Monday, 11 February, 1963

Had some disc. w/ ELE & WW re: objectives for trip to A tomorrow. He (WW) wanted to make the minimum commitment for anything, in accord w/ the Lab’s wishes. He wants me to function in a liaison capacity to see that the questions of A are answered here by those qualified, and to eliminate calls to individuals.

Bill Daly had word back from Honolulu that overseas RT insurance was available at the Hickam MATS Terminal, $50,000 RT for $8.00; this seems a high rate. He also had my orders cut and on hand for the Kwaj trip; they are for the interval 2-63 / 2-64!


Rode w/ Harry Sussman

Phoned Elbery’s re: Ford. It will be done tomorrow, including undercoating. LCH can get it on Thursday when she goes to school. Cost will be about $375. Made arrangements to pay $200 on pickup, and the rest in 30 days; this w/ Mr. Kemp, the credit manager.

Went over to the Machine Shop to get the small cone/cylinder shell for the PSC candelabra: it looks fine — they machined it out of solid stock!

Went to bed at 9 PM.

Monday, 14 January, 1963

Had my second cholera shot.

Rec’d another paper from EWP — 22L-7320 on express rockets — contains the sentence “The subject of express rockets, as I see it now…” Apparently he is beginning to see that things are not the pushover he has thot they were.

Had a lengthy dics. w/ ELE, re: their trip to BSD/Holloman, etc. Dr. Getting A, etc met w/ Dr. Overhage, Prof. Radford & VAN wherein Dr. Gashel got CJO to sign a memo of agreement to share the STV Data Processing operation; he put it in his pocket & responded that it would be discussed w/ AF. Krause then after lunch talked as if it had been signed. ELE, WIW, et al met w/ Durand who talked as if it had been signed. They then went to Holloman where after making it clear that they were looking at facilities, about 60,000 sq. ft. were found in two buildings. This is the best place it seems to me, to do this job, since it is close to the data sources.

Went home at 1430 with sore arm & fever.


All 48 states are cold today — even the Rio Grande Valley near El Paso and the Salt River Valley at Phoenix are below 32˚F!

Had my second cholera shot about 0930.

LCH called at 1045 to say the Ford battery would barely turn the engine over. I’ll see what I can get from AMS. Sears 36-month battery costs $18. AMS wants $27 for a 65-plate battery. I’ll get one at Sears when I go in tomorrow to get my Yellow Fever shot at the Brighton Marina Hospital.

Went home about 2:30 PM as I felt quite poorly; went to bed.

Put the battery charger on the Ford.

Saturday, 12 January, 1963


Spent the day at PSC; LCH, JAH, NJH, JCH & Sandy went along, going to see Disney’s “Castaways.” Paul B. was also there, and we worked on the pulpit wiring, trying to straighten it out. Put in the 14-cable panel and soldered in the wires for 9 cables. Put up the Altec 685A mike in the candelabra in front of the dummy choir.

Was so tired when I got home that all I could do was sit in front of the fire, and then go to bed early!