I have come to a life in which
that convention
which divides life- – –
into past, present, future- – –
is ridiculous,
insupportable, inaccurate.
Waiting (Fermentation).
I find these to be authentic.
Recent eruptions of memory
have come to me…..
not from a “previous” “time”…..
have come with a fluidity (humour, spirit)
and a body
which are also presence.
I think that certain domains of our lives
are not related to words or numbers;
cannot be divided as words and numbers
are sectioned and divided.
Who are you? said the Caterpillar.
I think that in some mavellous way “the Caterpillar”,
with its linkages and sections, suggests “the Word”……
Yet certainly the valence-life of this “Caterpillar”
belongs neither to the Word, nor to the Wordless.
Michel Henry, writing in connection with the paintings
of Kandinsky,
says that European philosophers
(Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Heidegger)
have missed our essential relations with invisible life;
and given this, they are unreliable.
Specifically, they are not open to the invisible tonalities
of colors which Kandinsky evoked.
Chrysanthemum growers,
you are the slaves
of chrysanthemums……
says Issa.
In this way, subjects and subjectivity
remain enslaved by objects and objectivity—-
so long as subjects continue to reproduce,
and to refer to, objects.