Monday, 29 October, 1962

Checked over 22L-7304 dated 25 October; it is ok if a few commas and a misspelled word are removed.

Sat in a mtg. to hear a description of the range digitalizing gear for the ARIS program. The scheme looks quite ingenious.


U Thant to Cuba to discuss ways & means of the missile removal.

The NYT News of the Week for yesterday had a most excellent summary of the situation. One opinion advanced was that Khrushchev wanted to see how far he could push the US. What is to be done about the naval bases or “ports to support the fishing fleet” operation? I hope we don’t get sucked it on that one.

Adjusted brakes on Willys and adjusted fast idle on Ford; I’ll have to leave it out to see how it works.

Rec’d notice — from Acton Selectmen — to attend mtg. on 7N to “layout” Brucewood streets prior to acceptance by a special Town Meeting.

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