Friday, 17 May, 1963

In discussion w/ ELE at 0815 he spoke of a coordination effort between Steve Dodd, Friedman, Mel Huslin, etc on RE problems. They need basic facts, and I’m to develop those set forth in Kent Kresa’s note of 21 Feb. 1963, plus others — the TVX’s. Worked w/ Vic Guethlen to obtain a corrected text for last Tuesday’s trip; he made several important additions. Finally got it in working order and gave it to Shirley about 2 PM.

Found three documents that have a bearing on the TV’s. Al Smith xt5750 called to say he had some TVX patterns from their -GE- range; they will be available as soon as they can be traced.


It was cool last night.

Went in to PSC for a Trustee’s mtg: John Zvara reported the total cost of the roof at $133,744.61! We need about $95,000 more to pay for all of it. We will have to borrow against the Equity Fund. Bob Stater said he thot it morally wrong to engage in deficit financing. I reported on the Audio-TV, stressing 1) the racks of power amplifier donation, 2) the operational problems of the Missionary Conference. In answer to a question, I estimated $1000 more would provide a minimum system. I hope someone donates it, as I’m reluctant to go ahead.

Paul Bradbury is spending the weekend with us, so he went out with us — the girls came in on the train for the last night of Cadettes.

During the Trustee’s mtg it was voted to discontinue use of the TV lights until they can be revamped to be less objectionable to the pulpit speaker. Some of us looked at them specifically after the mtg. The ones in the ceiling light the rear wall principally.

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