Ed: For new subscribers, selecting the red dot in the middle of the map will start the audio sample which can then be controlled using the play-bar and volume/mute (speaker) icon.
falling suitcase
BNA Gate T1
MTJ Gate 2
MTJ Gate 5
MTJ Gate 7
Gate 2
Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019
neoscenes joins in yet another annual live streaming broadcast with the Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019 that is one dimension of Soundcamp:
We are a platform for artistic and trans disciplinary work in the emerging field of live streaming audio.
We contribute to research and development of open source solutions for relaying live sounds, and establishing a permanent open microphone network as a resource for artists, researchers, activists and other listeners.
We assemble and produce materials online and in print as contexts for The Live Archive which Reveil taps into and extends.
Join soundcamps and streamers who will open microphones for the Reveil 24 hour radio broadcast, tracking the sunrise around the world for one earth day.
The live microphone feed will include far-away-though-still-violent vehicle susserations from Interstate 70 and 470; un-throttled air traffic ascending hard to cross the high mountains from the Denver Int’l Airport; local neighborhood car and dog traffic; interspersed with the conversational cries of the Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) and a variety of other birds. It’s not unusual to see large herds of elk (Cervus canadensis), very fat suburban coyotes (Canis latrans), lynx (Lynx rufus), and mountain lions (Puma concolor) among the houses here, but they are generally silent or absent at dawn.
Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:
(02:04:20, stereo audio, 297.2 mb)
The neoscenes stream parameters:
Date: 05 May 0445-0630 MST UTC-6
Location: Golden, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins
Link(s): https://streams.soundtent.org/2019/streams/utc-6_golden-colorado-39412544-e716-4ca1-8733-9ea05c371380
Coordinates: N 39.717319 / W 105.215913
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5:25:57 AM / 0526
Sunrise (local time): 5:55:31 AM / 0556
TUNE IN HERE: soundcamp listen and my continuous stream that is live (though very quiet) now: https://streams.soundtent.org/2019/streams/utc-6_golden-colorado-39412544-e716-4ca1-8733-9ea05c371380
The direct stream will be at https://locus.creacast.com:9001/neoscenes.m3u (open in iTunes or so…)
one year down, ?? to go
A year has passed of life, of work. This year defined mostly by the constrictions imposed by the j-o-b. There are still days where I would rather drive my truck to the airport and board a flight to Berlin to resume a more creative life. A fear-of-future precludes that, and the knowledge of that fear itself eats away at what little creative mojo is still existing in belly.
There were some jarring interjections to this diminished life: several inspiring, electric, disturbing human encounters, and as a sparkling counterpoint, ripping through to the root of the lizard brain, the eclipse. Nothing like a jolt of totality to bring presence into being. Otherwise, creative production contracts to flaccid efforts that lack mindfulness. Something must be done.
delay, obstruction, and quiescence
Lungs fully projecting a heart-centered fury: where the *fuck!* is my wallet? Eyes beginning to have that orbital ache that forms the root of migraine. It’s a travel day, the day after the actual travel day, where travel did not happen, air travel, at least. Travel on a clogged interstate to the airport took place.
And now travel is abandoned.
For reasons only partially understood.
Knowledge, knowing, is a deceitful commodity.
Technical Media Specialist
Enough said:
Colorado School of Mines invites applications for the position of Technical Media Specialist.
The Colorado Geological Survey serves the State of Colorado to ensure that the citizens of Colorado gain most efficient use of and economic benefit from geological resources, while maximizing their protection from geological hazards. Education and research programs affiliated with CGS are enhanced through close collaboration with the strong departments in the College of Earth Resource Sciences and Engineering: Economics & Business, Geology & Geological Engineering, Geophysics, Liberal Arts & International Studies, Mining Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering.
Colorado is well-known for its quality of life and outdoor lifestyles. Mines is located in Golden, Colorado, in a scenic valley at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Mines has enrollment of over 5,400 students in undergraduate and graduate degree programs in engineering and applied science. The metropolitan Denver area, with its cultural and sports activities, is located a few miles to the east of Golden. The climate is continental with gentle summers and occasional snow in the winter. There is a major international airport within 35 miles of campus. For more information visit us at: https://www.mines.edu.
Responsibilities: The Technical Media Specialist writes press releases (for what ‘press’?), prepares information for the media (who’s that?) and is responsible for posts/tweets to social media outlets (?), including tracking social media influence measurements. Writes clear and compelling website content (yup), including articles, product descriptions, e-newsletters, blog posts, and podcast scripts. Researches and writes annual reports, newsletters, pamphlets, and other print materials. Works with technical staff to improve document quality, usability and relevance. Other duties include researching material, managing outreach events and agency website, and coordinating content reviews with senior staff. The position assists with general office administration duties and other duties as assigned.
Mines is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and educator that recognizes that diversity is crucial to its pursuit of excellence in learning and research. Mines is committed to developing student, faculty, and staff populations with differing perspectives, backgrounds, talents, and needs and to creating a richer mix of ideas, energizing and enlightening debates, deeper commitments, and a host of educational, research, and service outcomes. As such, Mines values candidates who have experience working in settings with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Qualifications: A bachelor’s (MFA) degree in journalism, communications, digital media or a closely related field is required (CHECK). Other requirements include strong writing and editing skills (CHECK); applicants must be able to write clearly, succinctly and in a manner that appeals to a wide audience (CHECK). Must be proficient in the use of Adobe Create Suite, Adobe Creative Cloud or similar print, web content management and digital publication software (CHECK). Applicants must demonstrate, or show evidence of, excellent written, oral communication and interpersonal skills (CHECK). Must be able to take complex, technical information and translate it for colleagues and consumers who have nontechnical backgrounds (CHECK).
Preference will be given to applicants who possess:
• A master’s (PhD) degree in journalism, communications, digital media, or a closely related field (CHECK)
• A bachelor’s degree in geology, geological engineering, engineering, geography, soil science, or a closely related field (CHECK)
• Expert knowledge of social networking channels, web design, HTML and search engine optimization (CHECK)
• Experience working with audio/visual production equipment and other multimedia tools used to distribute podcasts online (CHECK)
• Knowledge of technical subjects such as geology, geological engineering, engineering, geography, soil science, or a closely related field (CHECK)
from the spamological cosmos
[interview][green][value][south][boyfriend][while][repeat][guidance][earth][debate][copy][secretary][alert][student][career][contribution][supermarket][goal][bird][general][match][room][purpose][presence][individual][pipe][September][funeral][relation][ordinary][background][gather][homework][mouth][bank][final][can][sent][passage][adult][mountain][economics][nu][freedom][message][recommendation][illegal][burn][pizza][hunt][weakness][initiative][enthusiasm][mission][mouse][pass][pen][respect][method][change][decision][signature][dump][quality][message][sex][exchange][junior][sense][mixture][chair][wall][vacation][might][forum][show][bottom][scheme][meeting][fish][status][influence][girl][pollution][high][master][schedule][February][script][response][throat][month][top][member][salt][appeal][bicycle][team][crash][distance][advertising][worker][native][light][conclusion][yahoo][game][bridge][store][floor][accident][event][estate][whereas][order][suspect][fishing][cancel][dinner][purchase][rain][radio][proposal][advantage][trick][bill][suck][black][strategy][common][product][few][long][loss][equipment][fight][design][calendar][dependent][picture][host][grab][save][bonus][gas][view][research][diamond][bug][potato][whole][wine][upper][border][swing][length][courage][debt][poet][battle][concert][past][start][pound][cable][chart][error][put][pull][iron][heart][education][combination][manner][company][layer][population][phone][airline][agent][pour][luck][official][chance][work][satisfaction][platform][desire][lack][opposite][finance][return][bone][joke][recommended][classic][employer][establishment][evening][risk][story][help][catch][juice][reply][rub][finding] more “from the spamological cosmos”
coup d’état
inequality, poverty, corruption; The General; The President; The Presidential Palace; Parliament; the State TV; the international airport; the Army HQ; the Army garrison; the Place de la Nation; The Opposition; protestors, power vacuum, executions, head of state, transitional government, curfew, democracy, constitution, elections.
rinse and repeat… (with the soap of Western media, and the bleach of Western political invervention)
welcome to …
Cleveland Hopkins Airport. A second day of travel, thanks to United Airlines. Connecting flight cancelled as the crew couldn’t make it due to “bad weather in Boston” (which had a rather nice day today). Strange. Surly customer service person, same as last year when United failed miserably during my trip to Germany and Finland. Systemic collapse cannot be countered when there are not sufficient resources (energy!) to counter the demise. It’s a slide.
You only see what you want to see: on the shuttle from the airport to the shabby Ramada Inn. The road has huge potholes, and the one large bridge we cross has all the siding completely rusted through. Collapse? you bet!
Nice to be in the higher humidity and rich moist ambience after months eating the dust of Arizona.
so it goes….
a post to wait until… watching “My Life as a Dog” in the Hamburg Airport. waiting for a flight. to the USA. Whatever that place has become, becomes
after so many conversations, convocations, dialogues. much to digest and reflect upon realized, starkly, that the US is no place for my professional or creative activities. how does this come to be? it’s merely a demonstration of the mis-match between my sensibilities and the social system, or is it a systemic problem? and, if it is systemic — is there anything to be done about it?
bus to the airport
Tuesday, 14 May, 1963
Left Logan at 0730 getting up at 0500. Arrived BTL/Whippany at 0940 and sat in all-day mtg. We were shown the N-Z simulation center and the training center. Finally left about 0540 and got on the 630 PM EAL shuttle. The route back was through a front and the a/c bounced considerably.
Went over to ATM for 2 hours before going home.
BTL has been directed to pursue an R&D policy rather that one of demonstration as far as N-Z is concerned.
Up at 0500 & left for Logan Airport. Stopt at Lab to sign Travel Authorization sheet. Left Logan at 0730, arriving at Newark at 0840.
Arrived at BTL/Whippany at 0930, and sat in mtg until 1700, when Vic Guethlea & I left to return to L2. Arrived at Logan at 0740.
Stopt at ATM/Mac Section, and had a 2 hour disc. with Walter Singer on the making of a Mac. I’m thinking of getting the lens and mirror blanks with the proper curves diamond ground to the rough curves. He thot the experience worth the effort, but he has put in about 200 hours so far, and isn’t finished with either the lens or mirror; he does have the mount started.
Read Maksutov’s paper in JOSA May 1944.
The ride back from Newark was through a front, and the DC6B bounced a lot.
main hall of airport
on the airport bus
en route
movement ensues. nothing in rear-view mirror, though, as the back of the truck is too filled with junk to see. but it does well in the journey over the mountains. to the west, to the west. and then the novel return to the east via train, bus, and plane.
meet Collin & Marisa at the airport, at one of their hangars, where the old truck will be keeping the company of several airplanes.
rain on the Glade today. the hawk nest has two, possibly three hatchlings. we’ll see what July brings.
The Last Night in the Bubble: departure(s plural)
numerous departures ensue. greetings to commence thereafter on other continents, along other seas, rivers, on hills, and city streets, at airports and train stations: entlang anderer Meere, Flüsse, auf Hügeln und Straßen der Stadt, an Flughäfen und Bahnhöfen.. movement is assumed. car, train, plane, bus, taxi, tram, ferry, sailboat, and stints of upright bipedalism. The shift of be-ing that comes with the shift of place is a change of perspective. It is a change in point-of-view. It is a change in world view. It is change. As it goes.
Mary Caroline MacKenzie 1916 – 2013
My favorite Aunt, Mary, passes peacefully today in Fort Myers, Florida. At 96-y.o. she had a long and active life. More to come on this. I have her entire photographic archive of which I scanned a few images a couple years ago, and will be getting some of those images up in the next week or so. It’s a sad day. She was everything one could ask for in an Aunt! Funny, lively, actively doing stuff with the nieces & nephews, remembering special occasions, and a good correspondent (with her impeccable English usage, spelling, and grammar as the main church secretary to the pastor of the historic Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts, right on the Boston Commons). More remembrances shortly when I’m feeling better.
Mary Caroline Mackenzie, beloved sister, favorite aunt, and devoted friend died peacefully on Monday morning, March 18, 2013, at Shell Point, Ft Myers, FL. She was born December 19, 1916, at home in Melville, PEI, Canada, to John Malcolm and Lillian May (Kedy) Mackenzie.
Before retiring to Shell Point Village in Florida, Mary was the long-time personal secretary to Drs. Harold Ockenga and Paul Toms of Park Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts where she was a member. She was an active adventurer, taking numerous and frequent camping, skiing, bicycling tours around New England, the Maritimes, and abroad. She was generous with her time and attention to her family as well as to her many friends. She spent happy years at the Village with her many close friends, her volunteer work, and her numerous hobbies. Mary shared her faith and love for the Lord with family and friends. She will be deeply missed.
Mary is survived by her brother, Alfred Kedy Mackenzie of Prescott, AZ; her cousin, Isabel (McLeod) Sabapathy of Charlottetown, PEI, Canada; nieces Janet A. Hopkins of Chino Valley, AZ and Nancy Jane Haan of Livermore, CA; nephews John C. Hopkins of Boulder, CO and Douglas C. Hopkins of Kingston, NY; great-nieces Lawren Richards of Eagle Bay, BC, Canada, Casey Mackenzie Johnson of Livermore, CA, and Dana C. Johnson of Livermore, CA; great-nephews Loki A. Hopkins of Livermore, CA and Jason B. Babcock of Phoenix, AZ; and six great-great nieces and two great-great nephews.
A Celebration of Life service will be held at 10:15AM, April 6, 2013, at the Shell Point Village Church, 15100 Shell Point Blvd. Fort Myers, FL. She will be buried next to her parents at the Puritan Lawn Cemetery, Lynnfield, MA.
The family suggests memorials be sent to Park Street Church, 1 Park St, Boston, MA 02108.
Sunday, 10 March, 1963
Went up to Arroyo Motel in Pasadena. Picked up Pullman space to Framingham.
Got up about 0930; still couldn’t get an answer at the Stroebe’s.
Had the bell hop take me over to the airport where I rented a car — a Chevy Impala w/ seat belts that belongs to the Avis office at San Berdoo. Stopped at Pan Am & retrieved my hat — I left it in the a/c yesterday.
Checked out of the Skyway & drove over to the Stroebe house, which has a For Sale sign on it! Just as I drove, up a distinguished looking woman came down the walk. On asking for Mrs. Stroebe, I found that she had broken her hip and was in a Riverside Hospital; the woman at the house turned out to be Margeurite Thiel, Mrs. Stroebe’s sister! So I gave her the leis and she will ice them until she goes out next weekend. What a chain of circumstances.
Obtained a roomette to Chicago on the Super Chief for tomorrow, leaving San Berdoo at 9:30 PM.
Went over to the Huntington Library at 4:00 PM — to find that it closes at 4:s0 PM. It surely is a magnificent center. I’d like to do some work there. I must give much more consideration to working out some sort of retirement activity — photo, or what? It seems certain that I’ll have to return to the Civil Service system in order to make the most of retirement. I should have left the cash in my retirement account — this would have made things much more flexible.
Spent the night at the Arroyo Motor Inn, 400 South Arroyo Parkway, Pasadena — SY5-8401, Rm. 109.
It would have been most pleasant to have spent some more time at the Huntington Library — I’ll try this on the next trip.
Saturday, 09 March, 1963
Left for LA at 0935 on Pan Am # 812; riding a jet stream at 37,000 feet, we arrived at 4 PM, thirty minutes ahead of schedule.
Collected my luggage & went over to the Skyways Motel.
Some haze
Went out to the airport at 0830 and the Brandon’s arrived shortly thereafter, with leis for LCH & the girls! It was real pleasant to see them — we talked for about 30 minutes while I checked in, etc.
The a/c req’d a 40 sec to run, and at 37,000 feet, arrived in LA 1/2 hour ahead of schedule. It was in the jet stream all the way.
There were two of us in the 3 seats, so had plenty of room, and pleasant conversation.
It is hard to believe that I left the islands only 4-1/2 hours ago. It seemed so cool on getting off the a/c. I’ll be able to put on my heavier clothes now and lighten my B4 bag.
Tried to get LCH on the phone; finally made it about 7 PM. She is having trouble with the Ford; it won’t start, and when it does, suddenly stops! DCH won fourth prize in the Science Fair; if he had put out some effort some time ago, he would have come in first.
Couldn’t get Mrs. Stroebe on the phone.
Wednesday, 28 November, 1962
Spent the day at VAFB with a Lt. Youngberg. Capt. Callahan took me flying after lunch. In the PM Lt. Y. took me to a Lockheed installation where we talked about a single H-F machine installation that was sent to SAMA for storage. I think we should try to get it for a second machine. A MSgt. Baggs thought we need 2 machines in order to have back-up and make the time schedule.
Drove down to Skyways Motel on Airport Blvd. near the airport in the PM, arriving about 2130.
Before long, VAFB called to see if I could find Fielding McGee, Op. Analyst at HQ. 1st Strategic Missile Div. He went to Ramstein in July. I spoke with Roy Duncan.
Mr. Mark Quinlan, the Lockheed engineer, seemed to be most competent in this line. We need someone with this background.
Spent the day at Vandenburg AFB.
Drove down to Inglewood in the evening.
Sunday, 25 November, 1962
Left for LA at 5 PM with Dave M. & ELE. Arr. 7:15 PM PST, and went on out to the Town House Motel in San Bernadino, arriving at 9:45 PM.
Took family to SS & Church. The audio to the temporary column speakers seems weak, but I couldn’t do much about it.
Left for the airport at 2:30 PM from home, and for LA on TWA 65 at 5 PM.
Friday, 09 November, 1962
Phoned JLV from the LAX airport to ask him to send us a copy of the schedule that Major Penn made up yesterday. He is thinking of coming east on Monday to be there Tuesday. He said Gen. Davis will be briefed on Tuesday 13 November.
Drove into LAX in the AM. Left for Boston at 10:31 after a 33 sec. acceleration time. Arrived at 6 PM.
Drove on to the LA Airport in 1-1/4 hours from Berdoo. Picked up 8 lbs. of walnuts and an artichoke, & 2 Golden Delicious apples.
Left LAX at 10:15 AM on AA Nr.12, arriving at Boston at 6:05 PM.
I went on over to PSC to the Trustees mtg. We are to have a report from the consulting engineer on the roof by 13 November. More problems are being found. HJO wanted an expression of opinion on raising cash to fix the roof. It seemed good to extend the emergency fund by 2 yrs. to repair the basic structure of the church.
Wednesday, 07 November, 1962
Dave Moore had several points of the tentative layout, which I left with WW. He instructed me to stick to this amount of space and to authorize the drawing as approved for preliminary A&E activity.
Picked up tickets & $100 in cash.
Drove over to airport; the lower heater hose came off on the way, and I had to have a gallon of Prestone put in (at $3.25/gallon). Left on TWA 65 for LA at 5:15 PM, arriving in LA at 7:30 PM. Fog (smog) had closed down the helicopter service to Bernadino, so we were sent out in a taxi, arriving about 10:15 PM at the Town House Motel, 132 East 5th Street, TUrner 9-0641
Clear 20°F at 0645
Adjusted the Ford fast idle a little, and then left, to stop at the Town Hall where I picked up a typical set of Town Bylaws, and Planning Board Regulations, mailed them to Mr. Hussey.
Picked up check for $80 from Credit Union and put it in bank at Concord.
Left for airport at 3 PM. The lower heater hose came off and I had to have another gallon of Prestone put in. Left Boston at 5:15 PM EST, arriving LA at 7:15 PM PST. The helicopter service to Berdoo was cancelled due to fog, so they sent us out via a taxi; arrived at 10:15 PM.
Tuesday, 02 October, 1962
Went to Orlando AFB in the afternoon, via Idlewild.
Cool – 72 at 3:30 PM
Stayed home in AM & with LCH’s help, poured the last patio strip, putting in the rocks. I’ve collected over the last 20 years. It looks quite good.
Left for Orlando at 4:05 PM on EAL 805. Arrived Orlando AFB VOQ A 8:30 PM.
Called Lake Service & left a msg. for Fred Lake re: our need for 2 column speakers and one mike for 0900 6 October installation. Called Ed Poor and left this word for him — both of these calls from the Airport.
everything left behind?
Meet Jane at The Goat this AM — good to catch up with her. One big point in our conversation struck me hard: she observed that the students entering university now are products of the “No Child Left Behind” indoctrination ‘education’ ideology of the G. W. Bush Regime. Incessant teaching to standardized (albeit state rather than Federal) testing narrowed the range of possibility for teaching holistic views of the world. This partially explains difficulties I am observing in class related to “seeing the Big Picture” of the world. A text becomes a string of unrelated possible-factoids that need to be absorbed and returned on demand, without an accompanying (and necessary!) (CRITICAL) sense-making when there is a socially-constructed reality at play.
The blog suffers some here, few notations of the actuality of momentary living. Meeting Jane, breakfast with Chris & EJ at Dot’s Diner, meeting Jim at the CU Art Museum and later a beer at The Sink (where Obama recently popped by for lunch), talking to Lisa on the phone, she has to walk outside for the signal not to drop, talking to George on another bad connection as he sat in an airport waiting to fly to Norman, Oklahoma to give a writer’s workshop, talking to Bill, skyping with Loki, emails to my students, and to a hundred Others, job applications, compiling texts of living and mostly dead writers, not much reading done, though. And hardly a glance at the sky, except to watch a couple gliders rising under some winter-ish looking clouds spinning off the divide.
Friday, 14 September, 1962
At ECM Session in AM.
Went to Ukiah.
Fog in AM
Had lunch w/ Owen & Francis Gibbs at their Ladena home. Then back to his office for a short talk w/ Les Poole, his insurance man; they thought I should take out Retirement insurance rather than OL; this makes sense; it is what the AIER said some time ago.
Worked on storage list.
Turned in car at 2:40 PM at SF Airport and went up to SF via limo. Caught the 4 PM bus for Ukiah.
Called Lila at 8:30 PM from the Palace Hotel; we had a good chat.
Sunday, 09 September, 1962
Went to El Paso, losing my B4 bag in a 5-minute transfer at Dallas. Phoned Jeff Clark of Raytheon at LO6-7128 that I would provide my own wheels in the morning.
LCH took CR to the 0700 Mass in West Acton. We then left for PSC via L2 so I could pick up my address book. Arrived at 0900 and set up the microphone for SS. The WEZE operator then pointed out that the Altec microphone hanging from the center chandelier was dead; I found the preamp power cord had been pulled from the socket. Spoke with Alden Cheever for some time, and he helped to replace the microphone for Carl Nelson. Also showed Alden the Mayflower operation, and then left for the airport, leaving for El Paso at noon. Almost missed the connection at Dallas due to a detour for a storm.
Had a pleasant talk with Mr. Hughes DeMore, 3441 North 29th Avenue, Phoenix, AL4-1191 re: Enders Dynamo — agreed to send him a copy of the Dynamo user’s manual & a copy of Forrester’s remarks for the cost of the tape.
Tuesday, 22 May, 1962
Informed by E. L. Eaton that WW might want me to go to WSMR to attend an ECM mtg. tomorrow. He did, and I left Boston at 4 PM arriving Dallas at 7:30 PM CDT and El Paso at 10:15 PM MST.
Took Ford to Letsalter Bros., arriving there at 7:30 AM. Returned to L2 on Maynard Bus.
Advised at 10 AM of need to go to WSMR for a mtg tomorrow, so arranged to get the Ford at 2 PM. I drove LCH & JCH in and she drove the Ford home while I left the Willys at the airport. Left Bos at 4 PM, arriving El Paso at 10:15 MST. Checked in at Hilton Inn.
In Memory of W. B. Yeats
He disappeared in the dead of winter:
The brooks were frozen, the airports almost deserted,
And snow disfigured the public statues;
The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day.
What instruments we have agree
The day of his death was a dark cold day.
Far from his illness
The wolves ran on through the evergreen forests,
The peasant river was untempted by the fashionable quays;
By mourning tongues
The death of the poet was kept from his poems.
But for him it was his last afternoon as himself,
An afternoon of nurses and rumours;
The provinces of his body revolted,
The squares of his mind were empty,
Silence invaded the suburbs,
The current of his feeling failed; he became his admirers.
Now he is scattered among a hundred cities
And wholly given over to unfamiliar affections,
To find his happiness in another kind of wood
And be punished under a foreign code of conscience.
The words of a dead man
Are modified in the guts of the living.
But in the importance and noise of to-morrow
When the brokers are roaring like beasts on the floor of the Bourse,
And the poor have the sufferings to which they are fairly accustomed,
And each in the cell of himself is almost convinced of his freedom,
A few thousand will think of this day
As one thinks of a day when one did something slightly unusual.
What instruments we have agree
The day of his death was a dark cold day.
just the first of three stanzas, the latter two seemingly thinner than this first one. gloomy a bit, but the evident strength is marvelous.
Monday, 19 March, 1962
Returned to Boston via Baltimore & Idlewild, arriving at 7:45 PM. Subway to Harvard & a taxi on out to South Acton, got home at 9 PM.
Left SF at 710 for the airport. Left AP at 0830 arriving at BAL at 3:50 PM, a very fast trip. Left BAL at 5:10 PM arriving at BOS at 7:50 PM. Went out to Harvard Sq. via the subway and took a taxi home, getting there at 9 PM. My cold is a lot worse.
It was good to get home.
The piano parts were on hand, but I didn’t see the set of hammers for the middle section.
Friday, 16 March, 1962
Took Lou Kraft to the airport in LA to catch the non-stop TWA to Boston.
Called the L2 office at BSD to start the process for a semi-permanent badge. Obtained it with Carol’s help in about an hour; it is a TS badge. After trying unsuccessfully to reach Jim Ashmore, I left about 11 AM, packed, turned in the car, and left for SF at 1 PM on United, arriving there at 2:05 PM. Took the Greyhound up to SF, called Lila at PRospect 5-7442 and went on up to Ukiah.
See personal diary.
Some high clouds
Left LA at 1 PM on UAL 776 arriving in SF at 2:05. Called Owen Tibbs at PA, having a good talk with him.
Went up to SF and called Lila. She had expected me for dinner but it seemed better to go on up to Ukiah today, which I did, arriving at 7:10 PM.
Walked out to visit Mayne, who was on the phone talking to Lina. Mrs. Brown called a few minutes later. I’ll see them tomorrow.
Monday, 04 December, 1961
Entered a few more elements onto the data flow diagram.
Left Lab at 3 PM for airport — arrived at Satellite Inn, Cocoa Beach, Florida at 1130 PM.
Rode with HS.
Left for airport at 3 PM for trip to Patrick AFB. Arrived at Satellite Inn at 11:30 PM.
Sky Harbor baggage claim
Thursday, 06 April, 1961
Arrived at Ft. Huachuca at 0820, spending the day with the ADP Dept. (Col. M. W. Muller), Major Black, and the RW/CSC people on Nuclear and Intelligence sub-systems. I’m about convinced that we should go to the operations people, say in the 7th Army, for the overall reaction times, rather that to continue going to the functional area people.
Left Ft. Huachuca at 3 PM for Tucson, going via the Saguaro National Monument. It was quite pleasant. Stayed at the Holiday Inn in Tucson. Put in over an hour at the airport getting space back to Boston to arrive earlier that 11 PM.
Spent the day at the ADP Department at Ft. Huachuca going over our need for data, which they did not have.
Went back to Tucson, via the Saguaro National Monument
Monday, 27 February, 1961
Left Logan airport at 0800 for O’Hare/Chicago, arriving there at 0925 CST; went on to KC at 1105, arriving at 1210. Went up to Ft. Leavenworth in a staff car, arriving at Lt. Col. C.P. Hall’s office about 1 PM.
After some preliminary discussion with Lt. Col. Brown, he turned us over to Lt. Col. Kelley, who is concerned with the effects of nuclear weapons. They have taken most of the arithmetic out of the weapons selection process. We need a copy of FM 101-31 with change 1; I believe we can get the yields and LR from this. Brown later took us to his superior, Col. Monroe, who had a better grasp of what is going on.
Will talk to Intelligence gents at 0830 tomorrow, and then see what the archives hold.
Went into town for a Mexican dinner.
Worked on 1960 Income Taxes; income over $20,000!
Left Logan Airport at 0805 for Kansas City and Ft. Leavenworth, arriving at C&GSC at 1 PM! Weather good.
Tuesday, 07 February, 1961
Read Eccles’ book on Logistics; the text is a good presentation of the nature and structure of war.
Asked the Library Document Room to get Rand RM’s 2221, 2250, P1375, P1634.
Went back to the house to get my badge; also went to the PO & got some gas.
Went out to the Airport to see the Ockengas off to Africa. It was a pleasant occasion. Rode into town with Woody Strodel.
Dismantled the Toro.
Friday, 20 January, 1961
Met with Col. Halper & co about 0830 to renew our conversations. Their concept of a System Manager is based on the need of someone to manage administrative operations after the system is in being. Our present need is for a set-up to oversee the development of the CCIS. Col. Halper suggested a) that, if possible, recommendations should be directly related to conclusions, and b) that related efforts or areas of fruitful activities that have been discovered during the study be itemized also.
Discussed their work with Messrs. Springer & Greene who said that they were glad to be freed from MOMAR; he suggests that the FATOC & FADSOC be combined.
Left for airport at 2 PM.
Left airport (Indianapolis) at 4:25 PM
Arr. Detroit 5:20 PM
Found the 7:30 PM train to Boston was canceled. No air space so came to Henrose Hotel.
Left for Detroit at 420 PM.
Found that the NYC train for Boston from Detroit was cancelled a/c of dock pickets in the Buffalo Yards of NYC, so, sat in Detroit.
Wednesday, 18 January, 1961
Started to work on organizing tomorrow’s briefing at 5 AM, working until 7 AM. Rode to work with Mr. Darr, arriving at 0815. Went directly to Conf. Room A263 and finished making a card for each slide. Started a dry run at 1010 with JFN & RJB. My part took 50 minutes, Joe’s an hour. JFN wants less detail and more of the system configuration, so we ill have to rework our briefing. He gave us a set of multilith masters with Section Two rewritten; I didn’t have time to even read it before leaving at 2 PM. Copied 3 paragraphs.
Left Logan at 535 PM. Reworked briefing, making a list of slide titles and selecting the ones that show system configuration.
Arrived at Indianapolis at 950 PM CDT; we were met by an Army driver who took us to Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Harrison, 45 minutes from the airport. We were put up in the BOQ Officers Qtrs. Worked until 130 AM to rewrite the Theory of Command for our talk.
Had disc. with Mr. Hussey re: will, in his office. Decided to name both Al and Edith as trustees & guardians of our children if we die in a common disaster.
Left for Indianapolis via AAL jet at 0530 PM; arrived there at 9:50 PM. Got to bed at 1:30 AM 19 January because JFH & I had to review our briefings.
away – Day 12 – eNZed
I miss the closing dialogue session with Doug Kahn. Goodbyes and a rushed departure from the house via taxi to the airport, a short wait for the hop to Auckland and on back to Oz for 20-some hours before heading boreal-spheric for a bit. Bags are mostly packed, but the trip to NZ made for some juggling and nervousness when booking two international flights within such at short time-span.
Ten solid and busy days leaves quite a positive first impression of New Zealand, although this is no surprise, given the richness of Kiwi encounters over the years. It was a bit distressing to see the extent of degradation of natural system that has and is still occurring, but this is a legacy everywhere there are humans. We, as life, have altered the planetary system (even as we begin to observe other planetary systems — can this act of observation alter those systems as well?). There are limits to the energy flux that a planet has access to, based on solar (Light) and gravitational sources. We, again, as life, have been increasing the entropy of the system at an incredible rate, mostly through the release of eons of stored solar (photosynthetic) carbon in two centuries.
Framing the entire week: workshop was only a minor surfacing within the context of many other dialogues, so, perhaps it had less organized force and power than it could have had. Discussion of the meta-structures that it was embedded within were limited to Julian and a few others. Otherwise, there were expectations of tradition and normalcy, and, thus, expectations not met. But the overall energy was significant.
Gate 01
main terminal
landed – Day 1 – eNZed
Up at 0400 to make the hugely early flight to eNZed. Had to be totally packed for the US as well, as I’ll have only another 20 hours back in Sydney, in transit between Auckland – Sydney – San Francisco.
A new country, a new place to visit. The national memorial service is happening when we land, so I manage to record a minute’s silence in the baggage claim. Some people were oblivious. People are watching the ubiquitous flat-screen teevees rather intently. The cost of extractives, but only the most obvious one.
The jump flight from Auckland down to Whanganui reveals both sides of possible landscapes. Massive clear-cut forestry in the highlands, and intensive farming in the more level areas — both with the attendant geomorphology of erosion features marring the terrain. Much has changed since colonization, surely. Then there are the remaining highland forests which are not yet decodable, having not met them on the ground.
Finally get into Whanganui, Julian picks me up at the airport in their 1988(?) Honda named Buzzy Bee (?) — a vehicle with a history, too bad I’m writing this in far distant retrospect, or elsewise I could relate the story. It was funny. Great to finally meet Julian, and we immediately start up a substantial dialogue as I am dropped into the whirlwind of family life surrounding the community effort aimed at the Greenbench (Gallery space) and the ADA Symposium. I tell him that I am at his service, and that, officially, my workshop starts now. It’s all about energy, presence, be-ing, and raising these topics in whatever contexts that arise in the next ten days.
The evening starts with a rousing performance of Aladdin by the children of the Brunswick School located in the countryside near Whanganui. Julian and Sophie’s three daughters recently started attending the school. This was followed by some photo-ops — meeting more of Julian’s family and other folks in the community — in the playground, as the soft, mild summer twiLight closed in.
miners memorial service in airport lounge
heading west
Public transport to the airport in the rain. Portland has a close-to-German system running between trams, buses, streetcars, and suchlike. A change of planes in Salt Lake gives a view of the Great Salt Lake Desert and the Wendover stomping grounds on the way in, along with the nasty and turbulent winds. The next hop to Denver goes right over Echo Park. Weather on the Front Range delays us in a holding pattern over Rocky Mountain National Park. Those peaks are all too close! On the ground, full-blown summer afternoon thunderstorm patterns are in play. With the full moon rising over the eastern plains. Look at those clouds!