Worked in the morning on the data — will use the haversine formula to ascertain the distance between the impact point and the -16 site. Will use this to set up a right triangle and correct for parallax.
The Laboratory closed at noon.
Clear! +10°F
HS went to Montreal yesterday, so I drove today; got there early! There wasn’t much done, as the Lab closed at noon. I went over to Waltham & got a can of green anti-rust paint for the Jeep. I put it on the floor of the Jeep after sanding and cleaning first.
Ordered a set of points & instructions for the Toro.
DCH had 2 D’s on his report card! He doesn’t seem to care about anything!
LCH obtained a good Christmas tree — JAH got a smaller one. They were both put up and decorated to JCH’s enjoyment.