On way home via Santa Fe Super Chief.
1/2 OC
Snowing at Gallup, @ 6000′. Sometimes the weather was -35˚F and the Super Chief was 24 hours late. This because the water lines would freeze! Much welded rail along here. One of the six locomotives had some kind of crankcase explosion around Gallup, so it was taken out of the train at Albuquerque. Picked up a small black bowl from the San Idlefonso Pueblo at the Curio Shop. Took a number of pictures of the train.
Arrived at La Junta, Colorado, at 8:50 PM, 35 minutes late. Snow is falling, bright glistening crystals of dry snow. Left at 9:30 PM. Took a few pictures at 1/2 sec. I hope the train makes up some of the lost time — 1:05 late now.