Made up financial reports of the last three trips, I have the amount of $29.83 due me even after pending $13.65 for the Willys fan motor and about $16 for trip insurance. After they were typed I took these over to Travel and requested that they be expedited.
Explained 30 voltage, power and current relations to ELE so they would be clear.
Met w/ ELE, Dave Moore, & WA to discuss the need for carrying the layout plus design criteria to BSD on 21 Dec. This in view of the review by ESD of the whole data processing center idea and its location. Dave will try to be ready on 19 Dec. with a 1/8″ = 1′ drawing and the design criteria
Clear – 22˚F at 0700
Phoned the item of $2782 to Ed Poor for consideration by the Budget Committee of the Trustees on Wednesday night. He pointed out that the income/Sunday is about $500 less than anticipated. So we are in trouble, particularly with the roof, trusses, and ceiling to repair. We will have to retrench at all points.
JAH & LCH went to the Dr with sore throats; JCH has a bad ear. They were given penicillin.