Monday, 25 September, 1961

Worked on 22G-7017, trying to get all the errors out. I changed one figure in Appendix E.

JLV disturbed at the political aspects of INS — which was set up by Al Hill, former Director of WSEG, now back at MIT’s Physics Department. He is uncertain what to do here now. We both feel that the Simplex program has been grossly mismanaged. He is also upset by the rumor that some things in DOR 509 are being overlooked.


Last night’s rain is just what the lawn needs, as I rolled it after planting it will take a hard rain to wash it away. It rained all day.

Took out the ignition coil from the tan Jeep, and changed the good sliding windows into the green Jeep.

President Kennedy addressed the UN General Assembly; proposing general disarmament, and saying that we will protect our rights in Berlin.

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