about time

Finally done with the primary phase of an onerous rollover from GoDaddy hosting to ReClaim hosting, a mellow outfit which I hope survives and thrives. ReClaim provides hosting solutions for folks in educational contexts. After 20 fraught years dealing with GoDaddy’s abuse, I’d had it. In the (almost) thirty years of neoscenes web existence there have been many technological changes which have made the long-term survival of the site a shaky proposition at best, and at worst, it has come crashing down: offline on occasion. Many turns of angst and frustration at the forced change of specs, formats, codices, platforms, and protocols. I just wanna post audio-video-text-image material, along with hosting content from a few other folks (at this point, Anthony Zega (RIP my friend), and Rod Summers, aka vec world service).

Not having the platform secure and stable as a place to spontaneously create content is always disturbing. During those intervening thirty years, so many head-banging technical issues, ugh, not good to recall. Onwards and upwards … into the AI wilderness.

Now to repair all the collateral GoDaddy damage to various aspects of the site content and performance …

BLANDISM: A manifesto / a womanifesto

Now that all sections of humanity have discovered the enabling power of political correctness we, the artists, have made a conscious decision to join in this admirable trend.

By a process of elimination of all and any other alternatives we, the undersigned, have concluded that political correctness is, above all, wisdom. We are therefore forever determined to eradicate all references within the creation of our work to Sex, Religion, Political commentary, risqué humour[1] and satire and any other currently considered; or yet to be considered, inappropriate subjects.
more “BLANDISM: A manifesto / a womanifesto”

The Honey Funnel

Recently ploughed and deeply rutted
With dangerous streams to the left,
We raced toward the honey funnel.

The pig’s head, now bright
As a champagne breakfast, was stoic
Having long since passed its live-by-date.

Whilst all the while the parachuting monkey
Dangled ‘neath the folding feeding chair that
Once was new but now
Was as redundant as a flock of stilled hyphens.

I’ll rescue you from this!
But first I must outrun
The tweedy jacket’s froth
And show my wife my love
Is stronger than my will
To saturate the keening krill.

Yet torn by hurried hurricanes
Of doubtful origin
We stumble
For lack of stable
and Original

Venice, Italy, 11 October 2015. For the 2016 centenary of DADA. Written during a residency at the Emily Harvey Foundation whilst suffering a hangover and serious Internet connection problems.


I grew up in the nineteen forties in a village at the edge of the New Forest in England, on the other side of the road from the bungalow in which I was born there were two massive oak trees, beneath and beside the oak tree on the left was a holly bush, we would cut berried twigs from the bush to decorate our home at Christmas.  When I was five or six I crawled into the space under the holly bush and there I found a small round tin that rattled when I shook it.

“Treasure!” I thought. The tin was rusted shut, it had obviously been lying there for quite a while. I did, after some considerable effort with a screwdriver, get the tin open and inside was … a set of false teeth!

VEC Audio CD 0058 Escaping Cape Obscure

VEC Audio CD 0058 Escaping Cape Obscure
VEC Audio CD 0058 Escaping Cape Obscure

1: HEART OF THE HIVE. Sounds recorded at the RMG Honeywell factory in Kassel, Germany, treated and composed using Sony Sound Forge Pro II.

(09:01, stereo audio, 21.7 mb)

2: BRIDGE 1. Synthesised bird song.

(03:52, stereo audio, 9.3 mb)

3: AN UNDISTINGUISHED MARTYRDOM. Hybrid poem. Voice treatments using Sony Sound Forge Pro II and iZtope Nectar Elements.

(08:15, stereo audio, 19.8 mb)

4: BRIDGE 2. Synthesised bird song plus.

(03:52, stereo audio, 9.3 mb)

5: FALL OF THE HAWK. (Requiem for a Sparrow Hawk) Treated whistling that was recorded in a glass box gallery overlooking a hydroelectric dam in Limbourg, Belgium.

(04:59, stereo audio, 12 mb)

The Silence of Summers

Rod Summers, The Silence of Summers Exhibition, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2012
Rod Summers, The Silence of Summers Exhibition, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2012.

Rod Summers, Coughin, The Silence of Summers Exhibition, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2012
Rod Summers, Coughin, The Silence of Summers Exhibition, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2012.

Where Does Sad News Come From? by Douglas Kahn

Rod Summers audiotape collage Sad News, was created in 1979. It was sourced from three different BBC Radio Four broadcasts that were part of a set of occasional recordings Summers made between 1973 and 1978. It was published in a compilation called Glisten the same year, under his “cassette underground” project named VEC Audio Exchange. A total of 63 copies were sent out around the world. Copy No. 40, postmarked 16 November 1980, was sent to Dan Lander in Toronto, the audio artist and coeditor of the influential books Sound by Artists and Radio Rethink. Lander included Sad News on his own compilation that he sent to friends and acquaintances. I received my copy from Lander sometime around 1986. That would be twenty years ago. more “Where Does Sad News Come From? by Douglas Kahn”

VEC Audio CD 0047 Garden Walks Three

VEC Audio CD 0047 Garden Walks Three (cover)
VEC Audio CD 0047 Garden Walks Three (cover)

1: Track 01 – Raul Marroquin – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

(04:13, stereo audio, 10.2 mb)

2: Track 02 – Birger Jesch – Blankenhain, Germany

(19:32, stereo audio, 45.8 mb)

3: Track 03 – Ed De Grood – ’S-Gravenvoeren, Belgium

(31:51, stereo audio, 76.4 mb)

4: Track 03 – Vittore Baroni – Viareggio, Italy

(10:21, stereo audio, 24.9 mb)

5: Track 03 – Marlies Mulders – Middleburg, The Netherlands

(05:25, stereo audio, 13 mb)

Frane the Virtual

Frane the virtual mori gloss
And barm in glory midas tock
Notter fen inbyro pressed
When quinsly Durham bilag lock
Full ennil bhutol durm intact
And japock frocks were kileray
Best green was in a tirade sterm
And murmer played the rudge all day

Then pult oh fromot liport yearned
Was thus the burlap empty cup
Lorn in excess pressed doily mange
Whilst fedro billing looked her up
Bright jiring elements were brash
Pre Raphaelite and over brushed
Through endless graze born phananthrope
In bobbing excess weedy rushed

No more the intent grim and foil
No more bereft than pindle bake
No more the dorey gimble oil
No more the stilted ingress flake

And so to hermane fillet brought
By verbose insight truly lost
Are brackish kalick wishing wrought
For sixpence and a far thing crossed
All lava braut in basket taal
Sought diamonds in the chilling moss
But finding nothing water raal
Was frane the virtual mori gloss

— Rod Summers/VEC, Isleworth, 29 January 2008

The Birth of Beward, Blimey!

I cannot remember exactly when and how it was, but somebody at some time in the past century invented e-mail. And while members of the general public used the new toy to lure naive little girls in the thick of the woods or to circulate ads of penis enlargers, other more enlightened individuals were chatting day and night on esoteric subjects such as Dodo’s bird watching in the Gulf of New Papua or George Papanicolaou’s Pap Test. Rod Dave Summers and me, instead, were getting tired of endlessly discussing Spike Milligan’s misspellings in the Goon Show scripts, so a new technological version of an old loafer’s game was devised out of thin air: let’s write a poem together, one line each, until we get fed up with it. Not a simple love poem, mind you, or a small existentialist haiku, but a whole epic poem, a noisy warmongering Viking saga that would take years to write through snail-mail exchanges, but only kept us busy for a few, em, years with the mighty super speed of e-mail: one line a day keeps the docker at bay (or something along these rhymes).

A Lennon-McCartney collaboration it wasn’t, but pretty jolly smoothly it flowed, my flawed English ironed and chiselled by Rod Dave, the story quickly taking quirky, qwerty and qzerty turns into the historically improbable and the outright obscene. The Surrealists called it the Exquisite Cadaver, we nicknamed it the Necrophorus White Pudding (ain’t as good as it used to be, is it?): we tried to squeeze as many personal obsessions per line as permitted by the laws of decency into tight couplets, triplets, quadrigae, freemason free meters, inept ad libs, never really bothering to check a medieval tome for the true gynaecological treetop of our Nordic hero. We deemed it more important to state how much Bew liked M&M chocolate drops (we all need a sponsor) and to indulge in graphic descriptions of Regal copulations on ice and Lego theme parks. We also cheated a lot, doing more than one line at a time and ripping whole paragraphs from Doom Metal songs and exotic weather forecasts. So how did this bloody Beward saga really begin, for gossip’s sake!? I don’t know.

Vittore Dave Baroni,
4th of July 2006

VEC Audio CD 0040 The Lay of Beward Grindt Part 1

VEC Audio CD 0040 The Lay of Beward Grindt Part 1
VEC Audio CD 0040 The Lay of Beward Grindt Part 1

Front cover computer graphic by Kolbeinn Magnússon.

Rod Summers and Vittore Baroni. Summers’ reading of the first part of a four part epic email poem. July 2006. Written by Rod Summers and Vittore Baroni. Read and recorded by Rod Summers.

(29.49, stereo audio, 71.6 mb)

The Birth of Beward, Blimey!

I cannot remember exactly when and how it was, but somebody at some time in the past century invented e-mail. And while members of the general public used the new toy to lure naive little girls in the thick of the woods or to circulate ads of penis enlargers, other more enlightened individuals were chatting day and night on esoteric subjects such as Dodo’s bird watching in the Gulf of New Papua or George Papanicolaou’s Pap Test. Rod Dave Summers and me, instead, were getting tired of endlessly discussing Spike Milligan’s misspellings in the Goon Show scripts, so a new technological version of an old loafer’s game was devised out of thin air: let’s write a poem together, one line each, until we get fed up with it. Not a simple love poem, mind you, or a small existentialist haiku, but a whole epic poem, a noisy warmongering Viking saga that would take years to write through snail-mail exchanges, but only kept us busy for a few, em, years with the mighty super speed of e-mail: one line a day keeps the docker at bay (or something along these rhymes).

A Lennon-McCartney collaboration it wasn’t, but pretty jolly smoothly it flowed, my flawed English ironed and chiselled by Rod Dave, the story quickly taking quirky, qwerty and qzerty turns into the historically improbable and the outright obscene. The Surrealists called it the Exquisite Cadaver, we nicknamed it the Necrophorus White Pudding (ain’t as good as it used to be, is it?): we tried to squeeze as many personal obsessions per line as permitted by the laws of decency into tight couplets, triplets, quadrigae, freemason free meters, inept ad libs, never really bothering to check a medieval tome for the true gynaecological treetop of our Nordic hero. We deemed it more important to state how much Bew liked M&M chocolate drops (we all need a sponsor) and to indulge in graphic descriptions of Regal copulations on ice and Lego theme parks. We also cheated a lot, doing more than one line at a time and ripping whole paragraphs from Doom Metal songs and exotic weather forecasts. So how did this bloody Beward saga really begin, for gossip’s sake!? I don’t know.

— Vittore Dave Baroni, 4th of July 2006

VEC Audio CD 0043 Reykjavík Central

VEC Audio CD 0043 Reykjavík Central
VEC Audio CD 0043 Reykjavík Central

1: Track 01

(02:28, stereo audio, 5.9 mb)

2: Track 02

(04:14, stereo audio, 10.2 mb)

3: Track 03

(09:59, stereo audio, 24 mb)

Iceland has no railway network so I decided to invent one for my performance at the Reykjavik Art Festival of 2006. I mapped out a rail network covering the whole country and then wrote and recorded the station announcements, adding echo to my voice to give the impression of the sound in a large railway terminal. Crowds sounds recorded at the carnival in Viareggio, Italy and recordings of the sound of trains arriving and leaving the station of Bunde, The Netherlands were added to the announcements to enhance the illusion.

— Rod Summers/VEC Audio 2007

VEC Audio CD 0021 influenced by several planets

VEC Audio CD 0021 influenced by several planets
VEC Audio CD 0021 influenced by several planets

1. Last Tuesday weak Dave

(06:20, stereo audio, 15.2 mb)

2. Haemorrhoid transplant

(04:36, stereo audio, 11 mb)

3. Escape from Trashville

(05:31, stereo audio, 13.2 mb)

4. Respect didn’t help the Extinct

(07:00, stereo audio, 16.8 mb)

5. Fake Malberg Blues

(03:40, stereo audio, 8.8 mb)

6. Sublime via Ridiculous and return both ways

(04:14, stereo audio, 10.2 mb)

7. Sjoðandi Vatnsson makes tea

(03:04, stereo audio, 7.4 mb)

8. Astringency Foxtrot (Sic Vita Henry King 1592-1669)

(06:18, stereo audio, 15.1 mb)

9. Forces of the Habitual

(07:05, stereo audio, 17 mb)

VEC Audio CD 0013 The Blackbird Reserves

VEC Audio CD 0013 The Blackbird Reserves (cover)
VEC Audio CD 0013 The Blackbird Reserves (cover)

1. Dawn

(11:51, stereo audio, 28.6 mb)

2. First Rush of the Morning

(7:30, stereo audio, 18.2 mb)

3. Let’s Do Lunch

(11:03, stereo audio, 26.7 mb)

4. Long Afternoon

(21:03, stereo audio, 50.7 mb)

5. Dusk

(10:43, stereo audio, 25.9 mb)

6. After Darkness Fell

(8:18, stereo audio, 20.1 mb)

All source material was recorded in Southern England in 1978.

The Blackbird Reserves’ (De Merel vervangers)

When the Cockerel crows your name you rise
And assist old Rooks preparing the day’s foraging party.
Four&twenty Blackbirds from four&twenty trees
(mutilated mammals roam city galleries)
Singing for leaves.
Once flocks danced with avian swerves
But now we’re reduced to The Blackbird Reserves.


Als de haan jouw naam kraait sta je op
En je assisteert oude roeken als ze voorbereiding geven aan de groep die gaat foerageren
Vier en twintig merels van vier en twintig bomen
(verminkte zoogdieren zwerven door stads galerieën)
Zingen voor bladeren.
Eens dansten vluchten met vogelachtige zwenkingen
Maar nu zijn we vervallen tot de merel vervangers.

Rod Summers/VEC, Maastricht 1999. This work is dedicated to the memory of my father-in-law, Pierre Ewalts. Translation by Rod and Liz Summers.

VEC Audio CD 0002 Gedda Grip!

VEC Audio CD 0002 Gedda Grip!
VEC Audio CD 0002 Gedda Grip!

Participants in alphabetical order, Icelandic style:

Alan K. Lipton (USA); Andrzej Dudek Dürer (Poland); Antoni Miro (Spain); Ayah Okwabi (Ghana/Sweden); Diane Bertrand (Canada); Dmitry Bulatov (Russia); Evindur Erlendsson (Iceland); Jesse Glass Jnr. (USA/Japan); Joseph Semah (Israel/The Netherlands); Keiichi Nakamura (Japan); Kurt Johannessen (Norway); Lucien Suel (France); Mike Dyar (USA); Raul Marroquin (Colombia/The Netherlands); Ruud Beerens (The Netherlands); Sergey de Rocambole (Russia); W. Mark Sutherland (Canada). The program order was decided by drawing lots.





VEC Audio CD 0007 one-third of infinity

VEC Audio CD 0007 one-third of infinity
VEC Audio CD 0007 one-third of infinity

Recorded and composed from June to September 1998 as an element of the exhibition titled “THREE”.

This audio work is non-specific so please don’t try comparing it with your own personal favourite third of infinity for it is unlikely they will match.

Space and territory and the priorities of living by defending.

1st. Movement“Out Dreamt” – has as its basis a recording I made this year at three o’clock in the morning in an Arctic Tern colony on the west of Iceland. Expansive space. An incongruous stereo layer of birdsong from a deciduous forest in southern England is occasionally mixed with the basic sound as are the sound events of a calling Great Northern Diver, a ‘drumming’ Snipe and three male voices, American, Irish and English, counting to three.

(11:26, stereo audio, 27.5 mb)

2nd. Movement“Raucous Chorus” – Kittiwakes on an overcrowded cliff preserving the gene bank by vocally declaring willingness to defend territory with violence if it comes to that. A Black-backed Gull glides passed looking for an unattended chick. The sound like a knife being sharpened on a steel is the chicks.

(11:43, stereo audio, 28.2 mb)

3rd. Movement“Masters Of The Upright Stance” – the Tern colony where I recorded is being ploughed up, drained, flattened and grassed to extend the camping and holiday bungalow site. The Arctic Terns that use the area as a breeding colony are not at all happy about the situation! The wilderness is tamed, leveled and sanitised to make it safe and comfortable for those who wish to visit it by bus.

(9:55, stereo audio, 23.8 mb)

All three movements were constructed by blending up to three stereo layers of analogue recorded naturally occurring sound events. All post-recording manipulation was accomplished on a computer using different digital filters and special techniques I learned in my thirty years as an analogue sound tape editor. When a satisfactory ambient audio environment had been achieved short individual sound events were added (blended) to create the whole.

My thanks to Tom Winter (Hamburg), Jim Broughan (Dublin) and Michael Bright (Maastricht) for rehearsing and reading the text so well.

VEC Audio CD 0003 Two Sagas

VEC Audio CD 0003 Two Sagas
VEC Audio CD 0003 Two Sagas

The Execution of Earl Magnus of Orkney An Audio Drama, 1993.
Loosely based upon chapters 46 to 51 of the Hermann Palsson and Paul Edwards translation of Orkneyinga Saga (Penguin 1981).

(31:41, stereo audio, 78.5 mb)

Cast: Liesbet Summers-Ewalts..(Maastricht)..Helga (Hakon’s concubine); Marshall Anderson..(Dundee)..Hakon (An Earl of Orkney); Magnús Pálsson..(London)..Egmond (The Narrator); Rod Summers..(Maastricht)..Magnus (Another Earl of Orkney); Sigurd (A trouble maker and sound poem); Tom Winter..(Hamburg)..God; Hubert Cuijpers..(Lyon)..Sighvat Sock (Sigurd’s brother); Lincoln Martine..(Maastricht)..Holdbodi (Awitness on Magnus’ side); Alan Doyle..(Maastricht)..Ofeig (Hakon’s standard bearer); Raven..(Hamburg)..Hlifolf (Hakon’s cook); Guest appearance by Josef Günther Kaspers

Recorded in Maastricht, London, Dundee, Hamburg, Lyon, and on location at Tentsmuir, Fife.

The master recordings were made with a portable DAT recorder and stereo one-point microphone on loan to VEC Audio from Hubert Cuijpers.

All recordings by Rod Summers except the ‘Cursing Armour’ sound poem which was recorded in Hamburg by Tom Winter and Rod Summers; and Sighvat’s voice which was recorded by its reader Hubert Cuijpers in Lyon. The audio drama was written and recorded from July to November 1993. ©VEC audio 1993, 1998

One.One Improvised music, Rod Summers and Tom Winter.

(10:23, stereo audio, 27.4 mb)

Rod Summers – tapes, keyboards, zither; Tom Winter – tapes, keyboards. ©VEC audio 1994, 1998

Even Parchment Crumbles, extracts from The Perpetual Saga An Audio Story, 1997.

(30.15, stereo audio, 75.0 mb)

Readers: Marshall Anderson, Alan Byrne, Ralph Gowan, Rod Summers, Tom Winter, and The VEC PC.

Recorded 1996 in Verwood, England; Dundee, Scotland; Hamburg, Germany; and Maastricht, Netherlands.

Analogue recording on a Sony WM6e with a one-point stereo microphone. ©VEC audio 1997, 1998

VEC Audio CD 0001 Two Audio Dramas

VEC Audio CD 0001 Two Audio Dramas
VEC Audio CD 0001 Two Audio Dramas
VEC Audio CD 0001 Two Audio Dramas
VEC Audio CD 0001 Two Audio Dramas

Two Audio Dramas

Track 01 – Helgi Saga Part One

(28.05, stereo audio, 67.4 mb)

Track 02 – Helgi Saga Part Two

(18:16, stereo audio, 43.8 mb)

The audio-drama script Helgi Saga was written and recorded from May to November 1985. Inspiration sources for the original story were many and various but the main ones were my Viking friends Helgi ‘The Turtle’ Fridjonsson and Þor Elis Pálsson, the Icelandic sagas; especially Burnt Njall’s Saga, and the Bible, book of Ezekiel, chapter one from verse four.

The story itself is a black comedy about the progress of a noble Viking who, whilst at battle on behalf of a Norwegian king, has a close encounter of the third kind with robot representatives from Cosmic Control. Helgi Saga is a sequel to the Fallowfield stories previously published on V.E.C. Audio.

The play has 34 characters voiced by 24 readers. Of these 24 readers 7 were Dutch, 4 Icelandic, 4 English, 3 American, 2 Irish, 1 Scot, 1 Pole, 1 German and a computer.

Each characters part was recorded individually, the pieces were then spliced together and sound effects added to create the whole.

Dedicated to Mother Computer.

Rod Summers. Maastricht November 1985, revised March 1993.

Track 03 – Sagara

(10:05, stereo audio, 24.2 mb)

Track 04 – The Saga of Brjan the Raud & The Scoring Technique in Cribbage

(14:08, stereo audio, 33.9 mb)

VEC Audio Exchange 16 TCHING (The End) – Sides 1 & 2

rod ‘n’ tom · r. stevie moore · de fabriek · r. i. gillham and t. faull · psycho · dermot mahon · head cheese · peter downsborough · gustaf mahler band · roland zinders · bob davis (soon 3) · prima boys · john m. bennett · finnbogi pétursson · edition23 · thor elis pálsson · bulbo raquided · jesse glass jnr. · ruggero maggi and morandi conspiracy · anna banana · port said · opal l. nations and bob amos · radio moscow · larry d. smith · antoinette tisa · morandi conspiracy · pete horobin · ken montgomery and isaak jackson · paul thomas · alan vinzents · port manteau · ubaldo giacomucci · eric malzner · mike kane · artfoot · trax · carsten schmidt olsen · klaus reichling · richard kostelanetz · klaus groh · alex douglas · roberto fischer · frank rogue · f.o.m.t.

Side One

(30.03, stereo audio, 72.1 mb)

Side Two

(30.01, stereo audio, 72.0 mb)


NOTE: the postal address listed on the cassette label is no longer valid — for postal communications with Mr. Summers, please use:

Rod Summers/VEC / Cantecleerstraat 40 / 6217 BX Maastricht / The Netherlands

VEC Audio CD 0009 Tackys Lithe Leaden Lazer Guided Dinghy

VEC Audio CD 0009 Tackys Lithe Leaden Lazer Guided Dinghy
VEC Audio CD 0009 Tackys Lithe Leaden Lazer Guided Dinghy

Rod Summers and Tom Winter

1. Cup of Tea. October 1981.

(0:30, stereo audio, 1.2 mb)

2. Druids Come Back. 19 October 1981

(9:46, stereo audio, 23.5 mb)

3. Paper bag. November 1975

(1:02, stereo audio, 2.5 mb)

4. Microphone Number 5. November 1975

(0:59, stereo audio, 2.4 mb)

5. The Idi Drift. (Amin the mood for DADA). November 1975

(2:27, stereo audio, 5.9 mb)

6. Square Meters. November 1975

(1:17, stereo audio, 3.1 mb)

7. Two Lakes Resting (Bucket & Guitar). October 1981

(9:37, stereo audio, 23.1 mb)

8. Time for a second joint. 24 November 1983

(0:50, stereo audio, 2.0 mb)

9. Shall we check it out? 24 November 1983

(1:01, stereo audio, 2.4 mb)

10. Ali M’entary. Summer 1970

(2:09, stereo audio, 5.2 mb)

11. Greek Tweet. (Raw Budgie). 7 August 1981 / The Chain-Letter Sketches. October 1981:

(3:10, stereo audio, 7.6 mb)

12. Take three… ow!

(1:58, stereo audio, 4.7 mb)

13. Jawa.

(1:04, stereo audio, 2.6 mb)

14. Maxim’s.

(4:29, stereo audio, 10.8 mb)

15. Brain of Britain-Roby-Don’t give up.

(6:11, stereo audio, 14.9 mb)

16. Signifies the end.

(1:24, stereo audio, 3.4 mb)

17. Twenty year stretch. August 1976

(5:32, stereo audio, 13.3 mb)

18. Augustus! My God, I Have It!. (excerpt) March 1984 — a broken text audio drama written by Magnús Pálsson

(11:49, stereo audio, 28.4 mb)

19. The Big Happle. October 1981

(0:40, stereo audio, 1.6 mb)

20. Mail-Art Dada Skank. January 1981

(5:24, stereo audio, 13.0 mb)

21. Coda: The VEC motto.

(0:08, stereo audio, 0.34 mb)

VEC Audio Exchange 15 AURICLE IN G – Sides 1 & 2

thor elis pálsson · artfoot (jeff stoll) · pete horobin · r. i. gilham and t. faull · carlo pittore · per holmström · lon and friends · carsten schmidt olsen · daniele ciullini · bob davis and g. p. skratz · peter r. meyer · magnús v. gudlaugsson · bria burgess · f.o.m.t. · dermot mahon · niels lomholt · r. stevie moore · j.christensen, c. schmidt-olsen, v. haman and j. olbrich · john m. bennett · helgi fridjónsson · carel lanters and d. van kleef · v. haman and amour de nous · ruedi schill · a. vizents and a. howell · paulo bruscky and c. marcondes · klaus groh · ben allen and friends · ken montgomery and isaak jackson

Side One

(30.02, stereo audio, 72.1 mb)

Side Two

(30.04, stereo audio, 72.2 mb)


NOTE: the postal address listed on the cassette label is no longer valid — for postal communications with Mr. Summers, please use:

Rod Summers/VEC / Cantecleerstraat 40 / 6217 BX Maastricht / The Netherlands

VEC Audio Exchange 13 ETHER – Sides 1 & 2

tilt(brygada k) · idid idid · szkárosi (from Artpool’s Audio) · millions behind you (ben allen) · BACI and BICI (baroni, bianchi, ciani and ciullini) · rob cuypers · pete horobin · mani leitner · richard v. dellen · f.o.m.t. · bria burgess · ásta ólafsdóttir · a. vizents · john m. bennett · monster zonder waarde · nic thompson · dislokate klammer and alex igloo · klaus groh · vittore baroni · peter meyer

Side One

(30.13, stereo audio, 72.5 mb)

Side Two

(29.40, stereo audio, 71.2 mb)


NOTE: the postal address listed on the cassette label is no longer valid — for postal communications with Mr. Summers, please use:

Rod Summers/VEC / Cantecleerstraat 40 / 6217 BX Maastricht / The Netherlands

VEC Audio Exchange 14 HARK (Hard as you like) – Sides 1 & 2

ásta ólafsdóttir · john m. bennett · alexander zeit · dermot mahon · pete horobin · lady c. · lugo · sylvia james · jannick journaux · richard boulez and henryk gajewski · erik mälzner · serse luigetti · artfoot · ruggero maggi · edgar allen bushmiller · mogens otto nielsen · jesse glass jnr. · richard and lon · bedeschi, ponzi and pittore · ezio abrile · klaus groh · robert i. gilham · giovanni fontana · nicola frangione · furry couch · tentatively a convenience · morandi conspiracy · aeiou and v. hamman · alex igloo and dislocate klammer · brigada k.

Side One

(30.04, stereo audio, 72.2 mb)

Side Two

(30.03, stereo audio, 72.1 mb)



NOTE: the postal address listed on the cassette label is no longer valid — for postal communications with Mr. Summers, please use:

Rod Summers/VEC / Cantecleerstraat 40 / 6217 BX Maastricht / The Netherlands

VEC Audio Exchange 12 RINGADE – Sides 1 & 2

druids come back · guy sherman · vittore baroni · lon spiegelman · ken montgomery · john m. bennett · it rasch · mogens otto nielsen · robert i. gilham · port said · thor elis pálsson · a. de koning · diederick van kleef · dermot mahon · m.b. · bria burgess · enzo minarelli · andy darlington · amok · sergio and emilio morandi · ben allen · limmy scheres · carlo pittore · julien blaine · artfoot · emmett walsh – post industrialism · magnus v. gudlaugsson · eddy fontaine · b sides · les chats · christophe bourseiller · ginny lloyd

Side One

(30.28, stereo audio, 73.1 mb)

Side Two

(29.48, stereo audio, 71.4 mb)



NOTE: the postal address listed on the cassette label is no longer valid — for postal communications with Mr. Summers, please use:

Rod Summers/VEC / Cantecleerstraat 40 / 6217 BX Maastricht / The Netherlands