PhD dissertation abstract
The Regime of Amplification
Throughout the thesis I reflect on creative personal projects and practices that explore the relationship between personal expression and its social context. These include photographic portraiture, on- and off-line performance, archive-as-art, teaching and facilitation, network presence, and dining together. One of my intentions throughout is to suggest ways of sensing the world that may radically transform creative practices.
The expansive on-line creative project “the tech-no-mad (b)log” is also introduced as the creative practice element of the Ph.D. project and is available on-line at []. It accompanies the thesis as a multi-media exploration of the way-of-going with material from my personal and family archive. As a dynamic public platform the (b)log expands on many of the thesis topics using audio, video, text, and image. The (b)log’s format addresses issues of public access, creative sustainability, and duration.
Keywords: amplification, energy, entropy, presence, creativity, protocol, process, dialogue, system, pathway, mediation, media, flow, technology, networks, techno-social system, continuum-of-relation, encounter, participation