Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019

Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019, online and Golden, Colorado, May 2019

neoscenes joins in yet another annual live streaming broadcast with the Reveil 24-hour live broadcast 2019 that is one dimension of Soundcamp:

We organise overnight soundcamps where people can sleep outside and investigate the sounds of unusual locations, especially at daybreak. We transmit REVEIL: a 24 hour radio broadcast that tracks sunrise around the globe, relaying live audio streams from collaborating artists, independent channels, and a variety of streaming media assembled for the event.

We are a platform for artistic and trans disciplinary work in the emerging field of live streaming audio.

We contribute to research and development of open source solutions for relaying live sounds, and establishing a permanent open microphone network as a resource for artists, researchers, activists and other listeners.

We assemble and produce materials online and in print as contexts for The Live Archive which Reveil taps into and extends.

Join soundcamps and streamers who will open microphones for the Reveil 24 hour radio broadcast, tracking the sunrise around the world for one earth day.

This Reveil stream is coming from a house set in a suburban mountain neighborhood at the fringe of wildlands on the east-facing side of Apex Park in Golden, Colorado. Overlooking the wide expanse of the High Plains, the house sits at 1890 m/6200 ft, the Mother Cabrini Shrine isn’t so far, at least as the red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) flies, nor is Deadman Gulch. Apex Park is yet another expression of the Laramide Orogeny of the Rocky Mountains as they rise from the Great Plains of middle America. The view to the east is expansive and includes Lakewood, and off in the middle distance, the high-rise towers of Denver, Colorado, and the eastern horizon, looking towards the state of Kansas, is far enough away that you may easily see the curvature of the earth.

The live microphone feed will include far-away-though-still-violent vehicle susserations from Interstate 70 and 470; un-throttled air traffic ascending hard to cross the high mountains from the Denver Int’l Airport; local neighborhood car and dog traffic; interspersed with the conversational cries of the Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) and a variety of other birds. It’s not unusual to see large herds of elk (Cervus canadensis), very fat suburban coyotes (Canis latrans), lynx (Lynx rufus), and mountain lions (Puma concolor) among the houses here, but they are generally silent or absent at dawn.

Here’s a recording of the stream as it happened:

(02:04:20, stereo audio, 297.2 mb)

The neoscenes stream parameters:

Date: 05 May 0445-0630 MST UTC-6
Location: Golden, Colorado, USA
Streamer: John Hopkins
Coordinates: N 39.717319 / W 105.215913
Timezone: MDT UTC-6 — 7 hours behind London
Civil twilight (local time): 5:25:57 AM / 0526
Sunrise (local time): 5:55:31 AM / 0556

TUNE IN HERE: soundcamp listen and my continuous stream that is live (though very quiet) now:

The direct stream will be at (open in iTunes or so…)

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