at +31 years

A few comments on where the site is in the moment:

A year ago my old friend, Howard Rheingold—the Silicon Valley journalist, who, among other activities was part of the WELL and who coined the term “virtual communities”—connected me with a start-up hosting company, ReClaim, that caters to the educational community. I’ve been part of the global educational community for more than thirty years: if the shoe fits! That and I’ve been increasingly annoyed/disgusted with GoDaddy—fifteen years the site host—for re-defining their “unlimited” hosting offers. In 2021 they threatened to kill the site unless I deleted 30 of the 40 gigs of content. Faugh, enough of that: I signed on with ReClaim immediately. Rescued! This was the sixth major platform rollover for the site since 1993, and it’s only recently that I was able to take the time to revive those 30 gigs of the archival content.

There are still some format/embed and sizing problems with images that accompanying postings before 2009, brought on by fundamental changes in WordPress. It’s an endless process to keep the beast up to even a minimal contemporary standard. Currently there are ~8100 entries, several thousand images, a few hundred videos and maybe 2,000 audio pieces. I’ve decided if I can hit 10,000 substantive entries I will either stop posting, and/or be declared a daisy-pusher.

Screenshot of site in 1995, when hosted on the ISMENNT server in Reykjavík.
Screenshot of site in 1995, when hosted on the ISMENNT server in Reykjavík.

In the meantime, compiling the wretched news on Social Security and Medicare, monthly income will be, well, grim, in this, the richest … country … in … the … world (sorry, gagging on the phrase). Okay, okay, I am a privileged white male who tried to follow his own idiosyncratic path internationally. And, honestly, it feels like the ‘system’ it meting out its interpretation of just punishment for my ludicrous belief that what I did along that path had some socially-redeemable value in cash: it didn’t.

Staring out the window on the unseasonably warm and very dry environs, waiting for the arrival of a colleague to gather the remaining office gear: two MacBook Pros; an iMac; iPad; a couple Dell monitors; 2000 slides in archival boxes; a set of data DVDs; some of the org swag accumulated over the years; university credit card; Mines BlasterCard ID; various cables; and my internal identity as an employee of the Colorado Geological Survey and the Colorado School of Mines. It was a job I took out of desperation to lock in some minimal fiscal security before boredom, age, and ageism made it impossible. Indeed, it filled that role, somewhat, but I’m still in a relatively precarious state. Will soon liquidate the Cedaredge property if a reasonable renter can’t be found, though I hate to give up the Covid-era 2.25% mortgage!

evaporation of clouds

Individuals who rely on someone else’s cloud to store precious, irreplaceable digital artefacts [sic] such as kids photos and videos, need to be aware of their backup and restore position in case their cloud service provider disappears. This runs counter to the perception that the cloud might be secure, and one where the cloud provider, for the most part, is taking care of the complex magic behind the scenes to keep your digital assets safe and sound. — Cloud Price Wars

NSA versus

I find the Open Letter that was publicized by [AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter, Yahoo] to be supremely ironic, calling for specific limits on the governments ability to collect, hold and use data on individuals. While they insure their own access is unfettered and as secretive as possible. The US has quite weak protections in place for personal data: legislation is ‘controlled’ as per everything else in Washington by the collusion of ‘power-full interests’.

For one strong alternative voice in this instance, check out Eben Moglen’s series of lectures “Snowden and The Future.”

Monday, 13 May, 1963

ELE back from San Bernardino. He thinks that Major Dalton would be the focal point of TRAP III operational activity, but he is too easy going, or thinks there are no real operational problems that need solving. I sensed this 2 months ago.

Joe Kelly in the Library phoned to say that he has a preliminary translation of the article by Prof. Lallemand in Les Recherches Galactiques et Extra Galactiques et la Photographique Electroniques — International Colloquium, Paris 30 June – 1 July 1959. It apparently wasn’t done by a physicist, as a ‘line’ came out as a ray. Joe Halberstein helped me work out a page or so, he reads it right off.

Walter Wells called at 4:50 PM and wanted me to go with Vic Guethlea to BTL/Whippany to be there for mtgs tomorrow and Wednesday. Obtained a ticket on the EAL shuttle tomorrow, arranged for clearance at Security at 5:05 PM.


It is supposed to warm up today.

Took out two useless cottonwood trees in NE corner, and dug up a little moss, finishing about 9 PM.

en route

I am put on a flight to Heathrow instead. It is delayed and that combined with 2-hours stuck in the endless Heathrow transit security miasma sets it up so that I miss a rescheduled flight to Hamburg. I end up with a six hour layover in Heathrow which is exactly why I paid an extra $150 NOT to take a flight through Heathrow to begin with. Shite! No free wifi there either, so I used a United Airlines desk phone to call Christian who ends up driving to Hamburg, bless his soul, to fetch me 10 hours later than I was supposed to arrive. Dinner with the family, hanging out, impossibly awake after only 2 hours sleep since Monday night.

internal ecosystem

How it is. A sparrow hops by the row of seats at the empty gate, deep inside Terminal B. Ecosystem. Assumptions are forming our world-views. “What the Bleep?” As weather builds up and while people gather to leave. People standing, sitting, talking to small boxes. Some talking to each other. Some talking to others half-way around the globe. Some dragging large wheeled boxes behind them, carrying boxes over shoulders, on backs. Roaches crawling on some of the boxes, right there in the security line. Lines, lines, moving towards being searched, probed, surveilled, controlled by the inefficient proles of the system. Keeping calm, despite wind-shear next to head. But still never knowing what to write. How it is.

Delayed flight in Denver from someone getting sick right before take-off and from a mechanical ‘issue’ causes me to miss my Hamburg-direct flight from Newark.

Tuesday, 16 October, 1962

Listed two, or transferred two Secret Sperry reports to Aubyn, plus 3 unclassified ones, also from Sperry.

Gave Pike Hugh Miser’s name and that of Project OMEGA in DCA re: his problem of OA on the basic problem of an ICBM strike on us.

RH 74%

Went home about 3:30 PM; the load of soil came as we were going down to AMS after the Ford. The front brake cylinders were only half-operative. The auto choke was lubricated, as was the parking brake cable at the rear drum entrance.

Poured the rest of the concrete curbing.

Rec’d BB&N’s report. They recommend that the ceiling have a hard surface, two single channel systems, EV LR4’s line source speakers if we use them, and a realignment of Lake’s proposal. I’ll plan to read it Friday night.

Tuesday, 04 September, 1962

Gave Frank Weinstein (5758 L251) what I have on T/M, subject to a Confidential security level.

Worked up more detail on the STV/ECM Program. Was unable to get thru to Nicholson at Raytheon re: seeing Phillpot at WSMR on 10 Sept.

Clear: LH!

Cancelled the Round Hill reservation for 7 – 8 Sept.; obtained one for 6 – 7 October.

Throat much better.

LCH et al poured the short wall; it looks good. Removed the forms at the sidewalk. The lettering I put in the 2 squares near the patio looks quite good.

Tuesday, 20 March, 1962

Reported to WZL re: the discussion of last Thursday at Aerospace. We tried to get together with Walter Wells, but he was in a group meeting until after lunch. According to EAE, L2 participation in this program was decided by 8 PM last night by CRW, DD, VAN, etc.

Examined the draft test schedule given me by Ashmore, in some detail. It seems a good job. WLZ suggested it be circulated as a L2 paper since it was not brought in under the regular security control.

Had discussion with WZL & WW in the latter’s office, in which it was decided that I should go to Aerospace for next week, then ensued some discussion as to L2 role in this program. Went home early.


Drove in, expecting to return before lunch, but got tied up as usual.

Called the Credit Union re: my account — it is nr. 8661. My shares balance is $225.93, loan $338.01. I asked for a check for $200 to put on the Sears acc’t The carrying charge is $6.38 or 17%!

Merrill Lynch Acct Nr. 818-48733. Account Executive Mr. Richard Toland. Spoke with him re: Lila’s rights to the Conn Ed Pfd Series A issue. Each new share costs 17 rights + $100. The interest rate will not be announced until the day before the issue, 30 March. Called Lila on this.

Friday, 28 April, 1961

Virginia Punch of MITRE got RAND P1555 & P1808; she will return them to the library.

Started to work on the draft of the document entitled “CCIS Development Program” at JFN’s request.

Told Col. Bavaro that I would like to be in on a Central Agency for CCIS control, although I’m confronted with the problem of DCH in school. I suppose this would take me back to Washington.

Set up an appointment with Col. Paul Guthrie, Pres. US Army Intelligence Board, Fort Holabird, Baltimore (MEdford3-9000) for 2 May 1-1:30 PM. Also an appointment with Owen Ridgeway, IBM Bethesda, for 11:30, 3 May. Couldn’t reach Patton at SDS-Paramus, NJ; he called back from MITRE after I left to say that he would be in his office Monday & Tuesday.

Left early to go home so we could go to church, which we did. The church was filled, and several good missionary speakers told of their work and needs. The TWR in Korea has been given authority to increase their broadcasting power from 25 to 100 KW and they need $90,000. The hospital in Northern Rhodesia — Dr. Robert Watson — rec’d a 20 KW diesel from the Detroit Diesel Co. (a GM subsidiary) for $750; it sells for $5500; the $750 must be the freight!

Monday, 24 April, 1961

In discussing with VAN the work of LL on the Penetration Aids Project, he gave me a rough history, and then said they need people with an operational background; Simplex is fully manned, and a reallocation of resources is needed. Borrowed DOR 508 to read, as he had to go to a 0900 meeting. He also said that the Lab has been authorized a 15/20% staff increase to handle this work which comes from ARPA, and DOD/Air Force; it has been brewing for some time. I suppose a great deal of it is highly classified, so the entries herein will be small indeed.

Went in to Park Street to hear the 11 A Panel on Communism. Back to the Lab on the 1 PM shuttle.

Wednesday, 29 March, 1961

Reported to JFN with JLV. Eric K and Al Armentis were there reporting on their trip to CONARC to hear the dry run on ADPS Orientation.

By using the diagram below (from Steger at Rand), I think we were able finally to communicate with JFN that the integration of information across the presently defined functional areas in the real challenging work ahead. Pollack in the Data Systems Group at Rand said that it as yet hasn’t been done because of the inherent hard work in this area. I think I also made this point with Col. Bavaro.

Joe Halberstein has his Secret Clearance! This is fine, so he can now travel with us.

Requested Doc. Room to get a cy. of Rand document R-369.

Drove JLV’s Plymouth to and from work.

Went to the Scout Troop Committee Mtg. There was great concern over the fact that the overnight of the last weekend was with only one adult, so a considerable amount of horseplay went on. A Col. Hall came expressing a desire to be a Committee man; we set up a planning mtg. for Friday at 7 PM at the Fire House in West Acton.


Listening does not mean waiting impatiently, while someone else speaks of things that do not concern you: it means sympathetically identifying yourself with the speaker, his background, his desires, his troubles, understanding them as much as possible, and tactfully suggesting outside points of view, not too alien to his own, which may aid him in whatever problem is being uttered.

Matters of interest only to yourself are never proper subjects of more than passing reference.

Whatever your theme, be good humored. If you can sprinkle wit and humor into your conversation, you disarm almost any ill feeling on the part of others in the group. For laughter, it must be remembered, releases our prejudices. — Lloyd Smith

This advice floats on a surface of socialized presence. Slightly pithy, gendered, with a dated language that suggests quaint and formal relations of the past. Where are we now, in the swirling, mediated, media-saturated present? The opportunity for concentrated face-to-face dialogue seems almost as quaint, though along with the quaintness there is an explicit loss, somewhere behind the fractured and discontinuous surface of modern communications.

Could this explicit loss be the source of a growing and extremely deep angst that underlies wide-spread (and expanding) social insecurity? That the implied dis-connect between a world of hyper-socialization and the world we happen to be within and part of gives rise to …

blah blah blah …

workshop – Day 9 – eNZed

prepping the waka, Whanganui, New Zealand, December 2010

Workshop day begins: first the waka time on the river. Morning cycle down the river to the Putiki boat ramp, get there a little early, and feel the nerves as to what is possible with the workshop. There have been numerous anticipatory conversations in the last days about what I will be doing. I take a small paper with thought-notes and put it in my life-jacket pocket.

I am fighting with the impression that there is a superfluity of input for the participants — some have not been on a river or so. My dilemma becomes a question of when to jump in and alter the flow of events and protocols which accompany the waka and the enveloping and powerful Maori cultural scenario. It makes no sense to do anything other than participate. Where full participation is a position, an approach to an eventuality of contingent life-flow. I am observing the processes and vibes that are coalescing, seeing if there is a auspicious moment to intervene, but I see none. Back to participating. Enjoying it all. The newness, but also the familiarity and comfort which the Maori protocol applies to that (community-facing) unknown, and The River. more “workshop – Day 9 – eNZed”

Freedom in the Cloud

Freedom in the Cloud: Software Freedom, Privacy and Security for Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing

Absolutely brilliant talk by Eben Moglen — Professor of Law and Legal History at Columbia University, and founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center — at an Internet Society – New York Chapter event back in February of this year.

In these two videos he presents an image of what exactly happened in terms of the internet infrastructure, completely outside the purview of political or wide social awareness which presents extreme danger to the fundamentals of our civil society. Explicit, clear, concise insights into the situation presented by corporate ‘log aggregators’ like Google and Facebook as well as the issues underlying how they threaten YOUR freedom.

birth of the DMA

History: National Military Establishment (NME), headed by Secretary of Defense, created by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947, which divided the War Department into separate Department of the Air Force and Department of the Army and reduced the status of the three military departments (Army, Navy, Air Force) to that of constituent units. NME redesignated DOD by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 578), August 10, 1949.

Navy Predecessors
more “birth of the DMA”

back on the road

near Callao, Utah, May 2010

Transit of Utah. From west to east, along a winding trajectory from desert to forest to desert, oil drilling, wind power, gas stations, Mormon farms, gold mines, high-security military bases, municipal alarm towers scattered across the landscape — for warning the population surrounding the bases where testing of bio- and chemical-warfare devices is ongoing — warning them of impending disaster. Continuing on the isolated Pony Express Trail, then descending into populated areas. Calling ahead to Dinosaur to see about road conditions. Plenty of snow on the Uintahs, plenty! At the last minute after checking out the Green River campground on the Utah side, I get word that the Echo Park road is open. So, gas up, including the extra tank, and head in from Jensen. Excellent weather, and finally arriving, no one else around, very good. Get the pick of the few camp spaces, #5, 7, and 9 are the best for shade, seclusion, and access to firewood — though shade is not the issue at this time of year, more important would be the access to morning sunshine to warm up — but since there’s no one else around, I can use the #6 picnic table in full sun in the morning for breakfast. So, I take #7 and offload/set-up quickly: already charged at being here once again…

Clui: Day Five — tangential contact

Enola Gay Hangar, Wendover Airbase, Wendover, Utah, April 2010
In the sonic realm, this part of the western desert (the spatial extent defined by precipitation at least) seems, at first, quiet. Stepping out of the car after a bruising day of fighting the wheel, ah, only the susurration of blood pumping in the ears. But, despite this initial impression, human intrusion in the western desert is never silent. The ambient pre-human sonic domain is defined by a few animals making occasional signals “I am here.” Ravens and coyotes are perhaps the noisiest, with others following in a rapidly declining decibel range. Wind is mostly, literally, in the ear of the beholder as a register of turbulent flow around the aural orifice but occasionally one is in a place where the wind makes some secondary sound (in a riparian regime, in seasonal leaves, or whistling around a certain rock formation, but these are rare and difficult to record without exceptional and expensive equipment). Otherwise, then, there is only the human incursion. This incursion is typically related to the movement of those intrusive humans through the domain as few have the desire to stop and actually hear silence. The few who volunteer or are forced to stop for a longer time are not necessarily prone to sonic disturbances, though that group, as a whole, are dominated by willing or unwilling participants in the military-industrial machine. The balance, a small remainder, are likely seeking the silence. The members of the machine make plenty of noise via everything from weapon systems testing to mining to toxic waste incineration, but access to these secretive sonic sources are for the select, not the transitory rabble.

Those engaged in field recording are left with the experience of tangential contact. That is, functioning as a stationary point, recording the arrival and departure of a nearby transport vector — trains, planes, and cars. Given the proper conditions, especially the lack of wind, these can make interesting (and startling) recordings. Trucks may be heard many miles away and render an impossibly slow Doppler shifting that is also modulated by differential density and velocity metrics of the intervening air. Planes are often more difficult as the most dramatic contact is with the low-flying fighter aircraft which will show up practically without warning and are so loud that recording is impossible. The db peak of that tangential contact pegs the meter. Before the air-to-ground missiles are launched at you, the target, and field incursions become moot.

So, what to do? Muddle along. Hit the casinos. Though I’ve been tossed out of those in the distant past for making photographs, the H4 Zoom looks suspicious, so I think it also will attract attention from security for sure. Ach.

on the road again

sandstorm, Navaho Reservation, Arizona, March 2010
Heading out on a three-month road-trip. Tailwind across the reservation at least part of the time. Embarkation for slickrock and slot canyons, salt pans, playa, and rotated fault-blocks. Heavy tailwind expected, along with winter weather for the rest of the week across the entire west. Hope to appear, unscathed, at the other end in Wendover.

The road fills the head with eye-blink disorientation. Transient fragments of thoughts thrum along in no particular order, no rhythm, as unconnected as any sequence of fated events: reflecting fated events in minds-eyes. Too much seen outside the window, beyond the amorphous silica barrier. And too much not sensible because of that attenuated presence versus the full immersion. (Virtual) movement. Looking for roadside memorials this time. Something to lock the thoughts into the reality of mortal coils. Find a few. Stopping for them is always a bit tricky, especially with a 65- or 75-mph speed limit. I drive a bit slow with this old vehicle of mine, and slower still so that once I spy a cross of some sort, I can safely stop on the shoulder. To die on the same stretch of road somehow would not be auspicious; under the wide silent sky and red cliffs, stars, with the smell of spring sage in the air. Wind passing through shredded plastic bags caught on the barbed-wire fence. Someone told me those bags are called witches panties. A small golden bell tinkles vacantly, tied to a wreath of plastic flowers shivering in the wind.

What is the difference between that containable in the reduced tracing of recorded, reproduced, recreated image or sound and that which resists the reductive process with an impassive tenacity, no, a merely passive and eternal persistence. The difference lies in what the observer brings to the reductive process and what the hearer, viewer brings when consuming the reduced trace. It has little if anything to the originary energy of the thing, das Ding, das Ganze, itself. The emanations affect the reduction, there is a direct correlation, but in the technique, the process of reduction is deeply tied to the techno-social. No way to decouple that. (Or is there?)

All the way from telling stories to making movies to painting canvases to building houses.

What is the advantage of shunting the energy of a situation through more and more of the techno-social domain? Or does it matter at all? Compare (telling) stories in person about an experience (sono-linguistic reductions) with posting digital photographs online (visible radiation reductions). In principle a reduction is a reduction is a reduction. And when compared the the situated phenomena itself, any and all reductions are not the thing itself.

The dam at Lake Powell, as with the Hoover, a high-security zone, protected by hired guns. No bags allowed in the visitors center. Celebrations of all that the techno-social can bring to the merely social, along with a big-screen overview of the lake at 59-percent-capacity with a fat white bathtub ring contrasting the red rock cliffs. German tourists debate the advantages of the Best Western versus the Quality Inn motels.

viam munire

gas station, Claremont, California, 1988

viam munire. Stretching my Latin. The Road for Munitions? Or, Road of Fortification or Road of Security. Homeland Security? Interstate Defense Highway System. Autobahn. All roads lead to Rome.

desire, complexity, simplicity, determinism (mix-up mash-up)

Today, mulling the difference between technological determinism (as a self-propagating system on its own immutable trajectory) and the reciprocal idea that human social systems selectively construct the systems of technology they ‘desire’ (subject to all the variability of the particular social system within which the technology is embedded). Then, within that selection process, thinking about the process of development and the general trend towards greater complexity. Do these processes ever trend generally to greater simplicity? Does desire ever, on a wide social scale, ever become directed to less material abundance? Is material security predicated with amassing more-than-sufficient material wealth? Or do society-wide technological systems collapse towards simplicity only in cases of ‘natural’ disaster.

[Complexity and simplicity are used here as general indicators of the depth and breadth of the techno-social system’s process of provision and production that leads to services, situations, or products deemed necessary for participants. Metrics of complexity would include geographic proximity, ease of access, energy density, and the number of substantive steps required to produce a product or create a desired energy flow. The relative necessity of a product is highly subjective and varies widely between different systems. Necessity is a cultural construct (complementing, say, Maslow’s needful ranking). Complexity may be indicated by the number of discrete steps that can be described that a process passes through — steps/degrees of flow alteration.] more “desire, complexity, simplicity, determinism (mix-up mash-up)”


Today, after that small amount of moisture in the night, the entire place is vibrating. When standing still, there is a loud and continuous background buzzing that is non-specific in source direction. Standing near a particular blossoming plant, there is the sensation of particular bees and other insects doing their thing, but otherwise, there is this background humming that has no point source but rather simply is — like the hissing of blood in the ear.

On the way in to Sycamore Spring both times, I note the existence of a lone Cottonwood tree growing up in the middle of a lightly sloping alluvial fan below a sizable unnamed mesa. The only possibility for a Cottonwood to be there is water, and plenty of it. A good objective for a bushwhack. After the numerous encounters with slithering and rattling things yesterday, attention to movement and especially foot placement becomes aligned with breathing. Of course, any movement has to be calculated when in such an environment. Miscalculated movement will be punished by some extremely sharp and pointed object intersecting and likely penetrating the body wall. I escape these four days with only two of those painful encounters, both arising in the thin slice of time between a visual scan of upcoming terrain and a glance at some specific object within the field of view. Then aiiii-shit! as the pain jolts upwards from compromised shin.

This bushwhack takes me to the Cottonwood. It looks to be around a hundred years old, there are a few other water-seeking plants, a tamarisk, rooted in a whitish rock ledge. Apparently some near-surface water is available. Paradise in the shade under the tree. Except for the stench of death which I trace to the desiccating corpse of a cow 20 meters away in the scrub. The shifting wind brings eye-watering wafts on occasion, but otherwise I spend an hour or two soaking up the energy of being under the lush green canopy surrounded by hard-core Sonoran desert. It is a singularity like Sycamore Spring on a smaller scale and with no running surface water.

Minuscule F/A-18 fighters are frequently dog-fighting in the airspace above. In the day and night. Moving in and out of unaided vision, tightly circling each other, dropping flares, and, with afterburners, roaring in such volume that all ambient sound is swallowed. For our nation’s security. So it goes.

Otherwise, commercial flight contrails gradually fill the sky with high-level cirrus clouds that soften the terrain and its re-radiative impact, but this effect diminishes the Light of the desert — and with that, its nature; along with distorting the energy flux among the organisms living here. They did not evolve with spent jet fuel clouds hanging overhead to shade them from the burnishing sun. This is a problem. Just another problem that the human species have applied through their amplification system — this is the waste product, waste energy, which alters the environment.

The rest of the day is a slow and rambling return to base. Run across some small mining digs, one trenched into a pegmatite dike that includes some coarsely crystallized black tourmaline with its classic trigonal (rhombohedral hemimorphic) cross-sections. Someone has tramped this land, and in the hunt for extractive wealth, has, literally, left no stone un-turned. The West is everywhere scarred by these digs from small two-meter test pits to the massive kilometer-wide open-pit gashes. That mineral bonanza, that natural ‘surplus’ regime drove and still drives the development of the West. Straight north of here about 15 kilometers, is the Phelps-Dodge copper/molybdenum open-pit monstrosity. Without which, well, as the old Colorado School of Mines bumper sticker suggested — Ban Mining, Let the Bastards Freeze in the Dark — the developed world could not exist.

going postal

Send off the UTS application at the South Boulder Post Office. Recognize the guy working behind the counter. He used to work at the Main PO downtown decades ago when I had a PO box there. Small town. Construction work around the corner, and a brisk wind keeping the flag pole cable clanking. I’m not being very quiet with my leather coat on and squatting outside the front door. Will Homeland Security come?

thesis proposal :: Background

Background for Research

While individual human presence in this world has fundamental repercussions on be-ing, it is the ever-present and synergistic exchange between humans — forming what I call a “continuum of relation” — that governs much of life. This energetic field of human relation is sometimes fraught with difficulties and complications in spite of the rich and necessary dynamic it brings to life. Technology, as a ubiquitous factor in mediating human relation, often dominates while presented as providing the only opportunity for mediated connection and interaction between humans.

Presence, as apprehended by the Other, circumscribes a range of sensory inputs that require energy (from the Self) to stimulate and drive. The efficacy and sustainability of human connection builds on the very real and tangible transmissions and receptions of energy between the Self and the Other. An interconnected plurality of dialectic human relation may be described as a network. These networks, made up of a web of Self-Other connections form the base fabric of the continuum of relation. Technology appears in these networks as the mediating pathway that is the carrier of energy from node to node, person to person. Technological systems also appear to apply absolute restraints on and attenuation of the idiosyncratic flows inherent in that continuum of relation. The discrete objects that populate the (technological) landscape of the continuum of relation and that modulate the character of communications are literally artifacts of a materialist point of view. A primary assumption in my research is that a materialist or mechanistic view of the world no longer suffices to adequately circumscribe the phenomena occurring within the continuum of relation. more “thesis proposal :: Background”


En route. heavy security gauntlet, got picked for extra testing twice — once at Tegel in Berlin and once in Heathrow. sheesh… now immersed in the media and the seamless advertising of all places of transit and transport. in this fear-full new world of old ways. secure and safe in the knowledge that life in Under Control. now where’s the friggin’ baggage claim?

(00:05:01, stereo audio, 12 mb)

there are ways of movement that smooth the soul, and other ways which bring turbulence. turbulent systems are a product of the god within, rioting for, or simply bored with the offerings of the social system.

the lady in the next row reads Becoming Best Friends with God, what does this mean? can life be so transitory that anything (thing, why thing? any action?) potentially is transcendent. any event, instance, pattern of movement, Light refracted through the small round door portal shifts through all the visible colors. and we see. I must choose to obey God in faith. the book exhorts.


when describing what I observe in the world, I can choose which pre-existing configurations (of an existing language) to use. this will determine the audience. pictures on a wall. objects in a room. speeches, houses, meals. presence. and absence.

movement, nomadism. the restless need for an alternate point-of-view. could this have erupted in that caged feeling of family? being the hamster in the cage and being poked with sticks through the bars. looking for a safe corner somewhere in the bar-delimited space. but never finding it. never safe from those tortuous energies raging around the enclosed space of relation. no escape. with the ultimate result being to curl up in a ball, fetal, and accept the brutality that life brought along. insecurity, fear, and above all, a deep lack of trust in those Others.

now, to trust? how to trust when the early lessons were all about how never to trust. sad eff-ing state of affairs. broken trust. that was the chief operating principle in the meta-structure of family. a self-fulfilling distortion of human relation. breaking the cycle by re-discovering what it is to trust. recalling the trust expressed by friends through their open welcomes and open doors.


raining on arrival, raining on departure, missed a huge downpour walking to the hotel where I caught the airport shuttle. Amurikan couple on board, from Portland, returning home after a couple months in Oz, revisiting places where they went as elementary teaching recruits in rural Australia in the early 1970’s.

in the airport. Dr. Phil playing on the plasma monitors. a cleaning lady is hypnotized, looking up into the susserating brightness. between the shopping possibilities, the food options, the sonic and atmospheric environment, and the general ambiance, this place would be as close to hell as one would want to be. the consuming heaven of the first world. active shopping mitigates the alienation. passive looking plunges even the most hardcore resister into a receiver. cracks open an interstitial space by invading the social self and occupying that self, pushing aside any non-social responses. and if that isn’t enough, the high-security regime underlines every possible line of action.

and then onto the plane. no comfort, though there is an empty seat in the row. bulkhead. exhausted. night comes unexpectedly quick. gaining a day. arriving four hours earlier than I depart. listening to Vonnegut, Fahrenheit 451. in the air near the Hawaiian Islands. so it goes. I had forgotten that he used this phrase whenever he mentions an individual’s demise.

several projects/groups come up on the radar this week — Woytek sends an announcement about his locating Helsinki blog designed to host psychogeographical activities within the city of Helsinki. Annu sends a note from her residency in Japan about her personal pages which do include some of her image-based art projects. also, the discos invisibles collective in Tijuana, who were part of the remote presence event in Helsinki.

fading away

Europe fading into its own spring, much warmer than normal, so that it wasn’t such a stretch for the body to cope with along the way. up well before dawn, Alex takes the same taxi to the airport. we meet some other retreating Pixelachers at the cafe in the departures lounge. then it’s off to London for the first of four flights and four security checks — five airports later, Nancy and Steve meet me at SFO. always the luxury of familiar faces at the airport.

final calculations, despite the incredible synergy of this trip, it ends up being fiscally unsustainable. gotta shift gears. move to another model. the dynamic of encounter does not need to change, except in some surficial forms, but the social venue of encounter has to shift radically. putting out such immense quantities of life-energy in this engagement process. saying it over and over in mind, the deep disappointment after spending life-time in the face-to-face and having that not be sustainable. at all. seems like the different Others engaged with over the course of the trip have a viable position in the social system, have found that sustainability. where is the missing element in the equation? nothing in life is guaranteed, but examining the momentary conditions that predominated, there was an essential element of stability which is missing in the current personal modus. making contacts, having discussions about situations, conditions, systems, solutions, and most importantly, ways of seeing the world, and ways of action and remembering the reasons for be-ing. but the lack of sustainability remains the upper-most issue to be solved soon. converting attentions into cash.

panel & placard

Day two. Elénore catches her plane from Strasbourg, but gets tangled in security at Charles de Gaulle, missing her Helsinki flight and so I am left with a two-hour morning conference panel to anchor solo at the Goethe institute. Presenting the context of the workshop and the paper that I contributed to the Pixelache publication. It goes well. Although there are skeptics in the back row. Not vocal, but disturbing the atmosphere by talking during much of the talk/discussion. They make no direct critique of the propositions nor contribute to the lively discussion. Boring people who do that.

(01:52:28, stereo audio, 215 mb)

At another point, a bit later, someone who was to show up at placard in Kiasma isn’t able to come, so, with a little chunk of open time in my schedule I jump into the corner hot-seat and do a one-hour impromptu mix for a handful of headphone-donning folks. The sun streaming in the window, I have a good view of the Parliament building as a source of rock-solid and cubic inspiration.

Erik (aka Mr. Placard) runs the multichannel headphone mixers, the stream, and keeps an eye on the irc channel.

Then, there’s Manu & Mukul along with Indigo, their young boy. Hanging around waiting for the screening of their film Faceless in the Kiasma Theater.


well, what about that? venturing into San Fran for one of those talked-about media events, though I missed Steve Jobs by three days with the hyped unveiling of the iPhone. I did see the worshipful milling about the two glass cases with the two ‘working’ models. hard to engage with the masses of people around. too much time in the boonies! did run into a somewhat familiar face — Steve Bisque of Bisque Software — his father was a prof of mine at CSM, and Steve is a Geophysics grad from CSM, graduating a year after me. his company makes a range of amateur and professional astronomical software. otherwise, well. lotsa toys, things to possibly buy. data security solutions and iPod cases are everywhere. a scattering of Chinese companies have stiff staff manning empty booths, compared to the chaotic and relaxed professional Amurikan consumer and consumee. ID tags are scan-able at every booth with all the data that was required for registration to get into the show. perfect marketing. scan your card to enter in a drawing for a Nano. scan it for propaganda to arrive in the email box later. so it goes. try to buy a discounted replacement battery for my G4 PB, but they are all out. and no microphone is available for my iPod. too old. have to buy a new iPod and then I can get a CD-quality stereo recording mike. sheesh. always something more to buy! never-ending.


there is no privacy at the speed of Light is a project hosted on ORF Kunstradio and authored by Bernhard Loibner and Tom Sherman aka Nerve Theory. It explores contemporary be-ing and the impact of social and biological entities on that being. Fragment No. 23 is the latest installment:

We live in a world of strangers. Because more and more of us choose to live in cities, we find ourselves living in a world of strangers. We find privacy in the city, and loneliness. As we gain autonomy and our sense of individualism grows, it is more and more difficult to convince others that we are trustworthy. There are two ways we can prove our worth, with credentials and through ordeals. Credentials include credit cards and drivers licenses, and educational certificates. We have identity tags like social security and passport numbers. To supplement our credentials we must submit our physical bodies for measurement and examination. We must establish our reputations through ordeals. Photographs are taken. We are asked to take drug tests for certain jobs, say a hair strand drug test or a simple saliva test. We are asked to place our hands on devices that verify our identity through hand geometry analysis. We are instructed to stare into video cameras for iris scans. These ordeals have become common in many aspects of our personal lives. We live in a world of strangers and it has become increasingly difficult to establish and maintain our reputations. In this world we still rely on personal, instinctive judgment — the way a person looks and smells, the sound of their voice, and if they can look us in the eye. The way a person moves or responds to our touch still tells us a lot. But our intuitive skills only tell us so much. What kind of music does this stranger like? What are her favorite movies? Does he eat meat? Before we have sex or exchange body fluids we must determine the probability of various kinds of infections. Credentials are important, but ordeals are usually necessary to close the deal.

poeme sans titre

some very nice visual and textual work at poeme sans titre — Jurij Dobriakov curates this rotating series of presentations.

He knows that it is beautiful and salutary to be the individual who translates himself into the universal, who edits as it were a pure and elegant edition of himself, as free from errors as possible and which everyone can read. He knows that it is refreshing to become intelligible to oneself in the universal so that he understands it and so that every individual who understands him understands through him in turn the universal, and both rejoice in the security of the universal. He knows that it is beautiful to be born as the individual who has the universal as his home, his friendly abiding-place, which at once welcomes him with open arms when he would tarry in it. But he knows also that higher than this there winds a solitary path, narrow and steep; he knows that it is terrible to be born outside the universal, to walk without meeting a single traveler. He knows very well where he is and how he is related to men. Humanly speaking, he is crazy and cannot make himself intelligible to anyone. And yet it is the mildest expression, to say that he is crazy. If he is not supposed to be that, then he is a hypocrite, and the higher he climbs on this path, the more dreadful a hypocrite he is. — Soren Kierkegaard

security please

full days and nights. at the airport, feeling quite good, back not a problem. with a week off exercise. when the architecture of social relations break down. flight 473 waits for a part coming from Washington. some passengers become irate even though the flight isn’t technically late yet. one shouts really loud when the gate attendant is making a public announcement describing the situation. he does it again during the next announcement, with a stentorian voice that drowns out the announcement, so she storms over to him and they exchange words, he demanding to see a supervisor. she goes back to her desk and calls security. making connections. I should be in line to change my Denver – Phoenix flight, but what’s the point? the line is at least 30 minutes long at this point. later, security finally comes. they take him away. he broke the accepted relational barriers that exist in a public place — or the accepted protocols of relation, projecting his stored (pent-up) bio-energy into the space and at the agent. she, a spokes-person for the social institution of the airlines. an individual speaking for a mass.

become republican

JC sends this to da40 — become republican

I respond,

sotto voce:

only too true, though personally I’m not so rabidly anti-Jesus. it’s the zealots who, as the cartoon points out, hide behind His words and are fundamentally hate-full and intolerant. not what I would expect from the pursuit of a Christ-like behavior emulation…

seems there are glimmers of hope that the society has woken up from a bad dream that was imposed by the 2000 pseudo-election. I frankly don’t have much hope though, that the systemic corruption in the political system is going to go away at all, demos or repubs are the same animal from that perspective.

in the Republic system of Rome, there were various contingencies (balances of power) to cover during different times of need (war being the primary one, though it was misused as a power-manipulation tool — nothing new about that! It is interesting that the concept (and specific form of civil rule) dictatorship was held for a temporary crisis.
more “become republican”

reflections on the classroom

to the IDC list

sotto voce: Although, as a University educator — I agree with John’s appraisal of the condition of the contemporary educational institution (having taught in around 50 institutions in Europe and the US), there is this critical area to consider: yes, the classroom has not undergone a physical re-design, but perhaps it doesn’t need one. When the door closes, it has the potential to be a space for transcendent encounters between the participants IF the oppressive effects of the fear that is instilled by the dominant educational system in both student and teacher — the fear of nonconformity, the fear of personal idiosyncrasies, and the fear of the unknown — if the fear is mitigated. I believe this fear is a result of the accumulation of pathological (unbalanced) relationships that are mandated between humans when operating in hierarchic situations. If, as a facilitator more “reflections on the classroom”

Harvest Security

got the idea when nothing is there to add, I would take an image from incoming email attachments. there are so many of those. and it traces the depth of the inbox. this is another image from John Douglas‘ — always pro-vocative, pro-locative, and pro-optical imagery!

The Energy Dynamics of Technologically-Mediated Human Relation within Digital Telecommunications Networks

A proposal by John Hopkins for Doctoral Thesis research at the University of Bremen, Department of Computer Science (Informatiks) [editor’s note: this initial proposal never was submitted following the accident of 04 July 2005 that set life on another trajectory.]

1.0 Statement of Problem

1.1 Introductory note

Beginning with a series of broad general statements that converge to frame the trans-disciplinary space of my inquiry, I will move to proposals that are more specific. This approach is an important feature of the research itself — where the applicability and efficacy of a model is best challenged when looking from absolute specific cases to increasingly general situations and vice versa. In framing this essentially divergent research, I would suggest that the proposal first be considered as a whole — as I understand that the depth of my knowledge-base varies across some of the disciplinary spaces. more “The Energy Dynamics of Technologically-Mediated Human Relation within Digital Telecommunications Networks”

still en route

give it another go. it’s the first day of Easter holiday here in Germany, the airport is packed, unlike yesterday. supposed to call Pete before flying, but there are no phones inside the security area, and there’s no way to go back through with the huge lines. and the T-mobile hotspot won’t accept my one-time enrollment.

cheap flights

early morning departure. Frieder up hours before dawn as usual, Susi asleep. not too hard for me waking up. Light sleep on the before-travel night. some fast-moving image dreams that later skip-segue into closed eyes against the rising sun and the flashbacking shadows of trees flickering across rod-cone consciousness, triggering neuro-shock shivers to the system. icy streets have thawed after being salted. train on time. squeezed into my reserved seat by a large girl. two hours, change in Dortmund to the U-bahn, change in Apelebek to a bus, a short cold wait, arrive in plenty of time at the small airport. home to several of the extremely popular cheap airlines (,,, and that are now flooding the Euro market. Prague for €UR40 (U$D48), could have gotten it for cheaper by €UR20 on different days. Cairo and a host of other Mediterranean destinations for €UR50. radical evolution in the market. probably won’t last too long — and might even be a strategy to get people accustomed to easy/frequent air travel, then stick them later. it is clearly having an effect on the Deutsche Bahn long-distance service and the legacy carriers. DB standard prices are extremely high, but they now offer quite some deals depending on the destination. Prague from Bremen was still €UR92 so I saved about €UR10 taking the train to Dortmund and flying. getting back will save me 50 €UR as I’m going to Köln: every little bit. in this corner of extremity and lack of fiscal consequence.

arrived, baggage somewhat delayed (the Lufthansa flight sharing the carousel was first). cold. catching the bus, focusing on the names being spoken by the automated announcer, I mistakenly got off three stops too soon and had to catch a tram to the Metro instead. duh. making connections, clean, crisp, fast. get to the National Theater, re-read the instructions. whoa, not a bad location. the security guard waiting for me, speaking rapid Czech. right on the river, center of the old town, across the street from the Theater, penthouse, the top floor of the Film Academy — for a view one has to poke a head out of the skyLights. sharing the very large five-room flat with a British screenwriter.

en route

en route. sitting on the floor. Phoenix SkyHarbor Airport gets poor marks on available mains plugs. very few, and so far, I found only one close enough to a seat that I could sit and work. and that chair was too far away from the gate for me to monitor what was going on, so, now perched o the floor leaning on one of the large concrete columns that support the jet-way. as usual mixed feelings in the heart on departure into the unknown. never made a direct flight to Europe from Phoenix (in memory), so this is a new protocol. security seems marginal. have to change planes and terminals in Heathrow, not really looking forward to that as it will be in the middle of my night. tried to go to bed a bit earlier last night, and set the alarm for 0500, but with the stars still shining in the window and the house cool, no way to get out of bed before 0700 when the sun starts Lighting the eastern horizon. in the shuttle down from Prescott, a young guy sitting in front of me has the word “ambiguous” embroidered on the back of his baseball cap in Techno font face. red on gray. he gets the attention of the two young girls in front of him by asking their opinion on the diamond engagement ring procured from his pocket — he decided this morning to buy it for his girlfriend who lives in Kansas City. he is on his way to the bus station in Phoenix. no baggage. he plans to propose in the Kansas City bus station. what a life. no baggage. can’t begin to penetrate the reality of that kind of life. as equally perplexing as the couple profiled in USA Today with a detailed recounting of their financial status with pension, 401k, and other investments. USD 200,000 saved at 30 years old. the plan includes paying for their grand children’s college. is this sacrifice or incredibly cynical control of life. nothing is made clear by media.


with the throbbing, aching jaw continuing for now two weeks, faugh, ibuprophen the only aid: nomadism seems ill-advised. security, stability, normality, insurance, and a steady income. retirement, pension, a house, a car. a zip code ’til death. head to Berlin tomorrow with Wolfgang. go directly into the workshop upon arrival, so.

a nice long walk last night to the harbor with Zorak und Steffi, full moon rising, wandering back by the old homes of Admirals of the Baltic Fleet.

today spent in organizing bags again, easier when not flying, so fragility and contents not such a factor. email from Janet, the roof collapse at de Gaulle in Paris is somehow affecting my connecting flight, have to check that out. warm sunshine outside.

on the road

At the airport, seems I missed Mari, but the security line got too long and the time to boarding got short. goodbyes stack up: spent language, brief embraces, and what is felt? leave-taking, wet tarmac. quiet hollow winds scoop up surface moisture and make prolapsed thunderheads that range to the east. offshore is clear. aching jaw. writing of future is fiction, drawing on the past only sustains the image of actuality. writing the present kills precisely what needs to be written about. no substance. I don’t recall the instance: the first time viewing a perspectival convergence to see what coming, what is growing larger. at least understand that inside the motive drift is a tidal current pulling on all bodies. keeps them orbiting. and crashing together at various speeds. escaping those instances leads to interstellar space. cold, dark, entropic feeding on any warmth and life. (recall or even behold The Steppenwulf).

airport. Friday afternoon, flight to Brussels will be full of EU VIPs returning from the hinterlands. at least the roving middle-class managers: small vips.

while the news from the US becomes more and more grim. the Steve Kurtz case would be laughable except that it is only the beginning, and it is nothing to the FBI and CIA. it appears there has been a deep culture shift in the mentality of Amurikans. bunker-mode hardly explains it. it smells like fear of living. and the need to brand every small gesture as ‘with us or against us’.

another airport. looking at things in that critical view. looking at the Other passengers with kindness and empathy. why are we all here?


the workshop ends, too short, but seems to move forward. questions are slow in coming, but do arise, from important places. language is a dominant issue, as usual, along with previous educational experiences.

Estonia is starting English education in the first grade now, though, which seems somehow extreme, compared to other places, and for what reasons? to catch up with some perceived lack or slackness? or purely pragmatic synergistics with global capitalism?

a fast tour of the sports shop deep in the mall, but the prices are as high as the US. with throb-annoy EuroClubTrash muzak blaring. outta there. the vibe in the whole place is something of a desperation that shopping will provide an existential answer to the emptiness of ideological allegiance forcefully handed over to the various historical Unions that Estonia is subsumed by.

the guy is laying face down on the variegated green marble floor with a few people standing around. there is a wheel chair next to him, he is speaking, turns his head and looks up, below his face is a pool of blood, and his nose is split. he is a paraplegic, from the looks of his legs which are lying on the floor like inside forgotten pants. his glasses are folded closed in the blood, reminds me of Lennon’s bloody lenses on the window sill. one young guy is calling on a phone, but I can’t tell what’s the progress. a couple waitresses come up with napkins, one holds a hand in front of her face, and turns her head away. no one actually wants to touch him it seems. I am a prisoner of language, thinking that if I spoke the language I would immediately jump in. it’s happened before. the blood is a source of concern, infection, but otherwise, being careful, at least get him turned over, moving his limp legs. he has heavy winter gloves on, to operate the wheelchair. the security guards, all of 18 years old outside the grocery store fingering the ID tag chains around their necks while they stare blankly at passers-by aren’t around now. everybody seems young and confused. drawn from shopping and hanging-out to this microscopic happening.

the indoor mall is a monster in the center of town, just outside the Old Town east gate, other glass and steel monsters are rising all around the neighborhood. surely the Art Academy building will be razed soon. progress. global capitalism rooting out the remaining evil of anything old, authentic, or unmarketable.


smartmoblogsociallocativefictiongpsteredmedia creatures feeding one on the other, in a frenzy of “what’s next that’s cool” and built for speed. (which ultimately will move ‘it’ on to the next “Next Big Thing.”) seems like another wave of meme-hype reverberating around the extraordinarily limited space of global telecom networks (in collaboration with military satellites). is the price to be paid so removed and hard to comprehend? seems so. I have run across exactly zero critical words about this phenom. instead a flood of vacuous phrases and spin terms that are kept afloat in a social sea by the flatulent buoyancy of affluence, global capital, and ex-military industry. STILL. “radical decentralization” for autonomous consumption of text, image, audio and video — the re-presented and ultimately consumable world. autonomy for re-presentation and re-production of reality — one that fills the belly with gas and the head with language peddled by those same tired techno-utopian spin-doctors. technology always looks its ubiquitous best in the eyes of the über-class. as I click through the verbiage at (no longer extant) it feels like RedHerring from 1999 or so — so much interlocking terminology leading in a head-rich circle of hype-logic. headmap drops phrases like “everything in the world, animate and inanimate, abstract and concrete, has thoughts attached,” “every place has emotional attachments you can open and save,” and “life flows into inanimate objects.” and behind these words (more and more of them) there is no awareness of or anticipation that there was/is an essence that is a substrate for knowledge and abstracted/systematized human apprehension. that something comes before knowing. and the vitality-draining construction of a Babylonish Tower is an ongoing exercise that society never quite purged from its mind. the path that re-creation bumbles along is not the same one as creation. not even in the same forest.

When people consider the dangers of the chaos of a free intensely networked spatially augmented world, they should also consider that like all technological advances it offers tools to both sides of any argument. ‘ends appropriate means’ may seem ominous but the ends can just as well be social advancement. Even in a critical situation, disaster response and recovery in a world of spontaneous peer to peer mesh networks, running evolved social software, seems like a sane option for coordination of local efforts to recover and help from outside. The homeland security initiative raised the point that a citizen owned spatially aware communications network could be invaluable in a crisis. — [ed: dead link] ideolog

what kind of crisis? when shopping is compromised? what can be meant by the terms ‘crisis’ and ‘homeland security’ being used in the same context? and, invaluable to whom? a threat to the status quo? or is there a radical suggestion that the masters tools be used to displace the master? funny, though, the effect of wielding a tool is perhaps the same, regardless of the wielder. that is, on the wielder, not on the hapless victim!

and what if, just what if these technological deployments are subsequently used for command-and-control, will everyone be surprised and taken aback? gee, we never imagined…

and the other core issue — whether you believe that all things are connected by a relatively un-knowable (or un-circumscribable) substratum or whether you consider that phenomenal existence is populated by discrete and completely independent objects, actions, and beings. that driving an SUV in Chicago rush hour has absolutely no connection to the presence of an M1 Abrams tank parked on a bridge outside of Falluja. that typing these words on this keyboard into this device has no connection with degradation of ground water in the Kwale region of Kenya from titanium mining.

a rendezvous

up early, hot yesterday, snow this morning. so it goes. shuttle in, squeezed into a flesh sandwich, security loose, routine, sunshine on the apron, steam rising from the solar flux of heat. first flight since Helsinki-Frankfurt-Phoenix. more than three months ago. and so it goes. don’t feel like writing when here in the noisy terminal and in transit mode. on the way to Oakland and a drive to the Sierras. a rendezvous.


it appears that the Icelandic Postal Service has lost the package containing my Eurail pass! it left the US on Monday evening, and nothing here! crazy — the one time I have something sent registered, insured, and express — and it’s gone! I’m taking it as a sign — so many things have now stood in the way of this trip — I had to file for Finnish temporary residency and working permission yesterday, got photos made for a visa, had serious trouble getting a plane flight out of here, hoboy.

later that day, the package arrived via TNT express from the Customs people who had held it for three days without any record of where it was or anything. and TNT does not have any legal right to be delivering it as it is supposed to be tracked directly by the postal service. a phone call to the postal people to let them know I finally got it, and to point out that it seems their system is out of whack for not being able to track such a high-security package. this information is met with TOTAL indifference. an example of the high degree of internal friction that limits Icelandic productivity. people can’t deal with even the most oblique criticism of their system — somehow it is understood as a direct threat to their social integrity.