We left about 0750 for PSC, arriving in time to find some seats: the Sanctuary was filled by 0900. We found that the M-20 mike was dead and the TV was no good. I had DCH turn it on, but he didn’t even report that it wasn’t working. The Sanctuary was full for both services , and the PA system worked for a change. We were unable to get the M-20 working after trying three power supplies & another mike — a new M-20 from Geo C’s stock.
Went out to Al & Edith’s for Easter dinner. John was there — he seemed quite well — May seemed well also. Al had a set of ingenious plastic interlocking blocks; we must get a set for home.
Ret’d to PSC at 5 PM where Geo C. & I pulled in a new cable, connecting it to the connectors labelled “B”; it worked then, so we must have another bad cable. Geo will remove his hardware tomorrow. The feedback stabilizer added about 2 Db, not enough.