Spent the day at VAFB with a Lt. Youngberg. Capt. Callahan took me flying after lunch. In the PM Lt. Y. took me to a Lockheed installation where we talked about a single H-F machine installation that was sent to SAMA for storage. I think we should try to get it for a second machine. A MSgt. Baggs thought we need 2 machines in order to have back-up and make the time schedule.
Drove down to Skyways Motel on Airport Blvd. near the airport in the PM, arriving about 2130.
Before long, VAFB called to see if I could find Fielding McGee, Op. Analyst at HQ. 1st Strategic Missile Div. He went to Ramstein in July. I spoke with Roy Duncan.
Mr. Mark Quinlan, the Lockheed engineer, seemed to be most competent in this line. We need someone with this background.
Spent the day at Vandenburg AFB.
Drove down to Inglewood in the evening.