already in to the month. Easter. halo around the hazy sun. and the net is down at the school, so I cannot work. frustrating. an ominous beginning, or just another example of how bad off Germany still is regarding network technology. at least in the culture sector! damn. now looking forward to a weekend of feeling unproductive, but partying with Hannes, that should rehabilitate the time, et al. and I am worrying about art while in Kosovo and Serbia the world is crumbling. babies lined up, and the propaganda machine in Belgrade keeps up good production of images. NATO. Russians. Muslims. Israelis. Iraq, the CIA. what difference. does it make. with the realities being created each successive moment. dinner party at Hannes’ place, raucous. late into the night, wandering the lake shore with night bird-sounds and moon-water to drink with the eyes, and the Rime of the Ancient Mariner echoing from cyber-domains.