Friday, 29 November, 1963

Talked to Norm Koss again; he would furnish curves of relative simulation between the decoy & R/E vehicle. He asked for Pippert’s extension so he can tailor his presentation to what is needed.

Finished the Mk II PA Summary Sheet & gave it to PC for distribution.

39˚F – 100% OC
Rain later

Lent Lee Murray the router and gave him three rough oak boards.

Went to bed more or less early.

Tuesday, 26 November, 1963

With ELE, talked to Jack Slade for a time relative to the Hndbk that I’ve been working on for months. He had 7 items as ff:

1) Need R/E vehicle separations, δ & Range.

2) Add to schedules what has been fired — add to basic chart the documentation of results.

3) PS’s — summary in each section.

4) Code letter for stabilization.

5) Mk IV Improvement Program — detail on.

6) Mk VI Schedules

7) Separate WAC & Rex.

Jack also thot a room should be allocated for info display — as I have been telling these people here for 1-1/2 years.

Aubrey Stinnett in to see who was the former head of Div 3 — J. V. Harrington, now Dir. of the Space Research Center at MIT. Aubrey wants to work at MIT & this looks like a good way to do it. Apparently his work hasn’t been particularly appreciated; I suggested that he talk to Vic Guthrie at length. Aubrey had the name of William Juan, 4509 Banner Drive, Long Beach, as a recommended individual for Versamat operation, so I phoned this to Ward Topping.

I’ll probably have another tangle w/ AvCO.

100% OC

Back at work after a stunning weekend. The chap who shot the President, one Oswald, an ex-Marine who had lived in Russia, was shot & killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night-club owner, as Oswald was being moved from one jail to another. This occurred yesterday morning.

CHH called to say that Winifred isn’t feeling well and that we had better not come down.

Cleaned the spark plugs on the Ford.

Wednesday, 13 November, 1963

Went in to office at 1 PM and worked on the decoy summary chart until 5 PM; this chart is different from the R/E vehicle chart.

35˚F – 1/2 Overcast

Stayed in bed until about 11:15, when LCH cut my hair, and I took a shower. My back seems to hurt a lot more; I must have overdid on Monday.

On the way to work after lunch I stopped at the office on the Town Engineer to see if he would have some gravel put on my driveway to replace what was taken away last summer. He said that he has no trucks, etc., that I should talk to the Street Department, Mr. Nelson. He wasn’t in. I suppose I should get some hauled in at my expense. The rear bkt. on the Ford tailpipe should be replaced also.

I think that the schools of education are turning out high school administrators who think that what goes on in the high school should be watered down and made simple, also allowing the students to slide by.

LCH off to DCH Open House at school.

The review of Conant’s book has made quite an impression on me.

Took Bud LeMoine to Men4s Club at PSC; Dr. Eldersveld spoke on Science.

Geo Pickering said last night that John Svara had asked him to look into the move estimates as he would be out of town for the Trustees Mtg. on 15 November. I see I’ll have a lot to do. I’ll make a scale drwg. on proposal.

Monday, 11 November, 1963

45˚F – Rain

Water runoff is filling the streams — the Cambridge Reservoir has risen about 10″.

Worked on the Ford fender — I’ll have to put another coat on both the white & grey — my, spray painting is a chore!

Put the Ford outdoors, finally, and after some trouble, got the blue Willys started and put it inside. The fuel pump leaks like a sieve; it must have a broken diaphragm. After a lot of labor, the rust was removed from the left panel on its outside, and I sprayed it with chromate rust-proofing. I also put the plastic car cover in the basement to dry.

Mary, May, & John came out for a 3 PM dinner, which was most delicious. Hank & Marion Sykema came out later.

Thursday, 31 October, 1963

Jack Slade in to ask about HIRS, and what vehicles it will be on that Tradex we’ll see.

Wrote to LAB re: engineering education.

Talked to Mary Lou re: the schedule — the schedule Control Board meets 4 November & she will mark the next issue with HIRS & Tradex identifications.

RH 30%

Went over to Lincoln Auto to pick up the rear tail gate sills for the Willys; Ed Boyer had not ordered them, so I went to the Jeep warehouse and got the part nr. again — 664416; then took it out to them.

It seems to me that this has been the longest time between paydays that I can recall.

Friday, 24 May, 1963

Continued to work on trip report. Came back in at 9 PM on way home from ATM and finished trip report at 1220 AM, 25 May.

Had mtg with ELE and Dan Dustin to show them ELE’s accumulation of MK6 etc mt’l. We will send him 3 cys Monday AM.

Left note on Pat Crosby’s desk for her to get my longhand trip report from my 2-drawer file, show it to ELE for coord by VJG and publication on Tuesday, I hope.

Took Willys to the Waltham Spring Service shop on Music Hall Avenue to have the front spring replaced. It cost $45 and makes it ride easier.

Mr. Hussey called to say that he had another talk w/ Tony Tremarche of the Auditors Committee, who said he is being pressed by the Bank for $4500 in taxes and interest. They have 90 days to produce. I think the bank is doing this to get something going in this situation.

Picked up 6.70×15 inner tube and new rear shocks for Willys and new air cleaner for Ford — all at Sears. Left tire tube + rim at Mobil for mtg. Got gas.

Took JCH to Mary’s for weekend. LCH + JAH to GS overnite at Cochituate. Stopt at ATM on way home to see if Walter Singer was on hand, but he wasn’t.

Saturday, 11 May, 1963


Arrived at PSC about 0920. PB already there, working on the Hearing Aids. We found 3 breaks in the wires at the fourth station from the rear — they all worked after splicing in a new piece of wire. Then we put the TV monitor in, after cutting a ventilation hole in the upper part of the cabinet. Next, the 10000 ohm / 10000 / RC network was checked in the hearing aid amplifier, and the static taken out, a wire had not been connected. The TV system was then checked out. Left at 3 PM.

Worked on Willys after getting home; the left windshield wiper cable tensioner is inoperative and will have to be replaced.

Mary, John & May were out for a few minutes.

Thursday, 09 May, 1963

Rec’d a copy of Bendix document TRAP-791-63 on TRAP III Parameter Summary, forwarded by R. M. Adams on Major Dalton’s authority; it has 61 pages and is unclassified.

Home in PM.

Went home at 1130 via AMS in Maynard where I picked up the Ford brake cables — 1 missing — and an oil filter for the Willys.

Took LCH to 12:35 PM train so she could get to class at BU.

Adjusted brakes on Willys & changed the oil; it was like ink.

JCH up and around in the PM but at dinner time laid down & didn’t eat.

Made DCH write another paper on the assigned topic of “Realism” before dinner. After dinner he left the paper he handed in yesterday on my desk; Miss Bonnett, the instructor, had written a note on it saying it wasn’t representative of what he can do, closing it with the comment that she would be glad to discuss his work with us. I wrote her a note, suggesting that DCH rewrite his paper until it is satisfactory, and also suggesting that the four-year English course be based on the Great Books, with fourth year directed to the development of a topic from the Syntopicon.

Rec’d invoice yesterday for my knife — completely rebuilt for $2!

Sunday, 05 May, 1963

Rain in afternoon

Took family into PSC. The TV monitor was left on overnight and of course would not work when the door was opened. I’ll have to put a GE remote operated relay on it and on a new outlet under the pulpit for a remotely operated M-30 microphone, as we just can’t pick up the missionary candidates. The church was packed at both services, with many most able missionaries speaking with 3/4 of them in costume. It was most inspiring to see and hear them. One missionary family gave their entire resource of $1500 to another missionary so they could go; I was quite moved at this! A total of about $278K was subscribed, some $4K over last year!

We went over to Mary’s for dinner, and back into PSC at 2:30 PM. Paul stayed in all day, doing a little studying. Home at 11:45 PM.

Wednesday, 10 April, 1963

Sent the Arcon NA report to Howard Schuck — on loan.

Paid $111.30 refund to RFO on my Kwaj trip.

Worked on Trap III files.

Tried unsuccessfully to get Jim Knight on the phone — he had gone to Roi, and on the second call couldn’t be located. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Sent notice around for a Kwaj picture showing at 12:30 tomorrow in L-211. It conflicted with a film on “Friendship 7” at noon, it lasted an hour today.

Cool – 36°F

Talked to Lake re: the feedback stabilizer chassis; he said he would put one in Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Discussed this w/ Ken Olsen also; and we will see how it works out this Sunday. He wants to get his racks in, so I agreed to stop in on Saturday AM and take one in.

Sent letter to John Legg, 4501 Frazier Lane, McLean, Va., saying that I would put my personal property floater coverage under my present homeowner’s policy to avoid duplication.

Picked up Credit Union check for $112.40 to cover my refund to RFO. It was $111.30. Gave the travel voucher to Shirley to take over.

Went to Babson Park at 8 PM to the 2nd IE2 lecture on “Personnel” by Dr. Emanuel Kay of GE; he told about some work in process at Lynn/GE to replace the critical summary personnel interview with a joint worker/supervisor work planning operation, carried out at frequent intervals.

Phone call from Woody S.; he needs his tape recorder back.

Monday, 25 March, 1963


In office at 0815.

Called the office of Mr. Abbott, the architect who worked up the enclosure sketch. A Mr. Mathers answered, and it was he who made the sketch. I went in to Cambridge and we agreed on a better covering in a few minutes; he already had a scale sketch — to repeat the part in the upper organ panel and them a small cross in the lower part, with this lower part beveled back. I took this out to Dr. Wilson, who agreed in 5 minutes Called Mathers who went at detailing — this by 10:20 AM.

Picked up some bread at Porter Square, stopped at Sears/Lex to pick up LCH things. They were not there. Ordered a new fuel pump for the Ford and a pair of front shocks for the Willys.

Worked on Ford carburetor, adjusting the automatic choke. Left ot outside overnight to see if it would set the choke & throttle. Worked on the Willys left door.

LCH & Johnny spent the day w/ Mary at Somerville.

John Zvara thot that the Fire Alarm installers burned our cables.

Mary Caroline MacKenzie 1916 – 2013


portrait, Mary, Seattle, Washington, August 1957[?]

My favorite Aunt, Mary, passes peacefully today in Fort Myers, Florida. At 96-y.o. she had a long and active life. More to come on this. I have her entire photographic archive of which I scanned a few images a couple years ago, and will be getting some of those images up in the next week or so. It’s a sad day. She was everything one could ask for in an Aunt! Funny, lively, actively doing stuff with the nieces & nephews, remembering special occasions, and a good correspondent (with her impeccable English usage, spelling, and grammar as the main church secretary to the pastor of the historic Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts, right on the Boston Commons). More remembrances shortly when I’m feeling better.

Mary Caroline Mackenzie, beloved sister, favorite aunt, and devoted friend died peacefully on Monday morning, March 18, 2013, at Shell Point, Ft Myers, FL. She was born December 19, 1916, at home in Melville, PEI, Canada, to John Malcolm and Lillian May (Kedy) Mackenzie.

Before retiring to Shell Point Village in Florida, Mary was the long-time personal secretary to Drs. Harold Ockenga and Paul Toms of Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts where she was a member. She was an active adventurer, taking numerous and frequent camping, skiing, bicycling tours around New England, the Maritimes, and abroad. She was generous with her time and attention to her family as well as to her many friends. She spent happy years at the Village with her many close friends, her volunteer work, and her numerous hobbies. Mary shared her faith and love for the Lord with family and friends. She will be deeply missed.

Mary is survived by her brother, Alfred Kedy Mackenzie of Prescott, AZ; her cousin, Isabel (McLeod) Sabapathy of Charlottetown, PEI, Canada; nieces Janet A. Hopkins of Chino Valley, AZ and Nancy Jane Haan of Livermore, CA; nephews John C. Hopkins of Boulder, CO and Douglas C. Hopkins of Kingston, NY; great-nieces Lawren Richards of Eagle Bay, BC, Canada, Casey Mackenzie Johnson of Livermore, CA, and Dana C. Johnson of Livermore, CA; great-nephews Loki A. Hopkins of Livermore, CA and Jason B. Babcock of Phoenix, AZ; and six great-great nieces and two great-great nephews.

A Celebration of Life service will be held at 10:15AM, April 6, 2013, at the Shell Point Village Church, 15100 Shell Point Blvd. Fort Myers, FL. She will be buried next to her parents at the Puritan Lawn Cemetery, Lynnfield, MA.

The family suggests memorials be sent to Park Street Church, 1 Park St, Boston, MA 02108.

Saturday, 02 February, 1963

Rain in PM

Started for PSC at 0800, leaving LCH, JAH, NJH, & JCH at Mary’s so they could go skiing. Went on over to Elbery Motors to look at the Ford. It is well along. I left a list of additional items, primarily the rear deck repairs, and the leak in the rr fender. It may be ready next Thursday.

Met Paul B. at PSC where we pulled in a 9-conductor cable in the air duct housing in the Hawey Room — from the Radio Cabinet to the rear of the Room. Paul is a hard worker when alone and doesn’t try to impress others.

Sunday, 27 January, 1963

We got up to find about 10″ of dry snow on the driveway. We shoveled enough to get to the street just after the snowplow went by the first time. Took CR to the West Acton Roman Church Mr. Shephard will pick him up for dinner.

The M-20 mike operated quite well for both services. I worked with the station (WEZE) men at both services, endeavoring to get them to operate the attenuators so that the organ, singers, speakers, and congregation would be heard individually & collectively when they should be. The morning operator made some notes as to attenuator settings and times, as we had a tape made for each service, planning to play them back on Saturday 02 Feb. I’ll see if I can get Doug Rafter to come in and select the recording he thinks best so we will know what attenuator settings to use.

Stayed in in the afternoon, having dinner at Mary’s.

Saturday, 26 January, 1963

Finally arrived at PSC at 0930 to find Mr. Chaput & his helper. They had another M-20 and power supply, and as I had our mike & power supply at the control room, we soon found that our power supply was inoperative. We then re-arranged various cables, the replacement power supply, and our Nr. W102 4″ outlet box onto the top of one of the cross braces so that no damage can arise from workmen’s negligence in putting in the steel for the reinforcement of the roof trusses.

LCH had gotten the additional 2″ x 4″ for the second partition for the darkroom, so I put it up with her help.

DCH went to Boston on the train to attend Youth Time at Tremont Temple, staying overnight at Mary’s.

Sunday, 23 December, 1962

Took family to SS & church; CR rode in with us and spent 3 hours at the Paulist fathers! I told him on the way to Mary’s that America is 75% Protestant & 25% Catholic and if he wants to know what is the essence of US religious life he should see something other than the Roman Church.

Had dinner at Mary’s. JAH & NJH went caroling w/ their SS classes. NJH had 103˚F fever when she got home.

DCH stayed in, to return w/ Mary tomorrow.

Sunday, 09 December, 1962


Took family to SS & church. The Altec amplifier had 3 bad tubes, of course accounting for its lack of output the last two Sunday’s. It worked quite well today.

We stayed in for dinner at John’s so LCH could be a hostess at Fellowship. We rode in with Mary in her VW; it was quite a pleasant riding car. The sight-seers to the Commons were many, causing us 30 minutes delay in getting in.

CR at home most of the day, his evening engagement being cancelled on account of illness.

Monday, 29 October, 1962

Checked over 22L-7304 dated 25 October; it is ok if a few commas and a misspelled word are removed.

Sat in a mtg. to hear a description of the range digitalizing gear for the ARIS program. The scheme looks quite ingenious.


U Thant to Cuba to discuss ways & means of the missile removal.

The NYT News of the Week for yesterday had a most excellent summary of the situation. One opinion advanced was that Khrushchev wanted to see how far he could push the US. What is to be done about the naval bases or “ports to support the fishing fleet” operation? I hope we don’t get sucked it on that one.

Adjusted brakes on Willys and adjusted fast idle on Ford; I’ll have to leave it out to see how it works.

Rec’d notice — from Acton Selectmen — to attend mtg. on 7N to “layout” Brucewood streets prior to acceptance by a special Town Meeting.

Sunday, 28 October, 1962


CR with the Dee family today.

Took family to SS & church, John Svara talked about satellites and some of the programs, i.e., Mercury & Apollo.

I read 3 minutes worth at the start of the church service on the CE program to tie in with the CE Conference; I covered the courses we now have, the three for the 6, 7, & 8th graders and the adults. There were about 45 or so in the SS room, as overflow but there wasn’t much organization for them. I mentioned this to HJO in the PM.

We all were at Mary’s for dinner.

Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba! Castro is little more than a pawn!

Thursday, 04 October, 1962

Listened to Arms Control Panel all day. Those on it were Prof. Sohn of the Harvard Law School, John McNaughton, Gen. Counsel DOD, Donald Brennan, Father Conway, and Lawrence S. Finkelstein of the Cornegie Endowment for International Peace. The summary by Prof. Sohn contained the statement that the US is actually engaged in discussions with the USSR on this arms control topic. Our latest proposal is to take 6 years in Phase I and an undisclosed number of years on Phase II. The USSR proposed 4 on Phase I. The fact that the USSR is willing to engage in such a discussion indicates that they don’t want a general war.

Couldn’t find the place where we built the CPS-6’s in the summer of 1945; it has apparently been turned into a residential district as there is a base gate just north of the turn-off.

My roommate is Richard Martin, Registrar at the New England College, Hennicker, NH. He is a member of the AMC, and agreed to function as a sponsor in case I want to try to join.

Clear in AM

The OA Arms Control Panel was quite instructive to me. Prof. Sohn of Harvard Law School, has participated in the Arms Conf. in Geneva. HE said that these discussions show 1) That a progressive level of education and understanding of the consequences of nuclear conflict is being made; 2) that the USSR may not really want nuclear war since they seem to be actually talking and not repeating an often-repeated line anymore, and 3) that both the US & USSR may settle on a 30% overall reduction, still leaving the US with a great preponderance.

Thursday, 27 September, 1962

Wrote 22L-7283 to VAN on: “Report on Trip to WSMR / Aerospace – Raytheon TD mtg. / Electromagnetic Warfare Symposium with a Summary Recommendation.” Included were
1) DP workload and block diagram info plus a video recorder.
2) Aerospace/Raytheon TD mtg. — SFD proposal!
3) 6th EM Warfare Symposium at Stanford.
4) Rec. for an EM Warfare Center to deal with “this miserable ECM business” on a permanent basis. Areas of activity should include both manned & unmanned weapons, missiles, rockets, communications, propaganda, intelligence, reconnaissance, testing, simulation, direction-finding, and with theoretical support. Suggested that support from military, CIA, NSA, & State Department could probably be obtained. Staff of 50 professionals initially with provision for growth to 100 or so.

Obtained approval from AAG to go to the OA Conference at Orlando on Oct 3-4-5 so asked travel office to get space, an advance of $50 & a car.


Went to Dr. Sach at 19 Cedar Street, Concord for a L.I. physical for NE Mutual; I told Mr. Podbros that I would not take on any more L.I. until the premium prepayment on the SB policies is taken up; the dividend amounted to $44.52, leaving $10.50 to my credit as the premium was $34.02.

Lights on the ’54 Willys — parking switch — shorted. Finally had to take the license plate holder apart and put tape on the wire where it was bare; also put on red primer and a gasket on each side.

Saturday, 11 August, 1962


Took Willys to a Chevron station in Maynard to have front seat belts put in and it lubricated.

Poured another section of the ramp. Used the broom to score the surface. It looks good. A short section of wall will have to be put in before pouring any more of the ramp.

Took LCH, JCH, NJH, and JAH to the bus at Maynard so they could go to John & May’s for overnight. Mary has gone to Acadia National Park until 20 August.

Friday, 10 August, 1962

Worked on Mtl. for trip to Sperry. Aubyn Freed in to give me a list of Sperry TM’s that he wants.

Called Mr. Whitely at Sperry & read 3 more questions on the data processing; they are in pencil in my notes. He doesn’t have our clearances. L2 security sent them on 7 August, and JLV has left here @ 4:30 PM, so he can’t work on the need-to-know from BSD.

91% RH

Gave CR a loose-leaf 3-ring binder for a diary.

Called Bolt, Baranck, & Newman — after Profs. Bose & Stevens at MIT recommended Dave Klepper. I spoke with a Mr. Kavanaugh (Klepper is in New York). They want $200 for attendance at one service. Discussion with all involved, inspection of the system, and a summary report. It seems to me that we ought to do this; I’ll coordinate with John Cheever & Ken Olsen.

Thursday, 09 August, 1962

DRC document 62-682 (Control AF 04(694)-34) QPR 01 April / 30 June 62 is quite good. The LORV contract to AVOO must be in response to its conclusion 1 on p. 2-15. This entire activity is an example of the kind of work I tried to get Mr. Brothers to back in 1952; I could never get thru to him; he just didn’t have much vision. Nomatter what I said he didn’t seem to see that the high-speed computer could be programmed to run thru a set of tactics or a campaign (with a strategy) for comparison with some other strategy. The generalities of offense & defense interaction can be explored this way to learn about weapons & tactics. I should have followed his one out as I should have done on the study of servos in 1945.

88% RH

DCH back at school today.

Took JAH & JCH to the GS camp at noon on the way back to L2.

Finished the patio strip form; it’s ready for pouring.

Mary, John, & May out for dinner; Mary goes to Acadia Nat’l Park tomorrow for part of her vacation.

Sunday, 10 June, 1962

Clear – sticky

Took family to SS & church. HJO at Norwich School where he rec’d a Doctor of Letters Degree.

Stopped at Mary’s for lunch & I worked on her washing machine.

Listened to the Pops Concert on WCRB; then did a little work on the yard, putting the weed killer (Ammate) on all the weeds left. This should eliminate the rest of the poison ivy.

Friday, 08 June, 1962

Joe Halberstein said he has a report on the simulation of CCIS systems. If it is any good, it will be the only useful output from the Simplex contract — with the exception of the 22G report I wrote on how to evaluate the pay-off from automation. Joe will provide me a copy of his paper and I’ll phone CMM that it exists.

Went out to Frank Maurer’s at noon and looked at his loam; it has few rocks, so, ordered 8 yards.

Went in to Mary’s for dinner. Al McK. arrived about 7 PM and we went to 27 Pondview Street in Arlington and picked up a washing machine obtained for her by Bill Cantlow.

Wednesday, 30 May, 1962

Clear — sticky days are here again!

Took DCH & JAH to the Center for the first parade at 0845.

Mary, John, & May arrived about 0920 to see the second parade at 0945 — LCH & NJH were in this one.

We then had a cookout lunch.

Did a little work on the basement.

Wednesday, 16 May, 1962

Sat in a mtg. with WZL, WW, Bino, & A. Knoll with John McClow of Aerospace to discuss Bino’s curves showing the required radar slew rates for Vehicle B. The radar specs will not have to be modified.

Rec’d a copy of Paul Miller’s summary of the mtg. at AFCOA on 30 April – 01 May.


Rec’d a call from Rabun Wood, who is now with Martin Orlando. He is on a study for BSD across the street. It was good to hear from him.

Sunday, 22 April, 1962

Sticky – clear

Took family to church – 9 AM. The Sanctuary was filled at both services. This should help materially with the deficit.

We then went to Al & Edith’s for a delicious dinner. May & John seem quite well.

Mary expects to get her new VW on 25 April. She is quite excited as it is her first new car.

We went to the Easter concert at the Church at 6:30 PM; it was fine, but too short.

Sunday, 01 April, 1962

Rain – hard

Took family to church & SS. Picked up Mary as the MTA is on strike.

HJO had a good sermon on “Sin and Divorce;” he laid it on the line.

Put the missing crosspiece into the piano key support frame, and put the frame back into the piano.

Sunday, 25 March, 1962

Went to LA via TWA. Left at 7:45 PM after a 3 hour delay. Caught a lot more cold while waiting; also the a/c was cold-soaked. Arrived at motel – Skyways – at 10:55 PM PST.

Took family to SS & church. Went over to Mary’s for dinner before leaving for LA. The scheduled TWA departure at 4:15 PM was delayed until 7:45 PM for a number of reasons — engine trouble mainly. Arrived at Skyways Motel at 10:55 PM PST. Caught a lot more cold during the delay and sitting in the cold a/c.

Sunday, 11 March, 1962


Took family to SS & church. Spoke to John Cheever re: the audio system in that we should document exactly what is the principle problem with proposed solution — this for each area.

Went to Mary’s for a real good dinner, and then out to Aunt Helen’s. She has a very comfortable home near Andover. She has a studio grand piano, and there is some possibility of our getting it for JAH’s use. The case needs some refinishing.

Discussed with LCH the possibility of going out to BSD at the Lab Liaison’s office for a while.

portrait, Mary and Lillian, and the women’s marathon

portrait, Mary and Lillian, Prescott, Arizona, July 1996

I spend most of the day working around my parents house. That’s pretty much what I do when I stay there. Keeping up on the place. Aunt Mary is visiting and she and Mom go to church, Dad was sleeping in. Storms circle the valley for much of the evening and night. I take a chair into the middle of the yard to sit for sunset, watching the moon rise over the mountains to the east. The women’s marathon winner is taking her final lap, Fatima Rova from Ethiopia, the first African woman to win the marathon. I remember back in 1984, when I was living in Santa Monica, during the ’84 Olympics, the first women’s marathon was run, and it passed just a couple blocks from my house. Jason, my nephew who was then nine years old, and I went down to watch these incredible athletes pass by, some of them running barefoot.