so it goes.
one year down, ?? to go
A year has passed of life, of work. This year defined mostly by the constrictions imposed by the j-o-b. There are still days where I would rather drive my truck to the airport and board a flight to Berlin to resume a more creative life. A fear-of-future precludes that, and the knowledge of that fear itself eats away at what little creative mojo is still existing in belly.
There were some jarring interjections to this diminished life: several inspiring, electric, disturbing human encounters, and as a sparkling counterpoint, ripping through to the root of the lizard brain, the eclipse. Nothing like a jolt of totality to bring presence into being. Otherwise, creative production contracts to flaccid efforts that lack mindfulness. Something must be done.
tourist choppers
MigAA rolls onward
Twenty-five percent through editing the third MigAA book — 2-300 pages of text, plus images. The time frame even more daunting: three weeks left. My god. At least I can still function at the keyboard unimpeded. It’s an interesting project, as usual, but it makes me seriously miss my nomadic days traipsing around Europe teaching in all those various places. The book is a compendium of the sixteen(!) laboratories that took place between the last book in 2011 and this past summer. They were widely spread across Europe with participants from around the globe. The fact that I wasn’t able to attend one of them is depressing. Probably the biggest hurdle is the cost of flight tickets from the US to Europe. Prices are easily double what they were five years ago, so, when paying a mortgage, there’s no chance of getting back over there in the near term. Two months in 2013 was a nice taste, but wasn’t enough to generate a sustainable forward inertia for other things to happen. There is the sensation of things slipping through a closing grasp. Not to be ventured again in this incarnation nor to be gained regardless of effort. Strange concept.
32,000 feet en route DEN-PHX
DIA Concourse A bathroom
welcome to …
Cleveland Hopkins Airport. A second day of travel, thanks to United Airlines. Connecting flight cancelled as the crew couldn’t make it due to “bad weather in Boston” (which had a rather nice day today). Strange. Surly customer service person, same as last year when United failed miserably during my trip to Germany and Finland. Systemic collapse cannot be countered when there are not sufficient resources (energy!) to counter the demise. It’s a slide.
You only see what you want to see: on the shuttle from the airport to the shabby Ramada Inn. The road has huge potholes, and the one large bridge we cross has all the siding completely rusted through. Collapse? you bet!
Nice to be in the higher humidity and rich moist ambience after months eating the dust of Arizona.
Gates 1-2
Cat Tales
Marisa is blogging the Alaska (road!)trip on their company, Park West Air web site. Along with all the road-time, they are getting ample flight time (in a friend’s Pacer at the moment).
Thursday, 23 May, 1963
Went to Waltham at lunch time and picked up a gallon of honey, kelp, and paprika.
Played ball with the girls + JCH after dinner.
LCH to her last class at BU for this semester.
DCH seems to be in line for a job at Emerson Hospital for the summer. He is wild to go to the Stony Brook School next year so is trying to save or earn $800, the tuition. He thinks he can get into Harvard this way.
Picked up some 3pr twisted cable at Leo’s and had my stainless muffler bracket welded by Leo.
Mr. Cerier — NET&T — said he was directed to answer my letter. They can’t sell us any gear. Got wire sizes from him.
en route
Another movement, north and east.
Tapio meets me at Vantaa in his fancy 2003 Forest Green Jaguar.
Tuesday, 14 May, 1963
Left Logan at 0730 getting up at 0500. Arrived BTL/Whippany at 0940 and sat in all-day mtg. We were shown the N-Z simulation center and the training center. Finally left about 0540 and got on the 630 PM EAL shuttle. The route back was through a front and the a/c bounced considerably.
Went over to ATM for 2 hours before going home.
BTL has been directed to pursue an R&D policy rather that one of demonstration as far as N-Z is concerned.
Up at 0500 & left for Logan Airport. Stopt at Lab to sign Travel Authorization sheet. Left Logan at 0730, arriving at Newark at 0840.
Arrived at BTL/Whippany at 0930, and sat in mtg until 1700, when Vic Guethlea & I left to return to L2. Arrived at Logan at 0740.
Stopt at ATM/Mac Section, and had a 2 hour disc. with Walter Singer on the making of a Mac. I’m thinking of getting the lens and mirror blanks with the proper curves diamond ground to the rough curves. He thot the experience worth the effort, but he has put in about 200 hours so far, and isn’t finished with either the lens or mirror; he does have the mount started.
Read Maksutov’s paper in JOSA May 1944.
The ride back from Newark was through a front, and the DC6B bounced a lot.
en route
I am put on a flight to Heathrow instead. It is delayed and that combined with 2-hours stuck in the endless Heathrow transit security miasma sets it up so that I miss a rescheduled flight to Hamburg. I end up with a six hour layover in Heathrow which is exactly why I paid an extra $150 NOT to take a flight through Heathrow to begin with. Shite! No free wifi there either, so I used a United Airlines desk phone to call Christian who ends up driving to Hamburg, bless his soul, to fetch me 10 hours later than I was supposed to arrive. Dinner with the family, hanging out, impossibly awake after only 2 hours sleep since Monday night.
internal ecosystem
How it is. A sparrow hops by the row of seats at the empty gate, deep inside Terminal B. Ecosystem. Assumptions are forming our world-views. “What the Bleep?” As weather builds up and while people gather to leave. People standing, sitting, talking to small boxes. Some talking to each other. Some talking to others half-way around the globe. Some dragging large wheeled boxes behind them, carrying boxes over shoulders, on backs. Roaches crawling on some of the boxes, right there in the security line. Lines, lines, moving towards being searched, probed, surveilled, controlled by the inefficient proles of the system. Keeping calm, despite wind-shear next to head. But still never knowing what to write. How it is.
Delayed flight in Denver from someone getting sick right before take-off and from a mechanical ‘issue’ causes me to miss my Hamburg-direct flight from Newark.
Monday, 06 May, 1963
John Strano & Carl Neilsen back from Ascension Island; there was cloud over the island during the last Rex re-entry; JLV was in the WV-2, seeing it optically. JS said the plotter showing the actual & predicted tracks showed almost the same track, so the TTR was placed on the nose cone successfully.
Requested by WZL to furnish him with a list showing the medium of record of each TRAP III instrument; phoned to RJ Adams @ Bendix who is at Lockheed / Ontario — Area code 714 YUkon 4-1234/297-495; he shifted me to 495/489 Jim Cherry who gave me enough info to make up a table. A copy is in the TRAP III file. Worked up a table by longhand and left it with Shirley.
High clouds
Rain in PM
Cool last night.
Took Ford to Elbery’s in Cambridge to have the steering block replaced, some body work — a spot, tailgate & rear fender seams — inspection, & front wheel alignment. Made arrangements with Mr. Kemp, Elbery Credit Manager to pay half of it now , the rest in 30 days.
Called Lake but he was out, so talked to Geo Costello: 1) the 1563A provided the best signal yet in the SS & Hawey Rooms; 2) the lavalier mike didn’t work out as we need a goose neck; 3) TV monitor burned output repair; 4) R-C networks on phase inverter grids — signal rectified to audio so went on there, we will have to put them on the grid of some tube in the front end.
He will pick up the TV unit tomorrow.
Fred Erikson found the R1 resistor burned up in the PSC Simpson volt-ohmmeter. No wonder we couldn’t get it to work. Wrote to Weston Elec. Instrument Company to see if the Model 301 meter we have can be used as a VU meter. From some of Fred’s Weston paperwork, it can be.
Rode home w/ Mike Bavaro.
Thursday, 02 May, 1963
Concluded I would put the details of film processing and calibration & use in the Appendices to my spec rather than omit them or put them in the main test.
Asked the library to secure a French translation of Prof. Lallemards article on the astronomical spectroscopic use of electronic photometry. He claims a film speed increase by a factor of 100! The diode output is proportional to the input energy and has no reciprocity effect as film does. See my entry for 9 January 1963.
Called Geo Pickering at KI7-4900 and told him of the lavalier mike, boxes, and ground on case. He thot the ground would be taken care of by the chap who gave the projector. Also discussed the need for economy, citing the 6-6 vote on the front hallway repair. We also talked of the need in the audio-TV area; it’s about $3000 made up as follows: $600 for preamps, etc; $500 for 2 organ mikes; $500 for a wireless mike; and $400 for 3 tape recorders; the latter sum can probably be recovered in 2 years. I’ll discuss this w/ HJO in the next two weeks.
Called Ed Poore to check on the lavalier — he will put it on the piano, and Maury Jacques & Geo P. will see it is used at 12:30 and then put back in the radio room. I hope this works out, particularly for tonight.
Ken O. called at 0950 to ask how the system is owrking. He didn’t believe that I had heard WBCN on the SS-Knight 75 watt amplifier. He took the cable in last night.
Picked up 2 Jeep tail gate hinges & some screws, taking them to Mr. Cornelius.
Thursday, 18 April, 1963
Showed my Kwaj slides & pictures to a small group in the morning.
Rec’d Larry Glubus’ paper on RF Interference RAJSCAI, 22L-7363; it is quite good.
Went home at 1 PM so LCH could go to school & library at BU. Worked on the Willys left front door, finally getting it to open and shut very well; a small adjustment on the window raising mechanism fixed it so it works well.
Took Boots over to the Buddy Humane Society in Sudbury — where LCH got him.
Went to Dr. Andreson’s in Lexington w/ LCH to review the Youth Department/PSC program. The classes were left in, but at the expense of one month for a social.
JAH to the mountains with the Bliss family.
Monday, 15 April, 1963
The celestial globe I ordered a few days ago from Lafayette Radio was delivered. It is a Nr. F400 and is 34 cm in diameter, made in Japan. I wish I could afford one for home use, as it cost $49.50.
Asked ELE if he thot I should work up specifications for the remaining items on the list of photo gear. He passed it to WW; I’ll see him tomorrow. He was working on a flow chart on the RE test business. His diagram isn’t too clear, but apparently what he wants to do is to set up working groups to examine & plan the individual tests in the light of the instrumentation that is operational and the specific test objectives. I thot there were such groups, but he says there are none.
Read the news article “MIT — Prime Contractor” in Science for 12 April ’63. Apparently someone along the line, either physicists or administrators have decided that OA is not the “proper province of a University.” So OEG is no more at MIT.
Mailed my knife to Victoria Cutlery Co., Ibach-Schwyz, Switzerland for repairs. Also sent my pedometer to the Pedometer Corporation, 357 Wilson Avenue, Newark, N.J., for a complete reworking.
This is the first day of school vacation for the children. LCH will be run ragged by the end of the week.
On arrival home, LCH informed me of her arranging for Boots’ disposal by Dr. Carlson, the vet. I took him over and instead of leaving him, asked Dr. C. if he could find another home for Boots where he wouldn’t have to be tied up all the time. LCH was quite upset when I got home as she doesn’t want any of the local children bitten.
DCH had made arrangements today to take his girl-friend to some Harvard Square spot. He has apparently forgotten that I told him that there was to be no social activity of this type until his marks at school put him on the Honor Roll, so I bluntly told him to cancel this date.
Thursday, 04 April, 1963
Went up to Albuquerque on Continental Nr. 220 arriving about 8:20 AM. Rented a car & drove west on Gibson to Sandia Base to see W. F. Whitfield of the Advanced Mfring Devel (Div 2564) Sandia Corporation. His phone is 256-4411/53263. He showed me a small clean room with the air flow thru the upper half of the wall — at about 100’/min/sq.ft. of filter area. These Cambridge filters take out particles down to 0.3 micron in size! He demonstrated the removal of cigarette smoke particles, debris from the skin, and from our clothes. In their original tests, they thot their particle size gear was defective, as it indicated zero-sized particles.
Phoned Walter K. Jahns at Holloman AFB (MISCP/AFMDC) GR3-6511/3-5556 re: coming up to Whitfield conf. on Clean Room Stds next week. There is probably a space left out of 150 attendees. Left on TWA 184 at 12:30 PM for Chi/Bos. Arrived Bos during a high windstorm at 9:05 PM.
Left Alamagordo at 7:32, stopping at Albuquerque until 12:30 PM. Arrived in CHI about 5 PM.
Took 2 pictures of the United Caravelle at CHI.
Arrived BOS at 9:05 PM, going home in a taxi from Harvard Square; arrived 10:15 PM. It was good to get home — high winds, temp 26˚F
Monday, 01 April, 1963
Left for Dallas & El Paso on AA 121 at 7:15 AM, arriving at 11:20 MST — Went on to El Paso where ELE met WZL, WW & I. We then drove up to Holloman AFB and met w/ Col. Asa Whitmire for 1-1/2 hours. He was a captain in the summer of 1945 — on the CPS-6 Project — it was pleasant to see him again — he said that Ed Snyder is at Sylvania. I’ll have to look him up.
Drove around Alamagordo after dinner.
Early fog
Up at 5:20 AM. LCH took me to L2, arriving at 6:30. The driver for L2 had been alerted for 6 AM, so on arriving at the AP, I had only a few minutes to spare, leaving on AA Nr. 121 for Phily, Balto, & Dallas.
Phoned John Zvara from Phila. to see if he can get Don Muirhead to put some stiffeners on the inside of the front middle panel o the new spkr enclosure — 1/2″ or 5/8″ plywood x 1-1/4″ or 1-1/2″ — on edge with screws & glue — to eliminate any mechanical vibration of the front panel. Hope this works! The scaffolding starts to come out tomorrow.
Up to Alamagordo in the PM — staying at the Desert Aire Motel.
Monday, 18 March, 1963
Talked to Harry Sussman for most of the morning, describing my trip to Kwaj & Maui.
Discussed TRAP III w/ Carl Neilson in the PM; he is phasing out of this activity — EE Rich of A ES will be in tomorrow and I should get together. CN disturbed that A had not taken hold of the film processing problem, but had agreed to the processing of the film from the shakedown by Aerojet-General at Azusa. We had some short disc re: Eric Durand, who as a responsible individual at A SB has already irritated others. The optical activity doesn’t seem to have widespread support, probably because there is a real question of operational payoff. It seems to me that an optical group should be formed at L2 to back up the field work and to provide an organized center of optical work and resources; or else get out of it. If it can make a valid contribution to re-entry physics, this should be recognized for what it is.
Picked up my re-entry photo — it’s quite good!
40˚F at 8 AM
Call from Fred Lake about 11:30 AM re: installation of the new hi freq & bass reflex speakers — the ceiling hole for the lowering of the illuminated cross is in the way — they need a few more inches. I suggested that they sink both units into the vertical plaster wall. Called John Svara, who was unable to get Mr. Muirhead, our consulting engineer. He finally set tomorrow at 10:30 AM as the assembly time for all concerned, so I phoned this to George Costello, Mr. Lake’s man.
Worked on income taxes — can’t find my certificate in the Canadian Alumina Corp., as it is being liquidated and I need to take the loss.
Also can’t find the receipted bill from the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. re: the porch door replacement.
Saturday, 09 March, 1963
Left for LA at 0935 on Pan Am # 812; riding a jet stream at 37,000 feet, we arrived at 4 PM, thirty minutes ahead of schedule.
Collected my luggage & went over to the Skyways Motel.
Some haze
Went out to the airport at 0830 and the Brandon’s arrived shortly thereafter, with leis for LCH & the girls! It was real pleasant to see them — we talked for about 30 minutes while I checked in, etc.
The a/c req’d a 40 sec to run, and at 37,000 feet, arrived in LA 1/2 hour ahead of schedule. It was in the jet stream all the way.
There were two of us in the 3 seats, so had plenty of room, and pleasant conversation.
It is hard to believe that I left the islands only 4-1/2 hours ago. It seemed so cool on getting off the a/c. I’ll be able to put on my heavier clothes now and lighten my B4 bag.
Tried to get LCH on the phone; finally made it about 7 PM. She is having trouble with the Ford; it won’t start, and when it does, suddenly stops! DCH won fourth prize in the Science Fair; if he had put out some effort some time ago, he would have come in first.
Couldn’t get Mrs. Stroebe on the phone.
Friday, 08 March, 1963
Drove back up to the Haleakala National Park Hq to get some of their booklets.
Left on the 2 PM plane for Honolulu.
Some clouds
Got up about 9 AM after a restless night as I couldn’t get warm. About 0600 I found 3 windows open over my head, so slept a little after that.
Drove back up to the Park Hq and picked up some of their booklets.
Went back down the mountain to Wailuku and to the Iao valley to see the Needle — it is spectacular, rising out of the little valley or canyon that has almost vertical walls.
Ret’d to Honolulu on the 2 PM plane. If I had enough of a cash reserve, I would have stayed another day.
Did a little shopping at the Ala Moana — couldn’t get my Light meter case sewed.
Sent a number of cards & turned in early.
Thursday, 07 March, 1963
Left Kwaj at 0820 after Bob Brown picked me up at 0645. Bruce Wherli took my ticket over as well as the B4 bag. Arrived around 8 PM at Honolulu.
Went over to the Islander Hotel and checked in.
Went over to Maui via Hawaiian Airlines, arriving about 11 AM. After sending some postcards, I rented a Datsun Bluebird and went up to the Smithsonian Satellite Tracking Station at the Haleakela Crater. Dorik Mechau, the young chap Aubrey Stinnett referred me to showed me around the station and we talked for about 2 hours.
After taking some pictures, I drove down to the Silversword Lodge for the night — at 3300 feet elevation.
1/2 OC
Left Kwaj at 0820.
Prof. Brown took me over to the air terminal after breakfast, Bruce Wherli took of my B4 bag, shot card, & ticket — a most accommodating gesture. At breakfast we met 4 chaps who arrived yesterday from L2 — can’t recall the names!
Newly promoted Army Major Baker, wife, 6 children (!) and grandmother are on the a/c, plus 3 others in addition to myself. Flying time to Honolulu is about 10-1/2 hours; with the time change of 2 hours, we are to arrive there about 8:40 PM.
Arrived about 7:55 PM. Went in to town with the others for $1.50 each. I checked in at the Islander, 400 Seaside about 9 PM, showered and went to bed.
Paid $23.10 duty on $154 of photo goods — 15%. I declared $326.55 worth of merchandise.
Some clouds
Picked up 2 Nikon cassettes at Hata’s Photo Shop, 2080 Kalakaua Ave., Waikiki (Hono 15) 913095: they were $1.50 each.
Obtained space on PAA 812, 9 March for LA.
Was not able to get LCH on the phone; tried at 0900; she was at school.
Called Bill Miller at Hq. Mt. Wilson Observatories, making an appointment for 0930 Monday Morning.
The Travel Desk at the Seaside made arrangements for PAA 812 on 9 March.
Left at 1050 for Maui on HAL 810. On arriving, sent some postcards and rented a Datsun Bluebird — it’s cream colored. After driving around Kahalui went up to the Smithsonian Satellite Tracking Station at 10,000 ft. elevation. Spent a pleasant 1-1/2 hours with Dorik Mechau. See other diary. Started down a little after 4 PM, stopping frequently for pictures. Was unable to get one of the ring-neck pheasant. There are many of these handsome birds. Stopped at the Hosmer Grove — many, varied trees planted in 1910-11 by Forestry Supt. of the Territory to see if any would produce any merchantable timber. Some did. Many birds were in the grove, too many away up in the eucalyptus, too far away to see. Did see an immature Apapane.
Wednesday, 06 March, 1963
Spent the morning at the Kwaj Optical Station, making notes on the photo set-up. They are crowded, particularly with the excess mt’l around. The Baker-Nunn spectral camera is on the way now, and will be put there. It means two or three more electrical racks. They rearranged the racks & office space this morning, anticipating the Baker-Nunn shortly.
1/2 OC
Morning at Kwaj Optical Station talking with Morgan Thomas. Scott Wickett not well.
Packed and mailed a last box of excess baggage — insured parcel receipt nr. 751 dated 6 March. The Kwaj PO is a branch of the Honolulu PO, so their date is a day before ours here since the Date Line is between here & there.
Bob Brown brought my tickets over about 6 PM; he offered to pick me up at 0645 in the morning and take me over to the Air Terminal to check in my baggage, returning for breakfast.
Aubrey Stinnett stopped by my room with a collection of shells and a small glass float. Hope I can get all my baggage home intact!
Saw a Fairy Tern near the Batchelor pool.
Monday, 04 March, 1963
Mailed report to ELE via Doris at the admin office at Roi Air Terminal.
Re: WW question of some weeks ago — re: why do we need hi quality processing of film from spectral cameras, when the film is to be analyzed for the % of identifiable elements present. If the wedges on each frame are identifiable, then will be used for film processing control, not for density calibration, as this exposure does not come from a calibrated lamp. Also, if precise control over film processing isn’t exercised, lines may be lost completely.
As a result of our conversation (JK & AS) at lunch today, the qty of data available for processing might depend on the kind of processing. For example, there is no spectral film available yet, and μ-dens. to process it with. There is a qty of Roti film available from 3 shots. And good ballistics camera data, as well as Ascope film data — an undisclosed amount.
Peter Pfluke invited my attention to his “Stat & Ind QC” text by Duncan, where the range is used & its σ prior to σ + limits on the data.
1/2 OC
Got some string at Roi so I could wrap packages. Wrapped two.
Another ship is in — the India Bear — it’s about 350-375 ft. long. It must be 2-3000 tons.
Went over to the Library in the PM. It needs building up with new books — Latest photo book was dated 1953. Most of the fiction apparently came from the Far East Command in Japan.
Friday, 01 March, 1963
Went up to Roi on the 0930 plane. The Versamat seemed to be stable but at a higher density on Nr. 10 Step. The sensitometer may be acting up, or the lamp voltage changed. The event film of last night was run thru; the color filters took out 3 of 4 exposures in spite of the slow frame rate of 10/sec. The 16mm Roti boresight camera film is positively spectacular, showing scintillation, tankage blowup, & break up, and RV ablation. My Plus-X film was run thru the Versamat; one of my three shots, the first one, is good.
Aubrey S., PP, & I had some discussion regarding credit for their work. I pointed out that in my opinion credit should go where credit is due, and whatever I use of theirs will be so labelled. A few days ago JK mentioned that he would like me to come out to document what they have done.
Came down to Kwaj on the 4:40 PM taxi.
Made a list of variables affecting the photo process, discussing it w/ AS & PP.
1/2 overcast
80% R.H. Average
Was at Roi most of the day. My Plus-X film was run thru the Versamat and of the 3 shots I made at last night’s RV, one was good. I’ll get Henry Lane to enlarge it.
I sure enjoy talking to Aubrey Stinnett. He had Dick Johnson & I to his trailer (Nr. 31) for dinner. He showed slides of the Smithsonian Tracking Station on Maui. It is located near the edge of the crater at over 10,000′ elevation. I hope to stop there on the way home next week. They are Methodists, and are in a Bible Study Group. He helped put in the chain of Smithsonian Tracking Stations around the world, so is an accomplished world traveler.
Thursday, 28 February, 1963
Spent all morning & up to about 2 PM working on my notes and additional questions for Peter Pfluke, AS, & JK.
Went up to Roi on the 3:55 and talked some more about the Versamat.
The shot went off, with RE occurring about 10 PM. It was most spectacular. First the tankage breaking up with a luminous cloud staying at this point for a minute or so, then the R/V, and finally the 2nd stage tankage trailing in. I tried to operate the Praktina but didn’t hold it open for the entire operation. It takes a wide-angle lens. Got back to Kwaj about midnight.
Think I’ll suggest to Don Dustin that there be an optics Dir. & party at Kwaj to produce an immediate report within a week, consolidating from all sources including the TTR, and that an increasing analytical effort be supported, that all RE work be put under a single Project Management separate from the Hardware Divisions.
1/2 overcast
Good wind
Woken up at 4 AM by my roommate Bruce Werhli going down to meet a C124.
Stayed in bed until 12:30 PM, doing paper work.
Also went over the Nikon F; it’s a marvelous camera, and I’m fortunate to be able to get it!
Wednesday, 27 February, 1963
JK picked me up about 0730 and we went to the PRESS Admin. Bldg. on Kwaj to try to talk to ELE. We finally made the connection after 3 hour’s delay. I mentioned the existence of the ROTI film, and that this activity could well use the same thing that we did for the STV program; he responded to this by asking for a report and when I would return. About 11 March I said. Also asked for a copy of PA-27 and he offered to send 3, so I suggested 2 to JK & one to Dr. Brown (Robert R.)
JK went up to Roi at 1255 after lunch and I went on the 3:55 PM plane, after lying down a bit — also picked up my laundry.
The stations are geared for the event, and I set up the Praktina to get a picture of the RV. It was finally scrubbed after counting down to — 1 minute!
JK gave me an excellent discussion on the stars which were brilliant. We found the Southern Cross, and many others.
Ret’d. on the taxi a/c about 11:30 PM, will try again tomorrow.
1/3 Overcast
Talked to ELE at L2 via RT. He wants a report! It took 3 hrs to get thru to him; he will send down 3 cys of PA-27.
Picked up my laundry — a shirt cost 16¢! It was really well done. Then went to “Macys” and picked up a pair of slippers, a shirt, a Nikon F camera, cable release, some film, and band aids.
After laying down some more, went up to ROI on the 3:55 PM plane for the shoot. The station was geared up with the Versamat holding about +/- .03! I think this is remarkable. The scratches have also been removed. I set up the Praktina on the shop roof, and got ready to photograph the event, but it was scrubbed about 11:15 PM.
During the evening which was remarkably clear, AS & JK pointed out many stars & constellations. It was most pleasant.
About 35 persons were on the a/c n the return trip to Kwaj; leaving about 11:30 PM.
If Mr McNamara went to witness a few firings, he wouldn’t be so anxious to send the manned bombers.
Jim showed me his 10″ reflecting telescope. He made the equatorial adjustable mount during his work as a welding engineer. The tube is from carpet rolling material. The mirror is a 10″ job acquired about ten years ago at a cost of $75. There are 5 or 6 eye pieces and a 6x rt angle spotting scope. The eyepieces and mirror are in a well-made box for traveling. I’d like to have it, but how to get it to Lexington? I’ll discuss it with him.
Tuesday, 26 February, 1963
Went up to Roi on the 0955 plane w/ JK, and spent most of the day talking to Peter Pfluke, getting his comments on my questions and what he would do for the Versamat. Also, AS did the same for the Versamat. I have it about covered.
Also spent a lot of time w/ P2 on the preparation of his control charts. He has plotted the range and density of two steps, but apparently he does not know the formula for σ, so I gave it to him. He took his data over to the ROI AD Bldg. to compute out, but the Friden was jammed so he ret’d & called Scott Wickett at Kwaj who did the σ’ and means for him. The values are in my notes; they are quite close. He also worked up a std. procedure for his technician (Ken Dalton, 641 Aspen St., Vandenberg AFB) to follow.
Met P. Sebring at the Air Terminal, when I commented that I understood he is “The Boss,” he said he wasn’t listened to!
1/3 overcast
Rain Early AM
Most of the swelling gone on awakening, but had a painful time in getting my foot “on the ground”! Walked down to the Air Terminal with some pain.
Had an interesting discussion w/ Jim K. on navigation. He is learning navigation, contemplating a yacht on retirement.
Talked to Bill Romaine again.
Monday, 25 February, 1963
Went up to Roi-Namur w/ Jim Knight in the 0930 C-47. Spent the day talking to Jim, Aubrey Stinnett, and Peter Pfluke. Got a thoro discussion to Quest AL[?]. If they all take this long to get answers, I’ll be here for 20 days!
Rain in the PM — I’ll have to get a raincoat.
Jim K. showed me his pictures of the output of the isophote plotter. For each frame it will give 12 contour levels of absolute power, with the lowest below the visible. When used with filters to provide wavelength separations, it should be exactly what the problem requires, particularly when wake seeding is carried out. Jim has recommended this device to Dr. Overhage, but he won’t approve it in spite of an independent analysis & favorable recommendation by EG&G.
1/2 overcast
Rain in PM
My right leg is quite sore in spite of Unguentine & Skol applications. On arriving back at my room and removing my socks I found my ankle swollen up. What a business.
Talked to our neighbor Romaine on the way back regarding the streets in our neighborhood.
The Marshall Islanders do the service jobs, and there are many here from Hawaii in various jobs.
Perhaps we are at about the end of the dry season.
Thursday/Friday, 21-22 February, 1963
Left Honolulu at 0930 on World Airways Nr.102 for Kwajalein. The distance is 2450 miles and it takes 9 hours @ 274 mph. Peter Pfluke and his wife are aboard, as well as two WECO families, with a total of 20.
Crossed the International Date line, so this date is the same as yesterday. Arrived at Kwaj at 4:35 PM KST. Was met by Dr. Brown. Jim Knight forgot I was coming and showed a little later. I was assigned to Coral 121 — half of a double room.
I have an appointment with Jim tomorrow at 0930.
The working hours are 0730 to 6 PM, 5 days a week.
Some overcast
Went out to the AP at 0800 and checked in with World Airways. Registered my camera & binoculars with the US Customs so they will not be subject to duty on the return trip. As I was checking in, Jack Wilkinson was there, and I introduced myself and spoke with him for some time. He retires in another year and is hoping to be kept on until the project is completed. He operates the radio link to the coast from Honolulu and to Kwajalein. He pointed out that “white foreigners” are in the minority on the islands, citing the ticket given by a policeman to a L2 individual when his car was damaged.
Met Charles Petersen and Peter Pfluke as we boarded the plane — CP came down to see the others off. Twenty on board.
Jack W. said to use the Islander Hotel — 400 Seaside, Waikiki.
Two hotels in downtown Hono are the Young & Blaisdell.
Same day, as we crossed the International Date line en route. Flying time it 9 hours at an average ground speed of 274 mph to cover 2450 miles. The usual tropical clouds are in evidence, the horizon can’t be identified. The afternoon weather forecast for both Hono a& Kwaj is for showers.
There were no showers at Kwaj; the wind was blowing about 10 knots so it seemed cooler than Honolulu.
After dinner with my roommate, a young cosmopolite, I walked out on the pier to see if I could spot the North Star, but it seemed obscured. I think I have the Pointer and Cassiopeia located, and Orion is directly overhead.
Spent an hour or so in the Library.
Friday, 30 November, 1962
In the office at 0815.
ELE in shortly thereafter to say that another design review in to be held at 1330 on 3 December. I’m to have ready the TF for the A-Scope 35 mm 16,000’/week:
1) Layout
2) Equipment List & Cost
3) Operating Cost for 1 year
4) Personnel
Took NJH & JCH in to PSC while I went to the Engng. Library at MIT.
DCH & CR went to the basketball game.
Lent JLV my hunting rifle — was supposed to give him the .257 Remington, but made a mistake and took the 30-06 (Sears) instead.
Thursday, 29 November, 1962
Ret’d. to Boston on AA Flight #12.
Went back to Boston on AA #12.
Sunday, 25 November, 1962
Left for LA at 5 PM with Dave M. & ELE. Arr. 7:15 PM PST, and went on out to the Town House Motel in San Bernadino, arriving at 9:45 PM.
Took family to SS & Church. The audio to the temporary column speakers seems weak, but I couldn’t do much about it.
Left for the airport at 2:30 PM from home, and for LA on TWA 65 at 5 PM.
Friday, 09 November, 1962
Phoned JLV from the LAX airport to ask him to send us a copy of the schedule that Major Penn made up yesterday. He is thinking of coming east on Monday to be there Tuesday. He said Gen. Davis will be briefed on Tuesday 13 November.
Drove into LAX in the AM. Left for Boston at 10:31 after a 33 sec. acceleration time. Arrived at 6 PM.
Drove on to the LA Airport in 1-1/4 hours from Berdoo. Picked up 8 lbs. of walnuts and an artichoke, & 2 Golden Delicious apples.
Left LAX at 10:15 AM on AA Nr.12, arriving at Boston at 6:05 PM.
I went on over to PSC to the Trustees mtg. We are to have a report from the consulting engineer on the roof by 13 November. More problems are being found. HJO wanted an expression of opinion on raising cash to fix the roof. It seemed good to extend the emergency fund by 2 yrs. to repair the basic structure of the church.
Wednesday, 07 November, 1962
Dave Moore had several points of the tentative layout, which I left with WW. He instructed me to stick to this amount of space and to authorize the drawing as approved for preliminary A&E activity.
Picked up tickets & $100 in cash.
Drove over to airport; the lower heater hose came off on the way, and I had to have a gallon of Prestone put in (at $3.25/gallon). Left on TWA 65 for LA at 5:15 PM, arriving in LA at 7:30 PM. Fog (smog) had closed down the helicopter service to Bernadino, so we were sent out in a taxi, arriving about 10:15 PM at the Town House Motel, 132 East 5th Street, TUrner 9-0641
Clear 20°F at 0645
Adjusted the Ford fast idle a little, and then left, to stop at the Town Hall where I picked up a typical set of Town Bylaws, and Planning Board Regulations, mailed them to Mr. Hussey.
Picked up check for $80 from Credit Union and put it in bank at Concord.
Left for airport at 3 PM. The lower heater hose came off and I had to have another gallon of Prestone put in. Left Boston at 5:15 PM EST, arriving LA at 7:15 PM PST. The helicopter service to Berdoo was cancelled due to fog, so they sent us out via a taxi; arrived at 10:15 PM.
Tuesday, 11 September, 1962
Went over to LA in morning, arriving at L2 office about noon. Phoned CWU re: the 15-man-days of editing the analog/print-out material to check the formats for Sect. IIIE of the report.
Sat in the Raytheon TD mtg. in the afternoon. Jim Robertson spoke of the SFD tube development and the Sperry STX, both providing some promise of greater w/mc. At 5 PM we adjourned & went to Resnick’s office where Glasser spoke of a dart-like decay, a most ingenious conception that they are in the process of patenting.
Went up to SF, arriving at the President Hotel in Paly about 9 PM.
It would have been better to have stayed at the New Cardinal Hotel.
Went over to LA on morning arriving at L2 office about noon. JLV was at Lexington for the week. He has a broken ankle.
Went up to SF on UAL 774 getting to the President Hotel in Paly about 9 PM.
Sunday, 09 September, 1962
Went to El Paso, losing my B4 bag in a 5-minute transfer at Dallas. Phoned Jeff Clark of Raytheon at LO6-7128 that I would provide my own wheels in the morning.
LCH took CR to the 0700 Mass in West Acton. We then left for PSC via L2 so I could pick up my address book. Arrived at 0900 and set up the microphone for SS. The WEZE operator then pointed out that the Altec microphone hanging from the center chandelier was dead; I found the preamp power cord had been pulled from the socket. Spoke with Alden Cheever for some time, and he helped to replace the microphone for Carl Nelson. Also showed Alden the Mayflower operation, and then left for the airport, leaving for El Paso at noon. Almost missed the connection at Dallas due to a detour for a storm.
Had a pleasant talk with Mr. Hughes DeMore, 3441 North 29th Avenue, Phoenix, AL4-1191 re: Enders Dynamo — agreed to send him a copy of the Dynamo user’s manual & a copy of Forrester’s remarks for the cost of the tape.
Friday, 01 June, 1962
Had some discussion with WZL, who mentioned two work areas — a) the Data Flow working group, and b) the development of a document to the physical basis of the STV tests. Apparently I was being offered a chance to shift to the other (data) work. It seems important to me to “develop the physical basis of the tests in the STV program,” as I mentioned to WW & WZL before. WZL expects to be at BSD next week and will endeavor o obtain their approval to do this since it involves going to the various Aerospace contractors.
Listened to a mtg. in Lee Murray’s office on the STV Data problem.
Mailed another letter to FAA Admin N. E. Halaby, on a) the addition of a/c identity & remaining fuel to the beacon response, b) the development of the safety and separation volumes around each moving a/c for computer up-dating, and c) suggested HJM as a good man to operate BRD.
There was too much mud in the back yard to pour concrete in the AM, so I went to the office.
Thursday, 24 May, 1962
I think I’ll spend part of the time going home in working up a letter to Mr. Halaby to express 1) the idea of a digitalized a/c ID & altitude system, 2) the use of the computer to put the two volumes around the moving a/c, 3) use Alaska as a proving ground, and 4) use the above as a weapon to combat public fear of flying.
07:23 AM: Looks like Carpenter is doing quite well — at El Paso Holiday Inn via television.
Clear at El Paso
Left El Paso at 8 AM MDT.
Arrived Boston at 7:35 PM and it took an hour to drive home.
The Dawn Redwood, lilacs, and red maple came today & LCH planted them.
Thunderstorm at night; this must be the same storm that we went through while descending to New York and the one that tore apart the 707 Tuesday night over Iowa.
Tuesday, 22 May, 1962
Informed by E. L. Eaton that WW might want me to go to WSMR to attend an ECM mtg. tomorrow. He did, and I left Boston at 4 PM arriving Dallas at 7:30 PM CDT and El Paso at 10:15 PM MST.
Took Ford to Letsalter Bros., arriving there at 7:30 AM. Returned to L2 on Maynard Bus.
Advised at 10 AM of need to go to WSMR for a mtg tomorrow, so arranged to get the Ford at 2 PM. I drove LCH & JCH in and she drove the Ford home while I left the Willys at the airport. Left Bos at 4 PM, arriving El Paso at 10:15 MST. Checked in at Hilton Inn.
Friday, 06 April, 1962
Finished 22L showing Test Program after talking to Ashmore in LA.
Spoke with Lou Kraff, who called from LA. He had good success in his meeting at WSMR on 4 & 5 April.
The barometer is going down again.
Rode with HS.
Took family — less DCH — in to SS family night. Ken Olsen, John Cheever, Paul Bradbury, and I spent about 2 hours discussing the Audio-Video system. Ken spoke of a Gates console for $2300; this is too much: why can’t we build our own? The operators deserve a great deal of credit for the donation of their time.
Friday, 30 March, 1962
Left for Boston on UAL at 0900 via Idlewild and EAL; arrived Logan at 1940
Left for Idlewild at 0900 on UAL. Arrive at Boston about 8 PM; went over to Park Street to ride home with LCH, but she had not gone in.
Ken Olsen & Jim Petersen took me home.
Found most of my order of piano parts at home when I arrived.
Letter from Ken Olsen containing his ideas on the church technology situation.
Thursday, 07 December, 1961
We ret’d. to Lexington, arriving at 5:30 PM, going through Atlanta and Idlewild.
Rode home with HS.
Finished the undercoating on Jeep.
My suit from Filene’s was at home on my arrival. One pair pants & the coat fit good, the other pair is slightly tight in the waist. It is good to have a new suit again. First winter one since 1955.
Monday, 04 December, 1961
Entered a few more elements onto the data flow diagram.
Left Lab at 3 PM for airport — arrived at Satellite Inn, Cocoa Beach, Florida at 1130 PM.
Rode with HS.
Left for airport at 3 PM for trip to Patrick AFB. Arrived at Satellite Inn at 11:30 PM.
Chilean butterfly effect
the Wednesday flight to Auckland looks in doubt as of today. volcano Cordon Caulle shot so much stuff up to extreme altitudes (over 15 km) and some of that got caught in the jet stream of the Roaring Forties weather pattern, and now, a week later it’s traveled around the globe and hit southern Australia, Tassie, and eNZed. crossing the Tasman Sea is best done by boat. sheesh. Darwin Station keeps an eye on it all locally for the VAAC.
already entering the drone zone of movement, though, regardless of what goes on with the ash cloud. though would not relish being a passive observer of an ash-compromised turbine engine. Air New Zealand hasn’t canceled any flights versus all the other carriers who have up to Quantas which has canceled all their flights to Tassie and eNZed. what to make of that? the NASA images are at least definitive, and surprisingly not referenced in Australian media anywhere.
passing note
500 grams of carbon dioxide per passenger-mile flying
250 grams of carbon dioxide per passenger-mile driving
These are very approximate/average numbers and are affected by the type of plane/vehicle and its relative efficiency.
We are changing the course of nature. Or, more precisely, without life on this planet, nature would be different. We are life in this place. Or we are life, as life is a perturbation of basal flows. An always-inchoate flow, but never completely still. This is all we are, a way for the cosmos to increase entropy, perhaps, as some believe, the best way for the cosmos to increase entropy, to wind down, into a cold and silent nothing.
But it’s all in the language, isn’t it? And even the language needs to get shucked, ripped from its stalk, tossed away to reveal and remind of the truth that the word is not the phenomena that it de-scribes …
Back to:
All Roads Lead To Rome.
as principle.
The questions are, What is Rome, and What is a Road?
et cetera
Nine km. in three days, not bad — it’s actually getting easy — I need to do more sprinting and drills, but just moving faster is best, feeling the greater resistance of the water and consequent speed. That and watching the sky and listening to the birds on the walk from my office to the pool. The sky was exceptionally dark and clear last night, it got down to maybe 40F, pretty cool. Totally dreaming about being in the bush, as they say here, in the back-country, the wilds, the wilderness. To watch the stars sink right to the black edge of the world. Squatting, eyes tearing in the chill condensate of mid-night. The Southern Cross is practically at Zenith now which seems strange, but at a similar latitude as in the north in winter, Polaris also reaches quite close to Zenith. Pity no chance of catching a good sky on this tour. Now too many folks to visit with before possible departure, too many things to do, including whether not to leave again.
Saturday, 08 April, 1961
Left Oak City for Boston at 0830, transferring to a jet at St. Louis. My seatmate from St. Louis to Boston was a Mr. Masselli of the Electric Power Cooperative in the Midwest that supplies power to the AEC; he must be an executive. I enjoyed talking photography with him as he was carrying a Nikon Reflex with an attached & coupled Light meter with an f2.0 lens. The rangefinder is brilliant. I wish I could get one of these cameras, but it costs $349!
Arrived home about 1900.
Found letter from Mr. Halaby’s office re: the Committee on Safety for the FAA.
Went on to Boston, getting home about 7 PM, after a $10 taxi ride from Harvard Square.
Wednesday, 05 April, 1961
Left Boston at 0800, arriving at Phoenix about 2:30 PM. Left in an Avis car at 3 PM for Bisby, arriving at 5 PM, where we checked in at the El Rancho Motel.
Windy – warm
Went out to Bisby, Arizona, arriving there about 1700 after a two-hour ride from Tucson