University of Colorado – Boulder, US / TAM:Meaning of Information Technology :: Aug-Dec.12

group portrait, TAM:MiT class, Boulder, Colorado, December 2012

Caitlin Ammerman, Shane Bauldauf, Hannah Black, Graham Bowman, Kelly Brichta, Sam Carnes, Sam Carrothers, Alyx Chapman, Blake Clapp-Lee, Anna Cook, Dakota Cotton, Sammie Elvove, Lulu Eyears, Jon Giehl, Michelle Harrison, Becca Herschorn, Scott Hodges, Laura Kauffman, Caroline Kennedy, Leigh Marr, Vahid Mazdeh, Davis McClure, Mallorie McDowell , Katie McMenamin, Stephen Motta, Harper Nelson, Daniel Rankin, Melanie Rogers, Peter Sawers, Betsy Schiel, Florencia Selasco, Mitchell Sellinger, David Stanek, Maggie Still, Madeleine Towne, Hannah Tuell, Kelly Turgeon, Patrick Vargas, Mitchell Wolfe

University of Bremen, DE / Streaming Life: Presence in the Space of Networks :: Oct.07

Jumana Al Isawi, David Black, Martin Coors, Okwor Franklin, Martha Friederich, Johannes Huber, Gerrit Kaiser, Thanasis Kanakis, Katharina Kessler, Efi Kontogeorgou, Katja Langeland, Selin Özçelik, Jan Rosenbrock, Janos Schwellach, Arthur Sonsalla, Matthias Staniszewski, Philipp Steiner, Özlem Sulak, Paul Wichern, Kjen Wilkens, Alexander Kitov, Ivo Schüssler

University of Bremen, DE/ Networks, Dialogue, Tactical Media, and Creativity :: Feb.05

Björn Stolper, Daniel Möhlmann, Julia Heinbockel, Katrin Warda, Joost van Eupen, Silke Gennies, Zlatena Koceva, Nicole Herzlieb, Susan Traeber, Nicolas Pauluhn, Christopher Schultz, Götz Kessemeier, Astrid Mochtarram, Frank Jesgarz, Christian Schrumpf, Ramona Simon, Hashim Chunpir, Oliver Graf, Marcos Martinez, Atike Pekel, Stefan Krämer

University of Colorado – Boulder, US / Advanced Digital Art :: Jan-May.03

Carina Bañuelos, Ian Bauer, Leah Gose, Nicola Hodkowski, Chris Poyzer, Brigitte Richard, Ryan Riss, Kate Schwerin, Alexis Thrash, Zachary Weinman, Jaimee Brielmaier, Richard Donohue

this studio workshop is scheduled as a follow-up on FINE2126 intro to digital art. however, as a visiting artist, there are many topics specific to my own practice and world view which I will offer as a platform for participants to frame their own creative practice—topics that have not yet been raised in the context of courses offered at CU. specific technical topics will be determined collectively based on need, interest, and the experience-base of all participants. practically, I do expect participants to be comfortable with at least some of a variety of programs as well as the operating environment of the Mac and the ability to deal with significant flows of information.

the course is about exploring the possibilities of networked space as the locus for creative action. there will be opportunities for deep exploration of each students individual creative practice regardless of their particular manifest pathway. wetware will take precedence over hardware and software, but topics will seek to clear a conceptual space for the participants creative practice to flourish.

it is not just about art-making skills related to technological tools, it is about creating new paradigms for living and creating new ways of being. it is presented as a series of lectures, working sessions, practical exercises, projects, and, most importantly, dialogues designed to introduce new concepts. participants should be prepared to engage in attentive and dialectic interaction, explore the possibilities presented, engage the tools covered—as the formal structure of the course is integral to the content presented. students are also expected to bring their own ideas, creative impulses, and perceptions into the classroom situation to generate community action and discussion. students should expect to undertake a collaborative networking project.

proceeding directly in the concept of distributed networks, the course will rely on the spontaneous energies of all the participants. the specific operation of the workshop will not always follow a plan; participants should be comfortable with indeterminate states of being in the process of change. with this in mind: the syllabus for the course IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. this is in order that the course situation itself might more dynamically evolve, reflecting the interests and directions of the participants. one of the most powerful creative motivations is unforeseen necessity. if you find change to be a stimulus, this course is for you! in the words of organist E. Power Biggs, “be prepared to have a happening, if not, MOVE BACK!”

the focus of the course will be the production of a major live/online happening roughly in the form of fusion so there will be many skills to generate and roles to play.

the mailing list will be an active forum for the duration of the seminar. attention and participation on the mailing list is as much a part of the course as in-class meetings. attendance is mandatory for all sessions.

group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.
group portrait, students, final brunch, FA4126 Spring Semester 2003, CU-Boulder, Colorado, May ©2003 hopkins/neoscenes.

University of Art and Design Helsinki – Media Lab, FI / net culture :: Oct-Dec.00

Tarja Kaskela, Johanna Höysniemi, Anna Maria Joakimsdottir, Isaac Tuffour, Mari Keski-Korsu, Marcel Kuster, Tiina Kristoffersson, Teriina Lindblom, Merja Nieminen, Jenni Alasuutari, Taina Myöhänen, Katri Palomäki, Hanna Harris, Egon Randlepp, Sami Haikonen, Tatu Harviainen, Simona Schimanovich, Mika Meskanen, Koray Tahiroglu, Aleksi Nuuja, Riikka Puustinen, Kristiina Nevakivi, Sari Sippola, Jukka Kaartinen, Katriina Lahtinen, Kiia Kallio, Tiina Knuutila, Hanne Kiiveri