going to the mat
It’s difficult to write these days. Internal monologues are focused on figuring out how to pack up life asap. It’s a bit strange to say that the past four-plus years is the longest I’ve lived in one place continuously since leaving my parents home at 17 y.o. And further, it’s one of the few periods of time that I have had *all* my belongings in one place and (mostly) out of boxes. The majority of my adult life, my stuff has been in a storage unit somewhere—New Jersey, Prescott, Golden, Boulder—or in someone’s garage or so. Uff. Packing the entire archive back up seems absurd as it was hardly accessed in the time it was out of boxes. A useless pile of detritus. Why, why, why subject myself to the ignominy and energy-waste of maintaining something that I’m the only one who has an interest in it?
Now Reading: Absorbing the epic six-volume autobiography, Min Kamp, from Norwegian, Karl Ove Knausgård. At Zander’s recommendation, and then, once I started and realized that I actually was in the same locations at the same times—Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Oslo—as Karl Ove back when I was spending a fair amount of time in Norway in the late 1990s and early 2000s. A compelling read.
I recently checked in with Julia, my former CGS intern. She’s a Mines (hydrogeology) graduate, who has, wonderfully, found a shared pathway to follow her bliss. She and her boyfriend, Torin, also a Mines alumni, have taken their connection with yoga to a higher level, gaining the necessary credentials for teaching and are planning to go international with that sooner than later. They have also started a YouTube channel—Wellbeing Cafe—already with a huge number of yoga routines and a variety of other material. Very cool to see this transition.
Somewhat disturbing to me, though, is that part of this personal evolution is almost forced to take place within the sphere of social media, especially YouTube, given the oligarchic control that it exerts on any and all users. That and the insertion of ads that cannot be cancelled or avoided—all of them utterly useless and annoying—until the channel receives a minimum number of subscribers (1,000). At that point the channel owners can at least select when the ad is played. Otherwise, one will show up in the middle of a yoga sequence or more often. I was stuck with one that played for ten minutes. Finding an independent pathway to socio-economic viability is challenging for their generation. They could have gone full-engineering and been working in a (potentially) stifling ‘regular’ job with deluxe cash flows. But they are cognizant of the lives of some of their cohort who are extremely unhappy (and unhealthy!), coasting along on that trajectory. Given the wider-scale complexity of what is ‘going on’ in late-stage Empire, best to work at basic life-skills like body-health, psycho-spiritual development, consumption habits, community-building, and look to develop trajectories that are beyond the reach of Empire (if that is possible in this new-ish multi-lateral oligarch-and-authoritarian-driven global power struggle).
Later, I juxtapose those assessments with the swirl of jagged thoughts and impressions that are filling my consciousness: monkey-brain on amphetamines, faugh. Complexity increasing, logarithmic, with age (of Self and Empire), while neuronal synapses are dulled, blank. Is this what life *is*, or what it becomes when attention is shredded by too much stuff? Packing boxes, why hold so tightly to this stuff when it will likely sit in those boxes for a long time. Possibly for the existing life-time! Having is a form of suffocation, burdened by excretions of other lives, but mostly my own. Giving is an exhalation, from the deep belly, giving inspiration to the cosmos.
Venus is high and brilliant in the evening, Saturn much less so in the sunset’s glare, Jupiter, Mars high with the waxing, near full Luna, invisible-but-present Uranus. I regularly take a late night stroll around the property before bed, no matter how cold. Waking the deer snoozing in the openness, their greenish-yellow headLight eyes blazing in my headlamp. First encounter, the eye pairs rise vertically, then, after staring, frozen, as the LED supernova waxes, they bolt to the tree line or across the street to a neighbor’s yard. Occasionally, a tinier pair of eyes, one of several feral cats that are encountered, or, rarely, a fox or skunk. So far no encounters with the large carnivores that do frequent the area: bears and mountain lions. Much of the walk is without the headlamp on, and aside from the always-on brightest-Light-within-several-miles that my neighbor installed a year ago, it’s dark with the brilliant streak of the Milky Way in all its offset-rotational glory.
A 30-minute call with George, I feel rusty, awkward and jumbled. He and I never developed an audio tele-presence connection, given the logistics and expense back when. Our connection was forged across some immersive instances of intense f-2-f interaction. After those formative encounters at Mines and in Santa Monica in the early 1980s, and aside from one more f-2-f in 1989, it’s always been text. Hand-written or typed letters through the post, then email, and these days, texting. I wonder if we will ever cross physical paths again in this incarnation. Doubtful, especially when I remove myself from this nation, and head for another, though there are no guarantees of anything anywhere anymore.
portrait, Daphnee and Darren
field work: witness

In the process of phonographic listening/recording along Upper Pool Creek west of the Chew Ranch property, I came across this scenario. No clues as to what led up to it. The body seemed to be fresh and whole, life gone that very day perhaps? I didn’t disturb the scene: doubtful that such a nutrient/energy source would remain unconsumed in this wild environment for long.
It did bring back the memory of traveling to Dinosaur back in 1988 with Pablo where we visited his friend Renzo and wife Lisa. Renzo had recently taken the position of wildlife manager for 40,000 sq mi of the Monument and northwest Colorado. One morning, pre-dawn, we set out in his work truck and after a long drive, parked in the low sagebrush steppe and from a distance watched, in the greying Light, a lek where the dramatic mating ritual between dominant male and female Greater sage-grouse unfolded.
coitus in cena*
This was a year of infestations. Several varieties of grasshoppers hopped and flew rampant for a couple months, stripped my sole apple tree of leaves and were working hard on the native plum trees, stripping both the leaves and bark off any new shoots.

As with all natural systems, though, a boom of one species will generate a boom in another. Predator, prey. In this case, praying mantises (Mantis religiosa), supremely well equipped to capture and consume the bumper crop of grasshoppers. There are hundreds of both beige and green mantises everywhere on the property. They have always held a fascination for me, primarily how attentive they are to the presence of another being. Commonly kept as pets, I encountered this pair in rural Colombia:

Then the sex begins.

And ends.
* coitus during dinner
something is happening
crickets in Mulberry tree
Ed: For new subscribers, selecting the red dot in the middle of the map will start the audio sample which can then be controlled using the play-bar and volume/mute (speaker) icon.
politicians and the media
field work: witness
crickets and drilling
crickets and photovoltaic drone
meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)
field work
field work: witness
doggies off the Mesa
birds in juniper and cars
storm on porch at night
summer birds
crickets in the garage
something happened here
outside the house
River Front Park
field work: witness
field work
domination of landscape 17:19
On a near-moonless night, 0300 brings a surround-sound chorus of coyotes howling, laughing, and cackling. At first I was a bit worried, but reminded the Self that no living human had ever been attacked by coyotes. Sleeping on the ground is always a challenge of mind. To believe there will be no scorpions, snakes, spiders, or other varmits looking to snuggle right up in the sleeping bag. Did hear some scritchy sounds coming from the car at another juncture of Milky-Way-spinning darkness, but saw no destructive evidence of rodents in the morning. A recorder would have been nice with the coyotes, but I was happier with a small hunting knife and flashLight instead.
A hike in the Granite Mountain Wilderness area with Uncle Al. We spot a horned toad, lizards; the cholla and prickly-pear cactus are in bloom. The air is hazy with the wildfires near Baghdad. High winds keep the air cool on the skin, though the sun is intense. I dress with my typical sun-protection: a baseball cap with a bandana under it, bandana hung rampant over the back of my neck and over my ears to protect from the radiation. Piñon pines, Arizona thistle, many other plants that I don’t know the names of. Granite underneath it all, an eroded batholith. Hard angular fragments of pink feldspar and white quartz, sandy soil. Black magnetite in the creek beds tells of gold, but there is not much, if any, left to Lighten the money-lust of the eye.
field work
If you’re not familiar with the existence of feral horses and burros in the US west, it’s the usual problem of humans loosing their domesticated animals into a new environment, thinking it’s a wonderful addition to the established ecosystem. It’s not! I’ll see if I can rustle up some references on the problem. And, to restate, it *is* a problem, perhaps with no solution as manifest with the expanding shit-storm of problems that a small minority of the 8+ billion people on the planet have fostered and are fostering. I have little hope for the future of what is: and for the future of what we haven’t the maturity to foresee? It is coming, barreling down the tracks, Gaia’s reset. We are transitory.