crossing Europe

all the way across Europe in one day, Sunday. 0600 leaving the hotel in Bologna, flying to Frankfurt, then to Helsinki, then bus to meet Sanna for a few minutes, then home to repack, realign, and head to the office for a bit, then to the rail station to board the train to Imatra on the far eastern border of Finland, staying 1000 meters or less from Russia. was visiting the college here a couple years ago with Visa, but only for a day in mid-winter. now it’s cool, windy and rainy. been teaching two days. scared half the students on the first day, they had to SPEAK about what they thought, and who they were. in English. they ran away. the flat, or, more precisely, my room, is in a largish old wooden house, 50 meters from a huge old barn which houses the print-making facilities of the college. the place where I am teaching is 2.5 kilometers away, down the river. Outi has loaned me an old Tunturi bike (with studded snow tires!) for the week, so, again, in yet another place, great to have wheels to cruise around on, in the cold rain. Janet calls me late last night, sounding quite perky after her surgery last Wednesday (give thanks and praises to the Most High). I am not really awake.