portrait, Nancy and Lady
Halloween on Mapleton Hill
portrait, Chris, Scharmin, and Bella (aka the Boopster)
ASCA/Int’l Ch. Fireskye’s Cù Grianach “Sunny” 2001 – 2015
Here to the left of awkwardly posed Aussie Tri, Bella, our Champion Sunny the Aussie Merle (aka. Sunny-Bunny, Sun-Sun) strikes a regal pose as a youngster — in failing health we sadly send him up today, fourteen years old. Smile Sunny, Smile! We’re not smiling, but he was a great dog to have around. Always big smiles for everyone, with the exception of the ducks, chickens, and sheep: that was more serious business.
Fireskye’s Colour Me Sagebrush “Sage” 1999 – 2015
Well, another passing. She makes it to 110 dog years. Sweet Sage, who was for the first seven (human) years of her Aussie life my Mom’s steadfast companion. When Mom passed away in 2006, Sage then joined the family of my good friends Chris & Scharmin (and Sonya and Alex) in Boulder. Smart, attentive like many Aussies, she loved to please with her gentle personality. She especially enjoyed schnuffling and playing in fresh Colorado powder (snow), and, well, for a treat, she was capable of learning just about anything… “Go potty, Sage!” “Wash your hands, Sage!” “Gimme a kiss, Sage!”
portrait, Jet
to the point with Luna
an other New Year
Well, What to write. Taking a walk with Fling-dinger, seeing the development proceeding apace here in the West: bulldozers, backhoes, dump trucks, and surveys stakes (pull ’em!). Yeah, confess to doing some small monkey-wrenching, symbolic, but real: kicking a few fluorescent-pink-painted survey stakes out and tossing them into the weeds. What the hell, I’ll be out of the country shortly anyway. But there are just too many people on the planet, eh? Needful of a 90% depletion of stock. Maybe more. Just to reset the clock to when? Why do we need to reset the human species’ clock? What about letting the process run itself out? Thermodynamics will take its course, and evolution will also operate along its predetermined trajectory. Wait ’til next year and see.