
I hear myself say “shit,” with a drawn out groan when waking up in the morning. Rebirth? Or merely recognizing that the night visions were not reaches into some omnipotent primal mind, but were instead merely what I saw yesterday, under the sun, with their false meaning correlated into the banality of teeth-grinding dreams.

The north-shore-bound train rattles across that one bad joint on the Harbor Bridge outside the window, dung-da-dung-dung-da-dung-dung-da-dung-dung-da-dung. Four cars, eight sets of wheels: a single axle, three doubles, and a single.

[After watching her long eyelashes, seated as she is, side-wise to me, profiled at the front of the bus, I cannot that night close my eyes and see her…]

Why does the potential in life seem to drain ever more quickly here, and there. After an mid-afternoon pause, outside to record sounds. Because other progresses are not made when confronted by the screen. Therefore.  Capitulation of any weak progression of thought, it comes to nowhere.

Thinking instead, flat, two dimensional, of the solitary and gape-mouthed death, settling that night into the room of living.

And in the evening, making for bed early with a tinge of migraine, I say, “my third eye has closed.” And seek another sleep in tangled comfort.


And so, encroaching on the last major procedural hurdle before the doctorate goes to the external examiners (next year sometime). The panel assessment seems to be routine and bureaucratic. Public speaking in compressed time frames is no fun. When there’s always too much to get across in the extremely limited time frame, and the highly institutionalized context allows for negligible true dialogue. In some ways, the process is a deeply laughable (chortle?) imitation of what it claims to be, or what it once perhaps was. That is, learning as a process of open and sustained dialogue between two or more humans. Facing the unknown that each other presents, or both facing the unknown of what is, or what is out there. Contemporary ‘education’ is a thin and watery drool coming from somewhere up above — meager remains of what’s left of a blasting monsoon of shared life that brings one to a deeply profound awareness of that-which-is. Instead we squelch around in evaporating puddles of shared encounter, wishing for more rain, and complaining about the weather.

Tomorrow, it happens. We shall see. No brolly, no Wellies…

So, over this hurdle, and maybe the final work commences, perhaps finishing earlier than scheduled, or at least that inspiring outcome is a concept on the radar.

Meanwhile, surviving week-to-week, in part through the acupuncture and massage treatments from Heiji Cho and some of the Chinese Traditional Medicine (CTM) students here at UTS. The gall bladder channel is the one being worked — to release rising yang from the liver. hmmm. The treatments work, they seems to diffuse the migraines that do show up and eventually, as is common, with any lock, the migraines will vanish. I am confident of this, and only wish I had come to this conclusion last year, or even earlier as these episodes interrupted life from time to time. The stress of movement came on such a regular basis, but there was no thought to find a source, find a working solution, a cure. It was only the process of gritting the teeth until a dark and quiet room could be found for the duration. Western meds never really worked, they only covered the symptoms at best, and in some cases a single pill cost as much as a full 90-minute acupuncture treatment session.

But choosing to undertake a treatment of what is known as ‘alternative’ medicine was always a difficult stretch. Despite input from trusted others who had benefited. There was the hardship of paying cash from the pocket to the practitioner when cash was never so abundant.

movement and encounter

Morning, mourning notes on encounter, in no particular order.

It is on a pathway, the pathway, in the mode of movement, in the shifting of unknown situations, where encounter occurs. These encounters are traced with the full presence of the body and all aspects where they occur.

There is the general rule on a hiking trail, uphill gets right-of-way: those struggling and straining to make it to the top of whatever heights that you’ve just been on should be given precedence. It’s always a question, though, what the precise character of the encounter will be. Whether you have seen (or heard) the approach of an Other, through dense forest, or whether you round a turn to be confronted by a gaggle of silent walkers. Encounter is a culturally specific regime overlying that of the embodied, the animal. On trails in the West the density of hikers is generally low, except in National Parks which can see crowds as dense any on Fifth Avenue in New York City at lunch-time. This is one criteria on which to judge a trail — not merely the views afforded, but the number of people encountered. Escaping from human presence is as prominent a thought as what other ‘natural’ phenomena might be encountered. more “movement and encounter”

Navaho voices

up at 0600, toss the last items in the truck, 0640 departure. head north-by-northeast. one of the five or six route options for traveling between Prescott and Boulder. gas relatively cheap. clear, dry roads. modest traffic. migraine ensues. why? still no answers. face frozen by the icy landscape shape-shifting outside glass cocoon. travel-day migraine.

Navajo voices in my head.

a roadblock for a funeral cortege winding in to a ragged and desolate cemetery near Naschitti. a couple Navajo guys hit me up for change at the gas station in Farmington. tens of F350 Ford pickups streaming back in towards Farmington from the gas fields that have raped the region in the last six years since the Bush regime opened up the area to uncontrolled drilling. more “Navaho voices”



Lulled to sleep after midnight (well, I was tired and had a migraine) on Monday night by the sounds of John McCain’s last ever presidential campaign rally drifting over the chilly night air from a couple miles away on Courthouse Square. Hank Williams Jr. and the roaring sounds of either people cheering or cars driving by, I couldn’t tell in my sleepy haze. Nor could I manage to get out of bed to mosey down there and document, another missed opportunities.

This region of Arizona is one of the most right-wing of any places in the US, for whatever reasons (historical and economic), and there is rife anger and fear bordering on paranoia among those elements (it’s a Marxist Muslim foreign takeover!). It’s a pity, it’s an illness, and it is not going away.

Don’t forget 62,450,831 to 55,393,194 (with about 98% counted…) represents a difference of only 2.4% of the total population.

Digitally Yours

rising too early again, out to Turku with a few hard-cores to tour the exhibition Digitally Yours that Andy Best had curated. not enough sleep. even our tireless Pixelache host, Juha, was unable to roll out of bed in time for the train, so it ended up there were only five of us who actually made the trip, but it was well worth it.

begin to get a migraine after seeing the show at the Ars Nova museum — most of the artists were there, so we were able to interact with them directly. I recorded several of the talks, so, hope to get that online shortly. great also to have a bit of time to spend with Mukul and Manu with their deLightful boy.

Digitally Yours examines the relationship between technology and humanity. The exhibition maps out how everyday life and art have changed over the period when digital technologies have become commonplace. The artists in the exhibition all use digital technologies but their relationship to it is critical. They consider the relationship between man and machine, the dreams and promises, the realities and threats. The works in the exhibition ponder the fundamental questions of humanity in this globalized information networked world, while building on a new type of collaboration between the artist and the viewer.

Animaatiokone Industries (FI); Laura Beloff (FI) & Erich Berger (AT); Elina Mitrunen (FI); Chris Burden (US); Anita Fontaine (AU/US); Phil Coy (UK); Ed Burton (UK) & Zachary Lieberman (US); Juha Huuskonen (FI) & Tuomo Tammenpää (FI); Manu Luksch (AT/UK) Christian Nold (UK); Stanza (UK); Soda (UK); Markus Renvall (FI); Åsa Ståhl (SE) & Kristina Lindström (SE); Pia Tikka (FI)

on the way back, I get off before Helsinki to have dinner with David and Maria at their new place in the countryside. unfortunately, my head it really done in by then, so, I’m hardly good company. David drives me to Linnunlaulu where I finish packing. the migraine dissipates somewhat and I am able to go to the closing party for an hour to say goodbye to folks. then off to crash for another even earlier rise and 26 hours of travel torture.

the soul catching up

early morning, seeing Stefan off to the Manhattan train in the accumulated six inches of snow. wanted to rise as early as possible to stay with the body-time shift accrued in Iceland, in anticipation of a long and tiring day today. travel days have become, in the last few years, the source of parallel migraines of some degree. don’t really feel the connection overtly between the actual travel and the headache, but the fact that they come on those days and seldom otherwise makes it clear there is a one. but how? just the stress of travel? which, by now, shouldn’t really even be a stress. the dislocative process? the rising unknown of what is at the other end? dunno. diet doesn’t seem to impact the severity, only sleep. that the body undergoes stress along with travel is somewhat clear. the break in routines, and the ‘un-natural’ conditions of motion applied to the body by the variety of technological means used.

heavy snow in Copenhagen, delayed commuter prop flight to Hamburg, Christian there waiting despite bad roads. turn around after arriving at their place in Kiel to train it to Lübeck to meet Hubertus and Mindaugas to go over details in preparation for next Monday’s workshop start since they will be in Estonia for the first week of my visit. Lübeck has streets of ice, accidents everywhere. get the keys for my little flat in the Altstadt of the city, on a narrow alleyway. catching up in listening and comprehending in German. comfortable. train-riding, bahnhofs, backerei, and all. conversations of trans-language.


Waking up in an expensive cheap motel in Gallup. A hole of a town. Along “Historic Route 66,” a place in a long slide since Interstate 40 sliced across New Mexico, Arizona, and California and made that quaint legend a fact: a dead remnant of another level of pop culture and consumer opulence. Gallup is dying slowly.

The drive the day before becomes a gritty and wearing task—made so by one of those damn migraines that I seem to get as often as I travel. What is this about? No answers there, been trying to decode the messages of body on that, but to no rising clarity. Stress? Improper hydration? Too much sugar in the system? Full-body tension? Lack of solid sleep the night before? A friggin’ mystery still. Passing through the landscape of my country. Seeing places that would be soul-stirring, soul-food. Loki not into the isolation. An age thing. Feeling that the time for withdrawing from the things of the world. Where Loki desires friends to play with, and an urban context in which to live. Though he enjoys camping and the outdoors.

Impossible to measure anything. As again I am NOT writing about most of the events in life. Family, relationships, work, blah blah blah, internal feelings, and struggles. Blogging nine years on into the ether.


another brutal day of early arising, bus to plane to plane. and a migraine. faugh. but about to arrive in Phoenix, well, sort of. still 2.5 hours off, but after nine hours of flying, that seems like a short hop. no idea what will greet me there, with the recent events. was contemplating a relaxing holiday preparing for the re-location to Boulder in January.

reflections. Finland for the last time in a while. the silence of the pre-pre-dawn moments. waiting for the airport bus in the cold darkness. the blur of the movement. fighting a migraine the whole way. and again being a silent seat-partner to a young French woman. happy that the aircrew is offering water every hour or so. here on the trans-Atlantic plane. crossing Ice Land, Green Land, Arctic Canada, Hudsons Bay, Winnipeg, then south-west to elsewhere, and finally landing in Amurika. with the associated blast of that Amurikan-ness. how to deal with? green teen-age soldiers try to act with authority and disdain. in the face of the unknown of terror. while the echo of the Cold Warriors are everywhere, fearing every Other.

misery without company

miserable day. ending with the usual travel migraine. was supposed to be using this whole day to finish off things in Helsinki, now it is all I can manage to buy a few Christmas presents and repack my massively heavy bags. bed at the hotel near the station brings no sleep. but at least the migraine leaves by the 0420 wake-up which I watch come around in 20 minute intervals all night.

palace of Lights

up not too early with the same headache that I ended the evening with. it dissipates gradually. Susi comes by at 1030 to drive me in to the Uni for the day. lunch with Jürgen Friedrich, the director of the Digital Media Master’s program, so we exchange some information and ideas briefly before I have to head to Frieder and Susi’s class. the beginning of class is delayed because of technical failures, so by the time it gets underway, I have to leave for the Hauptbahnhof to catch the Berlin train. on that ICE train at the moment, wondering how long the battery will last. and whether the rather bumpy ride will cause problems with the hard drive. not yet, at least. really wondering what to do about this web site. trying to map a strategy to deal with the data space.

The Divine Structure of the Head
It is made up of nine palaces corresponding to the nine heavens: one inch in, between the two eyebrows, is the “palace of Lights,” in which dwells the divinity of the Great One, flanked left and right by the purple room and the vermilion cross. One inch farther in is the palace of the three immortals. Three inches into the skull is the palace of the upper field of cinnabar; four inches in, the palace of moving pearls; five inches in, the palace of the Jade Emperor. In addition, above these dwellings, we have the celestial courtyard, the palace of the Highest Summit, the palace of the mysterious cinnabar and the palace of the August Heaven. — Daoist manuscript

I make it to the cafe across the street from HdK-Berlin to meet with Wolfgang.

laundry memories

equinox energies abound. perfect balance at one moment today. can you guess the exact moment? not sleeping well, think I have an abscessed wisdom tooth. had two removed about five years ago — two on one side, and was SUPPOSED to go back the following week to get the other two out, but between the pain of getting the first ones out, and the question why should I have two perfectly good chewing devices pulled out, I never went back to the dentist. so, now, dental things creep into awareness. several migraine-like symptoms all on that same side of my head are pointing red arrows direct at that tooth, though I can’t specifically feel pain radiating from there. have to find a dentist in Helsinki when I get back on Friday. and then, the laundry problem to be solved. the building I live in has a laundry room, but one needs a key to get in. the janitor speaks no English at all — my first attempt to get a key went something like, find his flat, the door was cracked open, I ring once, twice, and finally this geezer comes to the door looking like the recently fired (for over-consumption of vodka) footman for the Czar. at his heel a growling chihuahua. I ask politely, “do you understand any English” and am met with a stone-glazed look and some words which I was sure weren’t Finnish, and the chihuahua growling all the time. I motion and say to him that I will have a friend call instead, he shrugs and turns away with a suspicious look, the chihuahua poised for attack like a Doberman. sometimes I really don’t like living in a foreign country. how come I have been doing just that for a DECADE now? what quirk of fate brought that along? shit. now here in another place, networking. again. meeting people met before, and people never met yet. until now, slinging emails and SMS messages and phone calls across fiber optic cables and stuff like that. never ending. remote presence. and tomorrow morning, I have to leave to Oslo. now I go to call Kenneth, and Hilde, and so on.

sustained teaching

yet another workshop over. surprising, it crept up on me. done for this school year. ending with not a bang but a whimper. okay, I can deal. well, not a whimper, no need to be negative about it. actually it went okay, in the sense that my energy level is not diminished. I seem to have found, for the moment, a means. a mechanism to sustain teaching indefinitely through a careful cultivation of collaborative energies in the classroom situation. and the balanced positioning of my own ego-system within the milieu that evolves within the group. activating students to creative expression has the goal of nurturing the collective energies. thoughts keep racing forward to Linz and the performance on Wednesday evening, and the subsequent thing in Budapest which is even more unplanned. spontaneity is so bloody dangerous that I can’t even begin to express the stress it sets up in my head, although at this point, I have learned to deal with the physical effects by activating my own physical movement when things get underway. I know how to grab energies in the air, push ideas, concepts and other parameters around, physically. this, I have noted in previous events, has a lot of power on the Others involved. connection in Frankfurt. a throng of Japanese tourists sweep by heading for a flight to Rome. my neck tenses up, and it threatens to head toward a migraine. brain is not functioning in true travel-style. and this will continue for the next year again. I have committed to the movement, and two other schools have responded to my ad for workshops. so far Eindhoven, Arhus, Trondheim, Kiel, Tornio, Lahti will be part of the tour, and I suppose Reykjavík and Akureyri if I have the time. maybe next year I will have to do the same thing in the USA just to see what will happen. plans to deal with next summer with Loki in Europe are next on the agenda. trying to figure things out. clearly, however, texts like this are not worth writing here. already the beginning of this work is waiting for re-writing. into something better retrospecting on the surface of things. shaking meaning from the continuous stream of events that impinge on my body. or not even that, just ensuring that the future becomes what it is planned to be. stupid plan — to try and ensure what cannot be controlled. why try? avoiding the spontaneous negative, the spontaneous positive is destroyed simultaneously. energy. how to bind energy in to the text. to be released in TIME. to the proper receiver. no idea for the performance tomorrow evening. F.E. Rakushan is the partner in the evening, along with Maggi and Christa. What will this bring? (I need to have a recording of this event forwarded (and real-audio-ed). oh, and the lecture at Kiel tape copied, and… now here. exhausting day of travel, thankfully, Christa meets me at the small Linz airport. it is HOT, at least as measured by my recent experience, and the whole long winter.


Oh hell, what pretense to think that I could really get any sensible writing done here, when all other mediums seem to fail me as well. Concentration lags behind — a result of very poor physical condition that my body is in, and mentally I am really unfocused … Can’t really point to what is going on. Material stimulation and the stimulation of speaking to others seems to not hold my attention for long. I wonder at how others can focus and make massive and detailed material contributions to this monolithic world of Art. I am left babbling about spiritual transcendence, hypostasis, and being. Out of step with the environment that I have immersed myself in … This Art world. This world of commerce and culture and the intersection thereof. more “volume”

Media Lab

Oh my head. Half the day is lost in a haze where I balance on the fringe of a migraine. Particular to the right eye, the usual remedy is to lie down and rest for some time. Instead of this, circumstances force me to be active all day, albeit in a half-real state. Finally recovered in the evening for a dinner with Pia at Lily and Kari-Hans’ place. It was great to really have some time and meet Lily, who was one of the participants in the Eight Dialogues project. Earlier in the day, I am first at the MediaBase lab and then a bus ride with Pia up to UIAH for lunch and an afternoon of presentations at Media Lab. I finally was able to hand-deliver a print to Philip — the one of he and his two kids in a grocery store in Helsinki that I took in 1995.

There were a number of interesting Media Lab projects presented. Now, the reason for the aching head was lack of sleep which in turn was directly related to attending a sumptuous dinner party at Johanna’s flat the evening before. Visa and Eva were there along with Johanna’s sister and four other friends. Mmmmmmmm. Starting out in her kitchen at 1900 and ending up nine hours later leaving a club after a couple hours of dancing … The full moon is always a good excuse for excess. It has been a long time since I was really dancing much at all, and although it was only a disco, not live, it was fun, well, because it was with friends! And these two Swedish gurls … hmmm, but that’s another story. Good thing Eva was chaperoning.


Another day comes and goes, and still I have not cleared up my head. I had an eye examination this morning, but have to wait to get new lenses for a week or so. I ended up with another migraine all afternoon, lying around on the living room floor. And I was troubled that I have not spent significant time outdoors here. I need to do a hike or something. There is plenty of spectacular landscape here, and before I head back into the miasma of the East Coast and Europe, I should imbibe … I wish I had a partner here to do things with.

5 stars

Gerardo Yepiz writes:

La frase magica de hoy es: “Everything is true as long as you believe it…”

migraine headache for much of the day. This is not explained completely by a glass of wine late in the evening last night. Nor a lack of sleep. Nor the late drive to the airport and back. I haven’t had an eye examine in seven years, and I have a suspicion that this might be part of the problem, along with damaged lenses caused when Loki knocked my glasses onto the tile floor of the locker room at the pool in Dalvík.

… Was that today I kissed you goodbye and sped away in a yellow cab? It rained all day today in New York. the cathartic yet intensely melancholic type of rain that comes. Was it yesterday the Polaroid snapshots in my hand were taken?. … — Vincent Katz

Alyssa and I have breakfast at the famous Five Star Diner on Rt. 202. A favorite place of mine especially after I have been imbibing all sorts of travel-food and foreign breakfasts. I order a stack of blueberry pancakes, but can hardly enjoy them for my pounding head and watering eyes. I go home — well, where exactly IS home anymore? Where my hat is hung? Where my bags spring open, revealing a portable computer, important papers, video tape and slides (for lecturing), a portable tape deck, tapes, CD’s, camera, film — enough techno crap to … If I was only carrying my notebook and clothes, I would be a Lighter Man. Anyway, the issue of home base is all the more intense these days when I find I can’t really get anything done. I need a place, a base.

kisses thru the air

portrait, Loki, Akureyri, Iceland, July 1996

Took the bus down to Reykjavík from Akureyri yesterday morning, saying goodbye to my little boy who was blowing me kisses as the bus pulled away. These are difficult times. I face them sadly. Hildur and Simi met me on their way back home from the countryside — it was nice spending the weekend with them before flying south. though I had a migraine by the time the bus arrived in Reykjavík. The typical movement-induced one that goes away only with a nap, sometimes with an espresso or a muscle-relaxer-pill. But not this time, I had to huddle in the back bedroom for many hours before recovering, as per usual.