Much as I dislike putting stuff into a landfill, can’t avoid it sometimes. Better to recycle, re-use, down-cycle, etc. But when faced with liquidating the house and property, there are some things that end up extraneous to any possible usage. Thus a trip to the somewhat apocalyptic scenario that is the local landfill. It’s set in “The Adobes”, dramatic Mancos Shale (Prairie Canyon Member, Upper Cretaceous) badlands on the southern flank of Grand Mesa.
It is quite depressing to see what isn’t being recycled … all kinds of metal, glass, wood. A picker could make a fortune with a truck, just taking scrap metal to Recla (“We put the “S” in (s)crap!” down in Montrose). I snagged a few small aluminum bits that I will add to my next—and hopefully last—recycling run from the property. But the heavy machinery rigs are running around crushing, compacting, and smoothing the detritus, so, it’s not particularly safe trying to retrieve anything.