a neoscenes stre@m

<meta name="dining" content="where are we eating, wawe, copenhagen, dinner, collaborative, dialogue, stream, performance, video, audio, food, chat, politics, virtual, digital, media, irc, real, eat, appetite, communing, neoscenes, overgaden sound festival, art">

21 August 2004, 2000-2200 CEST (GMT+2)

copenhagen @ 2000 - 2200 gmt+2
reykjavik @ 1800 - 2000 gmt
nyc @ 2:00 - 4:00 PM gmt-4
sydney @ 0400 - 0600 (22.08) gmt+10
helsinki @ 2100 - 2300 gmt+3


björn ross
an integral part of the "where are we eating" project featured at ISEA2004 in Helsinki, Finland, the Copenhagen-based Overgaden Sound Art Festival seemed to be a perfect situation for a live/online dining happening.
  invited guests: Jan Falk Borup, Berit Nørgaard, Knut Aspegren, Astrid Lamholt, Søren Raagaard, Frej Lomholt Lund, Thomas Steen, Björn Svin, stragglers in from the street, and others
tanja schlander
  menu: Crawfish a la Suede, ciapata bread, green salad, cheese, melon with ginger
john hopkins

check out the "where are we eating" wiki

tune into the mp3 stream at http://quickstream.kiasma.fi:8000/aaniradio

or via IRC

or via iVisit at jaceee.1864

John Hopkins / neoscenes