watching the sky from Zion
sky 09, hawk moon ridge
watching particular parts of the sky over time
back in the wilderness, watching the sky
watching the sky
watching the sky
monsoon clouds
monsoon clouds
Regent & High Street
Out the bedroom window, but just didn’t have the mojo to make any decent timelapse works in Oz. The equipment available at the Uni was just too cumbersome to carry around. To be sure, there were some absolutely fantastic skies, I often watched them with great pleasure: stopping any forward motion so as not to come to some physical catastrophe like stepping in front of a car, or falling into the creek.
48-Stunden Neukoellen 2010 : flickering wastelands IV
Echo Park, watching
Sand Canyon transect
Try a couple more timelapse shots, but they are unsatisfactory with all the technical drawbacks. Stability, resolution, quality, etc. Nothing to be done about it without a $10K investment, or more.
Instead, after the driving rain all night, start a fire in the morning, in the rain, but gradually it tapers off, though still very cloudy. The guy who came in late yesterday in a Ford Explorer with a Rocket Box on top left at some point in the morning. Gah. No place to go! He’ll surely end up in a ditch somewhere.
more “Sand Canyon transect”
Pool Creek Canyon, watching
CLUI: Day Twenty-Eight — more changes
CLUI: Day Twenty-Eight — more changes
CLUI: Day Twenty-Three — sky changes
CLUI: Day Twenty-Two — sky changes
CLUI: Day Nineteen — SWAT
Today, upon waking, there are two buses parked to the west of the hangar, a bit later, numerous SUV’s begin to pull up along with several official SWAT command vehicles and their teams from Winnemucca, Elko, and Wendover. It’s SWAT play. How to deal with a bus-load of terrorists/hostages or so. Several squads are lectured and engage in practice drills for the morning. I had originally been told by the airport management folks that there were going to be live-fire exercises at South Base, so we were surprised when this began to unfold in the back yard.
There is the fascination of playing Army, recalled from early days in the Maryland woods beyond the pond, beyond the corn fields, into unknown territories of abandoned farmhouses and hunting camps. Learning to make the sound of a gun and of explosions. And here, older boys, men, with very fancy toys, playing for their lives and the lives of their charges. Learning to stay alive, to save life. Learning to kill, or be killed. Learning to protect the innocent and kill the profane.
CLUI: Day Eleven — sky changes
CLUI: Day Ten — transit
A forced migration to the Holy City of Moroni. Tire issues—the damaged rear cycle rim from the red clay mishap in southern Utah and the front-end alignment of the truck. Locate appropriate places to effect the repairs before coming over. A monstrous wind from the south dogs the transit across the flats of the Great Salt Lake Desert on I-80 and whips up a blinding dust storm in the middle and at the eastern fringe at the Kennecott Copper mine’s massive tailings dump.
Salt Lake City is quiet, wide empty streets, pedestrians are frequently toting suitcases-on-wheels. There are bicycle lanes and mid-block pedestrian crosswalks with baskets at either terminus with fluorescent flags for folks to carry when crossing.
Retreat when the work is done and after lousy lunch Reuben at The Bakery. Retreat looks like this (yes, cars and trucks in my lane do retreat forwards, I am, it seems, the slowest car on the road):
solstice II
sketches from the winter
solstice I
simplistic sketches within the deep darkness of the Icelandic winter; evidence of some hand-wringing angst; and then watching a blustering and dour day of brief blue December twiLight go by all too rapidly.