Mailed report to ELE via Doris at the admin office at Roi Air Terminal.
Re: WW question of some weeks ago — re: why do we need hi quality processing of film from spectral cameras, when the film is to be analyzed for the % of identifiable elements present. If the wedges on each frame are identifiable, then will be used for film processing control, not for density calibration, as this exposure does not come from a calibrated lamp. Also, if precise control over film processing isn’t exercised, lines may be lost completely.
As a result of our conversation (JK & AS) at lunch today, the qty of data available for processing might depend on the kind of processing. For example, there is no spectral film available yet, and μ-dens. to process it with. There is a qty of Roti film available from 3 shots. And good ballistics camera data, as well as Ascope film data — an undisclosed amount.
Peter Pfluke invited my attention to his “Stat & Ind QC” text by Duncan, where the range is used & its σ prior to σ + limits on the data.
1/2 OC
Got some string at Roi so I could wrap packages. Wrapped two.
Another ship is in — the India Bear — it’s about 350-375 ft. long. It must be 2-3000 tons.
Went over to the Library in the PM. It needs building up with new books — Latest photo book was dated 1953. Most of the fiction apparently came from the Far East Command in Japan.