neoscenes is again participating in the Reveil global audio streaming project for the tenth year, adding a small sonic expression to this ongoing collaborative broadcast: Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2024 (one dimension of Soundcamp) 03-05 May (depending on your time zone — see below for exact local times).
Streams come from a variety of locations and situations, at a time of day when many people are unaccustomed to be up and out, but sounds are vivid, especially in Spring. The Reveil broadcast makes room by largely avoiding speech and music, gravitating to places where human and non human communities meet and soundworlds overlap.
Sounds produced by birds, amphibians, weather, fish, electromagnetic fluctuations, people, machines, vegetation, transmission artifacts, convey the variety of planetary soundscapes, captured from many specific places and projects. In the process, Reveil brings together dispersed and lesser known ecological projects and practices across disciplines and time zones, in a sketch of an acoustic commons in the making.
Streams range from temporary projects in people’s homes to large research networks. Each open microphone adds to the diversity of the mix.
You can tune in to the overall 25-hour Reveil stream at the Reveil platform or on Wave Farm Radio or at Resonance Extra.
neoscenes/Reveil 2024 landing page: https://streams.soundtent.org/2024/streams/utc-6_-9b9ee361-46a4-4315-be94-985377df3a5f [active during event only]
Check the time!
- the time span of the whole event starts at 5 AM London time (UTC+1) Saturday, 04 May until 6 AM on Sunday, 05 May
- that’s 10 PM Colorado time (UTC-6) Friday, 03 May until 11 PM Saturday, 04 May
- that’s 12 PM midnight New York time (UTC-4) (Friday night) 04 May until 1 AM Sunday 05 May
- use the World Clock meeting planner to convert to your local time otherwise…
The neoscenes stream, hosted on the locusonus soundmap will be live for the entire weekend; it will be selectively broadcast in the Reveil stream as follows:
Date: 06 May 05:50-06:20 AM MDT UTC-6 (this is the approximate time that the neoscenes stream will be mixed into the whole 25-hour stream)
Civil twilight (local time): 5:40 AM / 0538 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge
Sunrise (local time): 6:07 AM / 0606 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge
Location: online and Cedaredge, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins / neoscenes
Coordinates: N +38.92349163182399° / W107.91730709264802°
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London