Wednesday, 11 October, 1961

Worked with Joe Globus on the refractive index and velocity of light problems re: missile ranging, giving him Tom Rogers & JH Chisholm’s names, Dr. Booker/ASTIA, and NBS/Boulder as sources. He seemed grateful.

Obtained a copy – NR 186 – of the ADC Radar Evaluation Report. It was good to read it again.

Rec’d letter from Liberty Mutual re: the return of the forms relative to my claim through MIT arising out of the accident on 4 May. I have already sent them in — on 28 September. They will send out a new set.


Went to Sears and then Lincoln Jeep Agent at lunch time, re: the ’54 SW. He will give me $80 for the tan one, wanting $300 in cash for his ’54 SW. He doesn’t want the 6 cylinder one. I put an ad in the Minuteman for the 19th to sell the green one for $260, and in the Beacon also.

At the Committee & Sponsor’s BSA mtg we decided to authorize Mr. Charbineaux to organize an Explorer’s Post for the older boys. Apparently Joe Hall’s campaign to “promote” Art Hirsch didn’t go over too well.

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