on Mesa Creek

ED: For new subscribers, selecting the red dot in the middle of the map will start the audio sample which can then be controlled using the play-bar and volume/mute (speaker) icon.

on Clear Creek

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on Ward Creek

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on Kannah Creek

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on Coal Creek

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on Anthracite Creek

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airport bathroom

Ed: For new subscribers, selecting the red dot in the middle of the map will start the audio sample which can then be controlled using the play-bar and volume/mute (speaker) icon.

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2024

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast, online and Cedaredge, Colorado, 04-05 May 2024

neoscenes is again participating in the Reveil global audio streaming project for the tenth year, adding a small sonic expression to this ongoing collaborative broadcast: Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2024 (one dimension of Soundcamp) 03-05 May (depending on your time zone — see below for exact local times).

Reveil is a collective production by streamers at listening points around the earth. Starting on the morning of Saturday 4 May in South London near the Greenwich Meridian, the broadcast will pick up feeds one by one, tracking the sunrise west from microphone to microphone, following the wave of intensified sound that loops the earth every 24 hours at first light.

Streams come from a variety of locations and situations, at a time of day when many people are unaccustomed to be up and out, but sounds are vivid, especially in Spring. The Reveil broadcast makes room by largely avoiding speech and music, gravitating to places where human and non human communities meet and soundworlds overlap.

Sounds produced by birds, amphibians, weather, fish, electromagnetic fluctuations, people, machines, vegetation, transmission artifacts, convey the variety of planetary soundscapes, captured from many specific places and projects. In the process, Reveil brings together dispersed and lesser known ecological projects and practices across disciplines and time zones, in a sketch of an acoustic commons in the making.

Streams range from temporary projects in people’s homes to large research networks. Each open microphone adds to the diversity of the mix.

You can tune in to the overall 25-hour Reveil stream at the Reveil platform or on Wave Farm Radio or at Resonance Extra.

neoscenes/Reveil 2024 landing page: https://streams.soundtent.org/2024/streams/utc-6_-9b9ee361-46a4-4315-be94-985377df3a5f [active during event only]

Check the time!

  • the time span of the whole event starts at 5 AM London time (UTC+1) Saturday, 04 May until 6 AM on Sunday, 05 May
  • that’s 10 PM Colorado time (UTC-6) Friday, 03 May until 11 PM Saturday, 04 May
  • that’s 12 PM midnight New York time (UTC-4) (Friday night) 04 May until 1 AM Sunday 05 May
  • use the World Clock meeting planner to convert to your local time otherwise…
This Reveil stream, neoscenes’ tenth year participating, comes from the property of friend and artist Jennifer Riefenberg, a tract of land sitting at 6850 ft (2015 m) on a rich riparian corridor along Surface Creek in western Colorado. The nearest village, Cedaredge is a couple miles away. To the northwest, north, and northeast, 10 miles (16 km) as the raven flies, sits Grand Mesa, the largest flat-topped mountain in the world, at 11,000 ft (3300 m). The surrounding property was formerly an agricultural area relying on irrigation waters coming off the Mesa. Before the white colonization in the late 18th century, this area was the Ute tribal homeland: it still is. There is a rich range of wildlife in the area—birds including Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Red-tail Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), Great Horned Owls, Ravens (Corvus corax), Black-billed Magpies (Pica hudsonia), Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), Western Meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), Mountain and Western Bluebirds, Nuthatches, House Sparrows and Finches along with bears, mountain lions, coyotes, mule deer, foxes, raccoons, skunks, marmots, and ground squirrels. Surface Creek, the main drainage for the area, runs on the east side of the property in a shallow valley lined with cottonwood, juniper, box elder, mountain mahogany, 3-leaf sumac, service berry, yarrow, rabbit brush, and volunteer fruit trees. In the sonic foreground there is an irrigation holding pond that sees regular visits of a variety of birds. Early May is a time for maximum snow-melt off the Mesa, and Surface Creek can swell to more than 600 cfs (17 cms)—two orders of magnitude over minimum flow. It typically displays large diurnal variations in flow, depending on the ambient temperatures. The creek flow will be the dominant sonic texture.

The neoscenes stream, hosted on the locusonus soundmap will be live for the entire weekend; it will be selectively broadcast in the Reveil stream as follows:

Date: 06 May 05:50-06:20 AM MDT UTC-6 (this is the approximate time that the neoscenes stream will be mixed into the whole 25-hour stream)

Civil twilight (local time): 5:40 AM / 0538 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Sunrise (local time): 6:07 AM / 0606 (UTC-6) Local time in Cedaredge

Location: online and Cedaredge, Colorado, USA

Streamer: John Hopkins / neoscenes

Coordinates: N +38.92349163182399° / W107.91730709264802°
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London

Calculate other time zones

birds around dawn

Ed: For new subscribers, selecting the red dot in the middle of the map will start the audio sample which can then be controlled using the play-bar and volume/mute (speaker) icon.

birds before dawn

Ed: For new subscribers, selecting the red dot in the middle of the map will start the audio sample which can then be controlled using the play-bar and volume/mute (speaker) icon.

typical day’s contribution

As a participant in the aporee::maps project I receive a daily email listing/linking the past 24-hours-worth of field recording contributions to the project. I will often check these emails when I am still in bed, and select the longest recording of the day and let it ease me into the day. Here’s a sample from 15 February 2024. A link will bring up the aporee::maps google interface, with the particular location indicated by a pulsing red circle centered on the map. Selecting the dot will reveal a pop-up with further information about the recording, and there is a play button/bar in the upper right bar at the top of the map. Aside from simply scrolling around the (global!) map, radio aporee is another way of tapping into the project with a 24/7 stream of contributions and with built-in code that will preemptively mix in material proximal to whomever is listening.

All the recordings are simultaneously posted to https://archive.org, providing yet another way to explore this vast collection of sonic work. [all neoscenes recordings on aporee]

New sounds since 14.02.2024 12:00 Europe/Berlin time:

Cafe, Aldeburgh, UK: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62936 — Cafe, Aldeburgh, UK (17:34min., by david.j.pitt@btinternet.com)

Wusterauer Anger, Kirchmöser Ost: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=60944 — garden ambience w/ bells, birds, train and airplane (10:00min., by radio aporee)

40 Bd Carnot, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62937 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Ambiance et chant avec des carnavaleux. (1:28min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

11 Bd Léon Marchal, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62938 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Rigodon final (13:45min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

Västerbron, 117 33 Stockholm, Sverige: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62939 — Under Västerbron (3:18min., by milton@jordansson.net)

11 Bd Léon Marchal, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62940 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Rigodon final – Pendant que les géants brûlent.. Hymne à Jean Bart et hommage à Copinard (8:47min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

7 Pl. Joseph Leprêtre, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62941 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Le lancé de harengs des fenêtres de l’Hôtel de Ville aux cris de “Liberez les Harengs !!!” (9:43min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

25 Rue Pasteur, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62942” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62942 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Au cœur de la bande (5:19min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

25B Av. de Calais, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62943 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Départ du Carnaval (4:45min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

28 Rue Pierre Merlen, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62944 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) La bande… (2:23min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

55 Av. de Dunkerque, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62945 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Au cœur de la bande… (8:36min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

8 Bd François Lévêque, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62946 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Au cœur de la bande… (1:58min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

29 Bd Carnot, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62947 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Au cœur de la bande… (3:34min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

1 Av. du Calvaire, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62948 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Ambiance sur la plage avant la mise à feu des géants (5:23min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

2 Pl. Charles Valentin, 59153 Grand-Fort-Philippe, France: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62949 — Carnaval de Grand Fort Philippe (C.U. Dunkerque) Dernière pause avant le Rigodon. (3:04min., by Jean-François CAVRO)

Oppundavägen 18, 122 48 Enskede, Sverige: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62950 — bones (3:36min., by e3yes)

Nuti, Metsküla, 71302 Viljandi maakond, Estonia: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62953 — ice falling from trees (10:00min., by patrick tubin mcginley)

Thaurer Alm .204, 6065 Thaur, Österreich: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62951 — cow bells and motorway (6:09min., by hannes strobl)

8C7W+FX Thaur, Österreich: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62952 — water stream (3:01min., by hannes strobl)

Sound Walk, The Scallop, Aldeburgh, UK: https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=62954 — Sound Walk, The Scallop, Aldeburgh, UK (16:05min., by david.j.pitt@btinternet.com)

66313 sounds with a cumulative total length of 217d, 07h, 43m, 13s from 57950 locations.

Enginn Gleypir Sólina

The English translation of this is Nobody Swallows the Sun, and it’s the title of a release of a couple of sound-art compositions by my friend, Icelandic artist, Magnús Pálsson. Adam Buffington started the label Mumbling Eye in 2021 featuring some of Magnus’ work: check out Enginn Gleypir Sólina on Bandcamp along with a second release, Gapassipi. And, back when I made a couple documentations of both he and Rod prepping in Maastricht for a performance in Berlin: a remix of that complexity.

(18:59, stereo audio, 46.3 mb)

The next step is for art to become mere smell or sound, phenomena which are visible or visual within the mind all the same. In this way, sound has a form and is an image. – Magnús Pálsson

Now a month after leaving the ‘regular’ job, conversations ensue within the personal network—Athens, Weimar, Helsinki, Vihti, Benin, Catania, Reykjavík, Forsbach, Bremen, Kiel, Maastricht, Salmon Arms, Vancouver, Boulder, Durango, Santa Fe, Denver—old friends, collaborators, former students, family. I am a bit surprised—and humbled—at how easy the dialogues pick up and seamlessly continue with the strong energies that they were long-rooted in from other times and places. It is deeply gratifying to have a confirmation of network dynamics as demonstrated by these wonderful Others: many more dialogues to come. Already learning much, and catching up on lives.

— an aside from the NY Times: the Anthropocene will remain an unofficial tag on our short-lived and messy presence: the geoscience community voted it down (more details in an article in Nature). In many ways it seemed to be yet another human conceit, naming an epoch after us, but, this is certainly not the end of the term in the popular hive-mind.

— and, finally, a bird’s drone’s eye view on location after one of the few Light snowfalls this winter. The smooth areas are the result of many days of weed-whacking throughout last year’s long and prolific weed-growing season. That’s the one advantage of drought, even the weeds are handicapped. Last year’s relatively heavy precipitation brought a profusion of chest-high invasives across the entire 13+ acre property that I could not successfully battle without access to full-on farming equipment. That level of capital I don’t have, I subsequently gave up.

The Surface Creek Road property, Cedaredge, Colorado, January ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.
The center of the Surface Creek Road property, Cedaredge, Colorado, January ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.

on the Uncompaghre

Ed: For new subscribers, selecting the red dot in the middle of the map will start the audio sample which can then be controlled using the play-bar and volume/mute (speaker) icon.