Experimental Conviction

Long life is one of the greatest Blessings that we Mortals can enjoy; it being what all Men naturally desire and wish for. Nay, when Men are come to the longest Date, they desire yet to live a little longer. But, however, Health is that which sweetens all our other Enjoyments, without which the longest Life would be no more than a living Death, and render us burdensome to our selves, and troublesome to all about us.

But though Life be so desirous, and Health so great a Blessing, yet how much is both the one and the other undervalued, by the greatest Part of Mankind? Whatever they may think or say of the inestimableness of those precious Jewels, yet ’tis plain, by their Practice, that they put the Slight upon, and despise them both; and the most Man are hardly sensible of the worth of Health, ’till they come in good Earnest to be deprived of it.

How many Men do we daily see, by their Intemperance and Excess, to lay the Seeds of future Distempers, which either carry them off in the flower of their Age, which is the Case of most or else render their Old Age, if they do arrive to it, uneasy and uncomfortable? And though we see others daily drop into the Grave before us, and are very apt with Justice to ascribe the Loss of our Friends, to their living too fast, yet we cannot forbear treading in the same Steps, and following the same Courses, ’till at last, by a violent and unnatural Death, we are hurried off the Stage of Life after them.

What the Noble Cornaro observes of the Italians of his Time, may very well be applied to this Nation at present, viz. “That we are not contented with a plain Bill of Fare; that we ransack the Elements of Earth, Air, and Water, for all sorts of Creatures to gratify our wanton and luxurious Appetites: That as if our Tables were too narrow and short to hold our Provisions, we heap them up upon one another. And lastly, That to create a false Appetite, we rack our Cook’s inventions for new Sauces and Provocations to make the superfluous Morsel go down with the greatest Gust.”

This is not any groundless Observation, but it carries an Experimental Conviction along with it. Look into all our publick Entertainments and Feasts, and see whether Luxury and Intemperance be not too predominant in them. Men, upon such Occasions, think it justifiable to give themselves the Loose, to eat heartily, and to drink deeply; and many think themselves not welcome, or well entertained, if the Master of the Feast be so wise as not to not give them an Occasion of losing the MAN, and assuming the BEAST.

Cornaro, Luigi. Sure and Certain Methods of Attaining a Long and Healthful Life. London, UK: Daniel Midwinter, 1722.

coitus in cena*

This was a year of infestations. Several varieties of grasshoppers hopped and flew rampant for a couple months, stripped my sole apple tree of leaves and were working hard on the native plum trees, stripping both the leaves and bark off any new shoots.

A detail from the stripped apple tree. Cedaredge, Colorado, August ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.
A detail from the stripped apple tree. Cedaredge, Colorado, August ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.
Branches from a large mint bush that was completely stripped in 24 hours by grasshoppers, Cedaredge, Colorado, July ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.
Branches from a large mint bush that was completely stripped in 24 hours by grasshoppers, Cedaredge, Colorado, July ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.

As with all natural systems, though, a boom of one species will generate a boom in another. Predator, prey. In this case, praying mantises (Mantis religiosa), supremely well equipped to capture and consume the bumper crop of grasshoppers. There are hundreds of both beige and green mantises everywhere on the property. They have always held a fascination for me, primarily how attentive they are to the presence of another being. Commonly kept as pets, I encountered this pair in rural Colombia:

On the Llanos, near Paz de Ariporo, Colombia, January ©1984 hopkins/neoscenes
On the Llanos, near Paz de Ariporo, Colombia, January ©1984 hopkins/neoscenes
Hanging out at my garage door, in about 30 minutes this mantis consumed a sizeable grasshopper, head-to-toe, with the exception of the jumping legs. Cedaredge, Colorado, August ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.
Hanging out at my garage door, in about 30 minutes this mantis consumed a sizeable grasshopper, head-to-toe, with the exception of the jumping legs. Cedaredge, Colorado, August ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.

Then the sex begins.

In flagrante delicto, the head already consumed, the female mantis continues feeding on the  thorax of the still alive male while actively receiving sperm. August ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.
In flagrante delicto, the head already consumed, the female mantis continues feeding on the mesothorax of the still-living male while actively receiving sperm, yikes!. August ©2024 hopkins/neoscenes.

And ends.

* coitus during dinner


Hyla arenicolor, Mint Wash, Williamson Valley, Arizona, April 2005

“What is it?” we ask, meaning what is its name? This odd quirk of the human mind: Unless we can name things, they remain for us only half-real. Or less than half-real: nonexistent. A person without a name is nobody. A human’s name can become more important than his person. A plant, an animal, a thing without a name is no thing — nothing. No wonder we humans like to think that in the beginning was — the Word. What word? Any word. Any word at all, anything rather than the silence and terror of the nameless.” —

Abbey, Edward. Abbey’s Road. New York, NY: Plume, 1991.

Plowing (ploughing) through Abbey this time, years since reading “The Monkey Wrench Gang,” his writing seems dated, depressing, even dark. So much of the landscape that he passed through is (de)evolved, so much of what he prognosticated about the Southwest, at the hands of corrupt politicians and developers has materialized like a cancer across the land. The forever-expansion, development-is-good, it-creates-jobs mantra that is chanted by deeply unholy men (and women). Bringing 4000+ square-foot pseudo-adobe MacMansions to dot the landscape along with scaled-up vehicular afterbirth: Hummers in every five-car garage. Although there are places one might go and on a middle-scale—meaning the easily visible—local scale, to the uninitiated eye, the natural system seems untouched. But with any consideration of scientific data—atmospheric systems, plant and animal ecosystems, and hydrological systems are being irretrievably altered. What of the domination of a species that will destroy most of the other macro-species only to live on briefly in an impoverished environment: soon to succumb to a viral celebration in the host of hosts. Definitely, catch it while you can. Take the last road trips around before gas costs what it should and the only way to get out of Dodge will be on foot. And the only way to survive the plague is through a slow and costly counter-evolution.

At any rate, this is a frog (possibly a Canyon Tree frog – Hyla arenicolor). But note the incredible coloration. The green exactly matches a particular lichen that grows on the granite in that area. The pinkish blush of the oxidized feldspar in the granite. There were four of them literally stuck to the side of a large smooth boulder on Mint Wash. I was sitting opposite from them, having lunch with Marianne, about 6 feet (2 meters) away, and at first I thought they were phenocrysts in the granite, but then saw they were frogs. This particular one was the only one I could get close enough to make an image of, it was crouched on a relatively reasonable ridge. The other three were glued to vertical (overhanging!) smooth surfaces, but there was a 2-meter deep hole in the creek bed, full of water immediately below them. So, this one had to do. The beautiful beast is about 1.5 inches (3 cm) long.

Wednesday, 20 November, 1963

Made a final chart for decoy characteristics, and had some prints made by 11:30 AM.

I think I ought to write out my thots on the L2 group at BSD for ELE.

Filled in the table or chart w/ MkII mods A&B after much search.

30˚F — 75% RH

Couldn’t find my pocketbook at home, and it wasn’t at my desk. About 0900 the supervising guard called to say that the Janitor, Thomas Cazzio turned it in at 7:15 PM last night. He also said the night guard should have called me at home.

There was frost on the car windows this morning.

Had dinner at PSC, and gave my remarks quickly, and then went home & to bed by 9:20 PM.

CHH called about 9:30 PM to talk about Thanksgiving. We decided to go ahead & eat out. Decision as to whether we go at all or not will be made Sunday night on the phone.

Day 3 – Hawk Moon Ridge

Up at 0500 to continue the discipline of yoga on the patio before the bugs make it uncomfortable. It’s perfect in the waxing Light well before dawn. Body is stiff and resisting flexibility, but it will take time after two months on the road. Luna hangs out nearby, and although dog’s expressions have been proven to be largely in the mind of their owners, she has a quizzical look. When I start off with some “Om’s” for some reason she goes charging off barking as though she’s cornered some game. This is even more comic as she usually never barks. Otherwise, I can think of nothing better to be doing in such a place than to allow the body to regain some flowing order with a practice on the patio. 0500 tomorrow again!

I set up a bird bath with rain water barrels (repurposed garbage bins that I set out under the gutter drains mostly just to rinse them of a strong whiff!), and immediately birds begin to come. Have to optimize the inside of the bath with some wood and stones to stand on to give them options on washing and drinking. As I watch this morning from the cluttered kitchen working area that I set up immediately after Collin and Marisa depart, I see a pair of doves moving through the trees, and suddenly a red-tail (hawk) comes jetting through, pursuing one of the doves. I think it was one of the fledglings from this year. Last evening on the regular circuit walk with Luna, I got within 20 meters of a sizable red-tail roosting in a dead tree near the highest point of the ridge. He wasn’t happy with my presence and said so before sailing off down the canyon.

“Red at night, sailors deLight; in the morning, sailors take warning.” We’ll see if this works in a place where the only sailing would be down the river in a raft. Looks like some monsoon moisture is in the air, but only what afternoon brings will determine the verity of this Coriolis-driven sea-borne correlation.

Dinner with Bob and Burdette ‘next door’ — they’ve got some computer problems that I hope I can help them with, so it’s a good excuse to drop in on them.

Baraque Michel

the moors, Baraque Michel, Jalhay, Belgium, June 2013

Say that after me, “Baraque Michel” … (pronounced precisely “Barack Michelle”) … how weird is that, especially as I missed breakfast in Berlin with Barack and Michelle last week. Christina and Günter decide it’s time for a drive and a walk — the Baraque Michel in far eastern Belgium. The weather is brutal, only 6C by the time we get to the top, along with a drenching rain. That intensity is moderated by tea and crepes in Jalhay.

portrait, Günter and Christina, Baraque Michel, Jalhay, Belgium, June 2013

Back home, a family portrait is made with daughter Manon:

portrait, Christina, Manon, and Günter, Aachen, Germany, June 2013

Sunday, 14 April, 1963

We left about 0750 for PSC, arriving in time to find some seats: the Sanctuary was filled by 0900. We found that the M-20 mike was dead and the TV was no good. I had DCH turn it on, but he didn’t even report that it wasn’t working. The Sanctuary was full for both services , and the PA system worked for a change. We were unable to get the M-20 working after trying three power supplies & another mike — a new M-20 from Geo C’s stock.

Went out to Al & Edith’s for Easter dinner. John was there — he seemed quite well — May seemed well also. Al had a set of ingenious plastic interlocking blocks; we must get a set for home.

Ret’d to PSC at 5 PM where Geo C. & I pulled in a new cable, connecting it to the connectors labelled “B”; it worked then, so we must have another bad cable. Geo will remove his hardware tomorrow. The feedback stabilizer added about 2 Db, not enough.

Thursday, 11 April, 1963

Cool, Windy

Went to a Trustees mtg. w/ dinner at 5:30 PM at PSC. We so far haven’t had to borrow to get cash to pay for the roof; this is because the statements for the larger amounts haven’t been sent in. HJO wants to 1) put solid glass or doors with small panes at the foot of the curved stairs and 2) repave the floor & repair the underfloor in the hallway downstairs. This was approved after considerable discussion as to the source of cash.

I read my hastily-written report on audio matters; it seemed to be well-received. It contained a comment to the effect that our electronics hardware is an “operational nightmare,” and that my associates are rapidly becoming acquainted with the operational problems. One chap afterward said it was quite good. I spoke with Bernie Stiff afterward to the effect that I was doing everything possible to keep the hearing aids going; this because Mrs. Stiff Sr. went out of her way to make me feel at home when I arrived in Boston 20 years ago; and that we have stretched our present capability about as far as possible. He responded by saying to the effect that perhaps we should stretch too far.

Sunday, 03 March, 1963

Finished report to ELE.

1/2 OC

Went to church at 11 AM in the Memorial Chapel. The sermon was on “Time to Triumph” by the minister, Mr. Daughtry. Shortly afterwards, as I was strolling back to the BOQ, Aubrey Stinnett caught up with me and invited me over for dinner. I had a most pleasant afternoon and then after two hours back writing in my room, went with them to see the neighboring home of the Scotts where a birthday party was going on. Ice cream was made with a hand-operated stirrer. Spare ribs, baked beans, and salad made a delicious dinner. Aubrey and I took some time out to take some sunset pictures. We left early, and returned to their trailer to see two of their slide films w/ the records — “Japan,” and another “On The Pacific Shore.” I think I’ll get them — $4 + postage/month.

Tuesday, 19 February, 1963

Arrived at San Berdoo at 0640, took a shower at a motel and them talked to Major Dalton for two hours on the problem or processing the TRAP III spectral films; I pointed out that there is distinct payoff from having Bendix be responsible for films & instrument calibration, and film processing. He agreed to this, and that it should come up at the next TD mtg. on 26-7 Feb at Lockheed/Ontario.

I spent about 30 minutes w/ Al Saiget at A. He apparently can’t communicate w/ his facilities people on the need for film processing capability.

Went in to CIT & the Mt. Wilson Observatory on the 813 Santa Barbara in Pasadena. Olin Wilson said he works with the originals always. He thot that their William Miller, SYcamore6-4351 (area 213) would have numbers on the loss of density as copies are made.

Talked to ELE at Skyways.

Clear at Barstow
Smog at SB

Train 45 minutes late — arrived at 0645. Got up at 0500, packed, ate, and then watched the sun rise from the dome car as the train wound down Cajon Pass. I saw the big cut that includes at least one edge of the San Andreas Fault.

Had lunch w/ JL, and then went into CIT & the Pasadena Hq of Mt. Wilson. Then went down to the Skyways Motel & checked in. Picked up some food, ate, turned in the car, and to bed early.

Sunday, 17 February, 1963

Santa Fe Super Chief train on Raton Pass, New Mexico

Left Chicago on SF Super Chief at 6:30 PM. Weather warm — 40˚F all day.


Arrived at Chicago at 10:15, an hour late. Checked my bags at the Dearborn (SF) Station & then went north to the Fourth Presbyterian Church, arriving about 11:10. The sermon, by Dr. Elam Davies, was a typical Presbyterian one, with very little mention of Christ. The title was “The Nature of God’s Deliverance,” based on Acts 12:1-11. I spoke afterward with one of the assistant ministers about their audio system; he is a graduate of Wheaton & Fuller. Their system is 15-20 years old and has 2 mikes, an Altec 633 on the floor, and two RCS’s, one at each pulpit, recessed into the pulpit and with a preamp each feeding a 100-watt amplifier. Two multihorn speakers are located over the pulpit on the right side, one about 12′ up. The other about 30′ up. They expect to modernize with a Collins control center and a 601 with an Ampex panel.

Walked down Michigan Avenue to the Art Museum where I spent the afternoon. Ate dinner — whitefish — at Berghoffs on Wabash — left on the Super Chief at 1830.

Wednesday, 30 January, 1963

Gave Al Saiget about 5 hours of concentrated discussion during which he used a tape recorder and I did most of the talking! My throat began to get sore.

The A crowd seemed somewhat naive about the actual setting up of a data processing center: 1 June is still the date for initial operation.

Overcast +14˚F

Took Alen Saiget of A over to Concord in the PM on a site-seeing trip, as he seems to be a tourist.

Took CR, DCH, & JAH to the Boy Scout dinner and Court of Honor. Five boys received their Eagle Awards, including Edward Ferry and Jack Kelley; Jack had to try 3 times before he was successful in passing his First Class signalling test! He finally got it! And now has the merit badge for signalling.

Sunday, 27 January, 1963

We got up to find about 10″ of dry snow on the driveway. We shoveled enough to get to the street just after the snowplow went by the first time. Took CR to the West Acton Roman Church Mr. Shephard will pick him up for dinner.

The M-20 mike operated quite well for both services. I worked with the station (WEZE) men at both services, endeavoring to get them to operate the attenuators so that the organ, singers, speakers, and congregation would be heard individually & collectively when they should be. The morning operator made some notes as to attenuator settings and times, as we had a tape made for each service, planning to play them back on Saturday 02 Feb. I’ll see if I can get Doug Rafter to come in and select the recording he thinks best so we will know what attenuator settings to use.

Stayed in in the afternoon, having dinner at Mary’s.

The Hybrid: This and/or That

1 The Hybrid: This and/or That

2 Abstract: This text is a meditation on the concept of hybridity and hybridization as a construct of our techno-social system that attempts to safely frame (chaotic change) at the same time as to be a creative source.

3 Keywords: bifurcation, schizophrenia, catalysis, difference, gradient, edge, reaction, culture, change, innovation, control, systems

4 Introduction:

4.1 What happens when two things come together? What happens when two energies come together?  In certain situations there can be a catalytic response which allows the two disparate systems or impulses to encounter and change each other with gusto. In other situations the two systems retain their essential character and apparently do not mix, merely coming into separate relation or juxtaposition with one another. Why do humans bring things together? Why is life combinatorial and synergistic? Recognizing the expanse of territory posed by these questions, as well as the main thematic question proposed at the Hybrid Space workshop “How does art create, visualize and network hybrid spaces,” this essay will not attempt to provide answers, but rather will plot a simple course through some ideas and reflections on what may be the foundations that the questions rest upon.
more “The Hybrid: This and/or That”

Wednesday, 16 January, 1963

Went to the US Public Health Hospital at Brighton — for my Yellow Fever shot in the AM.


Went over to the US Public Health Hospital at Brighton to get my Yellow Fever shot. Did a few errands on the way back — the Tech Store for books and a soft lead pencil for JAH, film; stopped to get bread also – $7 worth.

Call from Ed Poor at PSG re: the input impedance of the WE preamp; one of the WEZR operators phoned him to say that this Z is 30Ω. This is the tap that we now have the new 685A microphone on. He also said that Mrs. Dorothy Lee Jones Ward(!) heard both morning and evening services, and said they were both excellent! Ed also said he had heard both, & that they were good. I hope Mrs. Ward will underwrite the attic job!

Apparently some of our work is beginning to pay off!

Went to Scout mtg, where I passed 2 boys on their 1st Class Signalling — bounced one. Participated in a little planning for the Court of Honor on 30 January. A dinner for 240 is planned! I’m in favor of a larger mtg. with no food.

Put new btry in Ford.

Tuesday, 01 January, 1963


Home all day. Put in a water-hammer-removing pipe above the hot water shut-off in the back bathroom. It started to work well, and I hope it continues.

Took DCH & friends in to the Kittredge residence in Arlington in the PM.

Returned about 4 PM to a delicious dinner w/ turkey & all the trimmings.

Went to bed about 9 PM.

Sunday, 09 December, 1962


Took family to SS & church. The Altec amplifier had 3 bad tubes, of course accounting for its lack of output the last two Sunday’s. It worked quite well today.

We stayed in for dinner at John’s so LCH could be a hostess at Fellowship. We rode in with Mary in her VW; it was quite a pleasant riding car. The sight-seers to the Commons were many, causing us 30 minutes delay in getting in.

CR at home most of the day, his evening engagement being cancelled on account of illness.

Thursday, 22 November, 1962

Drove to Princeton.


Left at 0745, driving to Princeton; we arrived at 2:30 PM.

Dinner was at about 5 PM, a most delicious one. We then had some slides, and after a real pleasant day, went to bed about 10:30 PM under an electric blanket.


Down to the Walnut Cafe South to meet Chris for our weekly breakfast.

Conversation drifts through resonance. And into the concept of coupling which I did not explore in my dissertation when talking about resonance.

While somehow, the LaTeX functionality of the WordPress plug-in isn’t so developed (what’s with the black border? destroys any elegance that the equation might hold.

[latex]\omega_0 = {1 \over \sqrt{LC}}[/latex]

Thursday, 08 November, 1962

Checked in at BSD/L2 Office about 8 AM.

Looked at a typical warehouse with 82,000 ft2 — wood 6″ x 6″ columns on 20″ centers and a 16′ ceiling with sprinklers. Rehab of this structure would cost around $12/sq. ft.

After lunch we met with the BSD Space Panel for 2 hours. They were of the opinion that we should base the project on Bldgs. 535 & 536 which are now occupied by SBAMA, a total of about 80,000 sq. ft. We discussed the matter for awhile & I suggested to Maj. Tooley of BSLR that he form a list of items & steps needed to obtain a package plan for prompt submission to the BSD Cdr., Gen. Davis; he did this thru Mr. Austin of BSLR who listed the ff:

1) Justification for Target Data
2) Milestone charts
3) Layout of DPC based on use of Bldg. 535 & 536
4) Equipment list
5) Money estimates – be sure to ask for enough
6) Personnel needed

We also made a construction schedule later with Major Penn & Lt. Col. Kaufman, the BSD CE. This showed that it is essential that funds be made available soon from DOD or where ever at once in order to make the 15 June date.


JLV took us to the Perris Hill Pistol Range, at noon. It is operated by the San Berdoo County Sheriff’s Office, and has a tunnel over to the target positions so that the targets can be changed w/o shutting down all firing.

JLV had us to dinner at his home in Redlands in the evening — they have a pool; house is located on the east end of Smiley Heights. After a fine dinner, Christy drove us around town and thru the University of Redlands Campus; it was quite pleasant.

Sunday, 04 November, 1962


Took family to SS & church; this is the last day of the CE Conference. HJO had two good sermons and Dr. Walters spoke in the Fellowship.

Mr. & Mrs. Bliss & Winky were with us for dinner; Nancy had a friend, the DeLandis girl. Mr. Bliss & I went for a walk with the children in the afternoon. I wonder if he might not have a hyper-active thyroid?

Dave Nelson decided to get organized so he has cancelled a mtg. next Sunday at 10:30 AM to instruct the audio crew.

Sunday, 28 October, 1962


CR with the Dee family today.

Took family to SS & church, John Svara talked about satellites and some of the programs, i.e., Mercury & Apollo.

I read 3 minutes worth at the start of the church service on the CE program to tie in with the CE Conference; I covered the courses we now have, the three for the 6, 7, & 8th graders and the adults. There were about 45 or so in the SS room, as overflow but there wasn’t much organization for them. I mentioned this to HJO in the PM.

We all were at Mary’s for dinner.

Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba! Castro is little more than a pawn!

Saturday, 15 September, 1962


Up at 0600, ate in the room & called home. JCH answered & I spoke to JCH; LCH in town at BU. Walked south to the Texaco Station and rented a car, drove down to river and obtained a rock to put in the patio. Stopped at Storage warehouse and removed 5 boxes; one I checked to Seattle, one to Mrs. McRay, and 3 to the Library. This cuts down what is there considerable. Visited Mr. Holland and Lina, drove out to the cemetary, and left on the 12:35 PM bus for Eureka, arriving at 5:30 PM. The ride was wonderful — thru the redwoods.

Picked up some bread & butter, etc, fixed a few sandwiches for lunch tomorrow and ate in my room.

Wednesday, 04 July, 1962

Clear – low humidity!

Found that I forgot to order concrete, so combed the neighborhood for some, finding a sack at Mr. Patta’s and another at Paul Cornwall’s. Poured the retaining wall in a short time with LCH & DCH help. Made about half the forms for the patio border.

John, May, & Mary came out for an early dinner, which Janet prepared. It was delicious.

NJH went to a neighbor’s house to see some fireworks.

JAH went to Boston with Mary.

Sunday, 22 April, 1962

Sticky – clear

Took family to church – 9 AM. The Sanctuary was filled at both services. This should help materially with the deficit.

We then went to Al & Edith’s for a delicious dinner. May & John seem quite well.

Mary expects to get her new VW on 25 April. She is quite excited as it is her first new car.

We went to the Easter concert at the Church at 6:30 PM; it was fine, but too short.

Sunday, 15 April, 1962

Snow in PM!

Took family to SS & church. During the service the Sanctuary public address system picked up a police or aircraft radio transmission. It looks like what we should do is to pull in all new cables asap.

Tuned a few more piano notes; the tuning pins are loose. I broke one string that made up 2 of A-440. Found the StroboConn off — 3 cents low — in comparing it with WWV’s A-440 cps transmission.

LCH & I took DCH in so he could operate the main amplifier in the PM. Mrs. Ockenga & LCH — with HJO — are coming to dinner on 16 May.