Phill Niblock 1933 – 2024


Sorry for this text, it’s garbled, but I can’t make it less so in the moment. Check out some of the links below for more considered words and documentation of Phill’s presence and creative expressions. I’m dismayed at the number of obits that are appearing here … sheesh …

The other day I was reviewing older sound recordings on the website, one of which is a remix of sounds recorded at one of Phill Niblock’s annual Solstice events at his and Katherine’s loft in New York. Back in 2007 I was in the NYC area and was able to make it to one of these legendary happenings. A number of ShareNY friends had reminded me of them, and my modus operandi generally is when in town, check stuff out. And if Phill Niblock is doing something, well, there’s no excuse!

Winter Solstice event @ Phill and Katherine's place, New York City, NY, 21 December ©2007 hopkins/neoscenes
Winter Solstice event @ Phill and Katherine’s place, New York City, NY, 21 December ©2007 hopkins/neoscenes

So, it was sad to hear of Phill’s passing. The hundreds, thousands of performances that he made, participated in, or facilitated for other artists—most often within the aegis of the Experimental Intermedia Foundation over the years—had a profound impact on all who experienced them. The annual Winter Solstice events at their loft were especially intense both in the immersive visual-sonic sense, but also in the powerful element of basic human encounter: always a slew of interesting folks attending!

As is noted in other obits, being and doing were things that Phill did with a profuse and personable energy. I was lucky to cross paths repeatedly with he and Katherine on their numerous transAtlantic forays and in NYC related to some ShareNY events.

Phill’s experimental visual and sonic work implemented a solid-and-shimmering tableau of full-on psychic immersion in live performance. The Solstice happening was merely one of the hundreds that Niblock brought into this universe from another, parallel universe, where time, sound, and Light have both more subtle and more tangible presence and energy.

An openness for exploring the profundity of the temporal was something that Bruce Elder and Stan Brakhage exposed me to back in the 80s, so Phill’s monumental 16mm opus, The Movement Of People Working, was immediately, electrically, attractive. It forms a compelling exploration of what human presence and be-ing actually is, not merely how it manifests: this element of lived immediacy imprints itself, over time on the receiver. And, combined with the sonic expressions forms a holistic, immersive experience. (Morton Feldman‘s influence.) Transcendent!

We shared the idea of duration in performance work: perhaps related to our separate instances of experiencing the work of Feldman. Phill often bringing duration to a beautiful extreme that inevitably sparked internal change within the witness/participant (there is no audience in this regard, there is only the Void!).

Condolences dear Katherine, and for our shared loss.

Visit Phill’s website for a deeper plunge. This obit by Lawrence English is especially illuminating. And the NYT obit gives a wide view on Phill’s life.

Further insight into the Solstice Events with some documentation at Roulette; along with a 12-hour video.

field work

field work, lichen Caloplaca trachyphylla (the white growth is a colony of Acarospora stapfiana, another lichen which is parasitic on C. tracyphylla). Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado, April ©2018 hopkins/neoscenes.
field work, lichen Caloplaca trachyphylla (the white growth is a colony of Acarospora stapfiana, another lichen which is parasitic on C. tracyphylla). Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado, April ©2018 hopkins/neoscenes.

A Natural History of Sound

At Tom Fleischner’s invite I’ll be doing a public talk this evening as part of the Natural History Institute’s lecture series. Prior to the lecture, I’ll perform a 20-minute live sonic improv [along the lines of this or this]. The day after tomorrow, Saturday, 02 April, I’ll do a full-day workshop.

changing the course of nature, Carrizo Plains National Monument, California, December 2010

TITLE: A Natural History of Sound

TIME: 31 March 2016, at the Natural History Institute, 312 Grove Avenue, Prescott College Campus, Prescott, Arizona

7:00 – 8:30 PM (GMT-7 PDT/MST) Prescott, AZ

This presentation, opening with a brief (20-minute) live improv sonic performance, will weave a pathway through the nature of sound as an integral feature of bio-systems and human presence on the planet.

Sound is a particular expression of energy that is present within the living global system. The movement of sonic energy is a crucial feature of life for many organisms, humans no less than others.

This presentation will begin with a live improvisational performance arising out of an on-going sonic/visual/performance art project changing the course of nature that explores the energy dynamics of natural systems and the impact of life on those energized flows. The project plays with the subtle and not-so-subtle influence of human presence on the planet.

The talk following the performance provides a wider context to the project within Hopkins’ trans-disciplinary and nomadic life-trajectory. He will present a number of international creative projects that employ sound as the primary creative medium as well as exploring the concept of sound itself. Of particular interest to Hopkins’ research is a mapping of the intersection of human presence and wider systems. He will also introduce the concept of acoustic ecology.

There will be ample time for dialogue at the conclusion of the presentation.

The performance and talk will be live video-streamed at:

10:00 – 12:00 Midnight (GMT-4 EDT) New York, NY
0400 – 0600 (GMT+2 CEST) Berlin, DE
1:00 – 3:00 PM Friday, 01 April (GMT+11 AEDT) Melbourne, AU

[calculate other times]

Art’s Birthday stream :: 16 January 2016 :: stay tuned

walking the plank with hopkins/neoscenes, Art's Birthday online, January 2016

Once again, hopkins/neoscenes — joining the party, walking the plank, perturbing the ‘net — will delve deep into the archive to bring a signature improv sonic streaming mix to the Eternal Network, celebrating 2016 Art’s Birthday, the 1,000,052nd. The stream, in fond memory of network friend Robert Adrian X, will originate from the neoscenes studio high in the Arizona desert mountains between 12:00-14:00 (GMT-7) 16 January.

Stay tuned here for up-to-date information on catching the live improv stream. Mark the time — (you can go to World Time Buddy to calculate other time zones). If you are in the Prescott, AZ area, you can attend the performance live @ my place — but please RSVP before-hand, there’s very limited space!

Phoenix – Saturday, 16 January 2016 12:00 noon – 2:00 PM GMT-7 (MST)
New York – 2:00-4:00 PM GMT-5 (EST)
London – 19:00-21:00 (GMT)
Helsinki – 2100-2300 GMT+2 (EEST)
Sydney 6:00-8:00 AM Sunday, 17 January GMT+10 (AEDT)
Auckland 8:00-10:00 AM Sunday, 17 January GMT+12 (NZDT)

Sonic stream address: (this URL is only live during the scheduled performance times, starting 30 minutes before). You can copy/paste the address into iTunes (use ‘File’ menu – ‘Open Stream’ option), or other mp3 players once it’s live. Headphones recommended to capture the ethereal density of the stream!

I’ll also be on IRC #artsbirthday along with some of the other international participants — it’s possible to connect through a browser-based connection at:

The stream is over, but you can listen to the archive broadcast in its entirety:

(02:06:17, stereo audio, 303.1 mb)

netart 2009 – VisitorsStudio

The following quick essay was for the last and final edition of the annual netarts awards from the Machida Museum in Tokyo:

Grand Prize for this year, the online platform VisitorsStudio, is not a complete newcomer to the netart scene — it’s been running as a live visual-sonic collaboratory for a few years now. As a playground, it offers many degrees of freedom within what appears at first to be a very restrictive environment. But, isn’t it true that all play-places have limits? Your mother would never let you go off just anywhere and play. Your mother would certainly approve of VisitorsStudio. The limits of VisitorsStudio lie primarily in the intriguing area of file sizes (more on that shortly). The interface is intuitive and straight forward, and does not entail a steep learning curve: anyone can create mesmerizing works in no time.

The most obvious elements in digital ‘mash-up’ play are the text, the image (still and moving), and the sound. Participants in VisitorsStudio may gather these elements themselves and using a rich set of live controls make compelling live mixes. There is an existing database of files to work with, or, you can prepare your own media library to upload and play with. This is where each sound, image, or video file is limited to a 200kb maximum size — you will be surprised at what can be done — the result is absolute proof that great things come in small packages.

VisitorsStudio is available for special performances and makes an ideal platform for educators in all settings who wish to stimulate imaginations with real interactive digital art — it’s not simulated and it’s not eye-candy. As a collaborative tool, it does not aggressively take the foreground in the process, but rather works as a solid and supportive background element for seamless play.

Of course, the best way to enjoy a jam session is with a heavy-duty sound system and a 72-inch plasma screen or a video projector. You will be the resident visual-sonic artist. But intimate small-screen solo play is also very satisfying. The best feature is the possibility for live remote partners and audience. Invite your friends half-way around the world to join you in a jam session!

Technically, VisitorsStudio needs only an internet connection and a browser running the latest version of the Flash plugin. And, hey, if we ask, maybe they will port a Wii controller to VisitorsStudio! Wouldn’t that be fun? Let’s play!

One of the Honorable Mentions for the 2009 netart award is SiTO’s gridcosm project which, if there ever was a primordial interactive play-place online, this is it. Gridcosm was initiated by Ed Stasny way back in 1997 as an outgrowth of SiTO’s live online image mash-up collaborations. That’s in the Precambrian era of internet time! It even has its own Wikipedia entry! But gridcosm clearly tapped into something fundamental — with a fresh and accessible interface design; a solid back-end code; and exuding a rare social sensibility of precisely what it means to collaborate online — there are hundreds of contributors. A dozen years later, the collaborative space is continuously full with a vibrant and evolving palette of personalities and plenty evidence of creative juice spilling out onto the screen. The acronym SiTO originally came from OTIS (Operational Term is Stimulate) which was the motto of the nascent online collective collaboratory back in 1994 or so. So, kudos to gridcosm for sheer staying power and what looks to be a lively future. How many layers does an artwork need to have for it to be classified as cosmologically significant? Visit gridcosm and discover the answer to this profound question! It’s an open project for anyone to jump into — as are all the SiTO collaborative projects — so, check it out!

John Hopkins, Sydney, Australia, 15.Nov.2009

48-Stunden Neukoellen 2009 : flickering wastelands III

A special live/streamed event, radio aporee presents flickering wastelands III in its long-standing open-house tradition. good foods, good sounds, good people. part of the 48-Stunden-(Berlin-)Neukölln Kunst und Kulturfestival. neoscenes, fresh back from many weeks on the road in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona will take you, with hydrocarbons flaring, on a drifting trajectory through spaces that dwell restlessly between ears and leave traces of soot, soil, and water (listen below!). more “48-Stunden Neukoellen 2009 : flickering wastelands III”

one ramble

up Coal Creek, on a trail that eventually would get to Mt. Gunnison, but that’s too far for the level of leisure sought after. so. a few miles in until it’s clear that any decent long view is really too far to go. a short performance: changing the course of nature (aka Altering the Course of History) at Ranger Creek amongst other diversions.


Just away from the Björk and Sigur Rós náttúra event in Laugardalur. Chilled to the bone from standing for the last five hours up stage front. Damn Nikon battery went dead right upon arrival. (flickr shots); did some audio recording, but the wind was pretty blustery, so most of those samples will be useless, methinks. But maybe some short cuts or a remix piece. Never met Loki and the others, he didn’t want to come over before the show started, so I left the house to catch Ghostigital with Finnbogi Pétursson doing an two hour ambient remix performance under the name: that was okay. The whole event was so-so. Sigur Rós cranked through a 90-minute set with some interesting covers of previous work, and played well despite the chill, but frankly, the music seemed repetitive in a concert setting, compared to having an iTunes collection on shuffle play with a mix of experimental-slash-pop. There was a little electricity when Björk joined in one song as a drummer (a tentative one at that!). The smoke from the smoke machines just blew away. That’s what the energy felt like, it blew sideways away, towards the big LED screen where those not down front could see the artists close-up.

Náttúra concert, Sigur Rós, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 2008

(00:11:59, stereo audio, 28.8 mb)

more Sigur Rós
(00:10:06, stereo audio, 24.3 mb)

some Björk:
(00:18:15, stereo audio, 43.8 mb)

And the next day’s newspaper noted that the entire park where the concert was held was completely filled with trash — bottles, cans, garbage everywhere: so much for the consciousness-raising aspect of the concert. People still seem to believe in some kind of remote ‘nature’ out there somewhere. Theoretical and not containing the Self as an extension. Or not even an extension, but simply part of it. period. Until there is a deep understanding of that, nothing will change.

VEC Audio CD 0047 Garden Walks Three

VEC Audio CD 0047 Garden Walks Three (cover)
VEC Audio CD 0047 Garden Walks Three (cover)

1: Track 01 – Raul Marroquin – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

(04:13, stereo audio, 10.2 mb)

2: Track 02 – Birger Jesch – Blankenhain, Germany

(19:32, stereo audio, 45.8 mb)

3: Track 03 – Ed De Grood – ’S-Gravenvoeren, Belgium

(31:51, stereo audio, 76.4 mb)

4: Track 03 – Vittore Baroni – Viareggio, Italy

(10:21, stereo audio, 24.9 mb)

5: Track 03 – Marlies Mulders – Middleburg, The Netherlands

(05:25, stereo audio, 13 mb)


the tmp-deluxe performance is over. not interesting or successful at all. off track, I should not have wasted my energy of pre-tension on it.

Auto-Destructive Art Machine Art Auto Creative Art

Each visible fact absolutely expresses its reality.

Certain machine produced forms are the most perfect forms of our period.

In the evenings some of the finest works of art produced now are dumped on the streets of Soho.

Auto creative art is art of change, growth movement.

Auto-destructive art and auto creative art aim at the integration of art with the advances of science and technology. The immediate objective is the creation, with the aid of computers, of works of art whose movements are programmed and include “self-regulation”. The spectator, by means of electronic devices can have a direct bearing on the action of these works.

Auto-destructive art is an attack on capitalist values and the drive to nuclear annihilation. — Gustave Metzger, 1961

dkfrf review

Rinus makes some nice notes on the Amurikan evening at das kleine field recording festival last week in Kreuzberg.

Rinus is one of those intelligent and grounded souls who facilitate events that are the polar opposite of pretentious. informal, humane, and best, they include a collection of found artists. artists who are connected by their desire to connect with others in an open way. my impression of the evening of performances was largely the comfort with which it proceeded. for example, I had not intended doing a visual set, thinking conservatively it was about field recording. but when Brandon got the video-projector set up, I thought, yeah, why not. so I started the evening with a slowly-building barrage. guilty, sure, of a phat mix. Rinus noted that it divided the crowd — it’s that polarizing influence that I seem to have. hmmm. it’s partly the software, got to explore how to slow it down for a more meditative mix. density. (going back to the thoughts about levity and density a few weeks ago). Brandon’s set was a perfect counterpoint to mine with the levity and Light of his life.
more “dkfrf review”

sharemtl & share nomad

a performance evening at tmp.lab that Marie-Hélène and Jim set up. I do some ambient sound work, but otherwise focus on the remote situation, monitoring the stream and partners in Chile and Canada. the functionality of the platform (Flash- and browser-based) is quite good with controls on stream quality, multi-point collaboration, a built-in chat channel, archiving, and so on. it would have been a dream for past projects! (all this with the caveat that the stream image has the branded logo of on it, and the company is clearly an eventually-for-profit enterprise. that and while the archival and sharing possibilities are very well-developed, so far I have not determined if it is possible to download stand-alone flash media files from the archive. to play, one needs access to the database — all data including the chat texts reside in their server.

Derek comes by. hinting that the Regime text scared off one of the panel for the Sonic Architectures conference in July, so, I won’t be involved in that event. (thanks for trying, Derek!) and on a reciprocal note, Rasa definitely wants to include it in Spectropia. albeit with references (huh? it’s a speculative essay, but they are seeking peer-review status) and at approximately half the finished length (oh, this is really an impossible challenge to cope with). so, not sure if I want to go through the work on major revisions instead of continuing on with the other chapters. it’s a book chapter, I don’t want to re-write it. but having it published in Spectropia would be nice. they always do really beautiful and innovative design work. so…

Pariser Platz

migrating realities, day two. people going WAY over time, people reading papers. understandable a bit when they are second language speakers, but I thought at one point, why not have a native speaker reading it for them? (it would be more understandable and wouldn’t require their presence). my hand goes up, I’ll do it! annoying aspect of, again, the meta-structures of the encounter. as do dominate all social encounters. but tend to restrict and form the formal.

situation in Lithuania. empty spots, people leaving. an empty landscape (compared to Central Europe), poor standard of living, life expectancy, wages, employment. not good. but the emptiness is a nice thing. the politics of emigration.

Johannes Deutsch: WDR cultural spectacle, Mahler’s Second Symphony, gala concert … (Ars Electronica, Linz, big-ass spectacle). with live manipulation.

(and with that, I quit taking notes) <>

the last evening was nice. the conference panel in Savannah, which I managed to do from Hubertus’ flat, across the street from GdK, was not so good. my intervention was in poor comparison with the power-point presentations some of the other’s did. but I just couldn’t bring myself to engage with that hyper-limited platform. it is so ubiquitous in the pathway it prescribes on a presentation. clearly, though, Adobe Connect, the collaborative platform, is also so limited and restricted to particular forms of hyper-socialized human encounter. although limits can stimulate creativity if there is a resonance between the two people who are connecting via that pathway. it doesn’t resonate with my be-ing. I don’t use it again. f-2-f resonates. minimizing encounters mediated by cultural spectacle. focus as close to f-2-f as possible.

the performance, as with most performances is fringe, a good concentrated group, but small, the young folks wander off when the Vilnius student crew leaves. some people had come after reading on the site of my connection to Stan Brakhage. interesting conversations afterward. and a nice denouement, wandering back down to Potsdamerplatz and so on home. running on adrenaline.

today ends with a longish wander from Gdk to Pariser Platz in the reception center for the Akademie der Künste, thanks to Hubertus. wow!

migrating reality

Miga asked if I would participate in these two projects, in the first as redactor, in the second as a presenter and as a performance artist. should be interesting. especially as it is occurring at the same time as the conference in Savannah. of necessity, I will appear in Savannah virtually, and in person here in Berlin. that’s the easiest option!

we meet down at the Galerie der Künste to scope out the situation.

Migrating is reality. Reality is migrating.

The “Migrating Reality Project” organized between 04-05 April 2008 at the Galerie der Künste (Berlin), Potsdamer Str. 93, is a live platform to discuss the mixing and remixing of art forms and digital data flows within the context of the current worldwide reality of migration.

From 01 March in cooperation with the online ‘zine for media and technology we are initiating a focused look at the migration between reality, media, technologies, art, spaces, disciplines, politics, and networks. Migration interests us in cultural and technological aspects as well as in aspects of the movement of different objects and subjects. has been publishing online in Lithuanian and English from Vilnius, Lithuania since 2005. Every fourth month it announces a new topic and as of now “Migrating Reality” is open for your interpretation.

We invite the submission of texts, sounds, and visuals (photo, video, etc) which will help us to delve deeper into the subject during the Berlin project. is stimulating interest in the generation and publishing of ideas online — the most important of which will be published in the printed catalog at the end of 2008. We are looking for not only pure texts but also in migrating formats, interdisciplinary discussions, interviews, and the meetings of artists and theoreticians. Please submit texts in English, German, and Lithuanian to The rolling submission and publication period is from 01 March to 01 June.

Editorial Board: Vytautas Michelkevicius, Mindaugas Gapsevicius, Zilvinas Lilas, and John Hopkins

Migrating Reality

The conference and exhibition Migrating Reality is organised by >top – Verein zur Förderung kultureller Praxis e.V. in Berlin and KHM – Kunsthochschule für Medien in Köln. It is also generously supported by the Embassy of Lithuania in Germany within the framework of the German-Baltic Year 2008.

The event focuses on the Baltic nation of Lithuania. In the last fifteen years, more than ten percent of Lithuania’s population has emigrated, among them numerous individuals engaged in the cultural sector. Others, while still living in Lithuania, are deeply engaged with the subject of migration. Selected individuals from both these groups will present their work at the conference and exhibition.

Migrating Reality deals specifically with the realities of migration and migrating realities that are independent of global structural changes and economic or cultural processes and are opening unique opportunities for creative exchange.

Electronic and digital cultures generate completely new forms of migration. In the creative arts, new phenomena related to migration and the synergies of disparate systems are emerging. Artistic products evolve from traditional forms to hybrid digital forms. Analogue products are being digitized; data spaces are trans-located from one data storage system to another; existing sounds, images, and texts are re-mixed and fused into new data sets.

The emergent processes of migration generate temporary autonomous zones where socio-political actions occur without the interference of formal control mechanisms. These zones and enclaves appear in physical space as well as in virtual space. By integrating these into available structures and temporarily interconnecting them, new trajectories and ideas are created.

Migration is reality and reality is migrating. This dialectic, appearing as a banal topic in everyday politico-economic debate, includes inarticulate issues which, by their fragmented nature have to be dealt with through creative multidisciplinary means. Only occasionally do components of the migrating global situation surface in the mass media, within individual mediums of expression, or in exhibitions as documentation and artwork. This is likely because dealing with the realities of migration in an explicitly European context means accepting the potential for conflict.

This trans-cultural German-Lithuanian event will take on the risk in highlighting certain fragments of the discourse. Participants will be invited to piece together aspects of this inexorable global mobility on the one hand and of retrograde power relations on the other.


neoscenes cranks up the sonic streaming for the global 2008 art’s birthday party with friends in Austria, Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, the Czech Republic, and elsewhere. it’s over and done with now. for another year. number 1,000,045. broadcast from the Glen Ridge basement HQ, not really sure I had any audience anyway, another one of those events. I was using the QuickTime server in Amsterdam, and for some reason it kept kicking me out every 9:59, so I have 6 chunks of my live improv stream. can’t decide whether just to glue them together into one sixty minute file or keep the pieces as they are. hmmmm. will get that happening later:

(01:11:00, stereo audio, 137 mb)

I’d rather jump into the projects, though, at least there are other folks out there online to chat with. the arts birthday crowd is too dispersed and anarchic to manage a single meeting place. pity, though, it would have been nice to chat with some of them. maybe next year.


no time to catch up with this stuff. in to the City to meet Josephine… we catch a show Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by the performance group 1927 at the PS122 theater/performance space. funky animations, gingerbread men, glittery eyes on stage, piano, singing, the Lodger, and the orange Imagine backpack with peace sign, while the show goes on …

a different scene

(00:47:54, stereo audio, 92 mb)

over to Arweiler, an old town at the edges of the Eifel region west of Köln, for a visit with Volker’s old friends, Rolf Habel, Norbert Weise, and Angie. at an un-occupied modern office building with a single large empty floor, these folks have made something of a cultural scene, doing workshops with kids and having art events. so we go over and have a fun improvisational sonic performance session. I screen some videos, something I almost never do. in this case, they are 320×240 web versions which is even more exotic, but, what the hell?

long eventful day

not enough sleep after the dinner at Mokki with the Pixelache folks and the Prix Mobius people. finally caught up with Juhani who was on his way to Manchester today.

up early to meet Tapio at mbar for a short session about future polar/solar plans and dealing with future web-documentation and such.

then over to the gallery at noon to begin the final set-up. remote presence :: streaming life gets underway with preparations for the evening’s happening. all runs smoothly. except for the entire network going down about an hour before opening time. turns out to be one of those crazy glitches around a print job submitted to the wrong printer. it brought down everything for a tense 30 minutes before I could figure out what was happening. otherwise the transformation of the gallery space was completed some hours before the opening, and it looks very nice. did miss the final session of the conference with Lisa and Armin, as well as missing the last event of the Nordic VJ program. too busy.

many folks come to the opening — Antti, Bernice, Owen and his wife Irma, Kaisu, Amos, and on. I was not so able to chat much, monitoring the outgoing streams and incoming communications, but the vibe was good. the sonic stream is an interesting mix, though the video input was sparse and not so electric. we would need another couple days to spruce up that medium & means. the ambient sound in the gallery is warm and party-like:

(01:23:20, stereo audio, 161 mb)

panel & placard

Day two. Elénore catches her plane from Strasbourg, but gets tangled in security at Charles de Gaulle, missing her Helsinki flight and so I am left with a two-hour morning conference panel to anchor solo at the Goethe institute. Presenting the context of the workshop and the paper that I contributed to the Pixelache publication. It goes well. Although there are skeptics in the back row. Not vocal, but disturbing the atmosphere by talking during much of the talk/discussion. They make no direct critique of the propositions nor contribute to the lively discussion. Boring people who do that.

(01:52:28, stereo audio, 215 mb)

At another point, a bit later, someone who was to show up at placard in Kiasma isn’t able to come, so, with a little chunk of open time in my schedule I jump into the corner hot-seat and do a one-hour impromptu mix for a handful of headphone-donning folks. The sun streaming in the window, I have a good view of the Parliament building as a source of rock-solid and cubic inspiration.

Erik (aka Mr. Placard) runs the multichannel headphone mixers, the stream, and keeps an eye on the irc channel.

Then, there’s Manu & Mukul along with Indigo, their young boy. Hanging around waiting for the screening of their film Faceless in the Kiasma Theater.

share San Diego

Gary and I head out towards Balboa Park, but don’t actually make it. I wanted to get online for a couple hours of work, so he takes me to a cybercafe in North Park where the PowerBook exhibits it’s intransigent side — something that comes up about 2% of the time when connecting to a wifi node — it can see the node, says it’s connected, but refuses to actually establish a viable connection. grrrrr. the usual spate of re-starts, config changes, etc, to no avail. Gary puts up with my whining, then calls an acquaintance nearby, Christian Michaels, a professional photographer who happened to have a wifi network at his studio. we head south on Ray Street, a funky neighborhood to the beautiful studio built in a former sign-manufacturers space. he’s got a huge video projector with a 25×25-foot projection area at one end of the main studio. as we chat, turns out that he is hosting a share event in the evening! we have a good laugh that I am the share-nomad node. synchronicity! have lunch at a taqueria around the corner, and head back to spend the afternoon with Andrea and Ryan. then Gary comes by to fetch me for the evening happening. end up meeting Morgan Sully of share-San Diego and others. there is a screening of Metropolis, and I do a short VDMX improv. nice!

tech-no-madic pathways

our arts birthday stream goes down smoothly, though I never did succeed in tapping into the actual European Broadcasting System satellite output feed of the event. August recorded our output stream file on his Linux box:

(00:12:30, stereo audio, 12.3 mb)

Later, Wes invites me to jump into what turned out to be an excellent evening — cycled down to fishbon (see their blog) — a weekly salon for an eclectic group of cultural activists in Santa Barbara. the evening starts with a demo of the Wii by a local teen, then a Kung Fu demo advertising the establishment of some special courses starting in the fishbon space. Wes and a friend do a MAX/jitter visual/sonic performance, and after that I do a very short 15-minute improv with VDMX.

and shortly, my talk in the IHC:

tech-no-madic pathways: networks and sonic energy

This talk, framed in observations from 20 years in the Cultural-Industry Sector of Europe and North America, will look at the energetic intersection of body and sound in the midst of chaotic social systems and restless movement. It will doubtfully answer the following questions among a thousand others: What does it mean to be a sound artist? What is a sustainable creative practice? What are we doing here? How did it end up this way? Afterward, let’s talk!


mes amis laboiteblanche and Carl.Y at (no)music are running their 10th 24-hour collaborative online sonic streaming project. I decided not to participate this time around for lack of technical infrastructure, but see there are some old faces like androvirus, Jon Eriksen, Bernhard Loibner, & Jerome Joy among 48 others — sure to be a long, interesting day! check it out!

(((NOMUSIC))) wishes to generate improbable duals and gatherings between pairs of participants during one hour at a time in a web audio performance. We make no storage because we think that Internet is a huge database which conveys already a great amount of dead information and we don?t want to pollute it further. We are thus in favor of instant access to a selective event. The mechanism of the programming is not automated; it is relayed manually for 24 hours without any interruption by laboiteblanche and Carl.Y., two real human routers who are at the service of continuous audio stream and who endure technical difficulties and give rapid formation on the technologies of streaming to all the participants.

forces in equilibrium

Time slips into the next several steps, with nothing spare to make reflexive jottings here. Now in Catonsville, on a long-delayed visit with Steve, about to do a collab stream as part of his art@radio project which takes the form of a weekly streamed hour of sonic art works and a variety of other collaborative sonic streaming projects. It was previously airing on WMBC, the University of Maryland — Baltimore County student station, but with infrastructure improvements, Steve can now broadcast a stream from home via nicecast to a server maintained by the IRC

bed, Catonsville, Maryland, November 2004

trondheim matchmaking 1.0

Trondheim matchmaking cranks up on Friday morning. Presentations begin a bit late. Lassi Tassijarvi talks about the demo scene, promoting his book on the history and philosophy of what is framed as a movement. gintas K. gives an overview of the Lithuanian sound art and experimental scene (as well as later doing a live sonic performance). Letizia Jaccheri talked about the trans-disciplinary IT/humanities program she is a facilitator for at NTNU. Kristin Bergaust talks about the Lofoten locative media project.


the placard session with Sophea goes okay, after a late start at Fred’s apartment with a few people in attendance. Juha put a page with some photos from the evening before, some recognized faces! nice vibe. now about to head to Shinji and Tarja’s log cabin in the green and leafy ‘burbs for a tour of the coast, a wood-fired sauna, and dinner.

moving from anyware to randomsystem

anyware went down last night, IRC and all, but it was not a very satisfactory event from my impaired vantage despite the high level of network activity. I should not have joined in without a better understanding of the arrangements: I didn’t have access to enough of the program information until very late. and when I started delving around, I couldn’t figure out how I could jump in. still learning how to be a participant: another one of those things where I will not appear in the program credits, the paper propaganda, or banner headlines: despite ‘being there’. perfect deployment of tactical media in networks: avoid PR whenever possible. made it as far as to edit the wiki pages, though it ended up that my time-frame, being the most easterly of participants, except for someone in Tokyo, and having an early flight to Oslo and Kim’s randomsystem workshop in the morning, I couldn’t reasonably be online streaming when NYC prime-time hit. bummer. the shareNY crew was having fun, though, would have been nice to be there. a solo node in the network is often compromised unless network connections are strong.

was thinking this morning on the way into town on the early ferry that I function best when there is a clear understanding of the particular social framework within which a particular event will be operating. not that there is a need to actually operate inside that framework or even respect it, it just gives a more comfortable starting point. a bit like what happens when one has not been yet introduced to a stranger, and the specific opportunity for a self-made introduction passes, there are those awkward moments of disconnected collective dynamic. an unbalanced flywheel, hlaup, hlaup, hlaup. this principle inserts itself into many diverse situations. object making: knowing the film and developer (paper developer, paper, and enlarger); knowing the duration for a time-based medium; knowing the network architecture, connection speeds, firewall configurations, and available bandwidth. I tend to set those most base parameters, then leap into the project, feeling free to proceed intuitively and creatively.

these thoughts deserve more exploration, but I now have to read the article Open Content and Value Creation that was suggested in preparation for Kim’s workshop. seems like he is not ‘just a musician,’ but is into some good hard-core social criticism AND mapping out alternative ways of going.

Bjarne meets me at the hotel and we go to the new Atelier Nord offices to meet Atle. good to catch up with him. been a long time since being in Norway, and now he’s the Atelier Nord director.

evening performances at Blå alog and Next Life, around the corner from NOTAM, finally find Alexander, the festival-meister.


so, the conclusion: to Oslo for the weekend, thanks to PNEK, the organization I was set to become the director of a couple years ago, before I left Europe for the Colorado gig. and the schedule is such that I can do the streaming performance on Thursday evening with Milos in Prague and NYC — Beyond the Dream Syndicate which is part of the anyware project scenario. fly to Oslo on Friday morning and stay through until Sunday evening. excellent!

another dinner this evening, David and Maria will come out for this one, along with the local crew. it’s been slow getting the dinners thing happening, there are so many people that I would like to invite out, but the time seems to just race by. and the fact of not having a mobile phone, strange the impact of that contingency. and, the whole issue of making food. I realize now that what cooking skills I used to have since have slid by the wayside. still can whip out a brutal chili, proper Mexican when the right ingredients are available, decent spaghetti sauce, and of course the garlic pasta is a solid standby, but quite out of the loop on other improv standards, like anything Asian. still impressed with a conversation with nick many years ago where he described his quest to learn how to cook. not the surficial process of combining packages and cans of pseudo-food, but the real and necessarily deep praxis based on a dynamic understanding of the principles of combination of scratch sources along with a solid knowledge of raw materials.

gray-white and Light

VDMX control panel screenshot for Son(net) Subterfuge - Helsinki-Amsterdam, April ©2004 hopkins/neoscenes.
VDMX control panel screenshot for Son(net) Subterfuge – Helsinki-Amsterdam, April ©2004 hopkins/neoscenes.

After a brilliant sunny day yesterday, today is wet. (snowing!) Good for washing the long winter accumulation of ground-up road and sidewalk gravel dust away. Still in bed at 1000, reading, and writing. Determined to flog away on thesis things, alternately, each minute, feeling empowered, and feeling lost. Strange process. Looking for a structural framework that makes sense, and somehow gives cues as to how to limit the scope of the discussion so it doesn’t get totally out of hand.

Delve, ponder, organize, shuffle. And run across the field of Light.

There is a strict order governing the life of the libertine: every representation must be immediately endowed with life in the living body of desire, every desire must be expressed in the pure Light of a representational discourse. — Michel Foucault

hmmmmm. Woulda neva started this thing here, if I had read that nine years ago. Or woulda tatooed meself from head to toe and enlisted in the merchant marine. Wholly Madre de Dios! Nada mas.

Okay, ready and set up for the Son(net) Subterfuge stream / performance. Crossing fingers after setting up in my normal office space, and both ethernet jacks were dead. Talk about stress, I ran to the other side of Gallery Augusta, the long low building that NIFCA uses for offices to check to see if the network connection was working in the main offices. weewsh. Race back, rip everything down (two dv cams, two powerbooks with the accompanying 400 meters of cabling), drag it over to the office, set up. Only 20 minutes before the sound check.

So it goes. Performance over. After a testing connection earlier in the week with Josephine via irc, and then later she sends a nice video of the performance.

microphysics & son(net) subterfuge

Manu sends an image from TRyPTiCHON, with Amanda and I standing after the performance. a blue-Light special.

Foucault falls into my hands, though I am not particularly fond of the French School of philosophy, or, maybe to say it more concisely — I dislike the widespread invocation of his name. but, a book from the library is here, so I pick it up. immediately the term microphysics pops out from the intro. along with the observation by the editor that Foucault’s work never was successful in addressing the dynamic of social change and the autonomous nature of social action. ahah. my model does this explicitly! another spray of Lighter fluid on the fire kindling under my thesis. doubts remain, many, but as I bang words around, there seems some hope that this task gets done.

dinner last night with some of the other residents.

and then, the thesis issue keeps popping up.

Certainly, fantastic theories must not be arbitrarily invented contrary to the regularity of experience; nor must there be any departure from the harmony of Nature, since she tends to be simple and always consistent with herself. — Isaac Newton

cranking with Josephine in Amsterdam on the dress rehearsal for Son(net) Subterfuge which takes place tomorrow evening. a distributed dance/network happening, I’ll be supplying one of two incoming audio/video mixes that Jos will re-mix to be projected into the dance performance piece in Waag’s Theatrum Anatomicum. everything was stable last night. knuckles rasping to a bloody pulp on wood — to ensure the same tonight…

pixelache over

pixelache finally finishes up with Tuomas’ and Mukul’s analog vs digital dual in the Kiasma Theater. enjoying a quiet morning without a particular agenda except for catching up with communications, especially answering Frieder’s pro-vocative recent email that is inspiring me to think and write toward my doctoral studies. heavy work, but ultimately feeling quite good to commit to paper (well, hard-drive) a concise framework for the explorations that may ultimately become the thesis. even if not, the exercise is extremely valuable.

ambienttv also performed their work TRiPTyCHoN, a complicated work-in-progress that is rooted in mapping human experience across a physical space. in this case, messages sent in from participants who were invited to make a walk between the Parliament steps and the steps of the cathedral, about a kilometer. along the walk, using a gps unit connected to a gprs-enabled palm with a custom interface, they were to write text messages. these messages were then sent to a server which recorded the location and the text into a database. I did a walk on Friday afternoon, slowly making my way, avoiding satellite shadows, and drifting through a space of emotional history. spontaneity was somewhat inhibited by the Lightweight but cumbersome physical interface. cold fingers. despite, I ended up drifting through parts of the history that was mapped across this very neighborhood through relationship. cafes, clubs, theaters, bars, corners, bus-stops, trams, shops all had a tangible memory overlay. poignant, as memory can often be about what has been lost. direct, as the triggers of place are very much real. silent, internal. Mukul called me after I had returned the device to Antony in the Kiasma Cafe, saying that it was a nice performance, the best one they got. He and David were on the island, actually neighbors in one of the nifca residency flats, they were monitoring reception of the ‘wander’ in real-time.

interesting experience. it was a measure of my ability to push through a technological interface, enabling some kind of flow-through. drawing focus, projecting energy, emotive force.


leaving Bremen after one of the most energizing workshops ever. so good to be back on a roll. inspiring conversations and interactions. crowded train, standing at the exit door for an hour, ipodding, staring out the window until it’s so dark I only see myself, change trains at Hamburg Dammtor and catch up with Christian on the way home from work. exhausted. but energized. the weekend is slow and relaxation-full. Chris takes a shot of Steffi and I before I head to Finland.

Sven asks me to write something about the radiostadt1 stream from last fall. so, I generate the following brief spin on that special living-room-to-live performance venue that I enjoyed while hanging in Colorado:

Thanks to the fat-pipe running from the University of Colorado research grid to the neoscenes living room in Boulder, Colorado, USA, along with access to a Helix server that the university hardly ever used for live streaming, neoscenes made about 10 major live audio/video streaming performances wearing only underwear and socks while drinking a cup of tea. (sorry, no photo’s ;-) “Bring it on home!” more “spins”


a long day and the end of a long electric week that ends up behind the Bahnhof, downtown, underground, a throbbing d’n’b scene. with the informatik posse re:sorb doing the vj-ing. I’m the guest. groove. so many grooves grooved upon, grooved through, in the last decades. but it’s the same, different, each time, the focus, the concentration, the groove. it makes something happen. here and there. in a groove. to be taken very seriously. loud pictures and all.

and windows open on future praxis. embodied mind praxis the most important route.

the workshop is incredibly successful, thanks to the dedication and open-ness of the crew. again, a series of in-spiring tableau. free-wheeling conversations, the efficacy of the dialogue assignments are clearly demonstrated. optimal situation. Frieder’s facilitates a true trans-disciplinary program — experimental even though it’s at one of Germany’s most liberal universities — drawing an eclectic group of students who are able to care for themselves in a way that those embedded in the US system may no longer.


Akeno leads the last day of her Butoh lessons in Mika’s class. and serves home-made sushi and green tea. and then does a ten-minute performance. about the lotus and a small Buddha-child statue. about what is happening in the energized soul of the statue as the elemental powers of presence flow through it. the dreams of the world. amazing. I take a stone that Loki and I found in Colorado, one with a textured color that reminded me of anagama-fired ceramics. I give it to her after her performance. there was the stone that I gave to Simon Stockhausen that he made a composition from, and all the other stones that have found me for a time, and then found an Other to join for a time. and all those stones will be around long after we are all dead. this is an undocumented part of the sacrifice project


1.5 km swim. suddenly time compresses, and it is time to leave this place for a whole series of other places in the next four weeks. the swimming allows me to concentrate some energy for the movement. and at least it is a, oh hell, here this is, again, simply drowning in meaning and not allowing the words to say what is meant. the day barely ends, but is merely projected to the next, taxi to bus to train, the night train, ensemble. funny that I cannot bring myself to full-exposure in these pages, like I have to cover my words, my actions, my being. like the interstices become anti-regulatory and I merely forget what I have done. As moving into the way of the other. hanging log files in space with Carmin. preparing for the performance-event in Linz. trepidation and half-being.

sayonara diorama

screenshot from the collaborative online Sayonara Diorama performance with Adrianne Wortzel, New York City, New York - Kiel, Germany, April 1998

early this morning Adrianne ran the Sayonara Diorama performance in New York; with a few students here, I connect up via CUSeeMe and we participate for the duration, maintaining a conversation with Tapio, Steve, Susanna, Ariel, and others connecting up from other locations around Europe and the US. until 0530 here when the performance finishes in NYC in the early evening there.