Wednesday, 22 May, 1963

Drove home from Princeton, arriving at 1835.


Howard took me over to the Princeton campus to see a building that had been moved. It is about 50″ x 150′ and of brick; it was moved on 12″ H-columns laid on wide concrete continuous-strip pads. No cracks were visible. I took 3 pictures.

Left Princeton at 0930 AM; arrived home at 635 PM.

LCH had been to the doctor; he took blood samples for a metabolism test; possibly she needs iodine for thyroid. He prescribed a vacation, which we will take care of. The tension of having CR around has been excessive.

Tuesday, 21 May, 1963

Attended the all-day Technical Working Group mtg at GE / MSVD / 3198 Chestnut Street. It was attended by about 20; no attendance list was handed out; I’ll have to phone for it tomorrow. At the end of the formal presentations the A contingent concluded that they had not learned whether or not the aspect angle will be known as shown:

It was decided that this matter would be the subject of the next TD mtg.


Sat in an all-day mtg at GE / 3198 Chestnut / MSVD.

Left at 545 PM for Princeton via NJTP; arrived about 7 PM and had a delicious dinner, and pleasant conversation. Anne had eaten earlier and then gone to a fashion show at school, so I didn’t see her. I showed my Kwajalein pictures and adjourned at 11 PM after some more talk on photo matters. I left my cy. of Ansel Adams Vol 2 w/ Howard.

Friday, 17 May, 1963

In discussion w/ ELE at 0815 he spoke of a coordination effort between Steve Dodd, Friedman, Mel Huslin, etc on RE problems. They need basic facts, and I’m to develop those set forth in Kent Kresa’s note of 21 Feb. 1963, plus others — the TVX’s. Worked w/ Vic Guethlen to obtain a corrected text for last Tuesday’s trip; he made several important additions. Finally got it in working order and gave it to Shirley about 2 PM.

Found three documents that have a bearing on the TV’s. Al Smith xt5750 called to say he had some TVX patterns from their -GE- range; they will be available as soon as they can be traced.


It was cool last night.

Went in to PSC for a Trustee’s mtg: John Zvara reported the total cost of the roof at $133,744.61! We need about $95,000 more to pay for all of it. We will have to borrow against the Equity Fund. Bob Stater said he thot it morally wrong to engage in deficit financing. I reported on the Audio-TV, stressing 1) the racks of power amplifier donation, 2) the operational problems of the Missionary Conference. In answer to a question, I estimated $1000 more would provide a minimum system. I hope someone donates it, as I’m reluctant to go ahead.

Paul Bradbury is spending the weekend with us, so he went out with us — the girls came in on the train for the last night of Cadettes.

During the Trustee’s mtg it was voted to discontinue use of the TV lights until they can be revamped to be less objectionable to the pulpit speaker. Some of us looked at them specifically after the mtg. The ones in the ceiling light the rear wall principally.

Thursday, 16 May, 1963

Finished trip report and gave it to Vic G. to check until tomorrow AM.

Discust. with ELE the GE trip next week; he ok’d it. Dan D. wants a list of vehicles and char.; CRW wants a specific proposal as to exactly what he (ELE) would do.

Home in PM.


Home at 2:15 PM; missed LCH as she went on a 2:05 train; I thot it was 2:25.

Had to fix seat on Willys. Found that the front spring needs replacing, so I’ll drive the Ford to Philadelphia Monday. Worked on the Ford right front door for 2 hours — it is a little better.

Made a mosaic of the maps of Maine for the eclipse — it certainly is a thing of beauty — colors, form, outline. I need a few more to plot the boundary lines on.

Wednesday, 15 May, 1963

In discussion w/ ELE, he said that VAN + WW yesterday informed him that they want him to work out the instrumentation set-up as he proposed recently — L2 has had a hand in specifying $200 million of instrumentation but it is not being used properly nor are its characteristics well known. He is to start the work, with Les Murry + myself, turning it over to Lou Kraft. I’m more & more convinced I’m in the wrong place here, with an inside office, no pay raise, little recognition of the fact that I’m here, and a relatively low retirement accumulation system.

Talked to Lou Sullivan w/ Arbyn Freed on the problem of altitude sensors; Kent Kruska and Carl R. Bohne worked up a scheme for attitude sensing in extra-atmospheric + RE flight that might work — but he thot that GE was well aware of the difficulties in this. They proposed IR sensors + magnetometers for the TV’s but cost and low need took them out. Now there seems to be a need; BTL wants attitude to assist in correl. of scintillation


Picked up my muffler + tailpipe hangar parts at L2 shop.

Went over to the Faucet’s after 3 more loads of wood. It is solid oak; too bad I can’t make flooring out of it.

Gordon Cooper, the next astronaut was put into orbit about 0900, and was going fine at 10 PM — about a 90 minute period, 100 mi. perigee, 160 mi. apogee.

Tuesday, 14 May, 1963

Left Logan at 0730 getting up at 0500. Arrived BTL/Whippany at 0940 and sat in all-day mtg. We were shown the N-Z simulation center and the training center. Finally left about 0540 and got on the 630 PM EAL shuttle. The route back was through a front and the a/c bounced considerably.

Went over to ATM for 2 hours before going home.

BTL has been directed to pursue an R&D policy rather that one of demonstration as far as N-Z is concerned.

Up at 0500 & left for Logan Airport. Stopt at Lab to sign Travel Authorization sheet. Left Logan at 0730, arriving at Newark at 0840.

Arrived at BTL/Whippany at 0930, and sat in mtg until 1700, when Vic Guethlea & I left to return to L2. Arrived at Logan at 0740.

Stopt at ATM/Mac Section, and had a 2 hour disc. with Walter Singer on the making of a Mac. I’m thinking of getting the lens and mirror blanks with the proper curves diamond ground to the rough curves. He thot the experience worth the effort, but he has put in about 200 hours so far, and isn’t finished with either the lens or mirror; he does have the mount started.

Read Maksutov’s paper in JOSA May 1944.

The ride back from Newark was through a front, and the DC6B bounced a lot.

Monday, 13 May, 1963

ELE back from San Bernardino. He thinks that Major Dalton would be the focal point of TRAP III operational activity, but he is too easy going, or thinks there are no real operational problems that need solving. I sensed this 2 months ago.

Joe Kelly in the Library phoned to say that he has a preliminary translation of the article by Prof. Lallemand in Les Recherches Galactiques et Extra Galactiques et la Photographique Electroniques — International Colloquium, Paris 30 June – 1 July 1959. It apparently wasn’t done by a physicist, as a ‘line’ came out as a ray. Joe Halberstein helped me work out a page or so, he reads it right off.

Walter Wells called at 4:50 PM and wanted me to go with Vic Guethlea to BTL/Whippany to be there for mtgs tomorrow and Wednesday. Obtained a ticket on the EAL shuttle tomorrow, arranged for clearance at Security at 5:05 PM.


It is supposed to warm up today.

Took out two useless cottonwood trees in NE corner, and dug up a little moss, finishing about 9 PM.

Friday, 10 May, 1963

Wrote to Sheldon Phillips at EKCo/Rochester re: the material cited in their ad in the 7 Jan ’63 Aviation Week.

Left the note for Miss Bonnett at the High School.

Call from Mr. Hussey at 4:30 PM: Tony Treemache of Watertown will have a meeting with the rest of the trustees next week to try to work out the making of a plan for area development after removal of $26,000 of gravel ~100,000 yards or so. Such a plan costs about $2K and with the first $8K going to Acton, he thot he could get approval on a verbal statement of what he would do. Mr. H. points out that the Town has one story, Treemache another, particularly claiming bad treatment by the Town.

Went to CE Board mtg at PSC at 630 PM. We are operating at a deficit due to reduced pledges.

Stopt at the ATM mtg on way home and got an assortment of paperwork on the Univ. of Maine mtg at Orono for the eclipse on 10 July. Helped address envelopes for about 30 minutes.

Thursday, 09 May, 1963

Rec’d a copy of Bendix document TRAP-791-63 on TRAP III Parameter Summary, forwarded by R. M. Adams on Major Dalton’s authority; it has 61 pages and is unclassified.

Home in PM.

Went home at 1130 via AMS in Maynard where I picked up the Ford brake cables — 1 missing — and an oil filter for the Willys.

Took LCH to 12:35 PM train so she could get to class at BU.

Adjusted brakes on Willys & changed the oil; it was like ink.

JCH up and around in the PM but at dinner time laid down & didn’t eat.

Made DCH write another paper on the assigned topic of “Realism” before dinner. After dinner he left the paper he handed in yesterday on my desk; Miss Bonnett, the instructor, had written a note on it saying it wasn’t representative of what he can do, closing it with the comment that she would be glad to discuss his work with us. I wrote her a note, suggesting that DCH rewrite his paper until it is satisfactory, and also suggesting that the four-year English course be based on the Great Books, with fourth year directed to the development of a topic from the Syntopicon.

Rec’d invoice yesterday for my knife — completely rebuilt for $2!

Wednesday, 08 May, 1963

Decided to try working up an analysis of the system made up of the telescope – grating – photo material – photo processing – film-reading combination. Apparently the existing combinations have been pushed to the limit, particularly of the photo materials. “… the advance of astronomical photography during the last decade result more from instrumental and technical advances that fundamental changes in the properties of sensitive emulsions.” From p.71 of Astronomical Photography by de Vaucouleurs, Macmillan, 1961 (522.63, V462a). From p.88, “It seems, therefore reasonable to expect that in the not too distant future, considerable advances will be realized in indirect photography which will make possible its practical use in astronomy. Thus after more than a century of continual advance, astronomical photography seems to be once again on the threshold of a brilliant future.”
52° Overcast

While waiting for Harry Sussman I mowed about 1/3 of the front lawn. He wanted to drive around by the Mardan Devel Corp Concord subdivision to see the new homes, on the way to work.

Talked to MR. Hussey re: The Brucewood Streets. His latest is that the trustee concerned is preparing a subdivision plan that would be carried out after removal of the gravel. Lack of such a plan was the reason for rejection of his application for permission to remove the gravel.

Hot & sticky in the PM.

It developed that DCH didn’t hand in a book report that was due Monday, so I made him get busy; by 10 PM he had written 2 drafts, neither fulfilling the assignment. I’ll have him write another tomorrow.

Picked up the Ford; it steers quite nicely. They did not set the steering wheel so the turn signals function properly, nor did they have the body work done. I’ll plan to take it back next Tuesday.

JCH has a fever.

Tuesday, 07 May, 1963

Listened to Lee Murray, Carl Neilson, JLV, and John Strano talk about their impressions of witnessing the Rex II re-entry. They concluded that considerable data was accumulated. The TTR tracked successfully for once.

Worked on the STV Photo Specs.

38˚F Clear

In office at 0800 for a change. Woody called re: using the closed CRT TV for a $$ teaching demonstration for 16 May from the Sanctuary to the SS Room. Meredith Clark will be in Saturday AM to discuss it.

LCH made an arrangement with the Fawcetts to get the logs from the trees they cut down, so with DCH & CR, I hauled 3 loads with the Willys. They will have to be cut & split, but it is oak & elm wood.

LCH to an AFS meeting in the PM.

Wrote to John Zvara, attaching the bill from Ken O. for $32.34 for 500′ of 9-conductor cable ruined by the fire alarm installers. I suggested that he add $40 for labor costs.

Wrote to Simpson Electric to see if I can put the latest jacks on my Model 250 and on the one we have at PSC.

JCH sick with fever.

Monday, 06 May, 1963

John Strano & Carl Neilsen back from Ascension Island; there was cloud over the island during the last Rex re-entry; JLV was in the WV-2, seeing it optically. JS said the plotter showing the actual & predicted tracks showed almost the same track, so the TTR was placed on the nose cone successfully.

Requested by WZL to furnish him with a list showing the medium of record of each TRAP III instrument; phoned to RJ Adams @ Bendix who is at Lockheed / Ontario — Area code 714 YUkon 4-1234/297-495; he shifted me to 495/489 Jim Cherry who gave me enough info to make up a table. A copy is in the TRAP III file. Worked up a table by longhand and left it with Shirley.

High clouds
Rain in PM

Cool last night.

Took Ford to Elbery’s in Cambridge to have the steering block replaced, some body work — a spot, tailgate & rear fender seams — inspection, & front wheel alignment. Made arrangements with Mr. Kemp, Elbery Credit Manager to pay half of it now , the rest in 30 days.

Called Lake but he was out, so talked to Geo Costello: 1) the 1563A provided the best signal yet in the SS & Hawey Rooms; 2) the lavalier mike didn’t work out as we need a goose neck; 3) TV monitor burned output repair; 4) R-C networks on phase inverter grids — signal rectified to audio so went on there, we will have to put them on the grid of some tube in the front end.

He will pick up the TV unit tomorrow.

Fred Erikson found the R1 resistor burned up in the PSC Simpson volt-ohmmeter. No wonder we couldn’t get it to work. Wrote to Weston Elec. Instrument Company to see if the Model 301 meter we have can be used as a VU meter. From some of Fred’s Weston paperwork, it can be.

Rode home w/ Mike Bavaro.

Friday, 03 May, 1963

Jim Uskavitch in to ask a few questions about the data record of the TRAP III. The minutes don’t contain his info so I phoned the HFw/ two questions to D. J. McCreery at Bendix Systems Div., Ann Arbor – 665/7766/507:

1) Does WSMR have analog data reduction facilities that will handle and put into IBM format the TRAP III analog records? He was 95% confident that they do, as the analog record is std.

2) What data is on the analog record and on no other? The attenuated and unattenuated IR scanner outputs and sweep frequency. These 12 analog channels contain:

  1. IR Spectrometer output PDM
  2. IR unatten IR output
  3. IR atten IR output
  4. IR Scanner Hor sweep freq
  5. IR Scanner Vert sweep freq FM record 12-1/2 ~/sec
  6. Direct record time in serial code
  7. IR Intensity signal from T-51 Tracker
  8. Vis Intensity signal from T-51 Tracker
  9. UV-Vis TV Tracker Az error off FM boresight
  10. UV-Vis TV Tracker El error
  11. 2 Clr TKr (TB T-51) Az Error FM record
  12. 2 Clr TKr (TB T-51) El Error FM record
  13. Spare
  14. Spare

1-6 (This is the only place these items recorded)

Operational shed of 24 June ok now.


Decided at 0130 this morning to hook an Altec custom line amplifier onto the WEZE/WECO mixer and drive the lower floors and perhaps the Sanctuary; this would free the SS Knight power amplifier to drive the Hearing Aids rather than buying a new one just for that service as discussed with Fred Lake earlier this week. He thinks he has the parts; the attenuating pad at each remote amplifier is made up of some standard resistors, so doesn’t cost much. We’ll put this in tomorrow AM.

Geo Pickering called to say that the lavalier didn’t add anything, and that the speaker yesterday spoke into the mike. The lavaliere mike must be set for a different Ω than what we have.

Our lawn in front looks like it might need mowing on Saturday. LCH put Turf Builder on it about two weeks ago.

Thursday, 02 May, 1963

Concluded I would put the details of film processing and calibration & use in the Appendices to my spec rather than omit them or put them in the main test.

Asked the library to secure a French translation of Prof. Lallemards article on the astronomical spectroscopic use of electronic photometry. He claims a film speed increase by a factor of 100! The diode output is proportional to the input energy and has no reciprocity effect as film does. See my entry for 9 January 1963.

Called Geo Pickering at KI7-4900 and told him of the lavalier mike, boxes, and ground on case. He thot the ground would be taken care of by the chap who gave the projector. Also discussed the need for economy, citing the 6-6 vote on the front hallway repair. We also talked of the need in the audio-TV area; it’s about $3000 made up as follows: $600 for preamps, etc; $500 for 2 organ mikes; $500 for a wireless mike; and $400 for 3 tape recorders; the latter sum can probably be recovered in 2 years. I’ll discuss this w/ HJO in the next two weeks.

Called Ed Poore to check on the lavalier — he will put it on the piano, and Maury Jacques & Geo P. will see it is used at 12:30 and then put back in the radio room. I hope this works out, particularly for tonight.

Ken O. called at 0950 to ask how the system is owrking. He didn’t believe that I had heard WBCN on the SS-Knight 75 watt amplifier. He took the cable in last night.

Picked up 2 Jeep tail gate hinges & some screws, taking them to Mr. Cornelius.

Wednesday, 01 May, 1963

Worked on photo specs: still in a quandary about how to organize the material.

In the PM I went to the latest IEEE PGEM Spring Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Rosenbloom of HBS who talked about “Performance Evaluation.” He thinks that “management by exception” is no longer universally applicable. He would use the same tool of evaluation, i.e., budgets, skeds, task definition, work planning sessions, but not regard the initial plan as infallible, using these tools to generate learning and the basis for new plans. I suppose to an experienced manager, this may sound like what he does; possibly so in the long run. The managerial dilemma or problem is how to keep happy those who want to work in a particular field and still channel off sufficient effort or results to operate the business at a profit.


Talked to Prof. Tucker at MIT re: a phone system for PSC for monitoring purposes. Went in to see him arriving about 1:40 PM. He was most cordial, and gave me several good suggestions: Use WECO 415H subscriber magneto sets at each remote station w/ a 211A handset that could be plugged in to the 415H; a Signal Corps switchboard on the radio room; in place of the SC units a party line could be used, with ongoing codes. I listed the fx stations: 1) Radio Room, 2) TV Camera, 3) SS Room/TV Monitor, 4) Hawey Room, 5) Under Pulpit, 6) Attic 1, 7) Attic 2, 8) Attic 3, 9) Balcony Center, 10) Pulpit

Went in to PSC arriving about 6 PM; tried to remove the AC 110 volt ground on the base of the B&H 35mm slide projector. Wayne Cobb was on deck to operate the 16mm projector for the 6:30 service & the 35mm for the 9:30 PM service. Left at 7:40 and went out to the Babson Institute for the last IEEE Spring lectures on Management — this one was on “Performance Evaluation”, by Dr. Rosenbloom of HBS; he thinks “management by exception” is passé; he would use the same tools, but assumes that the initial plan is not infallible and that deviations therefrom are evidence of 1) inability to foretell the future, and 2) the need to evaluate for learning.

Talked to Geo Pickering; he wanted some of the small boxes put out for 35mm slides, and said the noon speaker with the 35mm slides looked away from the microphone & her voice was lost. While at PSC I tried to get Lake, but he wasn’t home (VI3-3131 Braintree). He called before I returned home at 10:20 PM; called him back & made arrangements to have him deliver a lavalier mike to Ed Poore in the morning.

Tuesday, 30 April, 1963

Worked on photo specs; I’m having trouble deciding exactly what to include: do I put in the mass of detail in the PRESS photo spec or not?


DCH claimed to be sick this morning; his temperature showed 97.6˚F so I made him get in gear, finally strapping him for acting dumb and being insolent; took him to school and made him return two non-text books to the library.

Went in to PSC at 6 PM to be sure that the film is correctly operated. Morry Jacques said on the phone that John Cheever didn’t get the 16mm projector audio out line into the correct jack; it took 15 minutes to find this out, and when it was plugged in correctly the volume practically pushed people out of their seats. John was supposed to come in last Friday evening or Sat. AM to be checked out.

Went over to the ATM shop but no one was there, so went home and to bed.

Monday, 29 April, 1963

Worked on photo specs, and heard Dr. Brown of BTL lecture on the failure of the Telstar. It was a discussion of the effects of radiation on transistors.


Went in to PSC via MIT on the 0800 shuttle. Had Geo Costello come in and fix the Knight (we had the ground lead on & the hot lead on pin 2 (pin 1?) of the 12Ax7, so of course had hum). He fixed this quickly and put a male Cannon on the mike for the Mayflower Pulpit. We then removed the transformer in the SS Room; it turned out to be a 25 volt J-C. Left for L2 about 11:40 AM; saw Geo Pickering on the way up to MIT from Kendall Square, and talked to him about the room operation, which he handles during the week.

DCH in bed, but not too sick to answer the phone.

Had a call from John Marvin, who wanted to be released from his appointment at 3 PM tomorrow to operate the slide projector: I suggested that that if he told Mr. Jacques that he would be there, then he should do so if he is physically able, regardless of a track meet.

Thursday, 25 April, 1963

Worked on specs — finally found a copy of those used for the Bar-Ray 409-C unit with the original order from Purchasing.

Home in afternoon so LCH could go to school; her “understanding” was apparently what was wanted.

Put new front shocks on Ford, making it ride much better. Put new spark plugs in Willys and it starts and runs a lot better.

Stopped at Cornelius’ Radiator shop and made arrangements to take the Ford to him tomorrow to get the radiator leaks fixed.

Rec’d a tentative block diagram from John Cheever for the church; he is beginning to understand what the operational problems are.

Put a new ww blade on each car. Tried to fix the Ford rr license plate light, but found that the bulb holder was gone.

Found that some of Sears interoffice mail was included in with our merchandise.

Set up Nikon & Bushnell spotting scope to find I must have a much more solid tripod.

Wednesday, 24 April, 1963

Sent TWX to Aubrey Stinnet re: PRESS specs PS13 & PS14 requesting comments & changes via phone.

Tried to find a copy of the specs for the PRESS Ballistic Plate Processing Unit, but wasn’t successful. Phoned Al Saiget at A SBO to see if he would return my files on Film Processing & Densitometers; he said he would get them in the mail at once.

Some rain

Al Dunbar, now with Lockheed, called. He is located at their Sunnyvale plant and is living in Los Altos; (I wonder if he knows Carl McDowell?) Their children Jeff (11) and Susan (14) are doing well in school. It was good to hear from him.

Went to the Natick store of the Pillstring Plate Glass Co and got a receipted bill for the broken plate glass door — of last 27 August; when Al tried to walk thru it.

Stopped at Ed Boyer’s shop in Lincoln and he paid me #10 for the burned out motor on the Willy’s fan. Ordered the rear tail gate hinges and bumper braces.

Picked up some merchandise at Sears.

Tuesday, 23 April, 1963

Retyped the QPR draft text on the TRAP III system, and got it coordinated by Ed Chatterton & Dr. McNamara at 3 PM; I then left the original on ELE’s desk, as he wasn’t there. He stopped by my office a little later to show me PA 1709, a HAC document that has tables of equipment characteristics for a variety of BMRS installations — ARIS, AVCO/RAD a/c, GR DC-6, the KC-135 & the Trap III.

Had a call from Ev Schowengardt who wanted to know if I have any spectral films — Frank McNamara mentioned me! Of course I haven’t, but mentioned that AVCO & GE probably have some. I sent him a copy of the Kwaj trip report.

Ret’d a 4″ x 6″ x 16′ timber to Buchanan’s and traded it for 2 – 2″ x 6″ x 16′ pcs for JCH’s swing in the back yard. Hope I can get it put up soon.

Started to put together a set of 1:62,500 maps of the 20 July 1963 eclipse path across eastern central Maine.

Went in to the Museum of Science to the workshop mtg. of the ATM/Maksutov Section. Met Jim Gagen, Paul Valleli, Chester Cook, Walter Singer, and a Harvard grad student in Chemistry with his EE friend. The latter two have worked out a transistorized mount drive with a photomultiplier tube as a sensor; it looks quite ingenious. I joined the ATM — at the season’s end — so I could get in on the 20 July trip to Cadillac Mt. to photo the eclipse. Had some discussions w/ Walter Singer re: mechanical design details of his mount, in particular the declination drive. This business needs some servo theory applied to it.

Wrote to Jim Knight re: the sextant.

Monday, 22 April, 1963

Took my QPR draft to Dr. McNamara who thot it should be on one page. Rewrote it, leaving out the table of equipment parameters. Called Major Dalton for certain details.

Ground & flight tests completed on 24 June ’63
Equip. installation completed on 27 May ’63

No time to schedule for more than 30 days of training at Bendix.

Film from the acceptance tests w/b processed at Aerojet-General, Azusa. No decision made on where spectral films will be processed. “A told to go back and study their proposal some more.”(!)

Finally talked to Ed Chatterton at 3 PM and he had a text at 4 PM saying essentially what was said in the QPR of 15 February, as he feels strongly. I’ll research this and talk to both Ed & Frank tomorrow with a compromise text referencing the 15 Feb. statement.

Friday, 19 April, 1963

Holiday —

Up at 5 AM to go on the hike to Concord with the Scouts & others — 600 or so went. The weather was fine. NJH went along.

The Governor — Endicott Peabody & General Schreiver both had good speeches.

Took the children to Drumlin Farm in the PM.

Worked on the Ford doors; perhaps they work better.

DCH went to work in the AM so he could go with the Longs in the PM to Lexington to the pageant. They then went to dinner & PSC to greet the visitors from Westchester — these young people came up from Mr. Marshall’s church, returning the visit of our young people during last fall.

LCH went in to PSC to pick up DCH in the PM.

Thursday, 18 April, 1963

Showed my Kwaj slides & pictures to a small group in the morning.

Rec’d Larry Glubus’ paper on RF Interference RAJSCAI, 22L-7363; it is quite good.

Went home at 1 PM so LCH could go to school & library at BU. Worked on the Willys left front door, finally getting it to open and shut very well; a small adjustment on the window raising mechanism fixed it so it works well.

Took Boots over to the Buddy Humane Society in Sudbury — where LCH got him.

Went to Dr. Andreson’s in Lexington w/ LCH to review the Youth Department/PSC program. The classes were left in, but at the expense of one month for a social.

JAH to the mountains with the Bliss family.

Wednesday, 17 April, 1963

WW thot the specs for the photo gear should be on hand; I’ll start on this on Monday, after I get the Trap III test for the QPR out of the way.

Went to Cambridge to pick up my Light meter at Felix’ on Linden Street off Harvard Square; they sewed the case back together for 50¢ — a good job.

Tuesday, 16 April, 1963

Worked out early this morning an idea to make ELE’s idea of yesterday a little more understandable. It is little more than a gimmick, but does a more adequate comm. job.

Talked to Aubrey Stinnett at Kwaj, re: B&H camera use 07 March ’63 shot: Tri-X film, 48 frames/sec., 3″ (75 mm) lens at f2.8. Gave this to Lee Murray.

36° to 50°F

Talked to Mr. Hussey re: the streets. The Town Board of Appeals, an agency of the Town of Acton, is expected to render an opinion or decision this week. He talked to Hayward Houghto, the chairman who, he thot, sounded as if the decision might be favorable to us.

Saw Bill Romaine in the hall, and passed the above to him.

DCH called & wanted to be allowed to go to town, saying that he couldn’t get in touch with his girl-friend to cancel the date. Since he had gotten a 39 in Algebra, I could see no reason for letting him go, so I refused.

Read some in the telescope books — the ATM’s that I got from the Library (L2). I had intended to go down to the Museum of S&T, but decided to go next week. Hugh Miser came over to L2 for lunch today. The OEG now is headed by CMM! He didn’t know anything about the MITRE/FAA group going to DCA. They have a new Steinway, and he is back in the HO business. We will have to stop on the way to church some Sunday afternoon.

Monday, 15 April, 1963

The celestial globe I ordered a few days ago from Lafayette Radio was delivered. It is a Nr. F400 and is 34 cm in diameter, made in Japan. I wish I could afford one for home use, as it cost $49.50.

Asked ELE if he thot I should work up specifications for the remaining items on the list of photo gear. He passed it to WW; I’ll see him tomorrow. He was working on a flow chart on the RE test business. His diagram isn’t too clear, but apparently what he wants to do is to set up working groups to examine & plan the individual tests in the light of the instrumentation that is operational and the specific test objectives. I thot there were such groups, but he says there are none.

Read the news article “MIT — Prime Contractor” in Science for 12 April ’63. Apparently someone along the line, either physicists or administrators have decided that OA is not the “proper province of a University.” So OEG is no more at MIT.

Mailed my knife to Victoria Cutlery Co., Ibach-Schwyz, Switzerland for repairs. Also sent my pedometer to the Pedometer Corporation, 357 Wilson Avenue, Newark, N.J., for a complete reworking.

This is the first day of school vacation for the children. LCH will be run ragged by the end of the week.

On arrival home, LCH informed me of her arranging for Boots’ disposal by Dr. Carlson, the vet. I took him over and instead of leaving him, asked Dr. C. if he could find another home for Boots where he wouldn’t have to be tied up all the time. LCH was quite upset when I got home as she doesn’t want any of the local children bitten.

DCH had made arrangements today to take his girl-friend to some Harvard Square spot. He has apparently forgotten that I told him that there was to be no social activity of this type until his marks at school put him on the Honor Roll, so I bluntly told him to cancel this date.

Global Development profile

Prof. Ajume Wingo invited me to join in the Global Development Group that is being organized by Prof. Paul Chinowsky, Mortenson Professor of Sustainable Development, in the Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities Program. It looks to be an interesting program with about 40 senior faculty from across the university participating. Not sure how deeply I’ll be able to get involved given that I’m short-timing at CU at this point, but I noted that at one of the first meetings that brought a majority of the participants together, Paul ran with my suggestion to pair people off in such a way that the disciplinary boundaries are broken down. I used the dialogue assignment as an example — where time spent in face-to-face engagement goes a long way in the construction of a shared protocol that will bridge the oft-times exclusive disciplinary languages. It is my belief that these shared protocols are crucial to the success of a transdisciplinary collaboration and that the human networks they depend on are constructed only at the speed of life (as I have said elsewhere in this blog), not quicker.

John Hopkins (BSc, MFA, PhD) has worked for the last 25+ years as a nomadic media artist and autonomous learning facilitator across 25 countries and more than 60 cultural and academic learning institutions. His workshops explore issues of sustainable creative practices, ‘big-picture’ system views, tactical media, distributed and community-based DIY, Open Source, and DIWO (Do-It-With-Others or community-based DIY) processes, and the appropriation of global IT networks as the site for autonomous creative activity: Temporary Autonomous Zones. Resonating with both David Bohm’s and Martin Buber’s ideas around the power of human encounter and dialogue, he facilitates experiential learning around collaborative engagement. His own media-arts research is a practice-based exploration into the effects of technological development on human encounter and relationship. His views on global development are informed as a former member of the Imperialist Vanguard (Big Oil), he now draws on the rigors and knowledge-base of that experience while leaving behind the fixed and fear-drenched assumptions about the Other that drives the core of the military-industrial-academic complex. A CU alumni, he is currently teaching on the “Meaning of Information Technology” in the ATLAS/TAM program along with several digital arts courses in A&AH. He maintains an extensive web presence at and that documents his practice.

Friday, 12 April, 1963

Sent TWX to Jim Knight when it was evident that yesterday here was Good Friday at Kwaj and a holiday there; this for Larry Cianciotta.

Worked on the QPR draft text, giving it to Shirley for typing.

Cold, windy

The “drinking water” treatment for my cold of the last three days seems to have paid off; it is running down.

Fred Lake phoned — his men worked at PSC in PM. I got there about 3 PM and they had a feedback stabilizer in place between a 1567 and a 1589 80 watt amplifier. The stabilizer gave about 2 Db more gain. We then tried several pulpit mike positions and found not much difference. The feedback stabilizer didn’t do much more than 2 Db when the M-20 was used as the input, also. We then found a more serious problem, a reduced volume & pickup on the SS Room; Geo C. finally decided to bring a pair of coupling transformers to see if the speakers could be driven directly and prevent the speaker line from functioning as an antenna for the S-C amplifier. If this doesn’t work, we will have to run a new shielded cable to the SS Room. He will be on deck in the AM.

Worked out State Income Tax — looks like refund is $76.31.

Wednesday, 10 April, 1963

Sent the Arcon NA report to Howard Schuck — on loan.

Paid $111.30 refund to RFO on my Kwaj trip.

Worked on Trap III files.

Tried unsuccessfully to get Jim Knight on the phone — he had gone to Roi, and on the second call couldn’t be located. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Sent notice around for a Kwaj picture showing at 12:30 tomorrow in L-211. It conflicted with a film on “Friendship 7” at noon, it lasted an hour today.

Cool – 36°F

Talked to Lake re: the feedback stabilizer chassis; he said he would put one in Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Discussed this w/ Ken Olsen also; and we will see how it works out this Sunday. He wants to get his racks in, so I agreed to stop in on Saturday AM and take one in.

Sent letter to John Legg, 4501 Frazier Lane, McLean, Va., saying that I would put my personal property floater coverage under my present homeowner’s policy to avoid duplication.

Picked up Credit Union check for $112.40 to cover my refund to RFO. It was $111.30. Gave the travel voucher to Shirley to take over.

Went to Babson Park at 8 PM to the 2nd IE2 lecture on “Personnel” by Dr. Emanuel Kay of GE; he told about some work in process at Lynn/GE to replace the critical summary personnel interview with a joint worker/supervisor work planning operation, carried out at frequent intervals.

Phone call from Woody S.; he needs his tape recorder back.

Tuesday, 09 April, 1963

Sent 3 copies of my Kwaj trip report to Jim Knight, including the Dept. of the Interior sheets on American Samoa.

Worked over the Kwaj trip slides and selected some for a talk. Asked Shirley to circulate a notice of showing on 11 April at 12:30 PM in L-211.

Discussed the QPR write-up with Frank McNamara; he thot it ok to make abstracts from the last two TD meeting notes, which I will do, and show to him. He lent me his files on Trap III.

Windy, cool

Talked to one of Dave Klepper’s people (Dave Kay) at BB&N re: our feedback problem. He thot our solution is the feedback stabilizer primarily with less of a contribution from a more directional microphone.

DCH is becoming more & more a problem, to himself and everyone at home. He seems incapable of fitting in at home, and is apparently quite jealous of CR for some unknown reason. LCH took him to Jordan’s at Shopper’s World to get a suit — they had just sold their last 37-Long — & during this trip he said that we force him to lie about his homework so he can go out. He is apparently an over-sexed individual and hasn’t yet learned to channel his energies into productive activity.

Stopped at AMS on the way home to see if they can take the Ford tomorrow, but they are too busy and will take it next week.

The Willys seems to run quite well; it has a few rattles left that can be taken out with a little work.

LCH went to see John & May. On the way back she picked up the S&T booklets on the Maksutov telescope.

To bed early as I have a bad cold: too many Light clothes.

Monday, 08 April, 1963

Received action note from ELE advising me to work w/ Frank McNamara & work up a Trap Section for the QPR.

Finished working up my Kwaj travel voucher — couldn’t find the RR ticket stub; I owe RFO $111.30. Phoned Credit Union for this amount.

Started to clean up desk.

Had a call from Peter Fritch wanting to see the slides of the trip to Kwaj.


Left Ford at AMS to get the brakes worked over and the power from one cylinder improved. Found that they put a new set of spark plugs, but didn’t fix the brakes or the bad gasket.

Friday, 05 April, 1963

Back in office.

The Arcon report on their analysis of the North Atlantic problem arrived. It is very good. Carl Friedman called and wanted to know if I had read it. I was then looking at it. It seems to be a definitive paper, and I hope FAA continues this kind of work. Carl said that part of the MITRE group that works on FAA problems is going to Washington in June. I hope this provides the basis for eventual increases in the levels of safety.


LCH mentioned that Woody’s Family Night will probably be in the Sanctuary! The new speakers are not connected! I confirmed this w/ Woody — he wants 2 mikes, the floor and pulpit, Shortly after this conversation, Lake called, and wanted to know if we had connected the 2 HF speakers so they didn’t buck each other We didn’t test for this, so he will send George Costello in to connect his green amplifier onto the new crossover net on the 70 volt line, so I won’t have to do this tonight before Woody’s service. Our new speaker system will get its debut tonight (written at 10:30 AM).

The evening was moderately successful only. Feedback occurred at gain settings that were too low. There were about 300 people present, so there was echo from the empty seats and the balcony front wall. And we couldn’t raise the gain enough to energize the balcony speakers. We will have many problems with thes system. Mr. Costello was on hand — we had connected the speakers correctly.

Thursday, 04 April, 1963

Went up to Albuquerque on Continental Nr. 220 arriving about 8:20 AM. Rented a car & drove west on Gibson to Sandia Base to see W. F. Whitfield of the Advanced Mfring Devel (Div 2564) Sandia Corporation. His phone is 256-4411/53263. He showed me a small clean room with the air flow thru the upper half of the wall — at about 100’/min/sq.ft. of filter area. These Cambridge filters take out particles down to 0.3 micron in size! He demonstrated the removal of cigarette smoke particles, debris from the skin, and from our clothes. In their original tests, they thot their particle size gear was defective, as it indicated zero-sized particles.

Phoned Walter K. Jahns at Holloman AFB (MISCP/AFMDC) GR3-6511/3-5556 re: coming up to Whitfield conf. on Clean Room Stds next week. There is probably a space left out of 150 attendees. Left on TWA 184 at 12:30 PM for Chi/Bos. Arrived Bos during a high windstorm at 9:05 PM.


Left Alamagordo at 7:32, stopping at Albuquerque until 12:30 PM. Arrived in CHI about 5 PM.

Took 2 pictures of the United Caravelle at CHI.

Arrived BOS at 9:05 PM, going home in a taxi from Harvard Square; arrived 10:15 PM. It was good to get home — high winds, temp 26˚F

Wednesday, 03 April, 1963

We were taken thru the Land-Air Film plant (B&W) by Mr. Steele — who seems to know everyone. Ward Topping is the supervisor. They have 2 – HS machines, one for 70mm only, the other for 16-35-70mm. Their total production is about 285,000 ft/month total B&W. They can average about 15,000 ft/shift, but the machine runs at 80’/min so they aren’t overworked.

We then went out to the RatScat Range — about 25 miles west of the base. It cost $5 million — I can hardly see how it could cost that much, which seems exorbitant.

Talked to Mr. Lee, Jahns-Schneider, Col. Whitmeyer, et al for 2 hours. Walt W., WZL, and ELE left for El Paso. I expect to go up to Albuquerque in the morning and on home in the afternoon after a few hours with Mr. Whitfield at Sandia (WeCo).

Made arrangements at the Holloman Transportation Ofc. to go up to Albuquerque on the morning to see Mr. Whitfield re: his “clean room.” Expect to go on to Chi via TWA and Bos via United.

After the others left, I went for a walk east toward the Sacramento Mountains. They are high enough to have large trees. Too bad we don’t have time to go up to the GRD Station on Sacramento Peak. I’ll try to do this next time. Saw several birds — including a Gambel’s quail, and 4 kinds of flowers.

Tuesday, 02 April, 1963

Spent the day with various Holloman officials talking shop about their plan to go forward to AFSC on 15 April re: putting the DPC here. It seems to me that the over-riding arguments for having such an establishment are:

1) Location adjacent to collection hardware makes for immediate feedback, producing much higher quality data sooner.

2) the optical film and instruments can be both pre- and post-event calibrated and the film processed with a minumum of latent image deterioration only at Holloman Air Force Base. This is so because of the disagreement as to the extent of latent image change with environment.

Talked about going home thru Albuquerque.

Holloman AFB phone 505/ GRanite 3-6511.

Windy – dusty

At Alamagordo, N. M.

Had a profitable day.

Had dinner at a good Chinese place.

The wind died down in the PM somewhat.

Did a little plain stargazing, following Norton & S&T for April. I can see why Jim Knight took the charts out of Norton & had them rebound; also why a red flashlight is useful for the charts I found Thuban, which was the Pole Star around 2250 BC.

Monday, 01 April, 1963

Left for Dallas & El Paso on AA 121 at 7:15 AM, arriving at 11:20 MST — Went on to El Paso where ELE met WZL, WW & I. We then drove up to Holloman AFB and met w/ Col. Asa Whitmire for 1-1/2 hours. He was a captain in the summer of 1945 — on the CPS-6 Project — it was pleasant to see him again — he said that Ed Snyder is at Sylvania. I’ll have to look him up.

Drove around Alamagordo after dinner.

Early fog

Up at 5:20 AM. LCH took me to L2, arriving at 6:30. The driver for L2 had been alerted for 6 AM, so on arriving at the AP, I had only a few minutes to spare, leaving on AA Nr. 121 for Phily, Balto, & Dallas.

Phoned John Zvara from Phila. to see if he can get Don Muirhead to put some stiffeners on the inside of the front middle panel o the new spkr enclosure — 1/2″ or 5/8″ plywood x 1-1/4″ or 1-1/2″ — on edge with screws & glue — to eliminate any mechanical vibration of the front panel. Hope this works! The scaffolding starts to come out tomorrow.

Up to Alamagordo in the PM — staying at the Desert Aire Motel.

Friday, 29 March, 1963

Left about 3 PM so we could get to PSC by 6:30 PM.

Had msg to call ELE on arriving back at home. It seems that DC of AFSC has changed his mind and wants a plan for putting a DPC at Holloman AFB on the edge of White Sands. This makes good sense from any point of view, as noted somewhere above.


Left early to get into PSC or a CE Board Mtg. LCH took the girls & JCH and 16! cakes in so she could finish her class in cake decorating. It has been quite a success.

The principle item of discussion was the Vacation Bible School. Meredith Clark has put in a fair amount of time on working out objectives. We operate with children from Columbia Point — they have no place to go when it is finished. If we go out there, more teachers and some men are needed! We can concentrate on The Hill area where there is one school. MC will look into the school statistics. It is a rough problem — two teachers have agreed to be on hand.

Looked into the sub-attic at the new speaker enclosure — it looks fine altho there is in my mind now the expectation that it will rattle or vibrate.

Ken O & JAC in, but our mtg — see above — prevented any work on audio equipment. Ken brought wire, connectors, and a Scott stereo amplifier. We stretched out the wire to put upstairs tomorrow.

Ford stalled near the house — carb flooded.

Call from ELE — have to go to Holloman Monday AM.

Thursday, 28 March, 1963

Gave my edited trip report to Shirley for typing.

Discussed with ELE what to do on the TRAP III operation. He suggested that I talk with McNamara & Chatterton on the background and operational planning.

Made copies of the 4 articles in S&T on the eclipse. I think we will drive up to the Newport – Ripley area on a recon trip and see if we can locate a likely spot.

Sent my First Alaska Investment stock certificate to the Receiver, 204 Crawford Bldg., Anchorage, via certified mail, after Mr. Gray at the Bank witnessed it — my signature.

Rec’d the second box of excess baggage from Kwaj, contn’g pants, shirts, pj’s, etc.

Read the April S&T with great interest. There is another article on eclipse watching, this one for Alaska and the Yukon. The author expects to fly from Berkeley with a Questar, going up to Talkeetna via rail. The Alaska Methodist College is running a special train for the students.

Tuesday, 26 March, 1963

Worked most of the day finishing my trip report. Started on the mass of papers on my desk.

The office is much too warm.


The choke seems ok.

Read the book “The Tuntsa” by Teppo Turen, a record of a trip by nine from Finland to the West Indies in a 30-foot ketch. They went to obtain freedom from the Russians. What a story! Their resources were almost non-existent. One paragraph describing the charm of the sea, is a gem.

My first box from Kwaj arrived; one of the cans of cowries had leaked slightly, so I left the clothes & tennis shoes on the clothes line to air them out.

Friday, 22 March, 1963

Home working on trip report — got 12 pages finished.

Cranked out 6 more pages of my trip report at home.

The snow is going rapidly now.

Took the girls & JCH, DCH in to see the film “City of the Bees,” a Moody Science Film — It is most excellent.

Wednesday, 20 March, 1963

Showed WW my picture of the tankage re-entry, and left him the 2nd print. Also pointed out that in my opinion, the ability of the nose cone to penetrate to a suitable detonation altitude is the reason Khrushchev pulled out of Cuba. It seems to me also that the outputs of the TTR, Tradex, and the optical system should be combined.

Walt wants me to work on the TRAP III operation — attend TD meetings, etc., cover it to see if there are technical & political problems. I’m to report to ELE on this. We have a μ-densitometer (John Bower) that might be used: I have in mind a paper or two on this optical photo business.

Worked on report.

Snow 1 AM

Called Fred Lakewitz first thing and discussed the entire matter with him. The speakers should be mounted so that one is above the other, but as I pointed out to George Costello yesterday, this would be aesthetically or architecturally unacceptable. So, after 45 minutes discussion, I decided to call Dave Klepper & someone on the Fine Arts Committee. Dave thot the two speakers should be on a vertical CL, i.e., stacked, to avoid acoustic phase cancellation; symmetry should be preserved. He thot it okay to remove the LF driver from the bass reflex enclosure & mount it in the vertical wall under the HF unit. The 15″ driver is about 8″ deep, and as there is a 10″ space between the paster & the brick wall, this is fine. The LF driver would then be in an infinite baffle. Lake called back, and thot this quite good.

Called Dr. Perrin T. Wilson of the PSC Fine Arts Committee and he agreed to meet me there at 5 PM. Also called George Pickering (Repair Committee of Trustees) and Mr. Muirhead to also be there — 11:20 AM!

Went to a party at Woody Strodel’s — didn’t get there until 9:15 or so. We had to walk the last 300 yards over the hill. Had a pleasant time.

The starter was so far gone that it couldn’t be rebuilt! Another was put on at a cost of $17! It starts very nicely now.

John M. sustained a heart attack, and will have to be hospitalized. He wanted to be there, apparently realizing that he needs care.

Tuesday, 19 March, 1963

Worked on trip report.

Told AG about my discussion with Bill Miller at Hq. Mt. Wilson.

ELE spoke with me in the hall a little later saying that AA wanted me to work on the TRAP III operation to replace Carl Nielson, who is data processing. ELE responded by saying to wait & see what my recommendations are from my trip.

Talked to Dan Dustin — he has a spacious new office — re: the byproducts of my Kwaj trip:

1) Consolidate optical activity into a group or section in order to back up the field.

2) Endeavor to provide resources at Kwaj to get out the partially reduced data within 7 days after each shot.

3) Make Kwaj more attractive for L2 personnel by
a) paid vacation travel
b) provide for sale of books at cost
c) build up TCT Library
d) sailboats for L2 people

Clear in AM
OC in PM

Worked on income tax report — looks like I’ll get a $466 refund if my calculations are correct.

Still can’t find the receipted bill from Pittsburg Plate Glass for the door.

Call from John Zvara re: the speaker installation: apparently the high freq horn should be on the center-line, with the other (low freq) below. We can’t tolerate it below as it will go down too far, so it would go on one side. This makes it necessary to provide a dummy enclosure on the other side, with a total width of 76″. 24″ from the vertical rear wall and 36″ vertically. It seems to me that this is too big.

Left the car at AMS for a check on the started. Picked it up about 7 PM.

Monday, 18 March, 1963

Talked to Harry Sussman for most of the morning, describing my trip to Kwaj & Maui.

Discussed TRAP III w/ Carl Neilson in the PM; he is phasing out of this activity — EE Rich of A ES will be in tomorrow and I should get together. CN disturbed that A had not taken hold of the film processing problem, but had agreed to the processing of the film from the shakedown by Aerojet-General at Azusa. We had some short disc re: Eric Durand, who as a responsible individual at A SB has already irritated others. The optical activity doesn’t seem to have widespread support, probably because there is a real question of operational payoff. It seems to me that an optical group should be formed at L2 to back up the field work and to provide an organized center of optical work and resources; or else get out of it. If it can make a valid contribution to re-entry physics, this should be recognized for what it is.

Picked up my re-entry photo — it’s quite good!

40˚F at 8 AM

Call from Fred Lake about 11:30 AM re: installation of the new hi freq & bass reflex speakers — the ceiling hole for the lowering of the illuminated cross is in the way — they need a few more inches. I suggested that they sink both units into the vertical plaster wall. Called John Svara, who was unable to get Mr. Muirhead, our consulting engineer. He finally set tomorrow at 10:30 AM as the assembly time for all concerned, so I phoned this to George Costello, Mr. Lake’s man.

Worked on income taxes — can’t find my certificate in the Canadian Alumina Corp., as it is being liquidated and I need to take the loss.

Also can’t find the receipted bill from the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. re: the porch door replacement.

Friday, 15 March, 1963

Checked in at office at 0820.

Reported to WW & ELE from 11 AM to 1210 PM — WW apparently would like to go down, as he asked me about the scheme of living.

Left early — 3 PM.


My, it’s nice to sit in a chair that isn’t moving!

Went in to L2 to find the usual amount of paperwork. Spoke with WW & ELE for over an hour reporting on my trip.

Started home about 3 PM; stopped at the Ford agent in Concord to get an estimate on repairs to the Ford steering worm&sector — about $70 & a day’s work. Put rent check in bank, picked up a top coat in Maynard; stopped at Auto Machine Service to get an estimate on steering box, but they don’t do this work — made agreement to take Ford there on 19 March to have the started checked. Also went out to Stow to a mechanic on Old Hudson Road, but he wasn’t in. Got home about 5:30 PM.

Worked on mail.

Checked some of the tubes in the SX62

Monday, 11 March, 1963

Talked to William Miller at Hq Mount Wilson Observatories for 1-3/4 hours taking copious notes. He is exceedingly competent: He thot we might be able to use a cy if careful work were done to establish the loss.

Went out to Norton AFB. JLV came in after some time. Finally got together with Al Saiget at Aerospace and their Facilities Coordinator. They plan to use the Versamat or one other and asked for the PRESS detail from me. They plan to work to a σ = +/- 0.05 Δ density. Talked to Major Dalton who was quite leisurely. They have help from Aerospace. Expect to use the Aerojet photo lab for the TRAP III shake down at Lockheed/Ontario.

ELE said — via phone from the PO in Pasadena — that discussion would be made at AFSC re: who would do the processing.


Early appt. w/ Bill Miller at Mt. Wilson Hq. Then made B&W pictures of the tables & charts in the Mutual Savings window and picked up a cy of Ansel Adams “The Negative” at the F.W. Reed Co. in Pasadena. Also price on the 135 mm f3.5 Nikor at $137 compared to the $77 I paid for it at Kwaj! This makes the OS cost of my outfit $582; I paid $305 including $23 duty!

Drove out to Norton & A in afternoon.

Left for Chicago on Super Chief at 9:45 PM.

Wednesday, 06 March, 1963

Spent the morning at the Kwaj Optical Station, making notes on the photo set-up. They are crowded, particularly with the excess mt’l around. The Baker-Nunn spectral camera is on the way now, and will be put there. It means two or three more electrical racks. They rearranged the racks & office space this morning, anticipating the Baker-Nunn shortly.

1/2 OC

Morning at Kwaj Optical Station talking with Morgan Thomas. Scott Wickett not well.

Packed and mailed a last box of excess baggage — insured parcel receipt nr. 751 dated 6 March. The Kwaj PO is a branch of the Honolulu PO, so their date is a day before ours here since the Date Line is between here & there.

Bob Brown brought my tickets over about 6 PM; he offered to pick me up at 0645 in the morning and take me over to the Air Terminal to check in my baggage, returning for breakfast.

Aubrey Stinnett stopped by my room with a collection of shells and a small glass float. Hope I can get all my baggage home intact!

Saw a Fairy Tern near the Batchelor pool.

Tuesday, 05 March, 1963

Spent the morning at the office on Kwaj working up my notes, getting a good deal done. Also saw about 40 minutes of film of N-Z firings and NC trails, taken by Chance-Vought. None showed the actual intercept, which is the payoff.

Did some packing in the PM.

Went to Bill Romaine’s for dinner in the evening. I learned during the evening that the present PRESS objective is to put out a report 30 days after the event. This seems to long an interval, particularly with one event/week. The personnel list shows 4 individuals in the theory section, including the Chief, three have only recently arrived.

1/2 OC

Picked up some things at Macys, including a 135mm f3.5 lens.

Sent 3 boxes of excess baggage home — one contained 8 knives, 8 forks, and 16 spoons from Macy’s. Looks like I have bought too much junk, as usual.

Bill Romaine, our neighbor in South Acton, had me to dinner, and it was a most pleasant experience. Professor Brown, the Benns, and another couple from Theory (?) were there. Mrs. Romaine is a most pleasant person. She is taking a Marshallese language course.

Tried to get a few sunset pictures but there was little color.

Monday, 04 March, 1963

Mailed report to ELE via Doris at the admin office at Roi Air Terminal.

Re: WW question of some weeks ago — re: why do we need hi quality processing of film from spectral cameras, when the film is to be analyzed for the % of identifiable elements present. If the wedges on each frame are identifiable, then will be used for film processing control, not for density calibration, as this exposure does not come from a calibrated lamp. Also, if precise control over film processing isn’t exercised, lines may be lost completely.

As a result of our conversation (JK & AS) at lunch today, the qty of data available for processing might depend on the kind of processing. For example, there is no spectral film available yet, and μ-dens. to process it with. There is a qty of Roti film available from 3 shots. And good ballistics camera data, as well as Ascope film data — an undisclosed amount.

Peter Pfluke invited my attention to his “Stat & Ind QC” text by Duncan, where the range is used & its σ prior to σ + limits on the data.

1/2 OC

Got some string at Roi so I could wrap packages. Wrapped two.

Another ship is in — the India Bear — it’s about 350-375 ft. long. It must be 2-3000 tons.

Went over to the Library in the PM. It needs building up with new books — Latest photo book was dated 1953. Most of the fiction apparently came from the Far East Command in Japan.

Friday, 01 March, 1963

Went up to Roi on the 0930 plane. The Versamat seemed to be stable but at a higher density on Nr. 10 Step. The sensitometer may be acting up, or the lamp voltage changed. The event film of last night was run thru; the color filters took out 3 of 4 exposures in spite of the slow frame rate of 10/sec. The 16mm Roti boresight camera film is positively spectacular, showing scintillation, tankage blowup, & break up, and RV ablation. My Plus-X film was run thru the Versamat; one of my three shots, the first one, is good.

Aubrey S., PP, & I had some discussion regarding credit for their work. I pointed out that in my opinion credit should go where credit is due, and whatever I use of theirs will be so labelled. A few days ago JK mentioned that he would like me to come out to document what they have done.

Came down to Kwaj on the 4:40 PM taxi.

Made a list of variables affecting the photo process, discussing it w/ AS & PP.

1/2 overcast
80% R.H. Average

Was at Roi most of the day. My Plus-X film was run thru the Versamat and of the 3 shots I made at last night’s RV, one was good. I’ll get Henry Lane to enlarge it.

I sure enjoy talking to Aubrey Stinnett. He had Dick Johnson & I to his trailer (Nr. 31) for dinner. He showed slides of the Smithsonian Tracking Station on Maui. It is located near the edge of the crater at over 10,000′ elevation. I hope to stop there on the way home next week. They are Methodists, and are in a Bible Study Group. He helped put in the chain of Smithsonian Tracking Stations around the world, so is an accomplished world traveler.