Friday, 20 January, 1961

Met with Col. Halper & co about 0830 to renew our conversations. Their concept of a System Manager is based on the need of someone to manage administrative operations after the system is in being. Our present need is for a set-up to oversee the development of the CCIS. Col. Halper suggested a) that, if possible, recommendations should be directly related to conclusions, and b) that related efforts or areas of fruitful activities that have been discovered during the study be itemized also.

Discussed their work with Messrs. Springer & Greene who said that they were glad to be freed from MOMAR; he suggests that the FATOC & FADSOC be combined.

Left for airport at 2 PM.

Left airport (Indianapolis) at 4:25 PM

Arr. Detroit 5:20 PM

Found the 7:30 PM train to Boston was canceled. No air space so came to Henrose Hotel.

Left for Detroit at 420 PM.

Found that the NYC train for Boston from Detroit was cancelled a/c of dock pickets in the Buffalo Yards of NYC, so, sat in Detroit.

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