond that, most of them were conscious of the fact that if their children did not survive, neither would they: their genes, their memories, their culture, or anything about them would be erased by time. The care of children could be entrusted to family members, but never to complete strangers. The education of children took place largely in the home, through storytelling, shared labor, and through rites of passage. The elderly, and especially the grandparents, took an active part in rearing and educating children. It was they who watched and attended to young children throughout the day, and who inculcated in them much of the ancestral wisdom – the stories, the myths, and the practical knowledge – through ceaseless, tiresome repetition.

At the trailing edge of the fossil fuel age, where we find ourselves, prosperous society looks quite different. Both parents work dismal jobs, mostly away from home, in order to keep themselves out of bankruptcy. Those who prosper most attend to their careers with far greater attention than to their children, abandoning them to the care of strangers for the better part of most days. The grandparents live elsewhere, enjoying their golden years, the fruits of their labors encapsulated in some properties, some investments, and a merciful central government that has promised to at least keep them alive even if all else fails. They are living on artificial life support that is about to be shut off.

Orlov, D. 2006. Thriving in the Age of Collapse, Part II: What Can Young Professionals and Aging Baby Boomers do to Prepare for America’s Collapse?

from the spamological cosmos

[interview][green][value][south][boyfriend][while][repeat][guidance][earth][debate][copy][secretary][alert][student][career][contribution][supermarket][goal][bird][general][match][room][purpose][presence][individual][pipe][September][funeral][relation][ordinary][background][gather][homework][mouth][bank][final][can][sent][passage][adult][mountain][economics][nu][freedom][message][recommendation][illegal][burn][pizza][hunt][weakness][initiative][enthusiasm][mission][mouse][pass][pen][respect][method][change][decision][signature][dump][quality][message][sex][exchange][junior][sense][mixture][chair][wall][vacation][might][forum][show][bottom][scheme][meeting][fish][status][influence][girl][pollution][high][master][schedule][February][script][response][throat][month][top][member][salt][appeal][bicycle][team][crash][distance][advertising][worker][native][light][conclusion][yahoo][game][bridge][store][floor][accident][event][estate][whereas][order][suspect][fishing][cancel][dinner][purchase][rain][radio][proposal][advantage][trick][bill][suck][black][strategy][common][product][few][long][loss][equipment][fight][design][calendar][dependent][picture][host][grab][save][bonus][gas][view][research][diamond][bug][potato][whole][wine][upper][border][swing][length][courage][debt][poet][battle][concert][past][start][pound][cable][chart][error][put][pull][iron][heart][education][combination][manner][company][layer][population][phone][airline][agent][pour][luck][official][chance][work][satisfaction][platform][desire][lack][opposite][finance][return][bone][joke][recommended][classic][employer][establishment][evening][risk][story][help][catch][juice][reply][rub][finding] more “from the spamological cosmos”

memory and the digital: re-membering

No surprises here. Schema of reliance does not include scenario of catastrophic failure of external memory storage system, etc.

Reliance on digital devices, and the trust we place in them, can resemble a human relationship. The feelings are established in the same way—through experience. Repeated experience with a reliable individual builds a ‘schema’ or association for that individual in our memory, telling us that this person can be depended on. If a digital device is continually reliable then we will build that into our schema of that device.

Dr Kathryn Mills, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London

Remembering, it seems, is a double-edged sword. Research in humans and animals points to the pivotal role of retrieval in shaping and stabilizing memories. However, the remembering process also induces forgetting of other memories that hinder the retrieval of the memory that we seek. It has been hypothesized that this surprising dark side of remembering is caused by an inhibitory control mechanism that suppresses competing memories and causes forgetting; this putative process is adaptive because it limits current and future distraction from competitors. However, no study has ever directly observed memories as they are suppressed by this hypothesized inhibitory control mechanism. Behavioral methods are, by their nature, blind to the internal processes unfolding during retrieval, and neuroscience has lacked methods capable of isolating neural activity associated with individual memories. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we tested for the existence of the hypothesized adaptive forgetting process by developing a template-based pattern-tracking approach that quantifies the neural activation state of single memory traces. Thus, we tracked the fate of behaviorally invisible traces, providing a window into the suppression process thought to underlie adaptive forgetting in the human brain.

Wimber, M. et al., 2015. Retrieval induces adaptive forgetting of competing memories via cortical pattern suppression. Nature Neuroscience, 18(4), pp.582–589.

what is happening? how is this happening?

• Our analysis finds that at the end of 2010 the Top 50 private banks alone collectively managed more than $12.1 trillion in cross-­‐border invested assets for private clients, including their trusts and foundations. This is up from $5.4 trillion in 2005, representing an average annual growth rate of more than 16%.

• The three private banks handling the most assets offshore on behalf of the global super-­rich are UBS, Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs. The top ten banks alone commanded over half the top fifty’s asset total – an increased share since 2005.

• The number of the global super‐rich who have amassed a $21 trillion offshore fortune is fewer than 10 million people. Of these, less than 100,000 people worldwide own $9.8 trillion of wealth held offshore.

• If this unreported $21-32 trillion, conservatively estimated, earned a modest rate of return of just 3%, and that income was taxed at just 30%, this would have generated income tax revenues of between $190-­‐280 bn – roughly twice the amount OECD countries spend on all overseas development assistance around the world. Inheritance, capital gains and other taxes would boost this figure considerably.

• For our focus subgroup of 139 mostly low-middle income countries, traditional data shows aggregate external debts of $4.1 tn at the end of 2010. But take their foreign reserves and unrecorded offshore private wealth into account, and the picture reverses: they had aggregate net debts of minus US$10.1-13.1 tn. In other words, these countries are big net creditors, not debtors. Unfortunately, their assets are held by a few wealthy individuals, while their debts are shouldered by their ordinary people through their governments.

liberties of communication

There are two liberties of communication, and these seem to me to be the utmost possible ones: the one that occurs face-to-face with the accomplished thing, and the one that takes place within actual daily life, in showing one another what one has become through one’s work and thereby supporting and helping and (in the humble sense of the word) admiring one another. But in either case one must show results, and it is not lack of trust or withdrawal or rejection if one doesn’t present to another the tools of one’s progress, which have so much about them that is confusing and tortuous, and whose only value lies in the personal use one makes of them. I often think to myself what madness it would have been for van Gogh, and how destructive, if he had been forced to share the singularity of his vision with someone, to have someone join him in looking at his motifs before he had made his pictures out of them, these existences that justify him with all their being, that vouch for him, invoke his reality. He did seem to feel sometimes that he needed to do this in letters (although there, too, he’s usually talking of finished work), but no sooner did Gauguin, the comrade he’d longed for, the kindred spirit, arrive than he had to cut off his ear in despair, after they had both determined to hate one another and at the first opportunity get rid of each other for good.

Rilke, R.M. & Rilke, C., 2002. Letters on Cézanne, New York, NY: North Point Press.

en route

Moving in a gprs-accessible Amtrak train, the Keystone, from Penn Station in New York across New Jersey to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The gauntlet at Penn Station included a heavily armed NYPD Special Operations officer with full body armor and at least 5 30-shot clips in his equipment vest. He was pulling random people aside for searches: NYC/Amurika post-9/11.

The ‘back-east’ trip continues with intimate encounters — old friends, and a few new folks met along the way. The impending house purchase seems far away, but it does put an edge on things when I talk/think about it. So many things to be done on a negative cash flow. Trying to absorb the mentality of capitalism: “takes money to make money” and such banal platitudes. Dealing (effectively) with an abstracted social instrument (protocol) predicated on collective trust requires a certain distance and disconnect. The level of internal disturbance that it precipitates is more than it should. The constant appearance that it makes in mediating social intercourse. In truth money itself it not the mediating factor so much, but rather what the access to money brings. And hard on that situation is the question why it is that I cannot convert some force of my intelligence and creativity into that particular form of social capital. It is a question for which I have not found any clues to the answer, except that I do not place the conversion process in a priority position in daily praxis.

So it goes.

Sunday, 17 November, 1963

Took DCH & girls to PSC, LCH not feeling good, and JCH has a bad cold.

The audio worked quite well at both services; the under-balcony system has too much bass; this must be because we have put the filter in to remove the feedback frequency.

Picked up Janet Burger in the PM so DCH could bask in her company. After CE they went on to Joe Brown’s to talk to Dr. Schaeffer, from Switzerland — one of the points he made during the discussion w/ the students was that there is nothing wrong in sifting out what is good in, for example, Freud; it takes experience to separate out the good. On the way home I pointed out both DCH & JB that the strainer should be Christianity (Biblical).

Mr. Mariner sought me out to speak of a tape recorder — Ampex 600 to produce tapes for the Missions Department — possibly splitting the cost — 1/2 from Trustees & 1/2 from Missions — no hurry.

Wednesday, 13 November, 1963

Went in to office at 1 PM and worked on the decoy summary chart until 5 PM; this chart is different from the R/E vehicle chart.

35˚F – 1/2 Overcast

Stayed in bed until about 11:15, when LCH cut my hair, and I took a shower. My back seems to hurt a lot more; I must have overdid on Monday.

On the way to work after lunch I stopped at the office on the Town Engineer to see if he would have some gravel put on my driveway to replace what was taken away last summer. He said that he has no trucks, etc., that I should talk to the Street Department, Mr. Nelson. He wasn’t in. I suppose I should get some hauled in at my expense. The rear bkt. on the Ford tailpipe should be replaced also.

I think that the schools of education are turning out high school administrators who think that what goes on in the high school should be watered down and made simple, also allowing the students to slide by.

LCH off to DCH Open House at school.

The review of Conant’s book has made quite an impression on me.

Took Bud LeMoine to Men4s Club at PSC; Dr. Eldersveld spoke on Science.

Geo Pickering said last night that John Svara had asked him to look into the move estimates as he would be out of town for the Trustees Mtg. on 15 November. I see I’ll have a lot to do. I’ll make a scale drwg. on proposal.

At Home in the West: The Lure of Public Land

Bison, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1995. (© William Sutton)

William (Willy) S. Sutton‘s fine book of western landscapes—lands in the ‘public trust’—came out recently. I had the opportunity to spend an evening with him last spring at the marvelous home he built for his family in the mountains west of Boulder. We looked through many of the original (beautiful!) prints he was preparing for the book. The comparisons to Ansel Adams will doubtless be made, but there are significant differences—and indeed, these images share perhaps only three factors—one is the landscape itself, another is the technical format of the images, and the third is particularity of vision. Beyond these basics, as an individual image-maker with a singular individual vision, Sutton demonstrates with his images a profoundly subtle relationship with the situation. The fascination of ‘making landscape photographs’ for some lies in the embodied relationship that the image-maker feels for the place, the places, (and clearly being in the places). Mr. Sutton’s relationship with these places is precisely, amply, and ineffably mapped out in these images. The drama in making a landscape image lies at least in part in the subtlety of the Light that reflects from the land to the mind’s eye. But that eye may often be filtering: is often always filtering the Light energy that arrives in mind. The neural system is selective in what it sees. This is especially evident in photography which adds the selectivity of the framed image, and the limitations to tone in the case of black&white work, and the skills required to bring images to print — a command of which Mr. Sutton amply demonstrates. These images are understated but at the same time possess a serene and very smooth gravity: they are solid, intricate, and leave the eye’s mind with a calm yet electric regard. Not dissimilar to the effect of be-ing there, in these landscapes, immersed in the instantaneity and, as the photographer Richard Misrach once characterized the Western landscape, its “terrible beauty.” more “At Home in the West: The Lure of Public Land”

Productivity and Existence

“A remarkable and charming man, your friend,” said the professor; “but what does he really do? I mean … in the intellectual sphere?”

“In the intellectual sphere…” I answered, “H’mm … in the intellectual sphere … he is simply there.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, his occupation is not, in fact, of a very intellectual nature, and one cannot really assert that he makes anything out of his leisure time.”

“But his thoughts?”
more “Productivity and Existence”

Friday, 17 May, 1963

In discussion w/ ELE at 0815 he spoke of a coordination effort between Steve Dodd, Friedman, Mel Huslin, etc on RE problems. They need basic facts, and I’m to develop those set forth in Kent Kresa’s note of 21 Feb. 1963, plus others — the TVX’s. Worked w/ Vic Guethlen to obtain a corrected text for last Tuesday’s trip; he made several important additions. Finally got it in working order and gave it to Shirley about 2 PM.

Found three documents that have a bearing on the TV’s. Al Smith xt5750 called to say he had some TVX patterns from their -GE- range; they will be available as soon as they can be traced.


It was cool last night.

Went in to PSC for a Trustee’s mtg: John Zvara reported the total cost of the roof at $133,744.61! We need about $95,000 more to pay for all of it. We will have to borrow against the Equity Fund. Bob Stater said he thot it morally wrong to engage in deficit financing. I reported on the Audio-TV, stressing 1) the racks of power amplifier donation, 2) the operational problems of the Missionary Conference. In answer to a question, I estimated $1000 more would provide a minimum system. I hope someone donates it, as I’m reluctant to go ahead.

Paul Bradbury is spending the weekend with us, so he went out with us — the girls came in on the train for the last night of Cadettes.

During the Trustee’s mtg it was voted to discontinue use of the TV lights until they can be revamped to be less objectionable to the pulpit speaker. Some of us looked at them specifically after the mtg. The ones in the ceiling light the rear wall principally.

Friday, 10 May, 1963

Wrote to Sheldon Phillips at EKCo/Rochester re: the material cited in their ad in the 7 Jan ’63 Aviation Week.

Left the note for Miss Bonnett at the High School.

Call from Mr. Hussey at 4:30 PM: Tony Treemache of Watertown will have a meeting with the rest of the trustees next week to try to work out the making of a plan for area development after removal of $26,000 of gravel ~100,000 yards or so. Such a plan costs about $2K and with the first $8K going to Acton, he thot he could get approval on a verbal statement of what he would do. Mr. H. points out that the Town has one story, Treemache another, particularly claiming bad treatment by the Town.

Went to CE Board mtg at PSC at 630 PM. We are operating at a deficit due to reduced pledges.

Stopt at the ATM mtg on way home and got an assortment of paperwork on the Univ. of Maine mtg at Orono for the eclipse on 10 July. Helped address envelopes for about 30 minutes.

Wednesday, 08 May, 1963

Decided to try working up an analysis of the system made up of the telescope – grating – photo material – photo processing – film-reading combination. Apparently the existing combinations have been pushed to the limit, particularly of the photo materials. “… the advance of astronomical photography during the last decade result more from instrumental and technical advances that fundamental changes in the properties of sensitive emulsions.” From p.71 of Astronomical Photography by de Vaucouleurs, Macmillan, 1961 (522.63, V462a). From p.88, “It seems, therefore reasonable to expect that in the not too distant future, considerable advances will be realized in indirect photography which will make possible its practical use in astronomy. Thus after more than a century of continual advance, astronomical photography seems to be once again on the threshold of a brilliant future.”
52° Overcast

While waiting for Harry Sussman I mowed about 1/3 of the front lawn. He wanted to drive around by the Mardan Devel Corp Concord subdivision to see the new homes, on the way to work.

Talked to MR. Hussey re: The Brucewood Streets. His latest is that the trustee concerned is preparing a subdivision plan that would be carried out after removal of the gravel. Lack of such a plan was the reason for rejection of his application for permission to remove the gravel.

Hot & sticky in the PM.

It developed that DCH didn’t hand in a book report that was due Monday, so I made him get busy; by 10 PM he had written 2 drafts, neither fulfilling the assignment. I’ll have him write another tomorrow.

Picked up the Ford; it steers quite nicely. They did not set the steering wheel so the turn signals function properly, nor did they have the body work done. I’ll plan to take it back next Tuesday.

JCH has a fever.

Deep Resonant Networking panel

How do you know when something or someone is affecting you?

There are many ways of describing or modeling the dynamics of human encounter and collaborative relationship. The concept of resonance is a powerful tool for understanding the qualities that relate us to each other and to the world. Resonance is an intuitive (pre-)cognition where something, “when stimulated, spontaneously responds according to the natural guidelines on the particular phases of vital energy engendered in itself and active in the situation.”[1] Resonance is a ‘natural’ extension of a creative praxis: “Resonance allows the universe (or any of its parts) to influence a human being”.[2] One intention in creative collaboration, given that “[t]hings ‘energize’ each other,” is to propagate a resonance between the Self and the Other. While this is a very uncertain undertaking, it is one that in any instance has almost unlimited potentials.

This panel seeks to open a space for sharing and exploring experiences of resonance while helping define what it might mean to rely on such an intuitive feeling. In the context of the Bricolabs network, differences — location, culture, language, social background, and others — that are the realities of distributed creative action, often seen otherwise as divisive challenges, are overcome through ways of relating that transcend surface materialism. This transcendence might be framed as a deep resonant networking where energized participants establish trusting relationships based on a more ethereal vibe: maybe it’s about mojo! Join the conversation and let’s see if we find some resonant frequencies on which to groove.

[1] Roth, H.D., 1991. Psychology and Self-Cultivation in Early Taoistic Thought. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 51(2), pp.599-650.
[2] Kaptchuk, T.J., 2000. The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, 21 April, 1963

Took family to SS & church. Dave & Paul operated the new gear; their conclusion after considerable knob twisting to distribute the audio, they now want an electronic switch to cut the Sanctuary reinforcement while retaining the audio to the SS room. The Sanctuary was packed. Ken Olsen took the S-C & Knight home for servicing. He ret’d. them in the evening saying the Knight inputs were shorted, and he could find nothing wrong with the S-C. We had a good deal of trouble getting the levels in the SS & under-balcony amplifiers. Bernie S. thot the hearing aids should be on all the time.

Dave N. & Paul B. handed me a quotation on their making the tapes for the use of WHDH. I’ll endorse it to HJO & Ed Poore so an analysis can be prepared for the Trustees to see if it is sufficiently attractive over Jack Wilcox’ present operation.

Met with Woody at the evening service to hear about his proposal to send a group of senior high schoolers to the Wycliff Translators in Mexico in April ’64. The 13 families approved it — costs about $350 each.

Thursday, 11 April, 1963

Cool, Windy

Went to a Trustees mtg. w/ dinner at 5:30 PM at PSC. We so far haven’t had to borrow to get cash to pay for the roof; this is because the statements for the larger amounts haven’t been sent in. HJO wants to 1) put solid glass or doors with small panes at the foot of the curved stairs and 2) repave the floor & repair the underfloor in the hallway downstairs. This was approved after considerable discussion as to the source of cash.

I read my hastily-written report on audio matters; it seemed to be well-received. It contained a comment to the effect that our electronics hardware is an “operational nightmare,” and that my associates are rapidly becoming acquainted with the operational problems. One chap afterward said it was quite good. I spoke with Bernie Stiff afterward to the effect that I was doing everything possible to keep the hearing aids going; this because Mrs. Stiff Sr. went out of her way to make me feel at home when I arrived in Boston 20 years ago; and that we have stretched our present capability about as far as possible. He responded by saying to the effect that perhaps we should stretch too far.

Wednesday, 20 March, 1963

Showed WW my picture of the tankage re-entry, and left him the 2nd print. Also pointed out that in my opinion, the ability of the nose cone to penetrate to a suitable detonation altitude is the reason Khrushchev pulled out of Cuba. It seems to me also that the outputs of the TTR, Tradex, and the optical system should be combined.

Walt wants me to work on the TRAP III operation — attend TD meetings, etc., cover it to see if there are technical & political problems. I’m to report to ELE on this. We have a μ-densitometer (John Bower) that might be used: I have in mind a paper or two on this optical photo business.

Worked on report.

Snow 1 AM

Called Fred Lakewitz first thing and discussed the entire matter with him. The speakers should be mounted so that one is above the other, but as I pointed out to George Costello yesterday, this would be aesthetically or architecturally unacceptable. So, after 45 minutes discussion, I decided to call Dave Klepper & someone on the Fine Arts Committee. Dave thot the two speakers should be on a vertical CL, i.e., stacked, to avoid acoustic phase cancellation; symmetry should be preserved. He thot it okay to remove the LF driver from the bass reflex enclosure & mount it in the vertical wall under the HF unit. The 15″ driver is about 8″ deep, and as there is a 10″ space between the paster & the brick wall, this is fine. The LF driver would then be in an infinite baffle. Lake called back, and thot this quite good.

Called Dr. Perrin T. Wilson of the PSC Fine Arts Committee and he agreed to meet me there at 5 PM. Also called George Pickering (Repair Committee of Trustees) and Mr. Muirhead to also be there — 11:20 AM!

Went to a party at Woody Strodel’s — didn’t get there until 9:15 or so. We had to walk the last 300 yards over the hill. Had a pleasant time.

The starter was so far gone that it couldn’t be rebuilt! Another was put on at a cost of $17! It starts very nicely now.

John M. sustained a heart attack, and will have to be hospitalized. He wanted to be there, apparently realizing that he needs care.

Friday, 08 February, 1963

Home in bed.

Call from ELE to see if I could go to LA with WW next Tuesday and begin to function as L2/A liaison for questions from A re: the data processing operation.


In bed.

Rec’d call from Fred Lake on the PSC audio set-up. The basic equipment is $3145; the extra items, 2 tape recorders, the wireless mike, and one other item.

Gave the above to John Cheever to present to the Trustees tonight for action. Forgot to include installation — the removal of the shelves, and cutting the door in two.

DCH to a weekend in NH w/ Woody Strodel & 72 other hi-schoolers.

Call from E. L. Eaton at L2 to see if I can go to LA Tuesday to begin to function as liaison man between Gp22 and A.

Thriving in the Age of Collapse

Cheap energy and the short-term bloom of humanity it has fueled have given rise to some social arrangements that are not destined to survive the onset of permanent energy scarcity. One of these is the notion that a few young people will anonymously contribute a large part of their income for the welfare of many old people they have never met or even heard of.

In the days in which most of human history has transpired, parents took care of their children as their topmost priority in life. As with many other species, it was their biological imperative to do so; beyond that, most of them were conscious of the fact that if their children did not survive, neither would they: their genes, their memories, their culture, or anything about them would be erased by time. The care of children could be entrusted to family members, but never to complete strangers. The education of children took place largely in the home, through storytelling, shared labor, and through rites of passage. The elderly, and especially the grandparents, took an active part in rearing and educating children. It was they who watched and attended to young children throughout the day, and who inculcated in them much of the ancestral wisdom – the stories, the myths, and the practical knowledge – through ceaseless, tiresome repetition.

At the trailing edge of the fossil fuel age, where we find ourselves, prosperous society looks quite different. Both parents work dismal jobs, mostly away from home, in order to keep themselves out of bankruptcy. Those who prosper most attend to their careers with far greater attention than to their children, abandoning them to the care of strangers for the better part of most days. The grandparents live elsewhere, enjoying their golden years, the fruits of their labors encapsulated in some properties, some investments, and a merciful central government that has promised to at least keep them alive even if all else fails. They are living on artificial life support that is about to be shut off. — Dmitry Orlov

Friday, 11 January, 1963

In addition to the mt’l on p. 9, what is needed is some method of making the electron beam responsive to the content or characteristics of the wake. My original idea was in connection with the microdensitometer, to provide films of greater resolution. Apparently the duplication of an optical spectrum by electromagnetic means is not possible!

Talked to Bill Daly, Travel Office, re: more insurance for my pending trip to Kwaj; he obviously thinks what they have is enough. This is not so, particularly when my own insurance is void over the last leg, as it is via a non-common carrier and not MATS. He phoned the Goorich Agency who wrote the $50 K policy that MIT now has on test personnel on a per-flight basis. Mr. G. said he would call back — this at 0900.

Called Mr. Shaner at EKCo/Hollywood re: conversion of the machine S/N 113. He will call back. Mr. Ryan did at 2:55 PM; the machine is a 16/35 spray type & can be converted.

Rain in PM

Called the Leo C. Perkins Co. CE5-8040 re: heating my library floor with electricity; their units for snow melting would not be applicable; he (Jacko) will call back if he finds something useful.

Went in to PSC for the Trustees mtg. The roof & truss repairs will cost about $115K and may be finished by Easter but we aren’t sure. It was voted 11 to 6 to hire the outside consultant suggested by Dr. Andreason to ascertain & state the needs of the church. In my opinion this is a waste of money for a church to engage in this sort of activity in view of the guidance of the Bible and prayer.

JAH & NJH went in with me.

Sunday, 16 December, 1962

Drove to Rochester NY from home in 7 hours — 394 miles, arriving at 8:15 PM.

2″ snow

Went in, after removing snow from the front of garage. Finally found the preamp in the radio room; Dave & Paul had removed it! And so I put it back, and apologized to the foreman who had been there since quite early!

I spoke w/ John Cheever & Ken Olsen to the effect that I intend to shift my pledge from missions to the Trustees account. In my opinion, the use of the income from the Endowment Fund is comparable to the manipulation that has resulted in the low US gold reserves, our No. 1 national problem.

Friday, 14 December, 1962

Worked out another layout that I’m about ready to sign off on. This after getting — finally — some firm information on the Mt’l. ordered by PRESS from Bar-Ray; it came to about $29,000 and included a plate processor, film storage cabinets, and film transport boxes. Gave this layout to Paul Gaudette, who has been assigned from Div. 7 to Gp22 to handle our work; he turned it over to his draftsman, Wally(?)

Made another layout to a scale o 1//4″ = 1′. I’ll take this to Rochester.

Made arrangements with Travel to go to EKCo Sunday, drawing $75.


The Willys runs with much more gusto, but is still hard to start.

Took JAH & NJH to PSC, where I attended a Trustees mtg. The problems of the front entrance, roof, budget, and the report of the Joint Board. We finally adjourned at 9:30 PM

DCH to New York with the High Schoolers & Woody Strodel at PSC. They left PSC about 4:30 PM via bus and will be guests of Mr. Marshall’s church in Flushing.

Tuesday, 11 December, 1962

Made up financial reports of the last three trips, I have the amount of $29.83 due me even after pending $13.65 for the Willys fan motor and about $16 for trip insurance. After they were typed I took these over to Travel and requested that they be expedited.

Explained 30 voltage, power and current relations to ELE so they would be clear.

Met w/ ELE, Dave Moore, & WA to discuss the need for carrying the layout plus design criteria to BSD on 21 Dec. This in view of the review by ESD of the whole data processing center idea and its location. Dave will try to be ready on 19 Dec. with a 1/8″ = 1′ drawing and the design criteria

Clear – 22˚F at 0700

Phoned the item of $2782 to Ed Poor for consideration by the Budget Committee of the Trustees on Wednesday night. He pointed out that the income/Sunday is about $500 less than anticipated. So we are in trouble, particularly with the roof, trusses, and ceiling to repair. We will have to retrench at all points.

JAH & LCH went to the Dr with sore throats; JCH has a bad ear. They were given penicillin.

feudal allegiance

In the old days, traditional computer security centered around users. However, Bruce Schneier writes that now some of us have pledged our allegiance to Google (using Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, and Android phones) while others have pledged allegiance to Apple (using Macintosh laptops, iPhones, iPads; and letting iCloud automatically synchronize and back up everything) while others of us let Microsoft do it all. ‘These vendors are becoming our feudal lords, and we are becoming their vassals. We might refuse to pledge allegiance to all of them — or to a particular one we don’t like. Or we can spread our allegiance around. But either way, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to not pledge allegiance to at least one of them.’ Classical medieval feudalism depended on overlapping, complex, hierarchical relationships. Today we users must trust the security of these hardware manufacturers, software vendors, and cloud providers and we choose to do it because of the convenience, redundancy, automation, and shareability. ‘In this new world of computing, we give up a certain amount of control, and in exchange we trust that our lords will both treat us well and protect us from harm (PDF). Not only will our software be continually updated with the newest and coolest functionality, but we trust it will happen without our being overtaxed by fees and required upgrades.’ In this system, we have no control over the security provided by our feudal lords. Like everything else in security, it’s a trade-off. We need to balance that trade-off. ‘In Europe, it was the rise of the centralized state and the rule of law that undermined the ad hoc feudal system; it provided more security and stability for both lords and vassals. But these days, government has largely abdicated its role in cyberspace, and the result is a return to the feudal relationships of yore,’ concludes Schneier, adding that perhaps it’s time for government to create the regulatory environments that protect us vassals. ‘Otherwise, we really are just serfs.’ — Hugh Pickens

prosodic paralysis

lenticular eyelids hover over the Flatirons, nuclear red-orange.

I say “nice view” to the Salvation Army bell-ringer
standing outside a building full of food-stuffs.

Inside, I look for cheap things.

and leave without change in my pocket to give:

I take the other door out.

this after making a transfer across fiber-optic networks of value for calories.

a transfer of what? some numbers punched, and it is tending to make me sick.

sick in a way of driven feverishness to escape to elsewhere where values are true and not merely convertible currencies of social trust in … God.

sick in a way of realizing that the point-of-view taken, the approach is an illusion surfaced with centripetal impulse (impulse driven by rotating planetary system, and fed by the mesh of gravitational attraction to things). leave me go! release the mass of embodied … stuff and finally convert gravity to Lightness.

Friday, 09 November, 1962

Phoned JLV from the LAX airport to ask him to send us a copy of the schedule that Major Penn made up yesterday. He is thinking of coming east on Monday to be there Tuesday. He said Gen. Davis will be briefed on Tuesday 13 November.

Drove into LAX in the AM. Left for Boston at 10:31 after a 33 sec. acceleration time. Arrived at 6 PM.


Drove on to the LA Airport in 1-1/4 hours from Berdoo. Picked up 8 lbs. of walnuts and an artichoke, & 2 Golden Delicious apples.

Left LAX at 10:15 AM on AA Nr.12, arriving at Boston at 6:05 PM.

I went on over to PSC to the Trustees mtg. We are to have a report from the consulting engineer on the roof by 13 November. More problems are being found. HJO wanted an expression of opinion on raising cash to fix the roof. It seemed good to extend the emergency fund by 2 yrs. to repair the basic structure of the church.

Friday, 19 October, 1962


Stayed home. Built forms for the curved walk at the garage doors.

Went in to PSC for a Trustees mtg. Bernie Stiff seems to think a high cost on the new ceiling may be $100K! New steel to strengthen the roof trusses will be installed; as yet the consulting engineer, a Mr. Mirshead, has not made his report, but it is expected soon. John Svara reported on several items, all contributing to the ceiling, i.e., removal ($300) of the spot Lights, construction of a sidewalk elevator, ($3750) the dormer in the roof, and covering the organ lofts.

Sunday, 23 September, 1962


Took family to SS & church. At the Trustee mtg. of 14 Sept. it was found necessary to carefully look into ceiling and roof truss repairs, so these were authorized. Since part of the ceiling plaster had fallen off, the $200 for consulting services by BB&N was also authorized, so I got in touch with W. J. Cavanaugh at Dedham who agreed to be there tonight or have someone else do so. Objective is to make recommendations for acoustic ceiling treatment, based on a listening test. He immediately recommended a hard plaster ceiling with no acoustical treatment.

Saturday, 08 September, 1962

Clear 69% RH

Went up to the Ockenga’s snuggery “Hillwinds” in New Hampshire — near Bristol for a few hours. He has cleared ten or fifteen acres to the NE with a spectacular view of the mountains.

We left early — 4 PM — arriving home about 7 PM or so it seemed. I finally got my papers packed & a report written for Friday’s PSC Trustees Mtg.

DCH & CR stayed home so they could help with the car washing operation of the Explorers — they made $80.

Tuesday, 21 August, 1962

Had some more discussion with HS in the AM. He went over to SAC in Concord in the PM after lunch at home.

Worked on Schlesinger’s “Principles of Elactronic Warfare;” the basic mtl. in Chapter 4 should have application to the search problem of the Coast Guard. I called !st District CG HQ, but they don’t have an officers register that will show Jim Palmer’s address. I was referred to Commandant (PO) HQ USCG, Washington 25.

Spoke with Harry S. re: trip to CARDE; perhaps we can make it in the week of 10 September. I’ll have to read up on the plasma sheath physics.

Stopped at ARCON at 10 AM to pick up a copy of the biblio on ATC that they prepared for MITRE under FAA contract; gave it to HS.

Hot – Sticky

HS stayed at home last night. We stopped at ARCON on the way in to pick up a report. Went home for lunch, & HS went to SAC/Concord.

Went to a Town Planning Board meeting re: the Brucewood Streets. They now have an estimate of $6800 to finish them with the Cahill bankruptcy trustees putting up $2800 of this amount. It now remains to find a contractor who will do this work for $6800. The Planning Board chairman admitted that they “were learning.”

Read in “Genesis Flood;” it is fascinating.

Sunday, 06 May, 1962

Rain in PM

Took family to SS & church. A final total of $273, 713 was raised for missions. Among others, we saw Mrs. Byrnes, former music (voice) teacher at Wellesley; it was good to see her.

Spoke with Dave Nelson re: the connectors & cabling; also Steve Corey — will generate an estimate for the 11 May trustees meting. We may need 2000′ of cable, depending on the condition of what is now in place, particularly the lead-covered lines.

Friday, 13 April, 1962

Worked with Bino most of the day. We obtained Kent Kresa’s program from him after finding an error in it (the angle of application of 4th stage thrust). This was changed to 10˚ and the thrust cut by a factor of 10, producing a much more reasonable trajectory. It still however, provided excess velocities and greater than desired ranges.


Drove the Willys today.

DCH complained of a sore throat, but made him go to school anyway.

The Willys seemed to have some small amount of vibration still, and the engine didn’t run too well this morning.

Borrowed the StroboConn from the Lab — over VAN’s signature.

Went in from L2 to the Trustees meeting at the Church. We voted unanimously to authorize the Finance Subcommittee to bind the Church in negotiating for the land & building now occupied by the Warren Institute for Savings.

Sunday, 18 March, 1962

Clear – no clouds at all

Walked down to the river via the Vichy Spring road. It was most pleasant; took a few pictures. Then went to church, sitting between Mayne & Lina. Afterward I went over to Lula & Warren Brown’s car with them and had a pleasant visit before leaving for SF at 1:20 PM. Arrived at 4:05, went up to the ‘Y’ Hotel for a breather & then went on over to see Lila. She had a heart attack a few months ago and shows it. She is concerned about her trust fund handling and related business affairs such as income taxes. She is quite lonely! I wish I could do something concrete.

Friday, 09 March, 1962

Talked to John Strano for 1-1/2 hours on the Hughes activity.

Made up a chart showing the 3 contracts that I’ve been able to fix on. Hughes, Chrysler Conduction, and Bendix.

Sat in a mtg until 4:30 PM reviewing the STV situation. My chart was discussed at great length and Lou Kraff’s list of items for consideration in making an analysis of the STV Program. In connection with the identification of requirements I’ll have to go to California next Wednesday to be at BSD on 15 & 16 March.


Went in to the churchat 6:30 PM for a Trustees Mtg., my first, which was quite instructive. I’m to be in charge of the audio/TV system; John Cheever & I share this operation.

LCH took the girls in earlier in the day so they could all get their hair trimmed.

Home at 10 PM.

the transparency grenade

the transparency grenade, Julian Oliver, Berlin, Germany, March 2012

Kiwi artist, Julian Oliver, presently based in Berlin, produced this provocative project to take note of. Elegant, well-designed, and with an explicit message for the misanthropic agglomerations of hierarchic power that are in extreme need of … detonation!

The lack of Corporate and Governmental transparency has been a topic of much controversy in recent years, yet our only tool for encouraging greater openness is the slow, tedious process of policy reform.

Presented in the form of a Soviet F1 Hand Grenade, the Transparency Grenade is an iconic cure for these frustrations, making the process of leaking information from closed meetings as easy as pulling a pin.

Equipped with a tiny computer, microphone and powerful wireless antenna, the Transparency Grenade captures network traffic and audio at the site and securely and anonymously streams it to a dedicated server where it is mined for information. Email fragments, HTML pages, images and voice extracted from this data are then presented on an online, public map, shown at the location of the detonation.

Whether trusted employee, civil servant or concerned citizen, greater openness was never so close at hand…

Tuesday, 26 December, 1961

Requested two RCA Service reports and 4 Human Sciences Research papers via the documents room.

Had a lengthy discussion with Joe Halberstein, who brought over the IBM report on a program for a general purpose system simulator — cf. note re: JFN on 18 December. It looks good and I think it should be applied to the Army’s problem. Joe thinks that JFN wants him to apply it to the Army’s problem. I pointed out the correspondence between this and the control problems of large- & middle-sized businesses at some length.


Rec’d 2 dividend checks from American Security & Trust Co, 80¢/ & 20¢/share.

Talked to Joe Halberstein at length re: the Great Books. He is reading a paper by Whitehead on the great ideas.

Saturday, 16 December, 1961

Cold, clear

The thermometer in the car indicated -5˚F this morning.

Took the girls, JCH & LCH in to their Christmas parties at the church in the afternoon. They were quite good. Ken Olsen mentioned that someone is needed to oversee the audio work at the church. A member of the Board of Trustees would be appropriate, but I guess no one is qualified.

DCH in bed. I had quite a time to get him to drink the mixture of vinegar & honey.

Put undercoating on the Jeep doors inside.

finance sector

52 Finance and Insurance
521 Monetary Authorities – Central Bank
5211 Monetary Authorities – Central Bank
52111 Monetary Authorities – Central Bank
521110 Monetary Authorities – Central Bank
522 Credit Intermediation and Related Activities
5221 Depository Credit Intermediation
52211 Commercial Banking
522110 Commercial Banking
52212 Savings Institutions
522120 Savings Institutions
52213 Credit Unions
522130 Credit Unions
52219 Other Depository Credit Intermediation
522190 Other Depository Credit Intermediation
5222 Nondepository Credit Intermediation
52221 Credit Card Issuing
522210 Credit Card Issuing
52222 Sales Financing
522220 Sales Financing
52229 Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation
522291 Consumer Lending
522292 Real Estate Credit
522293 International Trade Financing
522294 Secondary Market Financing
522298 All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation
5223 Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
52231 Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers
522310 Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers
52232 Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
522320 Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
52239 Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
522390 Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
523 Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities
5231 Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage
52311 Investment Banking and Securities Dealing
523110 Investment Banking and Securities Dealing
52312 Securities Brokerage
523120 Securities Brokerage
52313 Commodity Contracts Dealing
523130 Commodity Contracts Dealing
52314 Commodity Contracts Brokerage
523140 Commodity Contracts Brokerage
5232 Securities and Commodity Exchanges
52321 Securities and Commodity Exchanges
523210 Securities and Commodity Exchanges
5239 Other Financial Investment Activities
52391 Miscellaneous Intermediation
523910 Miscellaneous Intermediation
52392 Portfolio Management
523920 Portfolio Management
52393 Investment Advice
523930 Investment Advice
52399 All Other Financial Investment Activities
523991 Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities
523999 Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities
524 Insurance Carriers and Related Activities
5241 Insurance Carriers
52411 Direct Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers
524113 Direct Life Insurance Carriers
524114 Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers
52412 Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers
524126 Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers
524127 Direct Title Insurance Carriers
524128 Other Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers
52413 Reinsurance Carriers
524130 Reinsurance Carriers
5242 Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities
52421 Insurance Agencies and Brokerages
524210 Insurance Agencies and Brokerages
52429 Other Insurance Related Activities
524291 Claims Adjusting
524292 Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds
524298 All Other Insurance Related Activities
525 Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles
5251 Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds
52511 Pension Funds
525110 Pension Funds
52512 Health and Welfare Funds
525120 Health and Welfare Funds
52519 Other Insurance Funds
525190 Other Insurance Funds
5259 Other Investment Pools and Funds
52591 Open-End Investment Funds
525910 Open-End Investment Funds
52592 Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts
525920 Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts
52593 Real Estate Investment Trusts
525930 Real Estate Investment Trusts
52599 Other Financial Vehicles
525990 Other Financial Vehicles

NAICS code

greets — more on energy…

responding to Brian Holmes on the iDC list:

> Universities are indeed overblown–just like post offices, trade unions, governments, etc.

With H. T. Odum’s conceptual support, I would opine that these conditions can only arise in a system which has a glut of energy (at all levels of structure) which is illustrated (at one level) by the increase of obesity in the oil-glutted ‘developed’ world. There is one thing that creates wealth and that is access to energy to maintain the ordered structure of a complex social system or to maintain a position towards the top of a social hierarchy. And while cash is convertible to energy when the social system issuing the abstracted fiscal instrument holds the trust of its participants, when the s**t comes down, cash doesn’t help, only access to power/energy in supra-concentrated units (weapons!) will save.

Most of us are in such positions or situations, relatively, and are communicating here through a techo-social system which is absolutely dependent on that energy glut for its coherent order and in a situation when the energy glut tightens to an energy lack, you can be sure that we all will be sliding down, relatively, to a lesser state. Personally I believe that the current ‘economic’ situation happening is because we have reached a point where the hydrocarbon-fired social order is coming to an end. (This partly caused in the West by the rise of China’s demand for hydrocarbons, but globally by the condition of use equaling production, and new reserves being less than any predicted future use.)

No techno-social system is free from this thermodynamic reality, ever, and furthermore, energy availability is the foundation upon which all ideological, political, economic, security, and other realities play out.

And, as I was going to say in response to Brian’s recent reply — To be sure, collapse, contraction, stability, or other characteristics of (social, ‘natural,’ cosmological, all!) structures are primarily determined by their access to usable energy input, so it is, again, important to understand this first, and that the ‘economic’ is merely an abstracted social construct which, at root, may be quite disconnected from the energy reality of a system. The fiscal obscures the actuality, and this can lead to incredible errors in judgment by entire social systems as well as individuals.

Thinking in the moment, it occurs to me that an explanation of the mortgage ‘crisis’ in the US could be that, given the conversion rate between the embodied life-energy/life-time of an individual (home buyer) and their relative economic ‘power’ there was a substantial gap. Another words, an individual could not, given their own energy sources, bring together the energy to create a house of, say, 4000 ft2 (400 m2). In an system where there is a glut of energy, that excess of energy can plug the gaps in an individuals energy lack, and allow them to exceed what would be their normal status without the glut. This same argument would hold for all scales — where, say, the US military is in the exact same situation. W/o the oil glut there simply would be no US military (of the magnitude that it is)! The gap between a ‘normal’ military appendage and an obscenely bloated and aggressive one is excess energy… (in this case, the energy availability has a parallel mapping: testosterone::individual aggressivity — oil::techno-social aggressivity).

(speaking as a former explorationist for a major US oil company … )

(By oil glut, I mean the entire history of hydrocarbon usage which concentrated in (created!) the ‘developed’ world during the last 200 years)

Watching the Tao is better than watching the Dow!

Chris Norris Allen 1953 – 2011

Angie, Chris, Mary, and Jenny, Boulder, Colorado, USA, December, 1989

Chris Allen, one of my favorite students from way back in Master Black and White Printing at CU Boulder in the late 1980’s, passed today. Chris was a gentle, gracious, and humble soul, at the same time as being a fearless seer. His work at the time he was in my class was sourced in his tightly-knit family situation. He visually mapped the dynamic of his crew of young daughters and wife with an intensity and intimacy that I have not seen rivaled with such personal work. He was hard-working, focused, and completely un-self-conscious about his photography. We had many wonderful conversations about life and photography during that time. His wife, Sandy, was due with their fourth child, and they invited me to attend and photograph the birth which I did do. I remember saying yes to Chris, and then getting the phone call early one morning, “It’s time, come on over.” Uff! What have I done! I was terribly nervous about such an event, having never witnessed a birth before. But the vibe at the house, between the midwives and the kids, was incredibly calm and loving. I was blessed by their trust. more “Chris Norris Allen 1953 – 2011”


a long conversation with Anthony this evening. always stimulating coverage of the non-typical meta-structures of social and individual existence.

the thought comes up, in teaching — most recently the “Multi-platform Story-telling” course that I was involved with this past semester at La Trobe — how seldom the holistic social meta-structure of the grouping of students (and teachers!) is considered in the facilitation of a learning trajectory. this includes the cumulative totality of all relations (power and otherwise!) that occur within the grouping. I call this space the continuum-of-relation and define it as the total accumulated network of relations, expressed as activated exchanges of energy, as Dialogues, that have occurred, are occurring, and will occur between members of the species. Based on the assumption that we are in a holistic and continuous universe, it is possible to extend the definition to include the set of energy relations that humans have with the detailed and greater cosmos around them, and indeed, this is an important aspect to consider, but it is easier to limit the scope to a specific subset comprising relations between all humans. There are infinite sub-sets of relation that may be delineated, one set being those which arise in the process of learning facilitation. much attention is paid to syllabi, curricula, classroom technologies, and wide-scaled social ‘relevance’ of education systems while very little is paid to the immediate and long-term embodied needs for a recognition of presence of all the humans involved in the actual learning process. and especially the needs for deep human encounter and connection. is it such that this university, as with most others, is merely reflecting a wider scale of civil social decay when those crucial relations and their attendant qualities are simply ignored in the stead of assessment protocols, schedules, cash-for-services, and the general corporatization of education. more “conversation”

Monday, 15 May, 1961


Feel like I was recuperating from a long illness.

Phoned Mr. Hare in Baltimore, but he was out until tomorrow morning; left some questions with his son: 1) cost of fixing the rear springs, 2) Did they put in another steering wheel, 3) Did they take out the dent in the instrument panel, and 4) Cost on seat belts? He will phone back at 0930 tomorrow.

Addressed a number of envelopes for CHH; the Board of Trustees of his College has removed the incumbent president and will vote on another on 25 May.


Matter is not what it appears to be. Its most obvious property — variously called resistance to motion, inertia, or mass — can be understood more deeply in completely different terms. The mass of ordinary matter is the embodied energy of more basic building blocks, themselves lacking mass. Nor is space what it appears to be. What appears to our eyes as empty space is revealed to our minds as a complex medium full of spontaneous activity. — Frank Wilczek

Sometimes I get the feeling that I don’t recognize even my own life. Among the array of phenomena which present themselves for the sensual body-system every … second … recognition shouldn’t be necessary for any one of them, given that change is the governing principle, or so. All should be new every time, all the time(s), and thus recognizable whether or not there are any observable and (relatively) invariant* features. It could be that this lack of recognition is itself merely the reliance on external models or comprehensions of ‘what’s out there’ as opposed to a deeper reliance on what is experienced by the Self as being (relatively) invariant. more “matters”

more on control and autonomy

A techno-social system is predicated and constructed on a system of control exerted on the flows of energy that are antithetical to its ordered existence or that simply exist ‘out there.’ Within a techno-social system, at all scales, levels, and between all actors, there exists a constant, dynamic re-balancing of these energies (energy flows). With an input of external energy as the source, the overall techno-social system will exert varying levels of control over different spatio-temporal regions. Control is essentially the existence of prescribed pathways of flow which insure the desired persistence of stasis in a sea of chaotic flows. The degree that a techno-social system can proscribe un-controlled pathways is the degree of coherence that techno-social system will have. more “more on control and autonomy”