Wednesday, 08 May, 1963

Decided to try working up an analysis of the system made up of the telescope – grating – photo material – photo processing – film-reading combination. Apparently the existing combinations have been pushed to the limit, particularly of the photo materials. “… the advance of astronomical photography during the last decade result more from instrumental and technical advances that fundamental changes in the properties of sensitive emulsions.” From p.71 of Astronomical Photography by de Vaucouleurs, Macmillan, 1961 (522.63, V462a). From p.88, “It seems, therefore reasonable to expect that in the not too distant future, considerable advances will be realized in indirect photography which will make possible its practical use in astronomy. Thus after more than a century of continual advance, astronomical photography seems to be once again on the threshold of a brilliant future.”
52° Overcast

While waiting for Harry Sussman I mowed about 1/3 of the front lawn. He wanted to drive around by the Mardan Devel Corp Concord subdivision to see the new homes, on the way to work.

Talked to MR. Hussey re: The Brucewood Streets. His latest is that the trustee concerned is preparing a subdivision plan that would be carried out after removal of the gravel. Lack of such a plan was the reason for rejection of his application for permission to remove the gravel.

Hot & sticky in the PM.

It developed that DCH didn’t hand in a book report that was due Monday, so I made him get busy; by 10 PM he had written 2 drafts, neither fulfilling the assignment. I’ll have him write another tomorrow.

Picked up the Ford; it steers quite nicely. They did not set the steering wheel so the turn signals function properly, nor did they have the body work done. I’ll plan to take it back next Tuesday.

JCH has a fever.

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