Enginn Gleypir Sólina

The English translation of this is Nobody Swallows the Sun, and it’s the title of a release of a couple of sound-art compositions by my friend, Icelandic artist, Magnús Pálsson. Adam Buffington started the label Mumbling Eye in 2021 featuring some of Magnus’ work: check out Enginn Gleypir Sólina on Bandcamp along with a second release, Gapassipi. And, back when I made a couple documentations of both he and Rod prepping in Maastricht for a performance in Berlin: a remix of that complexity.

(18:59, stereo audio, 46.3 mb)

The next step is for art to become mere smell or sound, phenomena which are visible or visual within the mind all the same. In this way, sound has a form and is an image. – Magnús Pálsson

Now a month after leaving the ‘regular’ job, conversations ensue within the personal network—Athens, Weimar, Helsinki, Vihti, Benin, Catania, Reykjavík, Forsbach, Bremen, Kiel, Maastricht, Salmon Arms, Vancouver, Boulder, Durango, Santa Fe, Denver—old friends, collaborators, former students, family. I am a bit surprised—and humbled—at how easy the dialogues pick up and seamlessly continue with the strong energies that they were long-rooted in from other times and places. It is deeply gratifying to have a confirmation of network dynamics as demonstrated by these wonderful Others: many more dialogues to come. Already learning much, and catching up on lives.

— an aside from the NY Times: the Anthropocene will remain an unofficial tag on our short-lived and messy presence: the geoscience community voted it down (more details in an article in Nature). In many ways it seemed to be yet another human conceit, naming an epoch after us, but, this is certainly not the end of the term in the popular hive-mind.

— and, finally, a bird’s drone’s eye view on location after one of the few Light snowfalls this winter. The smooth areas are the result of many days of weed-whacking throughout last year’s long and prolific weed-growing season. That’s the one advantage of drought, even the weeds are handicapped. Last year’s relatively heavy precipitation brought a profusion of chest-high invasives across the entire 13+ acre property that I could not successfully battle without access to full-on farming equipment. That level of capital I don’t have, I subsequently gave up.

The Surface Creek Road property, Cedaredge, Colorado, January ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.
The center of the Surface Creek Road property, Cedaredge, Colorado, January ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.

Alvin Augustus Lucier Jr. 1931 – 2021


An influence: experimental composer, sound artist, free and open thinker. (On Ubuweb; on Discogs). The first generation of 20th Century sonic artists are falling. Last August, it was R. Murray Schafer, before that in 2016 it was Pauline Oliveros.

Having students sit for 45 minutes to hear the entirety of “I am sitting on a room …” — last imposed that on my “Ways of Listening” students at UTS in Sydney. They absorbed it without complaint, unlike my Amurikan students who balked and whined <sigh>.

I am sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice and I am going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech, with perhaps the exception of rhythm, is destroyed. What you will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech. I regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of a physical fact, but more as a way to smooth out any irregularities my speech might have.”

Lucier’s 90th birthday celebration … a 24-hour global performance of … “I am sitting in a room” … May 2021

the AudioBlast Festival #4 performance

cover, AudioBlast Festival #4 performance, ©2016 - hopkins/neoscenes, Prescott, Arizona and Nantes, France, 28 February 2016

Another big thanks to the https://apo33.org crew! This year was a bit tougher than last for me, as I have to stream from 0200-0300 after which I couldn’t sleep so well. And ended up with a migraine most of the following day. Another weekend, another day of life gone, not to be recovered or caught up with or regained through magic means. Gone. As is an hour of your life should you take on the challenge of listening to one of my dense mixes…

(01:04:40, stereo audio, 150.2 mb)

AudioBlast Festival #4: le cri des neurones

AudioBlast Festival #4, le cri des neurones, online and Nantes, France, 28 February 2016

Electrical transmission running through our neural networks produce all kinds of stimulations and impulses within us every day. The Internet network can be taken as a comparison of the nervous system that conveys information between neurons, are not exactly the same type of information circulating the same way or to pass this information – Electrical vs. Digital : is put in relation to its copy.

Since its origins, cybernetics seeks to re-create its own reality, whether or not this is wanted, by taking it into account the question arises : how can we transform this approach?

The Shout as a proposal for a sound practice combines its own dematerialization and reinstatement of disruptive wave vibrations in a powerful sound system – Taken as a starting point we propose “The Shout” as a constitutive element of musicality and poetry, all nuances that may transcend technological reality !! Is it possible? Let us know !!

A one-hour live improv stream of material drawn from a sizable analog/digital archive: the multi-tracked material will be selected based on a criteria of neural resonance — during a lead-up to the performance, and during the improv performance itself. There will be various electric field disturbances, recorded in a variety of ways, along with the neural traces of memory, re-constituted from ancient electromagnetic 4-track and cassette tapes.

The controlled behavior of a magnetic dipole is the primary model for all material used to store information via electromagnetics — both tape and hard-drive — to relinquish control of the dipole moment is to spin into chaos and noise.

The Festival starts on Friday night 26 February and runs through Sunday 28 February.

neoscenes was again invited to jump into the festival for a one-hour live improv stream.

Stay tuned here for up-to-date information on catching the live improv stream. Mark the time — (you can go to World Time Buddy to calculate other time zones).

Sunday, 28 February 2016 – Phoenix – 02:00 – 03:00 AM GMT-7 (MST)
Sunday, 28 February 2016 – New York – 4:00 – 05:00 AM GMT-5 (EST)
Sunday, 28 February 2016 – London – 09:00-10:00 AM (GMT)
Sunday, 28 February 2016 – Nantes – 1000 – 1100 GMT+1 (CET)
Sunday, 28 February 2016 – Helsinki – 1100 – 1200 GMT+2 (EEST)
Sunday, 28 February 2016 – Sydney – 8:00 – 9:00 PM GMT+10 (AEDT)
Sunday, 28 February 2016 – Auckland – 10:00 – 11:00 PM GMT+12 (NZDT)

The Festival has their own output stream to tune in to. (or copy/paste https://apo33.org:8000/audioblast.ogg.m3u into VLC or other streaming player). Headphones recommended to capture the ethereal density of the stream!

If you can’t manage to stay awake, we will be archiving this stream for future listening.

framework:afield broadcast

I promised Patrick that I’d prepare a re-edited broadcast version of water fills the hall for his wonderful syndicated phonography (field recording) program framework:afield — by September 2015. Well, time got away from me and then last Thursday morning he let me know that the following Sunday’s slot was open. Nothing like having a deadline. I had procrastinated on it as I knew I needed to include at least some voice-over to introduce the work to the radio audience. I can’t stand the sound of my own voice, so, voice-over, argh! But with a little digital sweetening and tweaking, once I got the script done, it didn’t turn out all that bad.

So, framework:afield show #540:

(00:55:02, stereo audio, 132.1 mb)

this edition of framework:afield has been produced by john hopkins, aka neoscenes, and is entitled water fills the hall. notes from the producer:

water fills the hall is a sustained drift through the hopkins/neoscenes personal archive of field recordings relating to water. There is no detailed playlist as the work is a multi-track layering of sources and includes essences of several hundred field recordings from four continents. Many of the individual field recordings are available on the aporee::maps field recording project under the neoscenes moniker.

To sketch a few: it opens in the Mojave desert, as flies collect around the body of a dead rattlesnake, the dry air desiccating the corpse; there is organ practice by the harbor in Sydney; and wandering through the Pergammon on the Spree; students protesting along the Vilna River; monsoon rains and thunders, falling and filling desert cisterns in the High Sonoran desert; telecom wires hum in moist Arctic chill; melt-waters slowly cleave the Rocky Mountains to dust; film projectors clatter while representing fluid realities (homage to mentor and friend, film-maker Stan Brakhage); Geiger counters count what heavy waters we’ve made; rains falls on the roofs of hydrocarbon-fired chariots; rivers rage, and whining pumps pump the rivers; while F-18s storm in the wet clouds overhead, and baptisms soulfully bless the swimming pools; a plague of cicadas stands ready for the waters to recede, and is it Noah’s ark departing into an unknown future on the gray Baltic?

As a current and former resident of the US southwest with its tremendous water problems, the work is intended partly as a complex exploration of and meditation on water itself. Water in motion energetically yields sound; and thus, the work is about moving waters. Humans seek to direct those movements to their advantage with (lovingly graceful!) machinic systems, and in that lies a fundamental conflict. This is a mapping of that conflict: how the human species alters the flows of energy in the bio-system around itself.

The I Ching suggests that water simply flows, on and on, filling up all the places through which it moves. Nothing can make it lose its own essential nature: it remains true to itself under all conditions. What are we in the face of such an energized flux? Are we advancing or are we retreating with the tide? Will the rain wash our sins away? If we can swim, will we drown? Do we recall our amphibian soul? Are we thirsty for more? Are we simply thirsty?

the AudioBlast Festival #3 performance

cover, audioblast3 performance, ©2015 - hopkins/neoscenes, Prescott, Arizona and Nantes, France, 01 March 2015

big thanks to the https://apo33.org crew — they had three long days of work during the festival, and god knows how much time before that! although there were some newbie streamers, things worked out very well. technically, I was able to do a 160kps unbroken stream, 8-tracks, 100 samples or so. What the hey!!

(01:02:45, stereo audio, 150.2 mb)

AudioBlast Festival #3: les frontières sonores

AudioBlast Festival #3: les frontières sonores, online and Nantes, France, 01 March 2015

Sound and music networked practice is increasingly significant, the public is very interested in this type of emerging practice, and Apo33 continues to develop this unique festival in the world! There is no equivalent.

Audioblast is a festival from cutting edge using digital tools to cross the concert, performance and particular form of exposure where the public can sit, listen to concerts, roam and chat with the artists during their online “live” sets; with possibilities for live chats with the musicians. The public can both listen at the Plateforme Intermédia which also allows a wider public into this world.

Audioblast Festival is an annual edition in the program of the Association and will be presented as part of the cultural project for APO33 at La Fabrique.

neoscenes was invited to jump into the festival for a one-hour live improv stream between 1400-1500 (GMT+1) Sunday, 01 March in Nantes (6-7 AM Mountain Standard Time – Arizona / 8-9 AM Eastern Standard Time – NYC / (you can go to World Time Buddy to calculate other time zones).

I would quibble with the ‘cutting-edge’ designation — I’ve been involved in streaming sonic (and visual) performance for almost 20 years now. It’s more ‘fringe’ than cutting edge. And the is likely more an issue of a distinct lack of solid historical references for most artists who are now discovering these mediums of expression. Even when I’ve been teaching about such stuff, for example, at CU-Bolder in 2012-13, the students were repelled by the thought of approaching a cutting edge, they literally couldn’t handle it: too indeterminate. (every time I remember that teaching experience, I wince.)

For the last five years, sonic art has seen (heard) huge growth among young artists as the tools are ubiquitous and pocketable in the form of smart phones. I can now stream over wifi using my iPad. Of course, it was possible 10-15 years ago as well, but it was a lot more unstable and often complicated. Today, at AudioBlast there were no technical glitches during my set. Good!

Audio in the network: a digital sound festival using the network as a venue for diffusing experimental, drone, noise, field recordings, sound poetry, electronic, and contemporary music. The festival will be streamed live online (you’ll need VLC or another ogg player — iTunes doesn’t work for this, argh, they switched to (open source) ogg at the last moment) and in quadraphonic sound at the venue La PLATEFORME INTERMÉDIA – LA FABRIQUE (4, Boulevard Léon Bureau – 44000 Nantes – France).

The theme this year is “Sonic Frontiers” / “les frontières sonores” :: the full schedule and the list of artists and another place to listen from (https://apo33.org:8000/audioblast.ogg)

Audio has been instrumental in pioneering many digital and communications technologies and is a versatile and creative medium for gaining deeper understanding of digital coding languages both visual and text based. Sound can travel and encourage a more horizontal and collaborative society, which also has the potential to germinate innovative practices across mediums and genres. During 2015 through the framework of “Sonic Frontiers”, APO33 will question and debate the ideas around audio migration, how sounds travel, influence and structure cutting edge music practices and sonic arts.

[documentation of the performance]

self-portrait in the studio, Prescott, Arizona, February 2015

Galerie Díra

neoscenes at Galerie Díra, Prague, Czech Republic, January 2015

water fills the hall goes live at Galerie Díra in Prague this coming week. Lloyd Dunn (of nula) is the curator, so it’s an honor to be selected. I’ll be curious to hear reactions. (note that the following needs to be corrected — I’m no longer based in Australia…)

Můj koncept neoscenes směřuje k syntéze. Zvuková kompozice “Voda zaplní halu” je nepřetržitým proudem: v tomto případě jde o proud aurálních tekutin – (zvuků) kapek, probublávání, omývání, spěchu, stříkání, šplouchání, nárazů a uklidňění tekutiny – vržené proti (láskyplně půvabným) machinickým systémům (Deleuze), které do takových řečišť rozmisťujeme. V knize I-ťing se píše, že vlastností vody je tekutost a schopnost zaplnit všechno, čeho se dotkne. Nic nemůže opustit vlastní podstatu, zůstává sebou za všech okolností. Co jsme tváří v tvář tomuto proudu plnému energie? Směřujeme dopředu, nebo ustupujeme s odlivem? Smyje déšť naše hříchy? Pokud umíme plavat, utopíme se? Vzpomínáme na naši duši objživelníka? Žízníme po něčem dalším, nebo jen máme žízeň? John Hopkins (USA) je mediální umělec a pedagog, žije a pracuje ve vysoké poušti Arizony. neoscenes je projekt ztracený ve víru sonických simulací a stimulací, posbíraný a reprezentovaný pomocí různých konstruktivně-destruktivních algoritmických metodologií a proudící řadou post-karteziánských prostorů a paralelních vesmírů. V závislosti na vašem vlastním referenčním rámci můžete buď sledovat stejnou stopu nebo nikoliv.

water fills the hall

New work for Galerie Díra, aka The Hole Gallery, a site-specific sound art gallery space in the courtyard of Školská street no. 28, in Prague. The Gallery was founded in 2012 by Mlok Asociation in collaboration with Školská 28 Gallery.

cover, water fills the hall, ©2014 - hopkins/neoscenes, Prescott, Arizona, November 2014

(00:52:45, stereo audio, loop, 127.2 mb)

As neoscenes is wont to synthesize, water fills the hall is a sustained drift, this time through a profusion of sonic liquids that flow — in drips, burbles, washes, rushing, splashing, crashing, soothing — hard against the (lovingly graceful) machinic systems we deploy to direct those flows. The I Ching suggests that water simply flows, on and on, filling up all the places through which it moves. Nothing can make it lose its own essential nature: it remains true to itself under all conditions. What are we in the face of such an energized flux? Are we advancing or are we retreating with the tide? Will the rain wash our sins away? If we can swim, will we drown? Do we recall our amphibian soul? Are we thirsty for more? Are we simply thirsty?

With sonic samples from four continents, many cities, and, especially, many wilderness places, this multilayer movement begins in the Mojave desert, as flies collect around the body of a dead rattlesnake, the dry air desiccating the corpse; there is organ practice by the harbor in Sydney; and wandering through the Pergammon on the Spree; students protesting along the Vilna River; monsoon rains and thunders, falling and filling desert cisterns in the High Sonoran desert; telecom wires hum in moist Arctic chill; melt-waters slowly cleave the Rocky Mountains to dust; film projectors clatter while representing fluid realities (homage to mentor and friend, film-maker Stan Brakhage); Geiger counters count what heavy waters we’ve made; rains falls on the roofs of hydrocarbon-fired chariots; rivers rage, and whining pumps pump the rivers; while F-18s storm in the wet clouds overhead, and baptisms soulfully bless the swimming pools; a plague of cicadas stands ready for the waters to recede, and Noah’s ark founders on a reef.

The First or The Last Acts

The New Year opens such:

(9:37, stereo audio, 11.4 mb)

2014 opens with Grieg’s “Peer Gynt, Op. 23 – The Death Of Åse: Funeral Music” by random chance. Followed by the blasphemous exhortations of Bern Porter‘s “The Last Acts of St. Fuck You,” a classic. HAH! Bern was a mail art correspondent of mine (and many others!), a physicist involved in the Manhattan Project, and the development of the Atlas rocket and the cathode-ray tube. He was later based in Belfast, Main, his home state. Kevin and I stopped by his place one summer day in 1992 when driving from Mt. Desert Island back to NYC following the long Conrans/Habitat shoot in Acadia National Park. Bern wasn’t home. Damn. Our exchanges and his poetic “founds” publications electrified me with the extent of him being outside the art canon (at the time, though Wikipedia says he had a postmortem show at MOMA in NYC in 2004, who cares! I know he wouldn’t).

Anyway, is this a portent of something … cosmological … in extent?

A Miscellany of Broken Silences

Earlier in the summer, Rod calls for a sound piece for a compilation under the title “A Miscellany of Broken Silences.” I finally get around to this work:

forms of silence between the words

(5:00, stereo audio, 12 mb)

It’s a reworking of those 1/4-inch reel-to-reel tapes that I stumbled on — turns out they are audio letters dating from 1958. I’ve been wanting to do something with them since I was finally able to bump them over to digital thanks to Eric over in The Brakhage Center where they just happened to have a nicely refurbished Revox machine hooked up to an iMac. So this is the first shot. A high-density mix searching for silence somewhere between the VLF ionosphere, an idling coal train, a telegraph key, vibrating phone poles, Smetana, and humans, long dead, trying to communicate in absentia.

Unofficial Release

The culture of self-released music and sound art is one of the most vital, yet most overlooked, phenomena resulting from the 20th century revolution in communications technology. In this volume, Thomas Bailey surveys a fascinating realm of creative activity and identifies the key individuals and developments responsible for its continued relevance in the present age. From the networked “mail art” of the 1970s, to the home-taping boom, to the establishment of music labels dealing solely in digital sound files, this culture provides valuable insight into the evolution of the “official” art market and the artists who bypass it. Along the way, we are introduced to a world where networks are artworks in themselves, where blank tapes and recordable CDs are fashioned into elaborate art objects, and where relative freedom from creative supervision leads to both colorful innovations and violent aesthetic extremes.

‘Unofficial Release’ features material on mail art, cassette culture, industrial music, handmade packaging, releasing addiction, anti-promotion, net-labels, digital file sharing, circumventing censorship, extremist metal, sound poetry, imaginary music, ‘outsider’ art, tape nostalgia…and much more!

Exclusive long-form interviews are also included with artists such as Frans de Waard, Vittore Baroni, Rod Summers, GX Jupitter-Larsen and others, along with new insights from theorists and artists as varied as ‘Gen’ Ken Montgomery, The Tapeworm, Alexei Monroe (author of Interrogation Machine and more), Oren Ambarchi, and David Tibet. Also includes front and back cover photography courtesy of Scott Konzelmann / Chop Shop.

Unofficial Release is the first title available on the newly revived Belsona Books Ltd. imprint, TBWB’s home for personal projects that, while of a high written standard, can’t wait to be approved by peer review or accepted by established publishers.

BogoTrax: Berlin/Bogota

Bogotrax: Berlin/Bogota/Boulder, February 2012

Tapping in to the network started by the bogotrax crew, neoscenes sends an ambient mix signal to the street party in Bogota via Berlin.

(68:00, stereo audio, 163 mb)

Since 2004 Bogotrax is a self-made mixture of social action, street-arts, and retro-avant-garde. To present it as a festival of electronic music and culture could be a first stop in the way to a more complex strategy of social and artistic experimentation. But it could also be an easy way to consume it as a more or less wild product of bored entertainers. If you haven’t make the choice, we’re on our way to help you!

changing the course of nature

Changing the course of nature, a series of actions, grew out of a fundamental principle that the embodied and living Self (as organism) alters the existing flows of the ambient natural system — the system which the Self is (merely) the energized extension of. If one envisions life itself as being a negentropic phenomena occurring as part of a field of energy without known limit, then it makes some recursive sense that a life-form would seek to extend the alteration of the flows that are moving around it, through it. Predation is a form of this, eating, consuming; sensing even could be construed to be an alteration (as Quantum) confirms — that the observer changes that which is observed. Alteration, fluctuation, change occurs at all scales.

One easily accessible phenomena that presents the idea of energy flow with a certain universal precision and intuitive simplicity is water. Fluid flow surrounds the body in water vapors, airs, sprays, and floods, while we also consume this flow directly, finding necessary sustenance for the body-system. Although the internal system is, topologically, simply an extension of the surface area of the external skin — both skin and gut are sensitive interfaces with submerging energized flows — with liquid energy flows everywhere.

Life speeding up entropy …
more “changing the course of nature”


view south from KCL Campground, Carrizo Plains National Monument, California, December 2010

The argument may be made that a fence, a window, an article of clothing, a wall are — one-and-the-same — deflectors of the extant natural flow of energies out there. They represent a set of energy deflectors imposed by humans on their environs.

The other issue, tied to this is the production of waste (unusable) heat energy which impinges on a locality after the use of high energy sources which are subsequently rendered into usable and unusable forms of energy with varying efficiency. The primary source of this unusable energy is in the actual production and maintenance of the energy deflector systems: making and installing a fence, fabricating a window (glass being an extremely energy-intensive manufacturing process), building a wall, a building, a dam. more “change”

From the Dark Known to the Light and Unknown Madness

San José Mine, Chile, underground cavity that sheltered 33 miners, webcam image after everyone's gone, October 2010

From the Dark Known to the Light and Unknown Madness

(stereo audio, 27.9 mb)

The incessant chatter of media voices fills all the space above ground, and it reverberates underground as well. Silence that reveals only the voices of those who will survive or die with you is necessary but hardly available when the flickering media Light falls on your face.

neoscenes :: drift

cover, neoscenes :: drift, September 2009

reflections on neoscenes :: drift

lost in a maelstrom of sonic simulations and stimulations, re-collected, re-presented, via various creato-destructive algorithmic methodologies, drift moves through many post-cartesian spaces and through several parallel universes. depending on your frame of reference you may follow a similar path. or you may not. drift demands relativity and provides quantum realism.

(01:00:00, stereo audio, 115 mb)

[see also neoscenes::drift at SNO Gallery in Sydney, NSW.]

Magnús and Rod

Magnús is visiting Rod because they want to rehearse two parts of a three-voice spoken-word performance to take place in Berlin in September. I hadn’t seen Magnuús since some performances he choreographed at the HafnarHusið in Reykjavík in 2000 or so. Got filled in on the Maastricht, Iceland, and the Jan van Eyck Akademie mafia histories. Interesting!

Rod and Magnús, Maastricht, Netherlands, May 2008

Preparations commence for the live performance from a script of Magnus’ at Rod’s home in Maastricht 03 May 2008. I insisted on recording the practice, and later made this complex remix: was definitely feeling lucky to be there on the spot for a few days of artistic excess! The performance eventually took place at Galerie Crystal Ball in Berlin.

(18:59, stereo audio, 46.3 mb)

Magnús' script, Maastricht, Netherlands, May 2008

The weather is splendid. Outrageously nice for this time of year. Not a cloud in the sky since leaving Berlin.

moving on

finally broke down and bought a copy of Geert’s book and was pleased with his working of the New Media Education chapter. trying to ready new material for the Overgaden Sound Festival which I am co-curating with Björn, though I haven’t been too busy. at least with that, more, all the other things coming up in the immediate future — RAM6 in Vilnius, the residency in Akureyri, the Matchmaking Festival workshop in Trondheim, several video festivals to submit the new dvd to, logistics, spring schedules beginning to be made, taxes to be finished, some texts to write, and all the other stuff that is always hanging there, like this web space. as it creeps toward its ten-year anniversary.

Open Air Radio Barcelona 91.3 FM

Open Air Radio, Barcelona, Spain, October 2003

Platoniq* invites neoscenes dreaming to take to the distant airwaves — courtesy of the CU Real Audio Helix server direct from the living room T2 command center in Boulder — with a two hour drift through the archive, testing the imagination behind the mixer to the extreme. thank gawd for 16-tracks! rumor in Barcelona is that it was a “great show indeed.”

(stereo audio, 231.6 mb)

*(una Sistema Cultural Co-Operativo — Platoniq es una organización internacional de productores culturales y desarrolladores de software, pionera en la producción y distribución de cultura copyleft. Desde el año 2001, llevan a cabo acciones y proyectos en los que los usos sociales de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) y el trabajo en red son aplicados al fomento de la comunicación, la autoformación y la organización ciudadana. El resultado de su trabajo genera innovadoras aplicaciones informáticas y metodologías, además de un amplio archivo audiovisual bajo licencias libres en Internet.)

the A:D:A:P:T Festival – Media for Ruins

screenshot, neoscenes at the A:D:A:P:T - Media for Ruins Festival, online & the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, Colorado, June 2003

The A:D:A:P:T Festival — Thursday May 15, 2003 — Museum of Contemporary Art | Denver

1275 19th St. — Denver, CO 80202 — 303.298.7554

Cost: Members/Students: $3; Non-Members: $5

Interactive computer kiosks accessible at 2 PM / Live performances from 5 PM – 10:30 PM

The first annual A:D:A:P:T Festival explores the concepts of ruined structures, architectural collapse, decay, and memory.

Media for Ruins
new computer-based works by artists from the UK, Vancouver, Latvia, Norway, Italy, Portugal, France, Slovenia, and the US, including: MP3s :: audio/video streams :: interactive media :: animations :: hypertext:: installations

Over twenty computer-based works by artists from the UK, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Brazil, and the US were included on interactive stations and incorporated into live PA sets as part of the first annual A:D:A:P:T festival held May 15, 2003 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver.

Music for Ruins
live sets from equulei :: E23 :: The Mystery Children :: pharmakon.t ::
The Way Things Go :: em.chia :: RedSpecter :: special guests
interactive works, MP3s, streams, and more launching here on Thursday, May 15, 2003

two neoscenes live performances, one at the Dutch Electronic Art Festival, and the other for remote-tv.de in Berlin. the material is mixed from my archived memory of audio & video footage which was gathered in this, the primary age of decay. https://kubrick.colorado.edu:6060/ramgen/hopkins/remote-tv.02.02.03.rm

john hopkins, usa

piss tape

deep in the second winter of polar extremes, geophysical signals meld with carnal weakness, and the voices that arrive in the head:

(46:23, stereo audio, 111 mb)