Sent 3 copies of my Kwaj trip report to Jim Knight, including the Dept. of the Interior sheets on American Samoa.
Worked over the Kwaj trip slides and selected some for a talk. Asked Shirley to circulate a notice of showing on 11 April at 12:30 PM in L-211.
Discussed the QPR write-up with Frank McNamara; he thot it ok to make abstracts from the last two TD meeting notes, which I will do, and show to him. He lent me his files on Trap III.
Windy, cool
Talked to one of Dave Klepper’s people (Dave Kay) at BB&N re: our feedback problem. He thot our solution is the feedback stabilizer primarily with less of a contribution from a more directional microphone.
DCH is becoming more & more a problem, to himself and everyone at home. He seems incapable of fitting in at home, and is apparently quite jealous of CR for some unknown reason. LCH took him to Jordan’s at Shopper’s World to get a suit — they had just sold their last 37-Long — & during this trip he said that we force him to lie about his homework so he can go out. He is apparently an over-sexed individual and hasn’t yet learned to channel his energies into productive activity.
Stopped at AMS on the way home to see if they can take the Ford tomorrow, but they are too busy and will take it next week.
The Willys seems to run quite well; it has a few rattles left that can be taken out with a little work.
LCH went to see John & May. On the way back she picked up the S&T booklets on the Maksutov telescope.
To bed early as I have a bad cold: too many Light clothes.