Wednesday, 15 November, 1961

I started again to abstract documents for a Probability Model where Prob. of kill is a function of Target Determination, Target Threat Evaluation, Tactical Control, Intercept, and Kill.

Clear, 40°F

Sent letter to L. M. Coyne, Dir. of Finance — Fairfax County, Virginia, re: statements for Personal Property Taxes due.

Took LCH to the reception & dinner for the Ockenga‘s at the Statler Hotel. About 1000 were there to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of his ministry at Park Street. Charles E. Fuller and Clyde Taylor were there to speak. Mrs. Ockenga’s response to the presentation of a fine bouquet and a gift was the most gracious talk of the evening. We arrived home at 12:05 AM after a 35 minute ride from Park Square.

Returned the broken storm sash to Wilson Lumber Company who said they would provide another.

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