Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2024

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Cedaredge, Colorado, 04-05 May 2024

neoscenes is again participating in the Reveil global audio streaming project for the tenth year, adding a small sonic expression to this ongoing collaborative broadcast: Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2024 (one dimension of Soundcamp) 03-05 May (depending on your time zone — see below for exact local times).

Reveil is a collective production by streamers at listening points around the earth. Starting on the morning of Saturday 4 May in South London near the Greenwich Meridian, the broadcast will pick up feeds one by one, tracking the sunrise west from microphone to microphone, following the wave of intensified sound that loops the earth every 24 hours at first light.

Streams come from a variety of locations and situations, at a time of day when many people are unaccustomed to be up and out, but sounds are vivid, especially in Spring. The Reveil broadcast makes room by largely avoiding speech and music, gravitating to places where human and non human communities meet and soundworlds overlap.

Sounds produced by birds, amphibians, weather, fish, electromagnetic fluctuations, people, machines, vegetation, transmission artifacts, convey the variety of planetary soundscapes, captured from many specific places and projects. In the process, Reveil brings together dispersed and lesser known ecological projects and practices across disciplines and time zones, in a sketch of an acoustic commons in the making.

Streams range from temporary projects in people’s homes to large research networks. Each open microphone adds to the diversity of the mix.

You can tune in to the overall 25-hour Reveil stream at the Reveil platform or on Wave Farm Radio or at Resonance Extra.

neoscenes/Reveil 2024 landing page: [active during event only]

Check the time!

  • the time span of the whole event starts at 5 AM London time (UTC+1) Saturday, 04 May until 6 AM on Sunday, 05 May
  • that’s 10 PM Colorado time (UTC-6) Friday, 03 May until 11 PM Saturday, 04 May
  • that’s 12 PM midnight New York time (UTC-4) (Friday night) 04 May until 1 AM Sunday 05 May
  • use the World Clock meeting planner to convert to your local time otherwise…
This Reveil stream, neoscenes’ tenth year participating, comes from the property of friend and artist Jennifer Riefenberg, a tract of land sitting at 6850 ft (2015 m) on a rich riparian corridor along Surface Creek in western Colorado. The nearest village, Cedaredge is a couple miles away. To the northwest, north, and northeast, 10 miles (16 km) as the raven flies, sits Grand Mesa, the largest flat-topped mountain in the world, at 11,000 ft (3300 m). The surrounding property was formerly an agricultural area relying on irrigation waters coming off the Mesa. Before the white colonization in the late 18th century, this area was the Ute tribal homeland: it still is. There is a rich range of wildlife in the area—birds including Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Red-tail Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), Great Horned Owls, Ravens (Corvus corax), Black-billed Magpies (Pica hudsonia), Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), Western Meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), Mountain and Western Bluebirds, Nuthatches, House Sparrows and Finches along with bears, mountain lions, coyotes, mule deer, foxes, raccoons, skunks, marmots, and ground squirrels. Surface Creek, the main drainage for the area, runs on the east side of the property in a shallow valley lined with cottonwood, juniper, box elder, mountain mahogany, 3-leaf sumac, service berry, yarrow, rabbit brush, and volunteer fruit trees. In the sonic foreground there is an irrigation holding pond that sees regular visits of a variety of birds. Early May is a time for maximum snow-melt off the Mesa, and Surface Creek can swell to more than 600 cfs (17 cms)—two orders of magnitude over minimum flow. It typically displays large diurnal variations in flow, depending on the ambient temperatures. The creek flow will be the dominant sonic texture.

The neoscenes stream, hosted on the locusonus soundmap will be live for the entire weekend; it will be selectively broadcast in the Reveil stream as follows:

Date: 06 May 05:50-06:20 AM MDT UTC-6 (this is the approximate time that the neoscenes stream will be mixed into the whole 25-hour stream)

Civil twilight (local time): 5:40 AM / 0538 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Sunrise (local time): 6:07 AM / 0606 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Location: online and Cedaredge, Colorado, USA

Streamer: John Hopkins / neoscenes

Coordinates: N +38.92349163182399° / W107.91730709264802°
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London

Calculate other time zones

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2023

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Cedaredge, Colorado, 06-07 May 2023

It’s that time of year again, a rare instance for neoscenes to focus a small expression on collaborative audio streaming work: Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2023 (one dimension of Soundcamp) 06-07 May — see below for exact times depending on your time zone:

Reveil is an annual collaborative 24+1-hour streaming radio broadcast of the sounds of daybreak, co-produced by streamers around the world. Reveil follows the changing wave of sound that circles the earth continuously along the grey line of first light, returning to its starting point after 24 hours without repetition.

Sounds produced by birds, amphibians, weather, fish, electromagnetic fluctuations, people, machines, vegetation, transmission artifacts, convey the variety of planetary soundscapes, captured from many specific places and projects. In the process, Reveil brings together dispersed and lesser known ecological projects and practices across disciplines and time zones, in a sketch of an acoustic commons in the making.

Streams range from temporary projects in people’s homes to large research networks. Each open microphone adds to the diversity of the mix.

You can tune in to the overall 25-hour Reveil stream at the Reveil platform or on Wave Farm Radio or at Resonance Extra.

neoscenes/Reveil landing page:

Check the time!

  • the time span of the whole event starts at 5 AM London time (UTC+1) Saturday, 06 May until 6 AM on Sunday, 07 May
  • that’s 10 PM Colorado time (UTC-6) Friday, 05 May until 11 PM Saturday, 06 May
  • that’s 12 PM New York time (UTC-4) (Friday night) 05 May until 1 AM Sunday 07 May
  • use the World Clock meeting planner to convert to your local time otherwise…
This Reveil stream, neoscenes’ ninth overall, and the third that is coming from a small ranch sitting at 6800 ft (2000 m) on the Surface Creek alluvial fan near the small town of Cedaredge in western Colorado. To the northwest, north, and northeast, 10 miles (16 km) as the raven flies, sits Grand Mesa, the largest flat-topped mountain in the world, at 11,000 ft (3300 m). The property surrounding the house was once an apple orchard, beginning 140 years ago, but that came and went, leaving open grazing fields that rely on irrigation waters coming off the Mesa. Before the white colonization, this area was a rich Ute tribal homeland. There are a range of birds — bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), red-tail hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), ravens (Corvus corax), black-billed magpies (Pica hudsonia), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), sparrows, and so on. Surface Creek Road runs on the east side of the property, so there will be the occasional pick-up truck, ATV, or car racing up or down the long grade. The view to the south is to the magnificent San Juan Mountains, and to the southwest and west spans the long horizontal swell of the Uncompaghre Uplift at 9,000 ft (2700 m), looking everything like a massive dark tsunami, frozen in geologic time. The nearest neighbors are 1000 ft (300 m) away or more, but with few trees, one may hear goats, chickens, dogs, and cows in the background. Surface Creek is not far away, and will be experiencing peak springtime snow-melt, so there will be a low background sussurration arising from that.

The neoscenes stream, hosted on the locusonus soundmap will be live for the entire weekend; it will be selectively broadcast in the Reveil stream as follows:

Date: 06 May 05:50-06:20 AM MDT UTC-6 (this is the approximate time that the neoscenes stream will be mixed into the whole 25-hour stream)

Civil twilight (local time): 5:38 AM / 0538 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Sunrise (local time): 6:06 AM / 0606 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Location: online and Cedaredge, Colorado, USA

Streamer: John Hopkins / neoscenes

Coordinates: N 38.91734719755037° / W107.91045876607403°
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London

Calculate other time zones

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2022

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Golden, Colorado, May 2020

It’s that time of year again, one of the few instances for neoscenes to focus on a small expression of collaborative audio streaming work: Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2022 (one dimension of Soundcamp) this weekend — see below for exact times depending on your time zone:

Reveil is an annual collaborative 24+1 hour streaming radio broadcast of the sounds of daybreak, co-produced by streamers around the world. Reveil follows the changing wave of sound that circles the earth continuously along the grey line of first light, returning to its starting point after 24 hours without repetition.

Sounds produced by birds, amphibians, weather, fish, electromagnetic fluctuations, people, machines, vegetation, transmission artifacts, convey the variety of planetary soundscapes, captured from many specific places and projects. In the process, Reveil brings together dispersed and lesser known ecological projects and practices across disciplines and time zones, in a sketch of an acoustic commons in the making.

Streams range from temporary projects in people’s homes to large research networks. Each open microphone adds to the diversity of the mix.

You can tune in to the overall 25-hour Reveil stream at Resonance Extra or on Wave Farm Radio or on the Reveil platform.

Check the time!

  • the time span of the whole event starts at 5 AM London time (UTC+1) Saturday 30 April until 6 AM on Sunday 01 May
  • that’s 10 PM Colorado time (UTC-6) Friday 29 April until 11 PM Saturday 30 APRIL
  • that’s 12 PM New York time (UTC-4) (Friday night) 29 April until 1 AM Sunday 01 May
  • use the World Clock meeting planner to convert to your local time otherwise…
This Reveil stream, neoscenes eighth contribution, and the second that is coming from a small ranch sitting at 6800 ft (2000 m) in the Surface Creek drainage near the small town of Cedaredge in western Colorado. To the northwest-north-northeast sits Grand Mesa, the largest flat-topped mountain in the world, at 11,000 ft (3300 m). The ranch was once an apple orchard, beginning 140 years ago, but that came and went, leaving open grazing fields that rely on irrigation waters coming off the Mesa. Before the white colonization, this area was a rich Ute tribal homeland. There are a range of birds — bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), red-tail hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), ravens (Corvus corax), black-billed magpies (Pica hudsonia), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), sparrows, and so on. Surface Creek Road runs on the east side of the property, so there will be the occasional pick-up truck or car racing up or down the long grade. The view to the south is to the magnificent San Juan Mountains, and to the southwest and west spans the long horizontal swell of the Uncompaghre Uplift at 9,000 ft (2700 m), looking everything like a massive dark tsunami, frozen in time. The nearest neighbors are 1000 ft (300 m) away or more, but with few trees, one may hear goats, chickens, dogs, and cows in the background.

The neoscenes stream, hosted on the locusonus soundmap will be live for the entire weekend; it will be selectively broadcast in the Reveil stream as follows:

Date: 30 April 05:45-06:16 AM MDT UTC-6 (this is the approximate time that the neoscenes stream will be mixed into the 24-hour stream)

Civil twilight (local time): 5:45 AM / 0545 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Sunrise (local time): 6:13 AM / 0613 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Location: online and Cedaredge, Colorado, USA

Streamer: John Hopkins / neoscenes

neoscenes/Reveil landing page:

Coordinates: N 38.91735 / W 107.910422

Timezone: MDT UTC-6 (7 hours behind London)

Calculate other time zones

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2021

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Cedaredge, Colorado, May 2021

It’s that time of year again, one of the few instances for neoscenes to focus on a small expression of collaborative audio streaming work: Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2021 (one dimension of Soundcamp) this weekend — see below for exact times depending on your time zone:

Reveil is an annual collaborative 24+1 hour streaming radio broadcast of the sounds of daybreak, co-produced by streamers around the world. Reveil follows the changing wave of sound that circles the earth continuously along the grey line of first light, returning to its starting point after 24 hours without repetition.

Sounds produced by birds, amphibians, weather, fish, electromagnetic fluctuations, people, machines, vegetation, transmission artifacts, convey the variety of planetary soundscapes, captured from many specific places and projects. In the process, Reveil brings together dispersed and lesser known ecological projects and practices across disciplines and time zones, in a sketch of an acoustic commons in the making.

Streams range from temporary projects in people’s homes to large research networks. Each open microphone adds to the diversity of the mix.

You can tune in to the overall 25-hour Reveil stream at Resonance Extra or on Wave Farm Radio or on the Reveil platform.

Check the time!

  • the time span of the whole event starts at 5 AM London time (UTC+1) Saturday 01 May until 6 AM on Sunday 02 May
  • that’s 10 PM Colorado time (UTC-6) Friday 30 April until 11 PM Saturday 01 May
  • that’s 12 PM New York time (UTC-4) (Friday night) 30 April until 1 AM Sunday 02 May
  • use the World Clock meeting planner to convert to your local time otherwise…
This Reveil stream, neoscenes seventh contribution is coming from a small ranch sitting at 6800 ft (2000 m) in the Surface Creek drainage near the small town of Cedaredge in western Colorado. To the northwest-north-northeast sits Grand Mesa, the largest flat-topped mountain in the world, at 11,000 ft (3300 m). The ranch was once an apple orchard, beginning 140 years ago, but that came and went, leaving open grazing fields that rely on irrigation waters coming off the Mesa. Before the white colonization, this area was a rich Ute tribal homeland. There are a range of birds — bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), red-tail hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), ravens (Corvus corax), black-billed magpies (Pica hudsonia), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), sparrows, and so on. Surface Creek Road runs on the east side of the property, so there will be the occasional pick-up truck or car racing up or down the long grade. The view to the south is to the magnificent San Juan Mountains, and to the southwest and west spans the long horizontal swell of the Uncompaghre Uplift at 9,000 ft (2700 m), looking everything like a massive dark tsunami, frozen in time. The nearest neighbors are 1000 ft (300 m) away or more, but with few trees, one may hear goats, chickens, dogs, and cows in the background.

The neoscenes stream, hosted on the locusonus soundmap will be live for the entire weekend; it will be selectively broadcast in the Reveil stream as follows:

Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:

(01:34:37, stereo audio, 227 mb)

Date: 30 April 05:44-06:16 AM MDT UTC-6 (this is the approximate time that the neoscenes stream will be mixed into the 24-hour stream)
Civil twilight (local time): 5:44 AM / 0544 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge
Sunrise (local time): 6:13 AM / 0613 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge
Location: online and Cedaredge, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins / neoscenes
neoscenes/Reveil landing page:
Coordinates: N 38.91735 / W 107.910422
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London

Calculate other time zones

This feed is set-up by Dr. John Hopkins (aka neoscenes), a visual/sonic media artist, learning facilitator, info-organizer. He holds a creative media practices PhD from La Trobe University/University of Technology Sydney, an MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder (where he studied film under renown experimental film-maker, Stan Brakhage), and a BSc in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. His transdisciplinary research and workshops explore issues surrounding sustainable creative practices, systems thinking, networked & tactical media, distributed and community-based DIY & DIWO processes, networked creativity, and Temporary Autonomous Zones. His international media arts practice explores the role of energy in techno-social systems and the effects of technology on energized human encounter. He has taught across more than 20 countries and 60 higher education situations. He currently works at the Colorado Geological Survey where he translates geoscience data into natural language that the public might understand; he is on the faculty of the aforementioned Colorado School of Mines.

You may track his hopes for a prosperous way down and out for the human species at:

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2020

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Cedaredge, Colorado, May 2020

Coming up 02-03 May, neoscenes joins in another annual live streaming broadcast for the sixth time with the Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2020 that is one dimension of Soundcamp:

Reveil is a 24+ hour radio broadcast of the sounds of daybreak, co-produced by streamers around the world on Dawn Chorus Day each year.Reveil follows the changing wave of sound that circles the earth continuously along the grey line of first light, returning to its starting point after 24 hours without repetition.

Sounds produced by birds, amphibians, weather, fish, electromagnetic fluctuations, people, machines, vegetation, transmission artifacts, convey the variety of planetary soundscapes, captured from many specific places and projects. In the process, Reveil brings together dispersed and lesser known ecological projects and practices across disciplines and time zones, in a sketch of an acoustic commons in the making.

Streams range from temporary projects in people’s homes to large research networks. Each open microphone adds to the diversity of the mix.

hopkins/neoscenes sends a dawning stream into the ether from the dividing line betwixt plains and mountains … enjoy!

This Reveil stream, neoscenes’ sixth, is out the kitchen window listening to the ambient neighborhood sounds surrounding Delong Park, a new park-in-the-making, in Golden, Colorado. Nestled at the base of the west flank of South Table Mountain, the sounds are under the dampening influenced of the moment: coronavirus, lock-down, social-distancing, quarantine, and so on. The park sits at 1765 m / 5790 ft. In the immediate foreground is a “ditch” — an dis-used irrigation ditch that used to carry water from Clear Creek Canyon all the way to the Plains to the east for agriculture in this dry climate. Children use the ditch as a play area. The Park was once a strange-shaped concatenation of lots, perhaps two acres in total, with a house on it. For some reason the house was destroyed and the lot donated to the city. It’s been used by locals already on a regular basis for, yes, dog walking, but also, snowball fights, frisbee, soccer practice, and picnicking. Soon, however, the city will unveil a *plan* for the space, to make it an ‘official’ park in the city schema. Not much else going on!

The live microphone feed will include: local neighborhood car and dog-walker traffic; interspersed with the conversational cries of the black-billed magpie (Pica hudsonia), the hunting sounds of the occasional red-tail (Buteo jamaicensis) and Cooper’s (Accipiter cooperii) hawks, the territorial cries and pecking of the northern flicker (Colaptes auratus), and the cooing of the mourning doves (Zenaida macroura), along with a variety of other birds. There may be the occasional coyotes (Canis latrans) kicking up a racket, trying to seduce house dogs to come out and play (and get eaten)!

This feed is set-up by Dr. John Hopkins (aka neoscenes), a visual/sonic media artist, learning facilitator, info-space organizer. He holds a creative media practices PhD from La Trobe University/University of Technology Sydney, an MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder (where he studied film under renown experimental film-maker, Stan Brakhage), and a BSc in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. His transdisciplinary research and workshops explore issues surrounding sustainable creative practices, systems thinking, networked & tactical media, distributed and community-based DIY and DIWO processes, networked creativity, and Temporary Autonomous Zones. His international media arts practice explores the role of energy in techno-social systems and the effects of technology on energized human encounter. He has taught across more than 20 countries and 60 higher education situations. He currently is translating geoscience data into natural language that the public might understand at the Colorado Geological Survey which, strangely enough, is now part of the aforementioned Colorado School of Mines.

Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:

(02:53:52, stereo audio, 398 mb)

The neoscenes stream parameters:

Calculate other time zones

Date: 2 May 04:45-06:30 AM MDT UTC-6
Location: online and Golden, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins / neoscenes
Coordinates: N 39.748188 / W 105.208542
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5:26 AM / 0526
Sunrise (local time): 5:56 AM / 0556

TUNE IN HERE [PROJECT OVER]: soundcamp listen:

The direct neoscenes stream [DOWN NOW] is located at (open in iTunes or VLC … it may or may not be active at any given time as I have to keep my kitchen window open for the mike to sit).

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019, online and Golden, Colorado, May 2019

neoscenes joins in yet another annual live streaming broadcast with the Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019 that is one dimension of Soundcamp:

We organise overnight soundcamps where people can sleep outside and investigate the sounds of unusual locations, especially at daybreak. We transmit REVEIL: a 24 hour radio broadcast that tracks sunrise around the globe, relaying live audio streams from collaborating artists, independent channels, and a variety of streaming media assembled for the event.

We are a platform for artistic and trans disciplinary work in the emerging field of live streaming audio.

We contribute to research and development of open source solutions for relaying live sounds, and establishing a permanent open microphone network as a resource for artists, researchers, activists and other listeners.

We assemble and produce materials online and in print as contexts for The Live Archive which Reveil taps into and extends.

Join soundcamps and streamers who will open microphones for the Reveil 24 hour radio broadcast, tracking the sunrise around the world for one earth day.

This Reveil stream is coming from a house set in a suburban mountain neighborhood at the fringe of wildlands on the east-facing side of Apex Park in Golden, Colorado. Overlooking the wide expanse of the High Plains, the house sits at 1890 m/6200 ft, the Mother Cabrini Shrine isn’t so far, at least as the red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) flies, nor is Deadman Gulch. Apex Park is yet another expression of the Laramide Orogeny of the Rocky Mountains as they rise from the Great Plains of middle America. The view to the east is expansive and includes Lakewood, and off in the middle distance, the high-rise towers of Denver, Colorado, and the eastern horizon, looking towards the state of Kansas, is far enough away that you may easily see the curvature of the earth.

The live microphone feed will include far-away-though-still-violent vehicle susserations from Interstate 70 and 470; un-throttled air traffic ascending hard to cross the high mountains from the Denver Int’l Airport; local neighborhood car and dog traffic; interspersed with the conversational cries of the Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) and a variety of other birds. It’s not unusual to see large herds of elk (Cervus canadensis), very fat suburban coyotes (Canis latrans), lynx (Lynx rufus), and mountain lions (Puma concolor) among the houses here, but they are generally silent or absent at dawn.

Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:

(02:04:20, stereo audio, 297.2 mb)

The neoscenes stream parameters:

Date: 05 May 0445-0630 MST UTC-6
Location: Golden, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins
Coordinates: N 39.717319 / W 105.215913
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5:25:57 AM / 0526
Sunrise (local time): 5:55:31 AM / 0556

TUNE IN HERE: soundcamp listen and my continuous stream that is live (though very quiet) now:

The direct stream will be at (open in iTunes or so…)

Reveil 2019 :: madrugada::dawn::drift

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Golden, Colorado, May 2019

Rápidas manos frías
retiran una a una
las vendas de la sombra
Abro los ojos
estoy vivo
en el centro
de una herida todavía fresca.

A half-circle rotation, standing, looking east: from the far north, left, the Flatirons, vertically-tilted 280-million-year-old sandstone spires; then, North Table Mountain, a broad mesa of Paleocene lava flows, paired with South Table Mountain; then a wide gap straight east across the flat Denver Basin and, eventually, Kansas; book-ending the view to the south-south-east, right, the low expanse of Green Mountain; behind me, the raw mass of the Rocky Mountains. Late spring dawn slices directly through this horizon, the actual sunrise a brilliant post-Cartesian process. There is, yes, the left-right-up-down event, (artificially) timed — astronomical, nautical, civil — along azimuth, ecliptic, and the eventual arrival at zenith way up above, later.

But every instance, every now of dawn, every sequential instant is different. It is the same difference — the anisotropic distribution of energized matter in the cosmos — that drives the gravitational oscillations rolling our Gaian marble on a nautiloid trajectory, revealing and hiding stars, planets, and sun. Here, though, on the dividing edge, one is affected by that same attraction of masses. The mass of the mountains to the west — at one’s back while watching the dawn — create a slight lightening effect on the body: given the calculated metrics of the “terrain” and “Hammer” corrections to the local gravitational field. This, a complication of the two-infinite-half-spaces geophysical model of the earth that speaks only of earth below and heaven above, what the I Ching reads as matter and spirit, darkness and light. But it is the incremental, the incomplete, the fuzzy, and the complex interplay signified in the fluid transitions of topography, of ecosystems, of orbiting bodies, and specifically, of dawn that bring us to Life.

Beyond the unbalanced weight of waning dark and waxing gray; beyond the vocative release of the local aviary; beyond the grinding realization that it is probably a work day; beyond the memory of the reported deaths of the previous day; beyond the inexorable procession of awakening to light; beyond the rime of red-eyed pollution staining the horizon; beyond the shreds of nightdream; beyond the warmth of feathered bedding and gently aspirating partner; there is the underlying nature of reality:

Two forces rule the universe: light and gravity. (2)

(1) – Octavio Paz
(2) – Simone Weil

The stream as it happened:

(02:04:20, stereo audio, 297.2 mb)

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2018

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Golden, Colorado, May 2018

neoscenes joins in another live streaming broadcast with the Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2018 that is one dimension of Soundcamp:

We organise overnight soundcamps where people can sleep outside and investigate the sounds of unusual locations, especially at daybreak.

We transmit REVEIL: a 24 hour radio broadcast that tracks sunrise around the globe, relaying live audio streams from collaborating artists, independent channels, and a variety of streaming media assembled for the event.

We are a platform for artistic and trans disciplinary work in the emerging field of live streaming audio.

We contribute to research and development of open source solutions for relaying live sounds, and establishing a permanent open microphone network as a resource for artists, researchers, activists and other listeners.

We assemble and produce materials online and in print as contexts for The Live Archive which Reveil taps into and extends.

Over the weekend of International Dawn Chorus Day on 5-6 May, soundcamps and streamers around the world will open microphones for the Reveil broadcast, sharing the sounds of places we hadn’t heard of or heard in this way before.

From a house perched on the rugged east-facing side of Mount Zion, at 1865 m/6120 ft above sea level, the view of sunrise is spectacular. Mount Zion is the first uplifted (remaining, continuing) expression of the Laramide Orogeny of the Rocky Mountains as they rise from the Great Plains of middle America. The view to the east is expansive and includes the town of Golden, Colorado, once the territorial capital, in the foreground; then comes the low North and South Table Mesa neither completely obscuring the view of the far horizon that is perhaps 75 mi. away towards the state of Kansas. The curvature of the earth is apparent, looking over this western edge of the Great Plains.

The live microphone feed will include a constant machinic backdrone of the Coors (beer) Brewery that sits on the east side of Golden; along with that is the sucking hiss of cars driving at high speed along a piece of 6th Avenue; often there is a significant wind; possible early-morning mountain bikers huffing up the Chimney Gulch trail below the house; interspersed with the conversational cries of the black-billed magpie (Pica hudsonia), the buzzing flight of ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), and the rattling duel of gilded flickers (Colaptes chrysoides). There are red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and the occasional golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), the occasional neighborhood dog barking, lots of LBBs (little brown birds) that I cannot name in the moment.

This year, for the morning sunrise, I plan to have a soft-and-sweet-spoken guest, and we shall have a dialogue that will float in the background of this sounding.

This stream is initiated by Dr. John Hopkins (aka neoscenes), a visual/sonic media artist, learning facilitator, information-space organizer. He holds a creative practices PhD from La Trobe University/University of Technology Sydney, an MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder (where he studied film under renown experimental film-maker, Stan Brakhage), and a BSc in Geophysical Engineering from the& Colorado School of Mines. His transdisciplinary research and workshops explore issues surrounding sustainable creative practices, ‘big-picture’ system views, networked & tactical media, distributed and community-based DIY and DIWO processes, networked creativity, and Temporary Autonomous Zones. His international media arts practice explores the role of energy in techno-social systems and the effects of technology on energized human encounter. He has taught across more than 20 countries and 60 higher education situations. He is currently organizing the geoscience dataspace and archive of the Colorado Geological Survey which, strangely enough, is now part of the aforementioned Colorado School of Mines… strange circles.

You may track his hopes for a ‘prosperous way down’ at:

Sorry, didn’t record the stream on this broadcast!

The neoscenes stream parameters:

Date: 05 May 0445-0600 MST UTC-6
Location: Golden, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins
Coordinates: N 39.7443396 / W 105.2327856″
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5:48 AM / 0548
Sunrise (local time): 6:17 AM / 0617
Broadcast window (London time): 1212 – 1339
Start time (approximate – London time): 1325

TUNE IN HERE: soundcamp listen and my continuous stream that is live (though very quiet) now:

The direct stream will be at (open in iTunes or so…)

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2017

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Golden, Colorado, May 2017

neoscenes joins in another live streaming broadcast with the Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2017 that is one dimension of Soundcamp:

We organise overnight soundcamps where people can sleep outside and investigate the sounds of unusual locations, especially at daybreak.

We transmit REVEIL: a 24 hour radio broadcast that tracks sunrise around the globe, relaying live audio streams from collaborating artists, independent channels, and a variety of streaming media assembled for the event.

We are a platform for artistic and trans disciplinary work in the emerging field of live streaming audio.

We contribute to research and development of open source solutions for relaying live sounds, and establishing a permanent open microphone network as a resource for artists, researchers, activists and other listeners.

We assemble and produce materials online and in print as contexts for The Live Archive which Reveil taps into and extends.

From a house perched on the rugged east-facing side of Mount Zion, at 1865 m/6120 ft above sea level, the view of sunrise is spectacular. Mount Zion is the first uplifted (remaining, continuing) expression of the Laramide Orogeny of the Rocky Mountains as they rise from the Great Plains of middle America. The view to the east is expansive and includes the town of Golden, Colorado, once the territorial capital, in the foreground; then comes the low North and South Table Mesa neither completely obscuring the view of the far horizon that is perhaps 75 mi. away towards the state of Kansas. The curvature of the earth is apparent, looking over this western edge of the Great Plains.

The live microphone feed will include a constant machinic whining from the Coors (Beer) Brewery that sits on the east side of Golden; along with that is the sucking hiss of cars driving at high speed along a piece of 6th Avenue; often there is a significant wind; possible early-morning runners and mountain bikers huffing up the Chimney Gulch trail below the house; all this interspersed with the conversational cries of the black-billed magpie (Pica hudsonia). There are red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and the occasional golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), a neighborhood dog barking, and lots of birds that I cannot name in the moment.

It had been a dry winter here, in the transition zone, though the mountains got plenty of snow, up until last weekend when we got 30 cm of wet springtime snow. Now things are quite green.

This stream is initiated by Dr. John Hopkins (aka neoscenes), a visual/sonic media artist, learning facilitator, information-space organizer. He holds a creative practices PhD from La Trobe University/University of Technology Sydney, an MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder (where he studied film under renown experimental film-maker, Stan Brakhage), and a BSc in Geophysical Engineering from the& Colorado School of Mines. His transdisciplinary research and workshops explore issues surrounding sustainable creative practices, ‘big-picture’ system views, networked & tactical media, distributed and community-based DIY and DIWO processes, networked creativity, and Temporary Autonomous Zones. His international media arts practice explores the role of energy in techno-social systems and the effects of technology on energized human encounter. He has taught across more than 20 countries and 60 higher education situations. He is currently organizing the geoscience dataspace and archive of the Colorado Geological Survey which, strangely enough, is now part of the aforementioned Colorado School of Mines… strange circles.

You may track his hopes for a ‘prosperous way down’ at:

Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:

(01:45:23, stereo audio, 252.4 mb)

The neoscenes stream parameters:

Date: 06 May 0445-0600 MST UTC-6
Location: Golden, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins
Coordinates: N 39.7443396 / W 105.2327856″
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 6 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5:48 AM / 0548
Sunrise (local time): 6:17 AM / 0617
Broadcast window (London time): 12.12 – 13.39
Start time (approximate – London time): 13.25

TUNE IN HERE: soundcamp listen and my continuous stream that is live (though very quiet) now:

The direct stream will be at (open in iTunes or so…)

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2016

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Prescott, Arizona, May 2016

neoscenes joins the 2016 live broadcast of the Reveil 24-hour stream 2016 that is part of Soundcamp:

REVEIL relays the sounds of live open microphones provided by streamers around the world.

Starting on the morning of Saturday 30 April just before daybreak in Rotherhithe near the Greenwich Meridian, the Reveil broadcast tracks the sunrise west from microphone to microphone, following the wave of sound that loops the earth every 24 hours.

Sounds are provided by the LocusSonus network and other streamers, together with a collection of live audio sources assembled for this broadcast.

REVEIL is different from the vast majority of radio available online: it is not dedicated mainly to music or talk, and none of it is pre-recorded. Each sound is propagating live somewhere in real time.

Our aim is to open a space for listening to something else – especially, but not exclusively to non humans and from wild places – and in the course of one earth day to provide a sketch of this emerging field.

The Live Audio Archive is both paradoxical and fluid: streams come and go in response to technical issues, seasonal changes, and the movement of people and other creatures on different projects or migrations.

From the Prescott National Forest, (altitude 5400 ft/1650 m) in a third growth ponderosa or blackjack pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest, sitting on a 1.5 billion-year-old granite batholith, a live microphone feed before, during, and after dawn brings the sounds of the common ground-dove (Columbina passerina), red-naped sapsucker (Sphyrapicus nuchalis), common raven (Corvus corax), and a variety of other birds, some neighborhood dogs, a few wind-chimes, the occasional susseration of automobiles in the distance, and the wind in the pines. It’s springtime, but after ten weeks of late winter that broke all records on heat and lack of precipitation, the environment is stressed and desperate for any moisture. Wildfires, once seasonal, may now start at any time of year.

This feed is sent from the small under-reconstruction cabin studio of Dr. John Hopkins (aka neoscenes), a visual/sonic media artist and learning facilitator. He holds a creative practices PhD from La Trobe University/University of Technology Sydney, an MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder (where he studied film under renown experimental film-maker, Stan Brakhage), and a BSc in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. His transdisciplinary research and workshops explore issues surrounding sustainable creative practices, ‘big-picture’ system views, networked & tactical media, distributed and community-based DIY & DIWO processes, networked creativity, and Temporary Autonomous Zones. His international media arts practice explores the role of energy in techno-social systems and the effects of technology on energized human encounter. He has taught across more than 20 countries and 60 higher education situations. He is currently hunting for meaningful work in a social system that is itself under severe psycho-spiritual duress. Is this the beginning of collapse?

Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:

(01:25:21, stereo audio, 207.2 mb)

The neoscenes stream parameters:

Date: 30 April 0445-0600 MST UTC-7
Location: Prescott, Arizona, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins
Coordinates: N 34 31′ 48.763″ / W 112 28’56.712″
Timezone: MST UTC-7 [no DST] 8 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5.12 AM / 0512
Sunrise (local time): 5.39 AM / 0539
Broadcast window (London time): 13.12 – 13.39
Start time (approximate – London time): 13.25

TUNE IN HERE: My continuous stream is live between 29 April – 01 May [and of course, during the broadcast window listed above]:

OR AT my direct locus-sonus stream: (this URL is live sporadically before and after the actual dawn stream time period). You can copy/paste the address into iTunes (use ‘File’ menu — ‘Open Stream’ option), or other mp3 players once it’s live. Headphones recommended to capture the ethereal density of the stream!

Reveil is in collaboration with the International Dawn Chorus Day.

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2015

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2015, online and Prescott, Arizona, May 2015

neoscenes joins in another live streaming broadcast with the Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2015 that is one project of Soundcamp:

We organise overnight soundcamps where people can sleep outside and investigate the sounds of unusual locations, especially at daybreak.

We transmit REVEIL: a 24 hour radio broadcast that tracks sunrise around the globe, relaying live audio streams from collaborating artists, independent channels, and a variety of streaming media assembled for the event.

We are a platform for artistic and trans disciplinary work in the emerging field of live streaming audio.

We contribute to research and development of open source solutions for relaying live sounds, and establishing a permanent open microphone network as a resource for artists, researchers, activists and other listeners.

We assemble and produce materials online and in print as contexts for The Live Archive which Reveil taps into and extends.

From the Prescott National Forest, (altitude 5400 ft/1650 m) in a third growth ponderosa or blackjack pine (Pinus ponderosa) area, sitting on a 3.5 Billion-year-old granite batholith, a live microphone feed before, during, and after dawn brings the sounds of the common ground-dove (Columbina passerina), red-naped sapsucker (Sphyrapicus nuchalis), common raven (Corvus corax), and a variety of other birds, neighborhood dogs, the over-powered air-conditioning system that the empty neighbor’s house has running, a wind-chime, the occasional automobile, and wind in the pines. It’s definitely spring, so there may also be the sound of some of the flying insects that are out in large number.

This feed is sent from the studio of Dr. John Hopkins (aka neoscenes), a visual/sonic media artist and learning facilitator. He holds a creative practices PhD from La Trobe University/University of Technology Sydney, an MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder (where he studied film under renown experimental film-maker, Stan Brakhage), and a BSc in Geophysical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. His transdisciplinary research and workshops explore issues surrounding sustainable creative practices, ‘big-picture’ system views, networked & tactical media, distributed and community-based DIY and DIWO processes, networked creativity, and Temporary Autonomous Zones. His international media arts practice explores the role of energy in techno-social systems and the effects of technology on energized human encounter. He has taught across more than 20 countries and 60 higher education situations. He is currently materializing a successful Kickstarter project in the mountains of Arizona and serving as education adviser to the Ecosa Institute.

Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:

(01:07:04, stereo audio, 161 mb)

The neoscenes stream parameters:

Calculate other time zones

Date: 01 May 0445-0600 MST UTC-7
Location: Prescott, Arizona, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins
Coordinates: N 34 31′ 48.763″ / W 112 28’56.712″
Timezone: MST UTC -7 [no DST] 8 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5:12 AM
Sunrise (local time): 5:39 AM
Broadcast window (London time): 1312 – 1339
Start time (approximate – London time): 1325

TUNE IN HERE: and my continuous stream that is live (though very quiet) now:

Reveil is in collaboration with the International Dawn Chorus Day.