About VEC – r.summers

Mr. Summers: May 2014, Three Land Point, Vaals, The Netherlands [the place where Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium meet]. Photo by Otto Ramakers, Glass ball by Sergey de Rocambole [St Petersburg].
Mr. Summers: May 2014, Three Land Point, Vaals, The Netherlands [the place where Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium meet]. Photo by Otto Ramakers, Glass ball by Sergey de Rocambole [St Petersburg].

Welcome to the VEC World Service section of the neoscenes blog!

V E C (pronounced vee-ee-see) : noun, adjective, verb or adverb; abbreviation of “Visual – Experimental – Concrete”, or “Visual Entertainment Company”, or “Various Eccentric Characters” and, if you like, homophone French “life here”, refers to various artventures (and/or their methodology) undertaken or instigated by Rod Summers since July 1973 and defined by him as “cultural intercourse between consenting artists”.

Originally set up as a free-standing blog for tracking a tiny fraction of Mr. Summers’ vast art production, the blog is the responsibility of artist and friend of Mr. Summers, John Hopkins (aka neoscenes). In 2023 John had to fold the VEC blog into his own long-established neoscenes site for inherently practical reasons. John has an ongoing interest in bringing Mr. Summers’ inspiring/inspired work out to a wider public. They first met in the Eternal Network (and then in Reykjavík in the early 90s) and John has had the pleasure of chillin’ with Rod and Lizbet in Maastricht a number of times over the years.