
here at Björn’s, he is out, Easter Morning, singing in a choir at church. I stay in, it seems cold out, despite a warm looking sunrise. yesterday I manage to find a copy of the Kieler Nachtrichten newspaper with the article in it. rather long, scanning it, it seems to cover critical issues, but my German is not good enough to allow a full apprehension of it. save it for later to read with a German speaker. Schubert on, Björn has a huge opera and classic vocal collection. last night we are listening to the Texaco Metropolitan Opera Broadcast live from New York, and so I relate the story how my relationship with opera was most heavily influenced by the fact that my father used to listen to this very same broadcast which started rather early on Saturday mornings. the recollection of being woken up as a sleep-committed teenager was, by far, the most unpleasant aspect, but being woken up by Marie Callas singing Donde lieta usci… from Puccini’s La Bohème put the concept over any reasonable edge. storming out to turn the volume down, discover that he is not even in the room, but out working on the lawn mower, getting it ready for me to mow the lawn when I get up. operatic conspiracy. grrrrrr. okay, now I can enjoy almost all music; my criteria being as long as it is good seems to hold out into realms of all sorts except into the banality of badness. the line of sound and music has blurred to a point where listening and hearing are continuous. sometimes it is music that focuses ones attention onto itself, sometimes sound has the same effect, sharpening the sensual intensity of an event. we are hunters, in this incarnation, hunters, gatherers, (clockwork orange), violence-breeders to take care of continuing species. Ludwig van. gorgeousness and gorgeosity. shagging for the genetic promulgation of being. but who cares about genes? a single generation has no use for genetics — it is one of those questions that the Buddha suggested was a waste of energy to consider. what is important, then? the whole day is gone, Björn cooks a nice Thai meal (having recently returned from a visit to Bangkok) and I screen some videos. complications with Tornio, they don’t know when I am arriving. stress, but I don’t care about it, I just go. I can’t be bothered with complications when they are no fault of my own.